)61 ^>^^661108 OF ST. MARY’S Vol. XXIV, No. 14 EALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA May 26, 1961 1960 - 61 SESSION DRAWS TO A CLOSE es le O' 1, )■' 3 le le f- 0. >r I. d j -h ! l5 t The commencement program for at St. Mary’s officially be gins with the enactment of “Pyg- Jpalion” by George Bernard Shaw. St. Mary’s Dramatics Club ^>11 present this play on Friday, May 26, at 8:15 p.m., in the col- *®ge auditorium. Tlie morning of May 27 will be devoted to the Sophomore Class Exercises. This event will be- at 10:30 a.m. All classes are invited, but the Freshmen are es- Pecialfy urged to attend, for the planned program will offer a few surprises for them. At 4:00 p.m. I'de Senior Class Day Exercises J'nl start. Likewise, the Seniors 'ave planned a very interesting and ^musing program. Sunday, May 28, at 7:50 a.m., early morning communion in the e lapel will be administered for the time during the 1960-61 school year. At 11:00, during the regular worship hour, the Baccalaureate Sermon will be preached by the Right Reverend Thomas H. Wright, D. D., Bishop of East Carolina. His daughter Hannah Wright is one of the graduating seniors. From 4:30-6:00 p.m. the Presi dent will honor the graduating stu dents and their parents with a tea in his home. The traditional step-singing will take place at the front of Smedes Hall promptly at 6:00 Sunday ni>^ht. At this time, each of the four classes will sing songs with special dedication. On Monday, May 29, at 10:30 a.m. the long awaited graduation exercises will be held in the audi torium Addressing the graduating classes, will be the R^lit Rever end :\I. George Henry, D. D., Bisn- op of Western North Carolina. Counselors For 1961'62 Thirty-eight juniors have been elected as counselors for 1961-62. ^use appointments were made by ornelia Hines, jiresident of Stu- Government, and Courtenay vj^uweii, ciiairman oi man wouu- ^ ■ The following girls will serve senior counselors next year: ?T°®oinary Adair, Tricia Armstrong, ancy Vance Ashmore, .lackie n^ublitz, ,lody Blackwell, Sarah ^{'oadhurst, .Jane Brooks, Nanne lalgren, Daphne Connelly, V in- j 00 Conner, Brooke Davila, Lock- -frt Follin, Nancy Conger, Cinda voiim, Nancy Conger, mmua Mantliam, Nancy Heath, Cornelia iiies, Burnley Kinney, Mary Lar- Y.O, Sally Leach, Courtenay Mc- Beacon Takes Four New Members The principal purposes of the Beacon are “to promote among the S school girls a better school Sit, more cooperation, and par- tiiation in extra-curricu ar ac tivities ” On the basis of these - four new members were in ducted on Tuesday, May 16- They are Sally Stevens, sophomore. Bet tTcayie Sanford, freshman; Jean AVinborne, freshman; and Mar rueHte^IcKee, a freshman. These IS are all outstanding members nf their respective classes, and they SLerve hearty congratulations for this honor. ]>°Well, .Jane McKenzie, Vicki IMc- ®nzie, Julie Martin, IMaudie more, Betsy Nichols, Ann Nie- > ®yer, Erwin Parrott, Bee Pitt, Shand, Ginny Simmons, hlar- Smith, Lucy Southall, Dee lyi Evelyn Topping, Julie ote, Frances Wiebel. The .W.^selors for the day students ‘U he " ^ annuals to be distributed Vvprvone is anxiously awaiting mS 27, Class Day, for the^an- j'effr-*’® Eenny Ives and Joanna nuals to be gu ™ J'^^wlrdedTecrets all year long, is an honor for these students foniorrow announce- nient. K^e } elected the to f ;^uSanding seniors and the most oot; and g senior ==dperlati ^ nual P^°“is ^ j jg annual ’worked both long and hard to hake it “tl« It'®* coach ever.” tip^^*' They will assume their du- gj * .several days before the be- 'j.) Oiiig of school next September, if,"’ill he resiionsible for keep- iff^ o^fior on their halls and for be- if^ around all the time, so that, 1 ^nyone has a iiroblem, they will ' ^"ailable. Congratulations counselors! Bishop Henry Speakers for graduation 1961 will be the Rt. Rev. M. George Hen ry, D. D., of the Diocese of AVest- ern North Carolina and the Rt. Rev. Thomas H AATight, D. D., of the Diocese of East Carolina. Both Bishops are well acquainted with St. Alary’s. Each has a daughter who will be graduating, but, in cidentally, the mothers, grand mothers, and sisters of both at tended St. Alary’s. Bishop Henry, who will give the Commencement Address, graduat ed from Chapel Hill with his B. S. in chemistry. He was teaching chemistry at the University while working on his Alasters’ when he decided to go into the ministry. Bishop AATight, who was at that time chaplain at U.N.C., took him to see Bishop Penick about the priesthood. Bishop Henry graduat ed from Virginia Theological Sem inary and had his first parish in Tarboro, North Carolina, where the Rt. Revu Gray Temple, now Bishop of South Carolina, was his assistant. In 1943 the Henrys mov ed to Charlotte where the Bishop started Christ Episcopal Church. In 1948 he was elected Bishop and was consecrated in Trinity Church in Asheville. The following year Bishop Henry preached the Bac calaureate Sermon for graduation at St. Alary’s. And in 1953 Eliza beth Harding—Betsy—the fourth of the little Henrys was born. Anna Cay also has two brothers: Alatt, who is thirteen and Kenneth, who is a freshman at the University of the South, Sewanee. Bishop Henry’s last talk at St. Alary’s was at chapel in October of last year when the Board of Trustees was meeting. This Octo ber, Bishop AATight talked to us while the Board met. At that time he had recently returned from Jap an and the Far East where, as Chairman of the Overseas Com- Uiittee of the National Council of the Episcopal Church, he had been touring the mission field. Bishop Wright is also Treasurer of the National Council. Bishop AATight went to college at Sewanee and then to Virginia Sem inary. Early in his career he was Chaplain at Chapel Hill, Virginia Alilitary Institute, and at Wash ington and Lee. He was also in San Antonio, Texas, for a time and in San Francisco, where he was Dean of the Cathedral. This year Bishop Wright was the speaker at the Alumnae Luncheon Alay 6. An interesting anecdote came out in the Association President’s intro duction of Bishop Wright. It seems that Airs. Smith (the form er Alargaret Darst) introduced Airs. AVright to the Bishop at her home in AVilmington. Mrs. Smith was the daughter of the late Bishop Darst of AAblmington. The AVrights, all six of them, now live in that very house. In addition to Hannah, there are three boys: John, who is ten, Jim, a junior at Virginia Episcopal School; and Tom, who is at Princeton this year, but who will be leaving June 6 to study in France on a Carnegie Scholarship.