I The Bdles of St. Mary’s College VOLUME XLIV, NUMBER 7 SAINT MARY’S COLLEGE RALEIGH, N.C. MARCH 4, 1983 Mrs. Von Sledeneck to Speak at Commencement Have you ever wondered who start^ the original Cold Cuts? Judith Metcalfe von Seldeneck is one of the founders of the well - known club when she attended St. Mary’s College in 1959. Mrs. von Seldeneck will be returning to St. Mary’s to speak at the Commencement Program on Saturday, May 14, 1983. We are privileged to have Mrs. von Seldeneck as our speaker and she is very in spiring to all who attend this institution. She not only succk- sfully fulfills her roles as wife and mother, but also shoulders a career. Upon graduating from St. Mary’s, she attended the Universtiy of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 1960 to 1962 when she reedved her BA degree. She then attended the American University College of Law from 1963 to 1964. Judith Metcalfe has previously served as Executive Assistant Vice - President to Walter P. -Mondale,- while he was a United States Senator from 1965 to 1976. She then served as President of Distaffers, Inc., a firm that specializes in recruitment and replacement of women in professional positions. This incorporation was so successful that it now includes the task of placing men in corporate positions, too. This company deals with the largest cor porations and foundations in the called country and it is now Diversified Search, Inc. Mrs. von Seldeneck is very active in a variety of civic endeavors. She is a civic leader in Philadelphia on the Mayor’s Council and is on the Board of Directors of the Greater Philadelphia Partnership. She is also on the Board of Directors of the Forum of Executive Women as well as being its co founder. Mrs. von Seldeneck has been very valuable to St. Mary’s Trustees. Un fortunately, this fall will be the end of her term. She serves on numerous boards and commit tees. We need not question why Mrs. von Seldeneck was asked to speak at commencement. It is obvious that she is one whose example we should all fry follow. President Rice feels it is very important for the speaker to have some sense of identity with the students. This, she definitely has as it has not b^n ioo^meiny years since she in the very same seate which our graduates will be sitting in this May President Rice often inspires us with speakers like Mrs. von Seldeneck who show what students can go on to do with an Associate of Arts Degree from this institution. She certainly has been a wonderful example and we are all looking forward to her visit this May. MRS. VON SLEDENECK NEW COURSE OFFERINGS By Michelle Marchin As modern young women, our interests are always changing. We are constantly developing new ideas about what we would like to do with THE SCOOP ON THE YEARBOOK Interview with STAGECOAC Editor, Janie Ayers — . « j The yearbook has been completed and should be finished and sent back by the end of April. This year s STAGECOACH EDITOR. JANIE AYERS Stagecoach has a special and unique cover designed by Janie Ayers and Sydney Brown, co editor. There will be a dedica tion, features, on department chairmen, of the faculty and of color photos. The editor es- paineed to a Belles reporter that the Stagecoach cov^ e- vents from the spring of 1982 to Christmas of 1982. -The editor expresses spec ial thanks to: Svdney Brown - co-editor, J^ni Ktman - clubs and organiM- tions Susie Heath - advisor, the faculty for being so pn^ere^^' ing during times of deadlines. Janie Ayers has been editor of the Stagecoach for two years. While there is a great workload and responsibility involved, she has received no credit for her work, however, she feels ttet the job is important to the Shool and students. She hopes that her work on the StagMoach will be a lasting contribution to St. Mary’s. “I hope the studente will have fond, memories of 3ieir years at St. Marys and that these memories will be preserved in the pictures of the Stagecoach.” ourselves and what we would like to learn. Fortunately, we attend a school which allows itself to change with our ever- changing desires. Very often a department will be influenced by student demand and realize a need for different course offerings. It is then the Academic Council’s duty to evaluate the necessity for various course ideas. If they agree and vote to add a par ticular course it must first be sent to the faculty for their approval before being added to the curriculum. In this manner, a potential courses purpose will be evaluated throughly before being presented to the students. Next year there will be some important additions to our curriculum. The first one will be Math 9. This semester a course will be offered to the High School students for unit credit.' It is an introductory course to computers which will also include computer pro gramming, in the BASIC langu age. This course will replace business Math 10. Two new English classes will also be offer^ next year. English 26 will be offered in the Fall semester as a college course for 3 hours credit. It will be considered an elective and is designed for the student who wishes to improve her writing skills. Another new English course will be English 33-34. This will deal with the great literary works and is a gentle introduction to the master pieces of Western literature. It will be offered for 3 hours of College credit each semester and will meet the college literature requirement. There may also be a change in the Art department next year. Two new course ideas have already gone through academic council and have been approved. However, they must still meet with faculty approval before being added to the curriculum. The first is Art 29 and will be an advance drawing course offered for a V2 unit cr^it in High School or two hours of college credit. The last is a 2nd semester ceramics meant to follow up the 1st semester course we already have offered. These additions of new courses were especially made for students (at St. Mary’s) I NEW PRESIDENT ^ I OF SGA I » S by Annabelle Brandeaux Jeanie Trueblood has recently been selected as President of the Student Government Association for the 1983-84 school year. The Belles staff siMke to Jeanie about her aspirations for the upcoming year. Jeanie said that she is “looking to the future with anticipation.” “I feel that we can all work well together next year,” said Jeanie. “My main interest is to keep the tradition of St. Mary’s and to follow in the footsteps of the SGA. There will, however, be a lot of changes for next year. Governor Hunt’s proposal to reuse the drinking age will affect many St. Mary’s ac tivities, and especially the annual SGA Dance. I feel that we can work around these changes and it would be best to cross that bridge when we come to it.”