BELLES OF SAINT MARY’S November I5r K [■; THE BELLES OF ST. MARY’S Published in thirteen issues during the school year, September to June. Monthly for December, January and April; Semi monthly for October, November, Feb ruary, March, and May, by the student body of St. Mary’s Junior College. Second Class Postage Paid at Raleigh, N. C. 27602. Subscription $1.00 per year. BELLES STAFF Editor in Chief Jane Aycock Assistant Editor Meredith Nelms Feature Editor Cynty McAlister News Editor Dru Haley Subscription Editor Susan Taylor Exchange Editor Sally Thomason Head Typist Sweetie Seifart Circulation Editor Frances Gordon NEWS STAFF Lucy Hollis, Susan Taylor, Susan Dodd, Helen Alford, Nancy Helms, and Louisa Rogers. FEATURE STAFF Rosie Hammond, Camilla Fisher, Doris Stiegman, Louisa Rogers, and Tibba Ed- gerton. PHOTOGRAPHERS Mathilde Duffy and Kathryn Heath CARTOONIST Carmen Elliott. proofreader Susan B. Simpson. TYPIST Jan Burnette, Jennie Clarkson, Bar bara Miller, Macky Dixon, and Sweetie Seifart. CIRCULATION Kevan Johnson, Jane Fisher, Lenna Loveland, Susan Simpson, Susan Byars, Becky Reid, and Teresa Rhodes. ADVISER Mrs. Robert Gunn WHO IN THE WORLD By Rosie Hammond EDITORIAL People were asked whom they would like to meet most and why. These are some answers that were THE SUCCESS OF THE HONOR SYSTEM •riven: Lney Gilliam: Dick Grnbar. Do I need an explanation? Susan Austin: My future hus band. Dell Parker: The mole I’m sup posed to look like. Fleas Brown: A real nice, clean American boy. I don’t know any. Miriam Manning: MLss Walker’s boyfriend. He has to be cool. Florence Spruill: My new step brother. Lillian Rudolph: Paul Newman, to find out if he’s Friday niftht. Bek Hinkle: Hitler, to find out why he was so messed uj). Seibles Lanier: Leo Hart, the' Duke football i)la.yer. I like the way he makes passes. Penny Hicks: Andy Williams. He’s my favorite jierson. dudy BiftKer.s: Tarzan. We could have a swinfriufr time. Jlarty Fskridfre: Miss Lou .Jones’ honey. I wonder if they talk about tennis all the time. Lynne Dunstan: Dustin Hoffman because he looks like Mack .McCouiifr. Lisa Romanek: Well, 1 know there’s somebody I’d like meet. As- in The verv reputation of St. Mary’ s is at stake with her honor s.vstem. To emphasize this, the school tries to instill in every rirl the importance of honor. How ever, the real existence of a suc cessful honor sj’stem deiiends on everv individual’s juarantee of hi"h ethical standards. Its success also relies on the entire student body’s s u p p o r t of the Honor Board. Our Student Government sociation leads the students ... stres.sinfi: honor. Early in the year, it administers the Honor Code— the verv foundation of the honor s.vstem. Ever.v fiirl pledges to hold the code. This week throuf; meaniiiftful talks in assemble throuf?!! posters displayc t h r o u ft h o 111 the school, tliroiifrli the distribution of Honor Code cards at (’Impel were ag:ain made aware of honor. St. iWary’s is a mere reflection of its frirl.s, obviously everv fiirl personally resiionsible for her er.vda.v pertormaiii-i'. She must honest with hersidf, her iieifili- bor, and with the school. For this piirposi", St. Mary’s has (jiveii iip- ‘d and the al IS ev- be her to OUT, AROUND AND ABOUT Xov. 16—State vs. Florida State 16 Iliike vs. Wake Forest 10—Four Seasons at Reynolds Coliseum at 8:00 2.1—Carolina vs. Duke 7—The Platters at Reynolds Coliseum at 8:00 N’ov. Nov. Nov Dec. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY ///A IIJRJ'hST—Sotv fl thought, reap an art; soxv an act, reap a habit; soxv a habit, reap a character; soxv a character, reap a destiny. A TIME TO GIVE THANKS j By Camilla Fisher Many years agro a grouff .American colonists took occ*t not only to upon theft nets of a year’s hard wort- j also to give humble thaiil'fr their lives and for the iie"' ( vest upon which they so depended. Living in eonstai'*’ i ger as they were, the eol'f were sincerely grateful i» ''' thanks for the mercies of 1 .vear. knowing that the.v i easily be deprived of all th^** * had labored for, even of thei’’ l lives. \ From that moment on. has been set aside each veaC' all Americans can gi''^ thanks for the manv hk‘‘; they have received in the p'f. year. This is a time when and friends can get tog^ til" enjoy a festive meal or each other’s compan.v. j.; But the most important 1’’'^ O *.1 ? A-1 - _ A_ t Thanksgiving is that "'e our Creator for the opportHj'j be with family and frien‘‘” for the many blessing— 1 - - large — that we too fr‘’‘l take for granted. In oni ,• li"". ilii' pre-occupied life we slio"" forget the real importa'“ Thanksgiving. M't’ As was expressed so George AVashington, Tln>"^,.i ing is the time “that unite in rendering unto d* sincere and humble His kind care and protr**’; ,i the people of this countf'^: for all the great and ors which He has been P**’ confer upon us.” girls a clear guideline for per sonal conduct; they shall not lie, cheat, steal, leave campus with out permission, c o n d u c t them selves in a nature to reflect upon the reputation of a student or the ( ollege, or break any of the rules coneerning the use of alcoholic beverages. Aloreover, the meaningfullness of the honor system depends on the total support of the Honor Board. To keep respect for this ■s.v.stem, there must be a Honor Board that deals with offenses to the s.v.stem. The Honor Board acts not to luinish but to correct. Its actions further strengthen the foundations of honor. With stti- dent support, its decisions earrv weight; however without it. it's luirjiose is futile. Thus, the oath and Honor Week are utterly ineffectual without conscientious jiersonal responsi- bility and sujiport of the Honor ('ode and Honor Board. And with out a suci'essful honor s.vstem. St Mary’s weakens its re]uitation of high moral standards and loses its heritage of honor. .IBA SOPHOMORE cot PANIC By Louisa Rogers The UX-Slumping Sopy; of 1968-69 mav not be ‘ . jfi^i but the.v are panicky, , iiP ifli hi and slightl.v neurotic "i pects of college accept6**^j,fa il.‘ non-acceptance becoming ‘ jrt'' - -■ ‘ least f’,# a class of 51. at ic«;t ^ are planning to reniaii' ‘ i Afater. while onlv fo»r j. j,, nitely interested in Gare* js Popular Virginia sch elude Hollins. Randolp'h Sweetbriar. Jlar.v Ib*^‘ " joi'' !■ Washington, West RPI School of Art. P. bilities are Salem. derbilt. Rollins. Sophie, L'i' Fniversities of M i e 1*' Miami. Kalamazoo, ai"* • lege in California. "P"'*’ well- l-qualified, earthy c o n s i (1 e r i n g. * , ‘h; are c o n s i u e r i n ’ though improbable ' ' are still aproximatel.'’ ^ r Fndecideds. iin'‘n.i crall.v, sophoiiiorV , iced similar I'cae , nating Fndecideds. Gene ... . i. . perieneed similar reaef‘'|p,jt’F,r sions caused h.v eiioro! ' i' college decisions. .(.(■s-'*'v" keenly aware of ''„jit‘’ •p|; maintaining an ,‘,,rc ‘, i/, age. Examples of th 111 the student roster a milJ There is a smaller P*’. jiiil pupils attending • , ,1) Continued >''