7^^ Belles OF ST. MARY’S VOL. XXVII, No. 13. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA May 15, 1964 Assembly Head and Editors Complete Elections sistaiit editor of the school iiews- St. JMary’s recently elected diudvie Myers, Cliairman of asseni- Idv; Martini Hardee, editor of the Stagecoach; Carol Wilson, editor of the Belles, Periy Grimes, editor of the Handbook; and Lucy llroiviij editor of the Muse. dackie has as her duties that of submitting to the president of the Student Government Association il'e name of the faculty member desired as advisor, of planning the U'eekday assembly programs and Presiding over the assemblies, of securing the permission of the i'l’esident of the College to cancel Scheduled week day assembly, editor of the Belles, Carol Wilson has as her duties to ap point girls to serve on her statt, to supervise the writing of the articles, to lay out the copy be fore the paper goes to press, and to supervise any Belles activitie^ Carol served on the annual stall at Mount Olive High School, and she was also a class officer and a marshal. This year Carol served as a member of the Belles news staff and has become a member ot the Letter Club. Being editor of the Handbook scheduled week day assembly, appoint a handbook committee, to divide the hand- ^■luiiruian of assemblies a written I'eport commenting on the value of the • ■■ forth ^ il. C lAAQ V .. yeal•^s programs and setting -VI on the May Court and is a ^iguia cheeideader. While at Lex ington Iligli School Jackie served na editor of the annual, a marshal, '•ud was a senior superlative. f'he duties of Martha as editor *u the Stagecoach are to appoint nn annual staff, to make assign- nuuits to the staff, to supervise the I'ork of the staff, and to lay out I.''n annual copy for the printer. "furtha, who is also from Lexing- ,.?'\’v^nis served on the Stagecoach - j^nff this year, and also on the to , jj j of the Muse. Lucy I'rgislative Body. At Lexington the from Martinsville, School Martha was a mar- is a sophomore nl, a senior suirerlative, and as- Aiigmu- 'Jlli' Crimes. Stand- ■6 Mary Eavenel, LW Sd J“We Myers. Hill, Martha Hardee, Carol Wilson, a LETTER CLUB HOSTS BANQUET SIGMAS KEEP PLAQUE Winning the athletic plaque for the second year straight, the Sig mas again walked off with the honors last night at the Letter Club banquet. The Sigmas beat the Mus by twenty points. Tlie Letter Club members were hosts for the student body at the annual iricnic dinner which was held this year on the soccer field. rerrv nao- tv/ - committee, to divide the hand book into sections to be revised and rewritten, to get the sections f i . frmn the eomiiiittee, to check | n'th suggestions for improve- L out the handbook Aleuts. At St. Mary’s Jackie has tl ^ rpi^jg year Perry ’'I'l'ved on tin. ivitiv Court and is a loi P pioiior Council S * « also cilia Mu cheer, leader. Last year Perry was a member of the Beacon at St. Mary’s. Perry is also from Lex- “'aLo recently elected was the Editor of the Muse. Lucy Brown will serve as Muse editor next rear. Her duties include premding at meetings of the Muse staff, su pervising the selection o^m^t^nal be included Muse a d Speaker at the banquet was Mrs. Ruth AV. Pink. Mrs. Pink, who is head of the Women’s Phy sical Elducation Department at IJXC, spoke to the group on “The Role of Sports in Girls’ Lives To day.” Mrs. Pink is quite a quali fied speaker in tliat she has been outstanding in pliysical education through out the nation. Poliowing Mrs. Pink’s talk, the awards were presented to the out standing player in each sport. Those showing ontstanding skill and sportsmanship were Marj- Ann Creech, speedball; SnSu Dix on, posture; Betsy Ross and Alexa Draxler, bridge; Carol Wilson, basketball; Harriet Williams, ping-pong'; Betsy Phifer, badmin ton; Jane DeLoach, volle3ffiall; Sallie Adams, Sea Saints; Jane DeLoaeh, Orehesis; Lola Kearney, Caperettes; Barbara Hall, soft ball; Louise Rose, track; Anno Senior Day Sports Fun Senior Class Day, held on Tues day, May 12, 1964, started a new tradition on St.^ Mary’s Campus. As the name suggests, the day was set aside for the glorification and preservations of the Class of ’64. The day’s activities began with an assembly program designed to let the seniors satisfy all their grievances against the members of the other classes. A ghost court sentenced those accused of viola tions. Jlike Hill, Marian Alice Overby, and Marcille Pritchett were asked to let down their curly locks. The long-time practicing “Cold Cuts” led by Linda Connelly and Monica Goiibaud sang “Ev erybody Loves a Lover.” These are just two of the several punish ments which created much fun and school spirit. Tlie festivities were continued at 3:00 on the soccer field with each of the classes competing for tlie trophy of the day. Among the events were a three-legged race, a limbo contest, and a tug of war. The Junior class proved the win ner of the day with a total of 32 points. After the presentation of the award, a delicious picnic was eiijoj’ed bi' all. The purpose of the Senior Day and the wearing of the colors (navy for seniors, burgundy for juniors, i-ed for sophomores, and o-reeii for freshmen) was to draw The classes closer together and to liave a good time. McEachern, riding; Diane Wood ard, bowling; Gretchen Craig, archer.v; Nina Andrews, tennis; Ann Cheatham, golf; and Perry Grimes, clieerleader. After these awards Miss Lou Jones presented the awards to the girls wlio had accumulated the most athletic points during the year. Tlie first place award for tlie higliest number of points went to Betsy Ross with 310 points. Bar bara Hall won second place with 270 points. Third place award went to Ileh'ii Watson, who had accnmnlated 255 points. Also at the banquet the new athletic officers for next j-ear were announced. Ilelyn Watson was re elected as president of the Letter Club. Heading the Mns will be Riiggie Gooding as President and Carol Wilson as Vice-President. Tlie Sigma officers are Barbara Hall, President and Anne Under wood, Vice-President. Upon presentation of the awards the student body was served a pic nic dinner of steaks. Thomas To Lead Senior Class The Juniors have elected Dixie TJiomas, a new girl from Winston- Salem, to lead the Senior Class next year. This jmar Dixie has been busy serving as Treasurer of the Junior Class. Also she is a Sigma Cheerleader. Senior Class President is an im portant office because the presi dent has various responsibilities, not only to her class, but the en tire school as well. One of Dixie’s main duties will be to plan the New Girl-Old Girl Party which is during Orientation Week. Slie ivill act as liaison between the Senior Class and Alumnae Association. Tlie juniors have also elected L.vnn Wilson as the new Honor Board member from the rising Senior Class. Lymi is a new girl from Charlotte, N. C. Her duties as a member of the Honor Board include attending all meetings of the Honor Board and encouraging active co-operation with the S. G. A. The Honor Board member elect also attends meetings of the Honor Board from the time of her election although she does not vote until she is inducted into of fice. She and the other S. G. A. of ficers act as a temporary Honor Board in the fall until the new Honor Board members are elected.