J ;; The Belles of St. Mary’s Collese VOLUME XLIII, NUMBER 4 ST. MARY’S COLLEGE, RALEIGH, N.C. FEBRUARY 1. 1982 BECOME A FRIEND OF THE LIBRARY The first organizational meeting of the Friends of the Library at St. Mary’s College will be Sunday, Jan. 31, 1982 at 2:30 p.m. in Kenan Library. The amusing and controver sial editorial cartoonist, Dwane Powell of the Raleigh News and Observer will be the guest speaker. Copies of his latest book, Surley Some one Can Still Sing Bass will be available for sale and he will be happy to autograph a copy for you. The Friends of the Library is being formed to support the Library in its continuing role in the advancement of knowledge within the college and the Triangle community. If you join before June 30, 1982 you will qualify for a charter membership. The membership year runs with St. Mary’s school year, start ing July 1st to June 30th. The IN A CROVE OF STATELY OAK TREES By Foo Vaeth This writer is going to be laughed off the campus after this one. But how can any edi tor expect a decent column in this cold weather? My wit is chilled, my hands frozen, and my toes are slightly nippy. Nippy? That is a rather mild word for the famous bliz zards that plowed through the grove recently. What a way to start off the year. What a way to start off the semes ter! Another week of vaca tion. Actually, there is no thing like waking up those cold January mornings, put ting on five to ten layers of clothing, and sliding over to Ragland only to find your teacher can’t make it through the snow. Next step: slide back to your room, take off that layered clothing, climb CONGRATULATIONS GIRLS! The Columbia Scholastic Press Association awarded a second place certificate to The Belles staff. The Belles came in second in the fifty- eighth annual contest that takes place at Columbia Uni versity in the city of New York. The award was dated October 9. 1981. Congratula tions to the 1981 Belles staffi ENGLISH DEPARTMENT presents movies The Enensh sh^wnTr'^ films in Raelanfl J, plan to see these nto- several English classes. Raisin in the Sun Feb. 10 Great Expectations F'ch. 24 Wuthering Heights Mar. 3 The Great Gatsby Mar. 17 Othello Mar. 31 jhe Manwoman of Chailot Apr. 14 membership dues for St. Mar y’s students are $5.00/year. The regular membership dues is $10.00/year, and the regular Membership-family (2 or more is $20.00/year). Membership forms and more information are available in the Library. into your warm cozy bed and wait to hear someone yell that the teacher of your next class just slid in. I must apologize to those who were immobilized with me. Any sane psychologist would immediately commit ^Foo Vaeth if he or she were to see my snowbound behavior. To be cold is miserable. To be cold and wet is even worse. Who can walk around when your feet have the opportu nity to slide right from under you? Everyone laughs when I walk as though my next step may be my last. They would probably laugh harder if 1 fell on my face, and that is a risk I would rather not take. Many people have ideas about what they could do with twelve million dollars. This city spends it on clean ing up the mess. What will I do without my grapefruits in the summer — let alone oranges to make a frosty screwdriver? Actually, this weather can make me happy. As long as your basic, dedicated teacher stays home. I’ll be happy. Really happy. My fa vorite aspect of the snow and ice is that special thrill I get when I can hear my car wheels spinning on a sheet of ice, slush, snow or other forms of nippy precipitation. Just knowing that I am abso lutely stuck with nowhere to go is enough to turn me into a walking snowwoman. Yes, snow is pretty, snow is fun, but I’d rather be sweating in the sun. You have already been warned that this writer is a possible mental case can didate. Now I have gone from a “sa tirical columnist” to a child- wren’s poetry specialist. Please don’t lock me up yet. Did you feel that drift, of warm air? Prizes Awarded To Winners Of Muse Contest The literary magazine of St. Mary’s, The Muse, is hav ing a contest for the creative mind. There are four catego ries: Poetry, Prose, Art, and Photography in which each category has three winners: $25 for first, $15 for second, and $10 for third place. One may enter three items in ev ery category. Persons enter ing must give their name. Ra leigh or campus address, class (freshman, sophomore, etc.), and phone number. In the Poetry and Prose category the items must be either typed or written clear ly in dark ink. These items will become property of the Muse unless otherwise re quested and people will be responsible for picking up all work. Art work must be origi nal and will also become property of the Muse unless otherwise requested. Stu dents are. again, responsible for picking up all work from editor. Art work may have to be modified. It must have names, usually initials, but full names should be written LIGHTLY IN PENCIL on back. Entries can be turned into Ashlyn Martin, Penick 301, Ms. Wooten, office 105, or box in Day Student House by Feb ruary 15. The theme for the contest is “Beginnings and Endings,” though entries do not have to pertain to this. Leslie Derby