^-4^ Belles OF ST. MARY’S i£^xxv, No. is EALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA April 20, 1972 NEW SGA OFFICERS ELECTED The 1972-’73 S.G.A. officers voted on over the past two weeks are: Margie Worthington - President; Kay Turner - Vice-President; Gharhe Sloan - Secretary; Babs Suddath - Chairman of Social Board; Anne Blackwell- Secretary of Social Board; and Galen Meekins - President of the Day Students. Margie, a Junior from Windsor, is in her third year at SMJC and was president of her sophomore class. Kay, a cartoonist on the staff of the Belles and Our Cartoon, hails from Martinsville, Va. Charlie is a Junior from Ox ford, N. C. She is a member of Sigma Mu, an Acolyte, and on the Altar Guild. Babs is from Bluefield, W. Va. and Anne is from Columbia, S. C. Galen, also a Junior, is form Raleigh. Skipper Bowles Speaks At St. Mary s “I feel right at home se I used to ( “Skipper” Bowles 1 teel right at home at St. Mary’s be cause I used to court here,” said Hargrave “Skipper” Bowles as he opened his speech (L. to R.): Galen Meekins (Day Student^ orSra^S^Tnnf SS (Secretary. Soda. Board). BINNER honors dr. MORRISON , ‘''label ivi, Aff • Morrison, Dean of Aca- Junior College, *'idep o ored at a black iiV .Unncr at North Scotia, Dr. Morrison 5- H hon oiaiy s JUIIIOI Coun°/'^^ ^ *^*“‘^*‘ ‘ill dinner at North P Club on Wednesday, April 19, at St retiring this year after 43 tv^ludic^'^n chairman of the *t>. i-icpartment, and Academic >cd of No’ Chl^“^’'°ns?ru ihe j, "taster’s i ^ ""’"rsity. She earned a ^as ^*'*''etsitv ^’cr doctorate Iroin Toronto. At St. Mary’.s she 08y, ‘n. Iiistor)’, geography, and p'y- ^•5 0 p ‘''"fim,f/^®-/’r-inklin‘s. CJark, daugh- *"'trni„ j''l\^'""'ion ’o the college ami t^'' " ^t. ]yj’ ^oi'ident Pisani termed Dr. '' 'cgend — a living monu liQ will include Frank Hhd \/\ ^^' J^ii'ry’s president Richard '"c firs, „ i ranklin S. CJark. daugh- ary s. Poem To Warm An Editors Heart An Editor knocked at the Vearly Gates. H s face u-as scared and cold. He stood before the For admission to t le asked. What have you done, St. To stain he said. I've been an editor, S , For many and ^ xvide. The Pearly Gates Lia,,.. * 0“ ^ Daily News, Xeu-port News, Virginia Dll) you KNOW? a..,- „ Cc «» ~,gb noo Skipper Bowles speaks at SMJC. former state senator is the fourth candidate to speak at SMJC. Mr. Bowles said if he was elected he would “let some fresh air, faces and ideas into N. C. government,” and work to close the generation gap. He feels the “young people have un cluttered minds and can get right down to the heart of a problem.” (Continued on Page 6) oecome leaaers m ~cneir -tui«- munities.” cademic Dean President of academic affairs. Becoming interested both in more challenging work and in returning to North Carolina, he came to St. Mary’s. “I’ve known about St. Mary’s all my life,” commented Dr.- Miller, “mainly from past dat ing experiences.” Although he has no personal advisees, he says “My job is to help the students graduate. I’d like to help everyone.” Stated Dr. Miller: “I really ®njoy being a dean, but I wouldn’t want to give up teach- ing, either. I am thoroughly en joying every aspect of St. Mary’s.” SMC Thespians To Present Play by Tonia Bryan, II Tryouts were conducted for the first Drama Club production of the 1973-74 season at St. Mary’s on Aug. 28-29. To be performed the week of Pather- Daughter\Day, the fall produc tion is Sandy Wilson’s “The Boy Friend,” a delightful mu sical about a girls’ finishing school in France and their love life problems. Set in the 1920’s it is filled with the music and dancing of the time. Cast as the female lead ig Catherine Blankenship portray, ing Polly Browne. Karen Rose is the fussy headmistress of the school, Madame Dubonnet Maisie, that “Madcap” schooR Sirl, is represented by Lena Johnson. Other characters jjj dude Hortense, Leigh Raynor; Dulcie, Sugar Bryan. Lady Brockhurst, Janet Davis’ and as Tony (the Boyfriend'^ Roy Dicks. The cast also ^ dudes Coco Pollard, Beca Bi Don Key (a noted Raleigh ent) and members of the choi The production is directed Harry Callahan, with mp supervised by Michael Bullo The president of the Dra I Club is Mebane Ham, vice pj ident is Sugar Bryan, secrel ' is Karen Rose, and Cathe Blankenship is treasurer. Bittil