ri-it/.i L The Belles Of Saint Mary’s VOLUM XVI, NUMB» TIMI SICSMDER. 1993 SPIRITS SPARKLE WITH THE SEASON AT SMC The holiday seasons are here again and along with them come many hoUday traditions. Lighting of the Grove is one holiday tradition that is held dear by many of us at Saint Mary’s. On Tuesday, December 7, Ae grove of stately oaks flickered with the spirit of Christmas once again. The circle drive was lit by over 500 luminaries as the student body, faculty, and many more joined together to celebrate the holiday season. The evening began with the traditional candle tight chai^l s^ice from which the student body proceeded to the front of Smedes Hall to t e thirteenth annual Lighting of the Grove. The luminanes Iming the circle drive and the walkway towards Smedes were lit by members of the Granddaughter's Club. As the front campus gleamed with Christmas spmt, the student body was joined by alumnae and their children, members of the community, and neighbors from surrounding areas. . The M^ter of Ceremonies,Henry Read, began with Ae introduction followed by a Welcome from President Jenkins. Chaplam Blessing of the Tree and then the tree was tit by former staff member, Mrs. Rosalene Metzger. The tree will be tit every evening unUl the students leave for Christmas vacation. Dedication of the lumma^s was p^n by the Granddaughter’s Club President, Lucy Coleman. The Smnt Mary s Chorale, led by Van Quinn, performed beautiful Christmas carols and were ^^Fdlowi^^the^ghti^^of the Grove was the annual Circle-Beacon Party held in Smedes Parlor. The students came dressed in their pajamas and other holiday attire as they enjoyed holiday refreshments. The evening ended with the traditional reading of "The Night Before Christmas by Santa himself and a special holiday performance by the Cold Cuts. Emmy Teague ‘ ‘Jk ^ Rtfl rtbboHi omf ifwkUng ttghf mhmt ttit S^Mmy'i Chfhimn tm at IHt UgHMng aftkf Omvt "I am SO stressed out." This is a phrase that we will all be saying very soon. Finals are right around the corner and there is a lot of studying to be done. You can’t avoid the stress of finals, but there are ways to lessen the stress of the next few weeks. Studying is the key to doing well on your exams. There are niany things you can do to polish up your study skills. The first of these skills is finding a quiet and Comfortable place to study. Studying demands all of your attention. This time should be free of distractions such as T.V., friends,and phones. The library is the traditional place to study but if you aren’t comfortable there find a place where you can concentrate better. Time management is the basis for your study habits. Setting Up a daily schedule is helpful in Setting everything done. It is important to set up certain times to read, go to class, do your homework, eat, exercise, study and to be involved with social events. Don't forget to allow yourselt time breaks. For every hour you spend in class you should study for two hours. After each hour stand up and take a short break to loosen tense muscles. The last important factor in successful studying is to recognize your limitations. Set reasonable goals. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses help you focus on what you need to work on and what you already know. Having strong study skills throughout the semester definitely pays off at finals. Healthy habits can positively influence your studies. Eating right keeps your energy up. It seems almost impossible to eat three balanced meals a day but with a healthy diet you are much more alert Exercising regularly is a good way to relax. Allow yourself time to go walking, biking, hiking or swimming. Exercising three times a week for at least twenty minutes helps to reduce your stress level. It also helps you stay in shape and feel better about yourself. ITiis is most tiring time in your life, a full nights sleep often seems to be a luxury. On the average your body needs seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Sleep helps you in all areas of your life especially your performance in school. After a good nights sleep you are more alert, less irritable, and conscious of how to manage stressful situations. Perhaps the most important thing is knowing when to relax. Take time to do something that your enjoy. A tittle fun goes a long way in reducing stress. When it comes time for your test remember three things: relax, follow directions, and be optimistic. You should breathe freely and always dress comfortably. When you get your test you should first read the directions and survey the test. Find out how much each problem is worth and budget your time accordingly. While taking the test work on one question at a time and your essays, it you come across something you are not sure of mark it and return to it later. The last thing to remember is to be optimistic. If you have prepared yourself for finals and managed your stress level things will be fine. Give yourself encouragement. Good Luck on Finals and have a Merry Christmas!!! Elise Morgan ThMwd«y^D«cfwl>fr_». »00 9:M MONDAY CLASSES Thursday. D«cftnb«f 9. I'M TUESDAY/THURSDAY CLASSES TUESDAY/THURSDAY CLASS m. Friday. D«c«mbtf IP. tl:0« MONDAY CLASSES IV. FridiyJ>yCTwb»r IP.. I’M LM MONDAY CLASSES 11. t:M MONDAY CLASSES t:0e TUESDAY/IHURSDAY CLASS VL Saturday. Dycrmbar 11^ 2;M ILM TUESDAY/IHURSDAY CLASSES 3:M MONDAY CLASS vn. Monday. DycatnbT 13. 13:M MONDAY CLASSES d:«0 MONDAY CLASS Meodav.Dc»nibarl3. LOP lft:M MONDAY CLASSES Tuwday. Drcimbtf 14. 2:06 MONDAY CLASSES Tuoday. Pyctmbtf 14. 2:00 LM TUESDAY/IHURSDAY CLASSES 2:30 TUESDAY/IHURSDAY CLASSES t] F V f- ■ I > I ■ I i if p ■ I ‘ 4 ' * ii