PAGE 4 THE BELLES MAY, 1982 ST. MARY’S CLUBS We always hear about the Undatedettes strutting, The Spiders crawling and WATS getting lit, but Dean Jones and several others suspected that there was more meaning to their existence than just tapping people and initiating them. We were right, the clubs at St. Mary’s have definitely been busy. I talked to several members of the clubs and found out just exactly what they have been up to this year. LETTER CLUB The Letter Club gives a gift to the school every year usually to the P.E. department. The gift to be given this year had not been decided upon when I interviewed one of the members. The members have a fund raising project every year to raise money for a charitable cause, this year they sold donuts and sweatshirts to raise money for the MS foundation. UNDATEDETTES The Undatedettes contributed their services to the first annual Christmas tree lighting. They sponsored a fun filled evening putting on a Dating Game. The Undatedettes had a Valentine reception this year and periodically give flowers to the chapel. COLD CUTS ‘ The Cold Cuts have definitely been busy this year giving concerts to various clubs and organizations. They have performed for the Cub scouts, senior citizens, fraternities, and were the main attraction for the Albert Root Elementary school’s fund raiser field day. Cold Cuts have traveled to Greensboro and Winston- Salem to perform as well as their concerts here at St. Mary’s for the students and special events. A few of the special events they performed at this year were Parents Weekend and Spring Fest. The Cold Cuts made an album this year and encourage everyone to buy one. WATS The WATS have been involved in outside projects trying to raise the spirits of those really needing it. They sponsored the Heart Fund drive here at St. Mary’s and helped with the Blood Mobile earlier in the year. CIRCLE The Circle helped with the dinner for the Moorehead children this year and had special events for them to participate in while they were on campus. The Circle were part of the Christmas party and contribute flowers to the chapel. The most recent project they have done is planning the alumnae Circle reunion during Alumnae Weekend. One of the Circle’s last activities will be a “Giving” chapel service. This service will be the last service of the year. It will be a very special service in which the girls will be asked to bring something special to be placed on the altar for Mr. Dillard to bless. The students are also asked to contribute something to a charity, can goods, clothing, etc. Their other activity will be a Tea for the faculty and students. The Circle is seliing SMC mugs NOW. SPIDERS The Spiders have not only crawled this year but they have participated in the Blood Mobile drive earlier this year with great enthusiasm. The Spiders have also sold bumper stickers to raise money to put in the club treasury for future club activities and projects. BEACON The Beacon helped organize the annual Christmas party with the Circle and donate food to a needy family for Christmas dinner. The Care Packages were put together by the Beacon as well as the Easter baskets everyone receives every year. The Beacon also put on the Madhatter’s Ice Cream Party earlier this year. SERENITAS VERITAS Serenitas Veritas is the newest and most secretive club on campus. This secret club was organized this year by ten girls and one advisor. The club’s only goal is to promote spirit and make each girl at St. Mary’s feel as important as anyone else. The club sends flowers to the girls and notes to lift the spirits during the bad times and good times. The club received contributions from their parents and pooled their own money together to start the club’s activities. The club will be sponsored every year by alumnae and their parents. The members have been chosen for the 1982-83 school year however, they will not be revealed until spring next year. Not only have the clubs contributed school spirit but they have also taken the time to plan projects for charities, alumnae and faculty. The Beacon, Circle, Undatedettes, Spiders, WATS, Serenitas Veritas, Cold Cuts, Scoop, and the Letter Club have picked their members to carry on the tradition for the 1982-83 school year. I am sure they will continue to contribute to the school and other organizations with the same enthusiasm as they have shown in past years. “St. Mary’s pays a tribute to Spring Fest 1982” May Court 1982 SOME REFLECTIONS ON TWO MOTTOS (Continued from Page 3) must Be faithful friends and comrades siu’e.” Finally, then, may it not be said that these two schools. West Point and St. Mary’s echo each other’s ideals, each in its own special way? Together, as friends and comrades, we can keep each hand just, each lip pure, know duty well performed, honor e’er untarn’d, and country ever armed. The Belles staff would like to thank Mr. Fish for contributing this article to our “Behind the Desk” column. We would also, on behalf of all St. Mary’s students, like to wish Mr. Fish luck in the following years and thank him for his many years of work here at St. Mary’s. We won’t wily be losing a teacher, we will be losing both a teacher and a friend. IN A GROVE OF STATELY OAK TREES by Foo Vaeth Save the best for last, or this better be a good one kiddo. This is a final desperate attempt to save myself as a student and aspiring columnist. Usually, these things come fairly easy. This one has resulted in a novel of my memoirs starting on a hot August day in 1978, and coming to a close on May 15, 1982. It’s been terribly hard coming to grips with the fact, and the memoirs would receive a rejection slip from the editor of The Belles. Actually, the best for last started out as a letter to a new St. Mary’s girl. She was to get the real rundown on the grove. Scratch. Those unsuspecting rosebuds get enough letters without an erratic one added to the bunch. Another letter came to mind. The lucky recipient was the funny looking tree sitting on my left or right. Dear stately oak tree sitting in the grove. That one was axed as well. They’ve seen a lot, though. Imagine the stories. Two letters down. Intermission. Act Two. The Value of Friends-a term pap)er for English 5 by Foo and the grove. But what [would you do without one? ’Maybe you have more than one, but they still comprise a vital part of your memories here. All the memorabilia are meaningless if they haven’t been shared. If you remember your first days here, the friendships sparked so quickly remain a vivid part of your recollections. They celebrated with you through the best and saw you through the worst. They are irreplaceable. A shorter essay was “Remember” of “Reach Out and Touch Someone”. Remember the walks? Remember the wild nights? Remember the hard work? Remember the insufficient funds? Remember the gossip? Remember the long chstance {rfione calls? Remember the fun? You probably forgot. So much for essays and term papers. back to ’•traying t . again. My advice now pertains not to those leaving, but to the other half who will carry on to help the institution flourish. All of you have something special to contribute to the grove. Perhaps it’s only ^ smile on a rainy day, or a shoulder to lean on in times of trouble. Maybe it’s your healthy mind or your zest for life. So you don’t crawl like a spider and you get your scoop from Baskin Robbins. Find your place and simplX constitute a small portion of the best time of your life. W® hope. If you give to St. Mary’®’ she will return the favor a hundred times over. My curtain call ha® arrived. It was with sorrow. relief and happiness when saw it drawing closer. you leave, it will most liko'X be with sorrow, relief an happiness. I’d like to slip j special thank you to a specia^ roommate for listening to read everything I ever puf ® paper. I’d like to thank n®^ even more for saying it wonnnderrfull. Furthernnor^ the grove and I want to than you - iu. backbone of a special part oi special place that grew n^ and dear to our hear Curtain. for forming the