Page 4 The Belles September, 1983 SPORTS High School Tennis is Swinging COLLEGE TENNIS STARTS UP The 1983 edition of the St. Mary’s College tennis team, under the direction of Coach Lou Jones, is currently in the midst of their fall season, having begun practice a few weeks ago. Normally, the college team schedule isin the spring and the high school in the fall; however, because of the Eastern Colle giate Invitational Tournament, to be held at Meredith College September 23-24, the college team will be competing during the fall and the spring season. The team members include two Seniors, Elizabeth Sherrill and Jeannie Trueblood, and juniors Meg -Adams, Lynn Barton, Julie Brady. Ginny Burt, Isabel E rwin, and Polly Pussier. “All have real poten tial, and on a given day, any could play in the number one position,” stated Jones in a recent interview. After several challenge matches. Barton presently anchors the number one position, with Brady at number two, followed by Burt at three, Sherrill, number four, Trueblood, ranked num ber five. and Pussier, seeded six. “We've got an establishment singles ladder, but we are still experimenting with doubles teams, trying to find a good match-up.” added Jones. Stated Trueblood, “All the team members are dedicated and very enthusiastic about playing.” “We've got a lot of talent on the team,” added Barton, A dedicated, united, and hard working team will be what it takes to have a success ful. and winning group, Anne Raymer by Anne Raymer The St. Mary’s high school tennis team, also coached by Lou Jones, began its season Thursday, September 15 when they met Greenfield at home. The team is made up of twelve high school students including freshmen Kelly Edmunson, Sally Ellis, Merriweather Ellison, Eleanor Field, Isabel Nichols, Gray Odgden, Marinda Sapp, Lisa Sledge, Rebecca Thompson, and Laura Underwood. First, second, and third seated players are Rebecca Thompson, Laura Underwood, and Sarah McQuire respectively. Coach Lou Jones commented on the amount of the team’s po tential and added, “Practices have been going very well..they just need to settle down and get to work.” Last year the team went to the Districts and this year they hope to do the same and possibly advance to the State tournament on October 21-23. Dance Groups Announce New Members bv Jo Jo Allred DRINKERS, DANCERS,AND D.W.l.S*i"- 7 Brandeux I recently spoke with Dean Jones’in an effort to clear up som e of the m isconceptions that are flowing around campus. The main issue discussed was the question of whether or not there will be dances this year at SMC and how the new laws are affecting us both as a college and high school. I hope this will clear up some of the confusion. Q: is there going to be an SGA DANCE? A: We hope so. We plan to. An Alcohol Awareness Task Force (AATF) has been or ganized and includes parents, faculty, but mostly students. It is headed by Dr. Ken Mills and its' main purpose is to draft a policy for St. Mary's which will cover both onand off campus activities. Why will the policy cover off campus activities? Why does that concern SMC? — A; Because it has become a problem off campus with un derage drinkers. Due to the national problem and the pre sent legislation, SMC is obligated to act when students break laws. Our main concern is the student and her handling of alcohol. Not being able to handle the alcohol can become a habit and when a student is driving she is affecting other people's lives, not just her own. That'swhen it becomes our pro blem. Drunk young people en danger lives, and that's a scary situation. We want to reiterate the contents of the law before thepolicedo. Any underage stu- ing even if she is not driving. Q: You mentioned “un derage” drinking. How does the school feel about people who are . legal to drink? A: We’re not against drink ing, as long as it is off cam pus. We’re against getting drunk and the repercussions. Q: We've heard the phrase “visibly intoxicated” being used in conjunction with later consequences. How exactly will the school decide if someone is visibly intoxicated when she re turns to school and w hat will the consequences be? A: Well, we're not going to station the Pinkerton’s at the sign in desks for sniff tests! But it does get fairly obvious when students have been drinking heavily and there were inci dents last year of student offi cers and well-known students coming in visibly drunk. That's when it affects the school as a whole and how others view SMC.That's when it’s not a per sonal problem but a school pro blem . Q: Why has the alcohol issue suddenly exploded on SMC campus? ....A; Because it’s exploded all over the country: The strict new legislation also includes states such as Maine. Penn., Va„ even though N.C. has one of the harshest. It’s now become a political issue with Governor Hunt running for the Senate. It’san issue with us because we were given the issue to deal with. It has become a huge groundwell of people de manding that something be done. E very cam pus is agitated with this problem. This Thursday (Oct. 15) there will be a meeting at Duke for all the private colleges to decide what is to be done, primarily with the problem of underage drinking and the D.U.I. bill. On Friday (Oct. 16) the Task Force will meet again. We’ll work on drafting a policy that will cover the law. the safety of students, and the social aspect of the stu dent’s lives. Meanwhile, if any student is interested in voicing her opinions, it would really be appreciated if she would talk to a student on the Task Force, because these students repre sent the student body and how they feel as a whole. Letter Club Holding Run for Funds and Fun dent can be arrested for drink- The Letter Club will be sponsoring a Fund Run for charity on October 6 at 4:30. The race entrance fee is $1.00 and all faculty, staff, and students at St. Mary’s are eligible to enter. The race will be around the two parks near St. Mary’s campus, which is about one and a half miles. A St. Mary’s sweatshirt will be awarded for first place. All money raised is strictly for charity and will go to the Ark. For more information, contact Coach Alexander, Maggi Jones, or Gray Fagan. Dance groups at St. Mary’s, under the direction of Mrs. Sue Brown, held tryouts during the week of September 7 and an nounced their new members. Gillie Callum, the Scottish dance group at St. Mary’s had its tryouts on September 8. Sandy Jackson, Sally Maddison, and Vaiden Kramer were chosen as the group’s new members. Two students were chosen as new members of the Caperettes, the school’s tapdance group. These are Angela Dickerson and Brady Whitley. And for the modem jazz dance group, Orchesis made five new additions with Leslie Dodd, Constance Frost, Dorothy GugS^iiHeimer, Catherine Loflin, and Becky Rogers. Mrs. Brown is very pleased with her groups this year especially Orchesis which, in the past, has been the smallest. All three groups are scheduled to perform on Parent’s Week end and at Spring Fest, but other performances are held at Raleigh schools. SGA UPDATE “ From Page 3 Inter-Club Council com prised of all the presidents of every club at St. Mary’s. Cynthia Gimesh is the chairman. The Council serves to sponsor break-in week, spirit week, and com munity and school projects. 7)Whereas, before this year, students were allowed no Sunday chapel or assembly cuts, each girl is now allowed 3 cuts per semester. -TheBoard of Trustees will be on campus the 20th and 21st. and the SGA is going to ask for their approval to have parking lines painted on College St., and to have a system set up for handling Visa and Mastercard in the bookstore. -We look forward to rein stating two St. Mary’s tradi tions - “A Walk in the Grove” and “A Kicking Post.” We’ll I®* you know more about these later. That’s all-more SGA news in the next issue of The Belles! P.S. Everyone is reminded to pay their SGA dues ($5.00)- These dues allow us to plo'^ more social activities for the student body. We thank those who have already paid. to 4 Studenti Pormittod Per Apartment Keepe Tonr Monthly Bent Per Penon Beaaonablel Located acyacent to Wake County Medical Center and 1-64! Just 10 minutes from St Mary’s College. Year round in door svrimmlng pool, exercise room and clubhouse. Tbnnis courts and outdoor pool, too! One and two bedroom plans offer modern kitchen, air conditioning, and carpeting. Cablevlslon and HBO available. Direct Bus service. For complete Information and a complimentary Indoor pool pass, visit us 9-6:00 pm. dally, Saturday 10-6:00 pjn. 9 MOMTH LBASE AMA1LABI.M Wakefield APARTMENTS SlOB Holston Lane Phone ass-BesB Itodajrl wv>c^