VOL. XXXVV NO. 3 TO ALL OF YOU- FROM ALL OF US by Martha Kornegay Most girls would agree that parents are like boys- “you can’t live with them and you can’t live without them!” There were many times in high school when we found outselves literally gritting our teeth to avoid blurting out exactly how we felt about our parents at a certain moment. ‘Be in at midnight,” “You are not leaving this house in those jeans,” “You cannot go out with that wild boy,” “Cleanup your room,” and “Eat all of your green peas” became very familiar phrases which we were all forced to live with, all the while thinking that our parents were depriving us of fun high school days. However, now that we are away from home and the constant surveillance of our parents, we can appreciate inem more and realize that we actually could not live without them. the St. Mary’s population is that we all enjoy the freedoms of being at college, but we also enjoy the luxuries of home. Since being away from our parents and home, many of us have had to learn how to work a washing machine and dryer, iron, sew on buttons, and even worse, how to wake up to alarm clocks. No longer can we take our frustrations out on our families. It is now our rodmmates that have to suffer through our bad moods, and they are not always as un derstanding as our parents would be. One of the first things that we missed was Mom’s good ole home cooking. It has taken two months, but we are finally getting used to the St. Mary’s cafe food as well as 5:00 dinners. Even those pesty little brothers and sisters are missed at times- especially when we need The general consensus of Vestry Plans Halloween Program by Carter Ward fr ^®Boween the children om the Governor Morehead chool will be treated to an evening of fun at St. Mary’s, ^he Vestry will sponsor all of activities for them. Hirst they will get to eat in the cafeteria with students. After eating they will go trick or treating in the dorms. Each dorm is preparing something for them, but whether they get a trick or treat is still a mystery. After they have gotten their full of candy from the dorms they will have one final treat. The Cold Cuts will play for them. There will be about 40 students coming and they will be mostly 2nd and 3rd graders. We need people to help with the children and on the dorms. Pleace come and help. loan! Now we are blessed with not just one mom, but fifteen “hall moms” to tell us how much weight we have gained, how our outfit and make-up looks, and to approve or disapprove of our dates. Of course these things make home a nice place to visit, but Mom and Dad you are the reason that we miss living there. Your constant support, your unmatchable devotion, and your never faltering love are what we truly appreciate now that we are living away from home. Thanks for everything Mom and Dad!!! To show you our gratitude we give you this weekend with love. P.S. Mom, your spaghetti really is the best!! Chamber Music Recital Held On Thursday, October 20, the St. Mary’s Music Department hosted a Chamber Music Recital in Smedes Parlor. The visiting musicians were Susan Black, violinist; Kathryn Logan, cellist; and Francis Whang, pianist. Miss Black, a former member of the North Carolina Symphony is presenting teaching privately in Chapel Hill. Miss Logan is the assistant music librarian at UNC-Chapel Hill and Mr. Whang, graduate of the University of California, Berkely, and Julliard is an associate professor of piano at UNC-Charlotte. The group played pieces by Velix Mendelssohn, Charles Ives, and Ludwig Van Beethoven. Helena confronts Hermia in Act I of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Midsummer Night's On October 26, “A Mid summer Night’s Dream” opened at St. Mary’s College in Pittman Auditorium. This Shakespearean comedy is set in the ancient civilization of Athens, and is centered around the marriage of the Duke of Athens to Hippolyta. The large cast is headed by Hillary Thompson-Titania; Kelly Gay-Oberon; Judy Payne-Hermia; David Jones- Lysander; Kat Parmley- Helena; and Tom Hawkins- Demetrius. These three couples also contribute to the love and marriage theme of the play. The supporting cast in cludes : Tony Medlin-Puck, Ron James-Bottom, J. News- Theseus, Claudia Thornburg- Hippolyta, and Elizabeth Fuller-Phiiostrate. Appearing in “the play within the play” are Marco Werman, Mike Payne, Bill Edwards, John Spain, and Brian Bliss. The fairies are played by Kathy Nanney, Ann McAlister, Janie Swain, and Pen Rodman. Oberon’s attendants are Caroline Ward, Gina Stone, Aura Bland, and Nicole Pediac. Mr. Harry Callahan, chairman of the drama department is the director and the set designer for the play. Assisting with the technical aspects of the production are Sue Federici, costume designer, and Karen Rose, also of the drama department, publicity. Students in Mr. Callahan’s technical design class are helping with costumes, make-up, scenery, lighting, and publicity. Tonight there will be a special showing of “A Mid summer Night’s Dream” as part of the Oktoberfest celebration. A TOUCH OF FRANCE Tennis News ^^ry's Sponsors Bloodmoblle The French Club recently held its second meeting to elect officers and plan Monthly meetings. Cindy Davis, President; Jay Jay Winrich, Vice-President; and Wynne Gregory, Secretary- Treasurer, will be planning the activities for the group of approximately 25 members. On October 12, the group was entertained by two guest speakers from Nice, France. Madame Brigitte Hernendez and Madame Danielle New Cold Cuts Inducted On Monday October 10, at 6:00 the student body gathered 'a Pittman Auditorium for the announcement of the seven "aw “Cold Cuts.” After several cold cut selections by the original seven, a few skits, apd much deliberation, the girls were announced one by one. New members of the Sroup are Martha Boisseau - aorncob, Joanne Beacham - ®aoops, Sally Dillard - wash board, Mary McCann - salt shakers, Kappy Carr - tam bourine, Etta Ryan - bongos, and Mary Lawrence Hicks - moraccos. Sourbes were invited by Dr. Doreen Saxe, club advisor, to give an informal and candid talk. The women discussed contrasting elements between the lifestyles of American and French teenagers and gave the girls an idea of life in France from a young person’s point of view. The club plans to bring a touch of France” to St. Mary’s by designating a dining room table for conversation in French (La Table Francaise) bv having cheese partis, and by going on French picmc^ Announced meetings will be held monthly in the Day Student House. All inter^tM students are urged to attend. The Tennis Team has played seven of their matches for the season. They have had four good wins; two against Meredith College, 8-1 in both the first and second matches, 7-2 against Anderson College, and a 9-0 sweep in the UNC- Wilmington match. Their three losses were against UNC-Chapel Hill (1-8), Peace Jr. College (0-9), and ECU (4- 5). Tennis plans for the Oktoberfest Parents Weekend consist of a mother-daughter tournament Friday afternoon at 1:30, and a father-daughter tournament Saturday af ternoon at 1:30. The cost is $2.00 per team. On October 12 the Vestry sponsored a blood doning station in the board rooms of the St. Mary’s Library. The Bloodmobile is part of the Piedmont Carolina’s Blood Center program which has it headquarters in Raleigh. The goal of the Center is to supply area hospitals with the 950 pints of blood necessary for each day. St. Mary’s students and faculty donated 55 pints of blood in 2% hours. The Bloodmobile will be returning in the Spring after mid semester break. Debra Rhodes and Mrs. Elizabeth Skinner were the student and faculty coor dinators. 1:30-2:15 2:15-2:45 ■ Library 2:45*3:30 3:30-4:00 4:00-5:00 5:00-4:00 We’re the Cold Cuts 14 strong. OKTOBERFEST PARENTS WEEKEND SCHEDULE S FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20 7:30-4:00 - Registration, Smedes Hall 0:00-5:00 • Open House, Library >Ir 8:00-12:35 - Parent Class Visitation '•: 11:30-1:15 - Lunch ^ 1:30 - Women's Double Tennis Tournament *•; 1:30-4:30 - Parent-Faculty Meetings • Golf Exhibition, Gym, Peggy Kirk Bell - Performance by Dance Groups, Gym and Concert by St. Mary's Chorale, • Golf, Swimming & Diving Exhibitions, Gym ■ Dance and Chorale Performances repeated X; • Halt Parties, Dormitories x' • Dinner x! 8:00 - "A Midsummer Night's Dream", Pittman Auditorium X SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 ill 8:30-9:30 - Breakfast ;X 10:00-11:15 - Organizational Meeting -St. Mary's Parents Association-Judging of Hail' Decorations 11:15-12:00 ■ Student-Faculty Administration Panel, Pittman 12:00 - Bar-B-Q & Bluegrass Festival I;!; 1:30 - Mixed Doubles Tennis Tournament v 3:00 - Cold Cuts Perform X 1:30-4:30 - Oktoberfest Extravaganza-Fun & Games on Front Lawn V 4:30-4:00 - President's Reception for Parents, President's Lawn 6:00-7:00 - Dinner X 0:00 - "A Midsummer Night's Dream", Pittman 9:00-1:00 - Oktoberfest Dance, National Guard Center v SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30 X 8:30 - Holy Communion, Chapel 9:00-10:15 - Breakfast X 11:00 - Morning Prayer, Chapel 12:00-1:00 - Lunch ■.•X-X'XC*X-X-X-X-X-X.X-X.X.X-!.!.SS’X-;-;-;v;-;v.-;.;-..;.:-;-;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.>;’i

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