4 BELLES OF ST. MARY’S October 11, 1963 New Swimmers Are Added To Sea Saints Sea Saints tryouts were held in the gym on Thursday, October 3, to select new members for the or ganization. Eleven new members were chosen for the Sea Saints on the basis of their own individual style in swimming and their aquatic abilities. The following swimming styles had to be dem onstrated by each girl: the front crawl with head out of the water, the back crawl, the breast stroke with head out of the water, the side stroke, a surface dive, the back dolphin, the front dive, and the ballet leg. The new members chosen are: Ellen Jones, Carol Fletcher, Frances Knight, Shirley McCas- kill, Bobsie Hall, Louise Rose, Helen Knight, Nina Andrews, Florence Leatherberry, Laura Eustler, and Susan Leete. Sallie Adams, Pattie Grier, Gin ger Maupin, and Kay Van Horen will also swim for the Sea Saints again this year. The swimming club, which plans to have the annual swim pageant in February, meets every Thurs day at 3:45. Mrs. Robert Brad- burn is the instructor. Music Group.?, Hold Tryouts New members of the St. Mary’s Glee Club and Choir have been chosen for the 1963-64 session. Se lection was based on the try-outs held in the voice studio. New members of the Glee Club are Letitia Baker, Betsy Brown, Carol Erskine, Lyllian Gray, Rug- gie Gooding, Sally Hill, Randel Jones, Hetti Johnson, Libby Kel ler, Susan Leete, Julia Anna Leigh, Richie Lucas, Shirley Mc- Caskill, Annie Lee Mobley, Lottie Nahikian, Susan Osborne, Jo Rand, Beth Sanders, Jeanne Smith, Linda Stott, Carolyn Thomas, Cile Wallace, Jackie Walker, Ginny Willets, Jane Wil liams, and Judy Williams. The Glee Club, under the direc tion of Miss Geraldine Cate, will sing at several school assemblies and concerts this year. Plans are underway for the club to attend a collegiate “sing” at Greensboro in the spring. New members of the Choir are Letitia Baker, Charlotte Black- well, Elizabeth Carrington, Cris Gouboud, Lawton Davis, Ruggie Gooding, Sally Hill, Elizabeth Keller, Susan Key, Julia Anna Leigh, Mary Melcher, Joan Much- more, Judith Parker, Emaly Pem berton, Ginny Sctiaum, and Janie Williams. The Choir, under the direction of Mr. Russell Broughton, not oidy will lead the hymns during church and chapel, but also will sing an offertory anthem at the Sunday morning services. Dramatics Club Organizes The Dramatics Club of St. Mary’s held its first meeting of the new school year Wednesday, Sep tember 25, in the school audito rium, at which time Beverly Bailey and Leah Osgood were elected to serve as president and secretary, respectively, of the club. These officers, together with Mrs. E. L. Stamey, dramatics ad visor, have already begun work on launching plans for what may prove to be one of the most suc cessful years the Dramatics Club has ever known. Mrs. Stamey said that the enthusiasm of the stu dents this year is very strong, and that “more have shown an interest in the Dramatics Club this year than in the past. We have over ninety members already.” This year many varied activities are being included in order to give each of the club’s members some experience in the facet of dramatics which she prefers. Act ing is just one of the many phases of the theater; others such as lighting, make-up stage manag ing, directing costuming, sound ings, and play reading are just as important, and the Dramatics Club plans to present all of these to interested members in the forms of workshops. One such workshop will be under the direc tion of the Raleigh Little Theater for those especially interested in make-up. Another workshop now in prog ress is in the form of two short plays which will be given as soon as they are ready for the club and other interested students. These plays give members not only op portunity in acting, but also in di recting. Letitia Baker is the stu dent director for The Sandbox, and Angie Chalfont will direct a scene from The American Dream. Both of these plays were writ ten by Edward Albee, who is one of the leaders of the Theater of the Absurd, of the “Avant Garde” Theater, a modern school of the ater with which the Dramatics Club will be mainly concerned this year. Other than these small skits, the club always gives two major pro ductions a year. The play to be given first semester is a comedy and will be presented the week be fore the Thanksgiving holidays. This play will be announced later, and tryouts will be open to all interested. The male characters for such a production are played by members of the Raleigh Little Theater, State College, and occa sionally Broughton High School students. This gives the girls a chance to work with experienced actors. A number of social events are also being planned for the club; among these are cast parties and picnics for the entire Dramatics Club. Mass Confusion? Xo, just the Sigma-Mu pep rally. SIGMA-iMU GETS UNDERWAY The traditional Sigma-Mu party, held in the gym Thursday, Octo ber 3, began again the sports year at St. Mary’s. At approximately 9:15 p.m. the silence of closed study was broken by enthusiastic Dance Groups Elect Members ORCHESIS Orchesis, the honorary dance so ciety at St. Mary’s, has elected seven new members. They are Domiie Slade, May Montague, Anne Chapman, Frances Lewis, Meg Graham, Susan Dixon, Jeanie Garnett, Nancy Powell, and Mary Stuart Dent. Orchesis is un der the direction of Mrs. Doris Bailey and is made up of girls who are picked for their profici ency in dance and choreography. There are three old girls remain ing in Orchesis this year. They are Jane DeLoach, president; Suzi Nagel, secretarj" - treasurer; and Harriet Williams. Orchesis presents the annual May Day Program, a dance drama in the fall, and many other pro grams both on and off campus. CAPERETTES The other dance society at St. Mary’s is the Caperettes, a tap dance group organized last year under the direction of Mrs. Bailey. The Caperettes are headed by Mary Block, president, and Caro lyn Broun, secretary-treasurer. The Caperettes have elected Beverly Bailey, Elsie Barnes, Anne Chamberlain, Alexa Drax- ler, Martha Hardee, Ibby Pollard, Jan Querjy Carole Stephenson, Stephanie Swain, Kathryn Sy mons, Mary Meyers, Diane Mar tin, and Sue Wliite as their new members. The Caperettes present a dance in the May Day program. This year they plan to teach dancing in a junior high school. yells and loud noises, as Letter Club members and several seniors rushed on the halls to inform the new girls whether they were a Sigma or a Mu. The new girls were then led to the gym where a pep rally was held to incite team spirit and to renew the Sigma-Mu rivalry. Dur ing the year these two teams com pete for the athletic plaque which is given to the team which has ac cumulated the most points. After the cheers subsided, the program began as Helyn Watson, president of the Letter Club, in troduced the following officers of the two teams: Monica Gouboud, president of the Sigma team; Marilyn Stadler, president of the Mus; Liza Sory, vice-president oi the Sigmas; and Martha Weelm, vice-president of the Mus. hL®® Lou Jones, the physical education teacher, was also introduced. As the finale of the evening, the Colo Cuts provided entertainment. Ann Day Named Semifinalist Ann Dorsey Day, a sophoinoi® at St. Mary’s and winner of 1^®. year’s Cooper Medal, is a finalist in the 1963-64 Nation^ ilerit Scholarship competiti*’^' Suzi Nagels, also a sophomore, r ceived a Letter of Commeiidatio This test of educational opment was given in more ty schools last 16,500 high The semifinalist IS coni' group - posed of the highest-scoring dents in each state and ^ m United States territories. The awafii ters of Commendation are the ed to the 32,000 students m , country for their outstanding P formance on the tests. About April 23, 1964, the na SUPPORT THE UNITED FUND llF® of the Merit Scholars will nounced, the exact pending on the extent of sp jjof support of the Merit I 1963 NMSC and sponsors to|Giol- awarded about 1,500 Merit arships.