Belles OF ST. MARY’S RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Her ...IT i;uuui«x eXplO- exn eouutry has been twenty *i«i‘ speech she voiced a strong dedication to the fine "■‘^specially the performing: • ^ and to their preservation United States. Am^'r of European and ideas of eiiltnre and the Idol *^aid are nuin’s lest form of communication, hers^ ,^*^°i'oographer and director t]j ' aiid as a member of one of 'nation’s most famous diai- fied't she is well quali- arts spokesman for the fine ei-^w Uie atithor of sev- Pevi on dance and her ex- ill the world of dance, them Dance to the Piper, written a new book to be Born by Atlantic called Lizy will Dance of Death, which 11111.. with the facts of the ‘•rent-ill Fall River and tlie Tip of the Fall River Legend, iiiosu ^ Mine’s idiv pieces of choreogra- the book will take the all tl concejition through for,."*® preparation to the per- ‘ iiiance. “p,9 h 1 a h 0 in a •‘p . " ‘ " 11 o in a , 'Ca r o u s el”, of iLnir Wagon”, “One Touch adon *****'”- “Itloomer Girl”, “Hi'iir- i'loi/l “Gentlemen Prefer Mille Addresses Cultural Explosion” covered during the reeeption in the Faculty House following the talk in the auditorium. The following morning she an swered questions of dance and drama students. During this time the recurring point was that the art depends on the artist, that onlv the person performing can give character to his art. “ She also discussed the yob- lenis of production now and the rising cost of theater due to craft niiioiis within the theater. At one she said that these same ioioiis may have to use moiie.v from their treasuries to suppoit theater in all of its various forms because it is not supporting itself. She also commented on how she became a dancer “With the first dance steps she Mi- "r‘T‘' 1 dancer T never had an.\ doiiht about what 1 wanted ’ she id ‘until iiiv father told me ]'ow sillv it was and 1 loved him V much.’ ” Later he came around because lilted He “M me, ‘You’re more than a oantei Yoi ’re an actress.’ But 1 think tlm ’ less than a dancer. Mien ^ mix the media, yon loose Ciethin^. it was what inter ested nie-and you can t choose, can you" very lUm. i ‘‘Gentlenieii I'reiei s])g ‘*ii niiisicals for which exceP*" ehoreogra]ih.v and are ed t ^**^ exanqiles of her renown- 11111^9^^ will direct a new filso Broadway and will Tlip **** (lance iminbers for it. w-w ’'“i^ieal, “Come Summer”, (aie of fpg sub.jects she Beacon Sells Stickers and Decals The Beason has been selling St M-irv's stickers ana decals. This is one of tl“^“- “'^'** b.-e.t. the Be,- ,„ombe- mill be up on e«ch 1,.,11 selling these items. JANUARY 19, 1968 SiaMAS WIN BASKET BALL; SMJC TEAM DEFEATS PEACE The Sigma basketball team won the play-off game Monday, Jan uary 8, by a score of J4-30. This gives them a 10 point over-all lead in the competition with the iMus for the plaque. The game was close throughout play, with the Mus leading through most of the first three quarters. In the fourth quarter the Sigmas took the lead and retained it until the final whistle. It was a clean sweep for the Old Girls in the annual Old Girl- Xew Girl game on Wednesday, January 10. The overwhelming victory was the year’s biggest up set. Given credit for the win were the spirited Old Girl cheerleaders who inspired their team on Avith cries of “knit one, pearl two. Old Girls—Ave loA’e you.” This finish ed the basketball games betAveen the Sigma and the Mns at St. Mary’s and left such sports as volley ball and softball to decide the Avinner of the coveted plaque. On .Tanuarv 15, a combined Sigma-]Vlu basketball team defeat ed the Peace basketball team by a score of 26-25, The game jvas pla.A’ed on the Peace (College court. Previoush’, this year, the Peace team had defeated St. Mary’s. Sr. Class Banquet Set For February 7 The Senior Class Banquet Avill he held at the Angus Barn on Wednesda.Aq Februaiw 7. Hutton Kent, Dance Marshall, and BeA’- erly Randolph, class President, are in charge of the event: the chairman of the entertainment committee Avill be Jessica Gilles pie, This is an annual event for the graduating class and Avill be folloAved some time this spring b.v a luncheon given b.A' the alum nae. The honored guests for the banquet are Dr. and Mrs. Stone, iliss R., Mr. Don Roberts, class advisor, and Mr. and Mrs. Baird. Belles to Hold Glamor Contest The annual Glamor Contest which is sponsored b.A’ the Belles Avill be held Febrnarv 15 in as- sembl.A-. At this time girls avIio have been selected previousl.v by a committee, Avho judged them on o u t Av a r d appearance, clothes, poise, figure, posture, and ability to photograjih Avell, Avill model. They Avill model a typical canqnis outfit, an off-campus afternoon dress, and a long or short evening dress. One girl Avill be chosen by the vote of the student body to rep resent St. Mary’s in the national “Ten Best-Dressed College Girls” contest. ,)ohn 1... Stickley, caiuliclatc for GOl’ Iioniination for Governor. MR. JOHN L. STICKLEY SPEAKS AT ST. MARY’S ASSEMBLY Mr, John L. Stickley, candidate for the Republican nomination for governor of the State of North Carolina, spoke to the St. Mary’s assembly on Tuesday, January 9. He Avas in Raleigh to pay the re quired filing fee that Avould make his campaign, already in full sAving, official. He Avas at St. Mary’s at the invitation of Mr. Roberts and the Current Politics Club. Mr. Stickley’s subject Avas the need for a tAvo-party system in North Carolina. He pointed out that this AAms the first time that the Republican party' had had a ])rimary since the turn of the cen tury and that this may Avell re- juA’enate state politics. With this he gaA'e a re\deAv of Avhat the Democratic administrations had done in the state fi'om an admit- tedl,v partisan A-ieAV point. OUT, ABOUT AND AROUND SMJC January 20—Reading Day. January 2 2-2 6—First Semester Exams. January 29-30—Friends of the Col lege — French National Dance Concert. January 30—Return from Semester Break. January 31—Classes Resume. February 1—Final Date for Regis tration for ’68-’69. February 7—Senior Class Banquet at Angus Barn. February 15—Required Lecture in Auditorium—Dr. Crane. February 15—Belles Glamour Con test. Thought For The Moment l•cl•lla|)s the iiio.«t valuable result of all education i.s the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, Avhen it ought to be done, Avhether you like it or not. This is the first iesson to he learned. Ilf' WXIX r com- iff airs, both in and in ■arolina, Mary’s :ed Dr. 1st dat- jersonal job is raduate. t really but I p teach- ;hly en- of St. ins Play II :ted for oduction at St. To be Father- produc- ’s “The ful mu- finishing leir love B 1920’s, isic and lead ia portray, en Rose >s of the tibonnet. school. »y Lena ters ia, :h A-- Bryt t Dav _ yffiend)j also jJ* Bittil I J|