r NEW FACULTY FINDS FRIENDLY FACES BY SUZANNE CARTER Staff Writer As new students find their way around the campus, new professors are finding their way around the classroom. Saint Mary's has added 12 additional members to its faculty this year. Additions to the department of Humanities and Social Sciences include Dr. Ed Burgess, Mr. Davis Ciillon, Mr. John Ham, and Ms. Cynthia Sabula. Dr. Burgess brings i^oth high school and college teaching experience to S.M.C. Among other things, he teaches i^oth honors and regular sectioiis of American History. Mr. Dillon is not only a teacher, but is also the director of athletics and varsity soccer coach. Mr. Ham has 29 years of preparatory school teaching under his belt. The Department of Languages ^nd Literature welcomes Ms. Candice Coxe, Mr. Randall 1-ntham, and Mr. Jeffery West. Ms. Coxe is a Spanish professor, and Latham teaches both freshman ^d high school English. Mr. West does double duty, serving as the director of the Raleigh Ensemble i'inyers and teaching drama and spe^h at Saint Mary's. Two recent arrivals in the ^opartment of Mathematics and Sciences are Mr. Michael Edwards ?nd Mr. Ed Mathieu. Mr. Awards Joins the faculty while finishing and Mr. Ed Mathieu. Mr. Edwards joins the faculty while finishing his masters in statistics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He holds an undergraduate degree from Brown University. Mr. Mathieu is the new chemistry teacher and chairman of the department. Besides Mr. Dillon, the Physical Education Department includes Ms. Blanche Hancock, a Saint Mary's alumna,who is the new volleyball head coach. Mrs. Hancock is a recent graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Emmalee Jones, a current student at the college, is the volleyball assistant coach. Ms. Kim Piontek has joined Ae staff as swim team coach. Ms. Piontek- also teaches Physical Education classes. Mrs. Betsy Hill is a multi-faceted figure at Saint Mary's. She accepted the administrative position as day student coordinator. She is also the publications advisor and she teaches health. Along with new faces, there ^ some returning staff with new jobs. Gretchen Johnson has taken over as the Registrar. Chaplain Janet Watrous is teaching two religion courses this semester, in addition faces on campus will be familiar ones. Until then. Saint Mary's welcomes all newcomers! The Arts Are Alive By Rebecca Rocque Staff Writer The arts programs at Saint 3ry's are recognized by many in ‘ Triangle region, yet seem to be ^cn for granted by some Saint ^’s students. Throughout the hool year concerts, performances exhibits by talented students, culty and professionals from off- mpus are offered to the school '*hmunity. However, many students seem ^aware of the many events taking ^ce on our campus and in “funding areas. Jhe Fine Arts Club strives to '*ghten awareness of these events ^ serving as a link between Saint Gary’s and the arts. The Fine Arts ^ub was organized to give hdents with an interest in the arts chance to get together and to students aware of any arts '^®nts. The once a month *®®tings are open to anyone who 'Quid like to attend.The next Meeting will be at 6:00 on October ’ ^ Smedes Parlor. every meeting there is a er. Jeffrey West, a faculty Faculty singing after processional at the Opening Convocation. From left to right are Dr. Clauston Jenkins, Ms. Terry Thompson, Dr. Steve Estheimer, Dr. Jack Hume, Chaplain Janet Watrous, and Ms. Alice Zawadski. (Photo by Noel Hamlin) Convocation Confronts Career Choice And Well At SMC member spoke at the Septemter meeting about theatre m the Triangle. There is also one ouung a month. You do not have to be a member to go, just sign up with Ae club. The bulletin board m Be lobby of Ragland holds announcements of all arts opportunities at Saint s. ^ Besides the Fine Arts Club, there are other ways to explore Ae arts right here on dampus. The Smedef Parlor Concert Senes IS wonderful program that brings professional musicians to campus. ^^ncertsinSmedesP^lor^ea „,aition that^a series is weU-kno™th»u^oj« ft community. Members of the Norm Sma symphony are among mos^ whoperfomt. These coneerts are a great introduction to classical music and are popular amo^ Zicians wishing to play chamber ■”t«e is also the saint Mary^s College P°'"‘"’J'^!^irincludes .tt renrrleaders in the Sess world to mus.cal and theater performances. By Julianne Arnold Staff Writer On a warm September afternoon the faculty processed into Pittman auditorium to take Aeir places on the stage. The entire student body was assembled. It was the beginning of Ae 152nd school year at Saint Mary’s and a good time to think about where we came from "The wisdom of the ancients can make sense to us today," and where we are going. Dr. Clauston Jenkins, President of Ae College, was introduced by Dr. Jack Hume, Dean of the College. Dr. Jenkins remarks wove togeAer a number of topics, all of which he related back to one of Ae books on Ae summer reading list, “Revolution from Within,” by Gloria Stemem. Entitled “The Sirens, Gloria Steinem and You,” Dr. Jenkins speech recounted the myth of the sirens and pointed out how Gloria Steinem's book offered practical solutions for women in a traditionally patriarchal society who wish to be seen as inAviduals and not as objects. In Ais context Dr. Jenkins addressed Jennifer Driver's appearance on Ae cover of “Playboy” magazine. He ques tioned whether the Saint Mary’ graduate's integrity was compromised when she agreed to pose for a magazine Aat many feel exploits women. Dr. Jenkins stated, "If her career is modelling and if appearance as a cover girl on Playboy is considered to be a positive step in her career, and if she has remained true to her personal principles by not appearing nude, has she done someAing wrong? It can be argued that instead of being used by Playboy, she has used Ae magazine to furAer her legitimate career." Many at Saint Mary’s felt Driver’s decision to pose reflected badly on Ae school. However, Dr. Jenkins Aought that Driver made an intelligent decision for herself at Aat particular time. He urged Ae group not to Astort Ae facts, and to remember that Saint Mary’s women are expected to use good judgment He concluded by describmg what a Saint Mary’s graduate is expected to be. "She is a woman of learning. She is a woman of integrity. She is a woman of tradition. She is a joyous woman. She is a woman of grace. She is a friend. She is a responsible woman. She is a leader." The young women Dr. Jenkins referred to joined their arms and sang the School Hymn for the recessional. The Publications Clas|$ extends heartfelt thanks to Mary Virginia sjwain for her patience, perseverance and hexj never ending knowledge about Quark, jouAalism and computers!