of iHarp's; Vol. XXXVII, No. 2 RALEIGH, N. C. October 4, 1973 - - - ■I ;; i SM Trustees Attend Chapel, Hear Students Speak by Velda Carter Instead of “Rah-rah Caro- la” this year there is going ^ be a lot of “Rah-rah St. Gary’s!” The 1973-74 induction new cheerleaders was held Ht. 12. ' **~y*ft^ “Rip ’EM UP, TEAR ’EM UP” . . - SMC cheerleaders prepare to support their teams this year. Cheerleaders To Boost Spirit The girls from last year are Becky Clark, captain; BeUe Nichols, Gail Shackleford, Pegg Corbitt, Nanci Kerr, Lynn Snider, Valarie Tullai, and Ann Berry. Circle Takes Initial Walk by Lynn Jones Taking in three new mem- the Circle made its first *alk of the year Thursday ‘ight. Sept. 20. This walk had long been an- ^'^ipated and the great spirit *^ounding it seemed to bring I'® school together for the first *^>16. As traditional, many Circle '•'®nibers from the preceding ^®ar returned to join the cur- ^*it members in their initial ^®lk. The excitement really be- as the torch and white ^ked figures came into view. J'ith President Susan Byers , ^ding the torch in the cen- a circle was formed around special Circle Stone in front Holt. The quadrangle cere- j®hy began as each old mem- (*■ lighted her candle from the Then the three new sen- Susan Robinson, Melrose J^itfield, and Bolling Quicke, led forward to join the ,^®le and all it symbolizes. The j^^'emony concluded with stu- singing the school hymn cheering the new members. '^he circle has been a special ideal is to be sincere friends with and to show a genuine in terest and concern for other individuals and St. Mary’s.” The original cheerleaders chose seven new Sigmas and five new Mus. The Sigmas are Mary Ann Schwind, Kim Shav- lit. Celeste Neaves, Sandra Holt, Lindy, Edwards, Leigh Gaither, and Cammie Cramer. The Mus are Carson Joyner, Kathy Menendez, Lisa Nor wood, Bailey McLean, and Vicky Turner. These girls have always supported the SMC teams with their yells and chants. by Beth DeLapp The Board of Trustees meet ing Wednesday night is some thing in which St. Mary’s stu dents should take a serious in terest. Contrary to popular belief, it is the Board of Trust ees, not the Episcopal Church, that “owns” SMC, and the de cisions they make determine how we live while we are here. The Board is a corporate group that makes all policy de cisions and is responsible for operating the school. It is the job of the Board to decide what curriculum is taught and who teaches it. In short, the basic philosophy of SMC is vested in the Board of Trustees. The sixteen member Board meets four times a year (Oc tober, January, April, July). There are two alumni on the Board, five members that rep resent each of the Episcopal Dioceses in North and South Carolina, and nine members that the Board itself elects. Also, there is a student repre sentative (Lane Turner) and a faculty member on the Board, but they are non-voting mem bers. On Oct. 3, the most important of the quarterly meetings was held. It was a two-day affair with a dinner on Wednesday night and the formal meeting on Thursday. At dinner on Eight New Cold Cuts Join Group by Pam Stroupe For two weeks 45 girls prac ticed “Cold Cuts.” All that could be heard from these sen ior rooms was “Little Darlin’” and other Cold Cut music. Tryouts were Sept. 25 and seven girls were up until the wee hours of the morning do ing what seemed to be an im possible task. Finally the original Cold Cuts choose eight new girls, and with a little “siss-boom-ba” the following girls were announced in assem bly as the new Cold Cuts: Su san Lawrence, Washboard; Sue Summerhays, Bongos; Pam Stroupe, Castinettes; Lisa Fel lers,- Scoopers; Kirt Rendlemen, Irons; BeUe Nichols, Bell; Becky Clarke, Morroccos, and Josie Rawl, Tamborine. The Original Seven are President Julie Parker, Sticks; Louise Wortham, Piano; Mary Louise Pope, Crazy Stick; Libba Bar bour, Hot Dog; Karen Strange, Tub, and Anna DuBose, Bon gos. The Cold Cuts play for fra ternities and civic organizations throughout the year. They played for the Day Student’s Picnic on Oct. 4 and plan to play for the Christmas pro gram at Dorothea Dix Hospital. Wednesday the Board met with the officers of all the student organizations and talked with them. The main concern on Thursday was the election of new officers for the Board. Other items of business includ ed reports from administration department heads, the faculty representative, and the student representative. Another point up for discussion was the food service at SMC. It should be noted that we do have a student voice on the Board, SGA President Lane Turner, and it is her responsi bility to reflect the students’ feelings. So, if a student has a gripe or an idea about some thing, she should let Lane know, and then maybe some thing can be done about the problem. MacKenzie Speaks, Teaches New Song by Susan J. Gotherman Rev. Davis entered St. Mary’s with a lot of enthusiasm and new ideas. One of his inspira tions has come in the form of Rev. Josh T. MacKenzie. As our guest speaker on Sept. 19, Rev. MacKenzie gave a very refreshing program for Wednesday night chapel. He encouraged _ student participa tion through the singing of a round entitled “Love, Love, Love, Love,” an old Camp Leach favorite. Rev. MacKenzie is from Rocky Mount and has attended many St. Mary’s services — but not as a chaplain! A few years ngo, he was escorting his fu ture wife to chapel while she was attending St. Mary’s. The MacKenzies have another tie to our school — their daughter, Gary, is one of St. Mary’s out standing seniors. Henson Heads Senior Class, States Plans of St. Mary’s for 35 years, purposes are timeless in . they stand to encourage j^®lastic improvement, co-op- ^*^ion between students and ^Ity, to instill in students f ® responsibility of the wel- of the school, to promote spirit in service and ^®rship, to consider and dis- problems of the school, and ki ^elp new girls find their Several times during the the Circle members ask to join them in these aims ing is to strive for certain qual- in their own lives. In the there is a unity and har- which is best expressed ®usan Byers in saying, “Our by Pam Stroupe This year’s Senior class is really on the move, and any talk of a lack of unity surely seems to have disappeared. 'The senior officers are Ellen Hen son, President; Gail Goforth, Vice President and Legislative Body Representative; Velda Carter, Secretary; Lynn Jones, Treasurer; Becky Clark, Proj ect Chairman; Rachael Holmes, Honor Board Representative, and Margaret Stevens, Social Board Representative. The senior class is working on several projects. They hope to bring back old traditions such as a “Day Students Slum ber Party” as well as to start new ones such as the Junior- Senior Powder Puff Football game. Soon the senior class will be putting out a “school tele phone book.” Also in the mak ing is a “Blue Grass Band Concert” to be held soon after quarter break. This will involve the whole school and also pro mote the already aroused “St. Mary’s Spirit!” V I \ THE THINKERS . . . Senior class officers reflect on the projects they have planned for this year.