The Belles of St. Mary’s College VOLUME XLIII, NUMBER 6 ST. MARY’S COLLEGE, RALEIGH. N.C. MARCH, 1982 Spring Break! Spring Break! Spring Break! by Kathleen Kincaid Spring break, spring break, we all live for spring break! Yes, ladies,- that glorious and much anticipated break is FINALLY getting closer. The weather being so rainy and blah has made us extra extra antsy for this vacation. Of course, all of us have been counting dQwn the days faithfully since Christmas vacation, but not it’s almost here! The Belles staff was curious to know where everybody was escaping for those beautiful and hard- earned 10 (count ’em 10! 10!) days, so we asked some people. The result is the majority of St. Mary’s is going to be flaunting a perfect GOLDEN TAN before March. Hey, that’s okay so I’ll be the only ghost on campus! Some people, like myself, are heading for the north to freeze our mittens off, shall we say. Many girls are heading home for some sleep, to visit with some old friends and to chow down on some of mom’s cooking. That sounds like a simple vacation, but remember SMC students come from all over: Honolulu, Saudi Arabia, Boston, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, New Jersey, Kentucky, and California. The list goes on and on, but I think you get the message. We can’t forget the organized groups from school: Dr. Saxe’s group going to France, Mr. Tate is taking a group to Washington D.C. and the Big Apple, and there’s the independent group of girls going to tan themselves in the Bahamas. We’ll be able to spot them, the ones with the perfect tans, joining them will be the people groovin’ down to Myrtle Beach, Palm Beach, Va. Beach, Sanibel Islands and the Carolina Coasts. All of them are swearig to get a good start on their tans and to do some serious and massive partying! There are us few who are going to fairly colder climates: Mass., Maryland, Maine, and a few going skiing in Colorado and the Carolina mountains. I’m sure regardless of where everyone goes for spring break, they will try real hard to have a great time and get a good dose of R&R (REST AND RELAXATION)!!!!! HAVE FUN EVERYONE!!! Our Leading Lady- DEBBIE SHELLEY CAREER CORNER Many students at St. Mary’s consider majoring in business. The Belles staff decided it was time we did an article on business careers. “Business” is a general term that describes such diverse areas as economics, marketing analysis, banking and finance. However, to enter any of these fields, you need certain basic courses. Most universities require that a student take sixty hours of upper level courses to graduate. To graduate with a B.A. , in business administration, you need approximately 24 to 30 hours of business related courses such as Operation Management, Principles of Marketing and Business Finance. In addition, many students take a number of other classes in a specific area, like accounting for example, that they wish to specialize in. In order to get a job in business, you usually need to have at least a B.A. However, a prospective employee has a much better chance of finding work if she has a masters in a specific field. If you graduate with an M.B.A. from a respected school, you’re almost sure to find a good, well-paying job. North Carolina boasts of several universities with excellent business schools. Of these. Chapel Hill has the best reputation, but both Appalachian State and ECU have first-class schools. Out of state colleges with well-known business schools include Vanderbilt, Emory and the University of South Carolina. by Lynn Jones Yes, St. Mary’s, there is truth to the rumor that Deborah Shelley will be leaving us this spring, but I assure you, she is no happier about it than we are. Husband Jim Shelley has a new job promotion along with a transfer to New Jersey. He has already made this transition though they have not yet found a new house. Mrs. Shelley is scheduled to leave at the end of March, but she hopes to stay on through the spring. Deborah Shelley joined St. Mary’s in 1977 as the Dean of Student’s secretary. She wanted to work in a small women’s college and because of her interest in student life, has always helped in housing. A bachelor’s degree, possibly a master’s, and courses in counseling are necessary for a housing director, but no amount of education could replace the time and care she pours into her work. This year, responsibilities and title have changed to director of housing and student development. This includes the College Forum Series, a committee chaired by Rev. Dillard, programs for students, coordinating mixers, and the alcohol awareness week. There is an increasing number of activities to schedule, with upcoming speakers Jane Whitmore to discuss health and planned parenthood, and M. C. Teague from the N.C. crime prevention division who will explain rights of college women. Debbie Shelley was born and raised in Ireland near the city of Dublin. She moved with her family to Pennsylvania at the age of thirteen, though you can occasionally hear an accent creeping into her voice. She attended Montgomery County Community College and Temple University, both in Pennsylvania, and is now enroll^ in several counseling courses at N.C. State. She is twenty-seven years old. She and her husband have no children as yet, but she personally hopes for a daughter who will one day come to St. Mary’s. SMC is a big family to leave. She sees it as a special place for growing and learning. Being inducted into the Beacon makes it especially hard to depart. After working to learn so much about the school and gain the respect of the students, she says, “I don’t feel like I’m leaving; I feel like I’ll be a part of this place forever.” Little People by Lynn Gardner St. Mary’s Creative Drama for children taught by Mrs. Sandra Stallings underwent a complete change of pace when thirty-eight girls were introduced to seventy “little people” ranging from kindergarten to third grade. Everyone was flabergasted at the size of things at the Louise (Continued on Page 3) IIV THK OAK. TREES. by Foo Vaeth A certain group of girls have been running around the grove unrecognized for quite some time now and I hereby nominate them as candidates for sainthood. According to grove calculations, they attended 256 chapel services, made well over 300 batches of popcorn and have sat through 640 episodes of “General Hospital”. They are the girls who cringe when anyone says “I am so sick of this place”. These potential martyrs are the four year girls. Imagine your feelings had this been your eighth semester and you were listening to the same familiar gripes. Yet th^e girls are obviously here by Choice. Each having invested a Mercedes in our education, we have gone unnoticed for far too long. When I casually mention someone from “the good ole’ high school days”, a typical response is: “I didn’t know she’s been here four years.” That is understandable, especially [because the only recognition we receive is a picture in the yearbook. Hillsborough Square, as it was then known. We survived all the changes, and the year we never thought would arrive is drawing to a close. If any group deserves their own t-shirts, songs and secrets, it is they. Boasting the knowledge of all the secret campus escape routes, we can fly up and down the steps of Smedes faster than a freshman on her way to the first frat party. Many changes have taken place from that time we walked up those steps of Smedes as wide-eyed sixteen-year-old girls. Then, the building was an overgrown shack. Air conditioning was a dream and water fights were a part of our daily routine. No wonder it was not remodeled until after our class graduated to Cruikshank. Fake i.d.’s were in, and all the bars were conveniently located on While we do deserve better acknowledgement for our abilities to withstand the tests of the grove, I don’t think you’ll find one four year survivor who would trade it for anything. It’s been four times the work, four times the pain, four times the fun, and when graduation rolls around - four times the tears. Well ~ maybe.