“iWn k Vol. XXXVIII, No. 6 RALEIGH, N. C. February 10, 1976 Cold Cuts “Hamming it Up” By Rebecca Dalton The fabulous Cold Cuts have added to their ensemble for the third time this year. Tryouts were held in the laundry room on Monday, January 27 and in ductions were on Tuesday. Vicky Cockrum, Cristie Mur phy, Marriott Little, and Bet ty Henderson were chosen by the old members — Jan Mor gan, Jane Roberts, Susan Pitt, Tina Blackley, Maggy Sargent, Sally Lewis, Cacky Daniel, Yorke Wooten, Kathryn Scott, Nan Brantly, Allison Kerr, Bonnie Ford, Carol Cleveland and Loula Polites. Now the Cold Cuts are eighteen strong and sounding be^tter than ever, if you can imagine that. Recently I talked to Jan Morgan, president of the Cold Cuts, and asked her about some Cold Cuts look for a cure as these seniors (from left to right).. Cristy Murphy, JoAnne Nance, Vickie Clarke, and Evelyn Buie (with Allison Kerr on the banjo and Tina Blackley on the piano) join in the singing at the final senior tryouts. Honor Society Has Spring Inductions By Patricia Ann Kislin The High School Honor So ciety had their spring induc tions at the Wednesday, Feb ruary 6 assembly. Each new girl was escorted, to the front of the auditorium by two old members. The Honor Society has start ed a new policy this year, so that freshmen can be inducted. If a new girl has after a se mesters work at 3.75 QPR, she can be accepted into the organi zation. This will apply to new sophomores as well. Our new freshmen members are: An nette Banks, Diane Christopher, Tricia Ann Dunn, and Mabel Geoghegan. The new sopho mores are: Bryan Cheek and Ellen McCandlish. We have one old girl that has the required cumlative av erage of 3.60 for two semes ters. She is Mellanie Calvert. Congratulations to all the new members! of the group’s engagements this year. Naturarlly, their popularity keeps them busy at Carolina and State fraternities. They have also sung for various other groups, such as the Sen ior Citizens of Garner, and the patients at Dorothea Dix. They have just returned from a week-end of singing and skiing at Sugar Mountain. And a group of young couples in Ral- eight have asked them to play at a party which they will call a Hobo Ball. The Cold Cuts will really add to the atmos phere there, just as they bring smiles wherever they play, especially to us girls at St. Mary’s. Incidentally, Jan told me that they enjoy their per formances here at school, such as the talent show, Father- Daughter Day, and the Christ mas party, more than all their other performances. That makes us happy. Cold Cuts, because we love it when you play for us! When’s the next show? ’75 May Court Is Chosen By Janet Smalley The 1975 Alay Queen and her court have been announced. The freshman representative is Mabel Gohegan. Beth Wanna- maker and Sally McAlister were elected as the sophomore members of the court. For the juniors, there are: Barksdale Spencer, Lou White, Chris Her ring, Gay Tolley, and SuSu Ay- cock. Representing the senior class are 'Thalia Cooper, Van Eure, Sally Lewis, Margaret McAlister, and Allison Kerr. The maid of honor is Deborah Walter, and the May Queen for this year is Lynn Harand. Congratulations to all of you. Only Fifty More Pages To Go By Sally McAlister According to Kay Carpenter, Chief Editor of the Yearbook Staff, only 60 more pages re main to be added to the present 168 in our 1974-1976 St. Mary’s yearbook, the Stagecoach. Kay has worked extremely hard on this annual, not to mention the work of Managing Editor, Frances Creel, and the many long hours of clicking and de veloping by photographers, Chris Tooker and Betsy Henry. Committee chairmen, also hard at work on their respective sections, include Terry Douglas, Libbet Gregory, Charlotte Sharp, Barksdale Spencer, Les lie Stokes, Kate Taylor, Ellie Maynard, Mazie Swindell, and Susan Raymer. All of us are really looking forward to seeing this 208-page yearbook (which is presently expected to arrive during the first week of May since it’s over 100 pages longer than last year’s edition). The cost is in cluded in our regular tuition and the annuals can be picked up in the Student Union im- mediatoly following both the announcement of their arrival and the dedication. The an nouncement and very meaning ful dedication will be during the Monday or Wednesday as sembly closest to their arrival. The staff members, writers, and all other contributors have been extremely cooperative to ward their work, and all pre vious deadlines have been met, including one during exam week of first semester! Meeting the final deadline of February 8th seems to be very promising and at last this annual with the secret cover will have a front section of sixteen pages full of color campus shots and the very first yearbook pictures ever taken of the Jivin’ “Spider Club’’ and Snooping “Scoop Group.’’ It will also have the regularly included pictures of teachers, organizations, classes, and lots of candids. Thanks to Kay Carpenter and her yearbook staff, it won’t be long now before we will hold our very own copy of the SMC “Stagecoach” ’75! .>r The freshmen (above) kept up the bidding spirit as Johnny Davis (below) guided the auction sale. Freshmen to Entertain Sophomores In Style Attention sophomores of St. Mary’s: get ready for a fan tastic Valentine’s Dance on February 16, 1975! With the Embers providing entertain ment, a surprise theme, and $1,300 from the freshman slave sale to work with, the dining hall should resemble a New York banquet room! Mr. John Davis, MCee of the auction, and the freshmen gave us quite a selection on which to spend money January 22 at the sale. The items ranged from Italian, Laotian and steak dinners to maid service, laundry service, catering service, and trips to the beach and Lake Gaston. Two of the big “spe cials” were Dr. Pisani’s dinner, which eight lucky and now poor freshmen bought for $200, and Dr. and Mrs. John Davis’ din ner at their home which sold for $68. So the night paid off and the dance will soon be a reality. Cast Chosen For Play By Anne Turnage After two days of readings and a great deal of thought on the part of the directors, the Beacon Lights Shine Again By Patricia Ann Kerlin The Beacon walked again for the third time this year. The walk took place on front cam pus at 11:00 on the night of January 15. This organization is to promote school spirit. The girls that are initiated are in the high school spohomore class and it is a recognition of their service and leadership qualities while at St. Mary’s College. Gaither Moore (day student), Lisa Norwood, Pam Peebles, Beth Wannamaker, and Carter Warren are the new members. It is a secret when the walks are going to be, but let’s see if we can’t have a better turn out at the next walk. It means a lot to the girls getting in, if you are there. cast for “Little Women” has been chosen. The directors for the play, put on solely by stu dents, are Paige Morrow and Betsy Armstrong. The cast is as follows: Jo—Annette Banks; Beth — Susan Myers; Meg — Van Eure; Amy — Deborah Walter; Marmee — Kim Er- lachen; Aunt March — Frances Schultz; Hannah — Nancy Tripp; First Girl — Meridee Potts; Second Girl — Jain Cas- sady; and Third Girl — Gay Tolley. Ruth Butler and Annie Johnson are the stage mana gers. The play will run the last week in February.

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