»^0L. XXXVIV, NO. 5 STUDENTS AND FACULTY EJVJOY CHRtSTmAS PARTY Reindeer, Snowflakes, i-lves, Angels, Carolers, Holly .■eaves and numerous ugntgowned Santa-awaiters locked into Smedes Parlor Wednesday night for the Annual Christmas Party. These students and others iressed as candles, packages, snd various Christmas ^ ,®^3cters were presented With cake, drinks, potato; Chips and entertainment by a Suest Santa, the Coldcuts and appearance by Ms. hold onto your man” Duke. Mr. Tate ho ho ho’d his ay through the parlor throwing candy and good wishes to the cheering students. He made his way to his reading chair where he proceeded to recite The Night Before Christmas” and in the excitment lose his beard. . The Coldcuts gave their rendition of several Christmas favorites such as Frosty the Snowman, Here Comes Santa Clause, Twelve Days of Christmas and White Christmas. They were followed by Ms. Duke singing her priceless version of A Good Man is Hard to Find”. The SGA officers presented gifts frorn the student body to Mr. Dillard, Dean Jones and Mr. Rice, They received switches for their bad behavior, but the SGA decided to give them a second chance and found gifts for them as well. Mr. Rice and Dean Jones also received Beane Bluchers to help them fit in with the SMC scene a little better as their cohort Mr. Dillard has already done. The evening sponsored by the Beacon and the Circle was enjoyed by all. St* Iftary^s Gvoup To Visit Pnpis ^ Cafe, creme, chocolat chaud, croissants ... Some St. Mary’s girls are ^ssports and making other preparations for an eight-day visit Paris toi^ the spring o^e American Leadership Ldy Gr^ps, of Worchester, M^sachuse tej r^ponsible for “'■"IhSlitwouldllke.opolish their Fr«chhetripwm^^^ For «.oee r NO. ? J ooarveo by Wee St-Uoren,. Ron voyage! Songs For The Exam Weary T'e the tune of “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” You’d better not cut, better not cry, ' better not beg I’m telling you why ^®^ehers don’t just give out ttose good grades. . ^aey’re adding the scores checking it twice . living you marks some naughty some nice ‘ ^^chers don’t just give out those good grades. ■ *ney know you’re over- . sleeping n class you’re not awake And you’re just ten minutes late they cry “For heavens Oh you better shape up, this is the crunch And if you don’t it’s the wrath of Ms. Bunch Teachers don’t just give out those good grades. To the tune of “Jingle ^Us Dashing through the halls I tripped and dropped my ' M^teachers looked^palled And gave me dirty looks I tried to make them smile By grinning ear ^J^r But they were not to oe beguiled And I wound up in tears. Those damned exams, damned exams I wish they’d go away I think the people from Dix Hill Are taking me today. A day or two ago, I took my Poly Sigh One down and four to go French, English, Math, 0 my And then let’s not forget My favorite course of all I may just be repeating Psych. When I’m back here next fall. (Continued on Page 2) Is There A Santa Claus *■ •• , friends sav there is no Santo Claus. Papa says, I am eighteen years old. Some of my ^ is there a Santo Claus. he BELLES it is so.” Please tell me tne mi ’ “If you see it Wimberly Burton 308 Holt Wimberly: . twipd bv the scepticism of a sceptical age. "^ey do 'our friends are wrong. They g®ca?£^whi^ ^ not comprehensive by their litUe elieve except they see. They think nothing can oe w Thomas Wolfe Essay Contest Announced The Third Annual Thomas Wolfe Essay contest has been announced by Mrs. Barnhart of the English Department, who sponsors the contest. The subject is “The Legacy of Look Homeward Angel.” Essays should be submitted in February, 1978; the specific date will be given later. The winner of the contest will be given a $50 cash prize, and 500 copies of the essay will be printed in booklet form for distribution to Wolfe scholars, libraries, and others. Essays will be judged by Professor Richard Walser of North Carolina State University. Sue Uzzell, SMC Senior, won the first contest in 1976. She reports that she has received letters from Wolfe fans in many parts of the U.S. about her essay, which was subtitled “A Window on All Time.’’The 1977 winner was Rebecca Procter, SMC Sophomore, with an essay subtitled “Antitheses in Look Homeward, Angel.“Becky used her prize money to purchase something she had always wanted-two pet skunks. She named them after characters in the novel! For further information, contact Mrs. Barnhart or your English teacher. Copies of the two previous winning essays are available on loan from the library or from Mrs. Bar nhart, who reminds you that this award will be a very’ impressive addition to your college credentials. rienos are wrong, cueve excent thev see They think not g ^ eve except they see. my ^ HI minds, Wimberly, whether they ^ mm boun^^^^ man is a mere insect, an ant, m his . ’ whole truth and j devotion wsured by the intelligence capa^e f g-ag^ S^howTeSS “'es, Wimberly, there is a Santa Claus. He and j^^^as. how arra^ ■ and you know that they abound an ^ would be as dreary ^ H there existence We d the world be if there were no Santo Ctou^i w ^ ^ ^leraWe t^^en^^^^^ ,e would be no childlike faith then, I»®“T. gj^^nal light with which childhood Id have no enjoyment, except m sense and sig , v«„ n,ieht eetvourpapa to d would be extinguished. ... ^gll not believe in faine^ Y . ^ ^ ^jgy did not '^ot believe in Satoa Claus! You might as wei S that is no s"gn ,men to watch in all the chimneys o" Christmas ^ Claus, but that is sign >anta Claus coming down, what wo . , „ a thousand years from now, NSt?a?us?Snk God he ! He Ljv^’stufeontinue to make glad the hearts ‘berly, nay, ten times ten thousand years iro fiildren. Mr. Tate is planning a trip to London this summer after school is over in July. Any rising senior can go for their senior English credit, and any others going can take it as a college credit as an elective only. They will be in London for four weeks and plan to see all the Shakespearean Plays as well as others at the National Theatre of the West End. There will also be a trip to Stratford for four days to see some plays and Shakespeare’s birthplace. Trips to Oxford, Cambridge, the Windsor castle, Eton, Winchester, Salisbury, and Stonehinge are also on their agenda. It should be a great experience and lots of fun. I Students To Visit Washington A New Yorh On Thursday, March 2, Mr. Tate and about 25 students will leave Raleigh for the annual Washington-New York trip over spring break. The first stop is Washington where the group will be staying at Oie Presidential Hotel. They plan to tour the Capitol, the National Gallery, and visit Georgetown. Also they plan to see the N.C. City Ballet and the Kennedy Center and a production of Hamlet at the Folger Library. Then, on Sunday, March 5, the group will arrive in New York. There they will visit Chinatown, the United Nations, various museums, and the famous Trader Vic’s after a long day of touring. They will see an assortment of plays and eat supper atop the World Trade Center. They also plan to do some shopping on Fifth Avenue. On March 12, after a week in New York, the group will return to Raleigh. London Trip Planned MERRY CHRISTMAS LOVE, RELLES STAFF