PAGE 2 THE BELLES MARCH, 1984 EDITORIAL SPRING FEVER A life of leisure is tempting. The sun t3eckons, the birds cail - we’ve even had a taste of it over Spring Break. We’ve saved up our cuts, bought our tanning suppiies, and are ready to catch some rays once the weather gets reiatively warm. This is the time when we must be most cautious. From mid-March to the end of April, the temptation to “slack-off” is incredibie. Long attention spans get short, and short ones get shorter. Excuses for not doing homework become more convincing. However, these six weeks are crucial. We have tests, term papers and exam preparations to worry about. Be carefui that you do not let your academic work suffer just because it’s nice outside. Letting things slide right now can male you awfui sorry come May 12., I’m not saying to lock yourself in the iibrary or barracade yourself at your desk. We’d go crazy if we didn't indulge ourselves and relax every once in a while. Just don’t overdo it. Working on assignments is more important right now than working on a tan. RCR SILKWOOD IS SOMETHING SPECIAL r- by Cathy Hancock After a year of being disappointed by promising movies that are now destined to be on HBO in a matter of months, SILKWOOD was everything it promised to be and more. SILKWOOD is the story of the life and controversial death of Karen Silkwood, a worker in a nuclear plant who wanted to expose the dangerous radiation workers were subjected to daily. SILK WOOD is shocking, intense and gripping. Meryl Strepp proves she can take any character and bring it to life. Her per formance as Karen Silkwood was emotional, earthy, and absolutely impeccable. Cher’s followers from the 70’s get a shock when she sheds her Vegas image and becomes Dolly, a rough, brassy lesbian with a sensitive side. Kurt Russell has an essential supporting role as Karen’s lover. Their exceptional performances add the edge of reality to SILKWOOD. It is difficult to review SILKWOOD without over whelming you with my en thusiasm, but the movie was wonderful! The character development of Karen Silk wood doesn’t miss a thing. You feel her frustration when she can’t be with her children, her fear and hysteria when she realizes she has been “cooked” (contaminated) and her new drive of energy when she becomes devoted to exposing worker exploitation to the media. Performing Arts Department And Applause, Inc. Presents The St. Mary’s Per forming Arts Department and Appiause, Inc. will present an adaptation of Shcikespeare’s THE TEMPEST, March 22-24 and 29-31 at 8:00 p.m. in Rttman Auditorium. Tickets can be purchased at the door. ty CON GRATULATIONS WE NOW HAVE A NEW SET OF SGA OFFICERS THE BELLES would like to congratulate the new SiGA officers. We know they will work hard to make 1984-85 a areat year! In case you’ve forgotten the new officersare — President - Harriet Little Vice President - Julie Gray Chairman of Judicial Board - Annis Gill Vice-Chairman of Judicial Board - Mimi Fisher Chairman of Dorm Council - Clayton Henkle Day Student President - Anne Fitzmaurice Secretary-Treasurer - Elizabeth Zervos Underclassmen Vice-President - Lindy Turner Social Chairman - Cau'olyn Thornton The new officers will be irxlucted in a special service on April 3.