I ( t. d I Belles ^OL. XXXI, No. 2 OF ST. MARY’S RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA OCTOBER 20, 1967 YDC and YRC Merge To Form Current Politics Club Tliirtoon girls, added to the original three members, form the 1907-68 SMJC Tennis Club. SMJC Tennis Team Begins Season Tennis Club has ’68 have reorganization for its ’67- *5oason, A number of students sions the practice ses- jjjJpl fall, the Tennis Club the ** ^ for an hour; tion^?''i*^^ brings with it an addi- gij.]^ practice for these be *turing the year there will c„„^\^f‘^hes held against Duke, ^^"olina, Meredith, Peace, *' schools in the area. Yea ^^jority of girls from last turin® tennis Club will not be re- Ilett ^ year. Dale Lambdin, trioi/ ^^inport. Cissy Pitzpa- . i^ancy Foreman, Anita Mar aud Elect Cheerleaders lea?r ^®f«ber 11th, Sigma cheer- old t'^youts were held for all “Gr, gilds. Echoes of Fiov* Gio White, Go Team, !hf"' ‘'Y-ht tin Lynn McQuilkin, Claire Rob inson, Susan Slover, and Jane Snyder will all be missing from the team. There are only three returning girls: Connie Johnson, Keith Rich ardson, and Cathj Cline. Miss Mary Louise Jones, spoii- ser of the Club, said that this would be a year of building and reorganization, but there is great potential in the prospective mem bers. Thirteen new members have been added to the Tennis Club. They are: Sue IVillingham, Lu Dixon, Sally Harris, Jessica Gilles pie, Nancy Biggs, Susan Johnson, Mary Morrison Pennington, Dee X)ee AYalton, Vickie Barrow, Dolly Smitli, Ann Parrish. Laurie Bea ton Jo Betts Barrett. “It seems as though tlie best choices for the Republican iionii- nation for President are men who do not want to run!” Commented Mr. Roberts, sponsor of the Young Democrats, drily, when asked his opinion of the present domestic political situation. This statement and many others indicate the line of activity that the newly formed Current Poli tics Club will enter. This new organization is a temporary com bination of the Young Demo crat and Republican Clubs, who decided almost unanimously to unite. The basic motive for combin ing forces is to help prepare for next year’s heavier political activ ity. According to Mr. Roberts, there should be numerous benefits from this temporary unification. Students may learn to “face facts and become real citizens.” This new heterogeneous organization will be a true “bi-partisan edua- tional effort,” and Mr. Roberts hopes that the uniting of the two political clubs will help “over come characteristics feminine ap athy in politics.” Although the two clubs have joined for this year, each group is retaining its separate auton omy. Both the Young Democrats and Republicans will continue to exist while the Current Politics “political confederation” hopes to assist all in gaining a fuller uii- der.standing of what politics is all about. The Current Politics Club is overflowing with definite plans for the year. The chief goal is to set up a mock Republican convention were heard across .tanipus as the girls displayed enthusiasm and co- pep The Sir new cheerleaders are Mal tha Wickham, Mar- V , /^avis, Diane Wyatt, Betsy ^ 6S011, and Vaughan Earle. 8 i: Aloipr g with the “old” cheerlead- 0 ,;^”\gley Waddill, chief, Marty ^0(U^’ Gilliam, Cary llan- b^j, ^*iroline Greene, and Bar- the^^‘ These girls will back in all athletic events ^'^g the school vear. th Thi year in an effort to raise #1 / it evp ^^tendanee at the various aiui ‘"‘Pies will be held big will be made announc- '^aeh coming game. Xew Sigma cheerleaders are top row: Vaughan Karle, Gall Wickam, Martha Davis. Bottom row: Betsy Burleson, Mattie Shumons, Diane Wyatt. to be held from May 6-8. This will be as true to life as possible. There Avill be preliminary registration procedures for voters in early spring; the club warns that the elections will be most realistic— if you do not register, you do not vote. A week following the Conven tion will be the actual elections, and it is hoped that all St. Mary’s girls will participate. Also in store for the year are guest speakers, hopefully Lieutenant Governor Scott and Representative Gard ner. There will be monthly St. Mary’s polls on various political issues. Officers have been elected for both separate clubs although it has not been decided yet how the whole Current Politics body will elect its officers-at-large. The Young Democrat leaders are: President, Cathie Shoaf; Vice- President, Nancy Richardson; Secretary-Treasurer, Ann Keller; while President Chris Crowley, and combination Vice-President- Secretary - Treasurer Joslin Schwartz will run the Young Re publicans. Mr. Roberts “encourages all girls to participate who are going (Continued on Page 4) Funeral Services Conducted In St. Mary’s Chapel Funeral services for Mr. Rob ert Connelly were held Monda3% October 16, at 3:30 in St. Mary’s Chapel. The Rev. Mr. Robert Baird conducted the service. The Senior Class, old Juniors, faculty, the staff of St. Mary’s, and fam- ih% and friends of Mr. Connelly attended the service. Mr. Connell}", who taught French, had been chairman of the foreign language department for cigkt years. Last year he also served as Junior Class advisor. Board of Trustees’ Meeting The annual Board of Trustees’ meeting was held Tuesday, Octo ber 17. The members attending included the six ex officio mem bers and twenty-six representa tives from the five Episcopal dio ceses of North and South Caro lina. These representatives were elected for four years at the con vention of dioceses. At the meeting on Tuesdaj", the officers of the Board of Trustees were elected and the committees reported on the past j'ear’s activi ties to these officers. Dr. Stone summed up the meet ing w"ith a discussion of past events and plans for the future. rc TTSXS r com- ffairs. both in and in arolina, Mary’s »d Dr. 1st dat- lersoiml job is raduate. 5.” [ really but ' I p teach- jhly en- of St. ins Play II :ted for oduction at St. To be Father- produc- 's "The ful mu- iinishing leir love 6 1920’s, wic and lead is portray- en Rose of the ubonnet. school- >y Lena ters i,, rh A Brys t Dav 5’^Hend)j also ijf Bittil li