Belles OF ST. MARY’S VOL. XXVII No. 5 EALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA December 13, 1963 amonjz: tlie .stude A-ation of lii^ fcdloAVship, cd arslii]). Tlie bolizos Honor Organizations Elect Members Circle Taps Three Seniors Confronting the cold December "duds, the Circle walked at mid- idght, December 1), to take in three ■^Piiiors. inducted were Alice DiiPre, Xaucv Dame, and Betsy Boss. Alice, Avho is from j\It. Pleasant, p- C., participates in maiiA’ activi- at St. Mary’s. This year she "olds the major office of Chairman "f Hall (Muncil. Last year serving as vice-president of the Junior Class, Alice was also a participant "1 May Day and was a member Bie choir. Hailing from Bethesda, Md., "'alley is currently serving as Sec- ^'otary of Hall Council. She is also " uieniber of the Altar Guild and a post office assistant. Last year^ '"1 active member of the CCTJX, •C alley is serving the organization •Us year as its vice-president. Betsy, the third new member, is H-oiii Concord N. C. Filling the Cowart ^ hosition of Editor of the BELLES, Ftesjiina is also a member of the Cold jds and the Granddaughters’ Club. Active in athletics, Betsy is u uieiiiber of the Letter Club. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM PLANNED of iVliss f- Holds . ^ t h\njTm'\Clut^ii^>^liesis groups Avill comlih’itpfl'jyr^^t St. Mary’s annual Christmas which Avill be held this on lu‘ puriiose of the Circle is to hi'ouiote a spirit of cooperation chesis Combine to G-ive Christmas Concert Gram and the Bearing tieipated u day stiidei (Com Christmas Spirit Inevitably Pervades St. Mary’s Campus The first cduC^g^^^i tossed green salad wiffe^ajim of dress ing and assorted^^drers. Follow ing the salad waTtTie main course which consisted of steak, baked potatoes, and various kinds of bread. Sour cream ivas available to those who Avanted it. Although everyone Avas Avell satisfied, apple ])ie a la mode soon folloAved and Avas quickly consumed. After the meal, the entertain ment began. A group of girls started off by giving humorous toasts, concocted by some anony mous seniors, to all members of the class. FolloAving the toasts, Gretchen Craig sang “You’ll Xever Walk Alone.” She Avas un- exiiectedly called upon by unani mous consent to sing for the last time a song Avhicli lias been a class tradition for a long time. Then, much to her surprise, Cind,A' ScliAvartz Avas also called upon to do her comic imitation of a certain math teacher at St. iMary’s. But Cindy did not com pletely get aAvay Avith it for ilartha Weeks did an imitation of her. FolloAving Martha’s mimicry, eA’eryone sang “For She’s a Jolly Good FelloAv” to Cindy and the banquet ended on a gay note. Al though many returned to study, the girls Avere alloAved to remain out until 10:30. liude, Bach and Palestrina. Ac- comjiauying the choral group Avill be a string trio, and Betsy Phifer, ‘uior, Avill be the soloist. Of special interest Avill be the five narrafive carols AAuth texts from the Middle Ages, Avritten by Lloyd Pfautsch. Rodney Marsh, he first-chair flutist from X’^eed- ham Broughton High School Or- hestra, along Avith Bob Brantley, Irummer, and a .junior at State, Avill also participate in these carols. Marion Purcell is the solo ist in this group. A concert arrangament of “The TAvelve Days of Christmas” Avill end the Glee Club portion of the program. The Vocal Ensemble, a small group chosen from the Glee Club to present special programs, will sing several folk carols. Tak ing part as soloists Avill be Gret chen Craig, Jeanne Smith, Jane Williams, Dottie X’^ahikian, and Julia Anna Leigh. The Orchesis portion of the Christmas iirogram Avill be the liresentation of The Littlest Angel as a dance drama. The narration, under Mrs. Stanley’s direction, Avill be done by Beverly Bailey. This is one of the favorite Christ mas stories of Dr. Moultrie Guerry, Avho is the only honorary member that Orchesis has ever had. When this same story was presented at St. Mary’s several .vears ago, Dr. Guerry advised and Avorked very closely Avith Orchesis on the details of the program. This is the story of a little an gel, portrayed by Jane DeLoach, Avho enters IleaAmn. She is greeted by the gatekeeper, Harriet Wil liams, and is helped Avith her prob lems in Heaven by Susie Nagel, the understanding angel. The cherub tells this angel that she is bored and has nothing to do in lleaA'en. So the understanding angel gives the littlest angel per mission to haim a messenger, (Gaye Harris) sent back to earth to retrive one of the child’s earth ly posse,ssions, an old box filled AA’ith scA’eral of the child’s Avorn plajffhings. Soon after this, all the angels in lleaA’cn prepare gifts to give to the Christ Child, Avho is soon to be born. The only gift the Littlest Angel can give is her old box. Al though she is ashamed of such a poor gift, she gives it anyAvay, and, to the surprise of the other angels, it is chosen by God as the best gift because of the sincerity and genuineness Avith Avhich the Littlest Angel gave her treasured possession. This gift then sisrnifies the Star of Bethlehem.