f RIDGECREST PAGE Page 13 Uitj “In t^e l*’id of rbc I"; if ilk I'rjiin ihc Fast ll:c train climbs the Biac lliJ^c Mountains from Old Fort to KiuSecrcM, « distance of twelve miles, ascendiiiji f ?00 feet amid scenery us picfurcstiuc us is to he found in tite world. * sisTich.aiocschrst. ; Hie Railway Station at Ridjfecrest, on the top of the Blue UidCe Moun tains. IS a short ilist.incc west of the Swamumia 'l uiinel. liiithi passctijier trams stop hvic daily. One ndU west is .\!i, .MitdKill Station, from which pa.ssco«cr ira.ns make the ascent to .\lt. .Viicfiell, it„- hiijhost tnouiilam east Of the .Mis^is^iopi Rjver. ft- r ■ I "DOa»t»TUSS*i.."IS t«B LASO or TMf »KV. aiinbin* the Bine Ridge, the train passes through seven tunnel*, of vshtch the Swannanoa ts the longest.' :This tunnel extends 1,S2.1 feet under 1 ,, *hc Assembly, grounds, at a depth of 12j feet. - - ' ■ St-':"—.' ■ ■ -- ...-rrat ..I WMKn ft hcftr, «. c. M Residence of Rev. Millard A. Jenkens, D.D.. Abilene, Texas. Nearly one hundred cottages have been erected in the .kssinihly grounds by resi- dents of tenfilates. Ians are ossneU by people in fifteen States and s'cverul lorvijtn countric'!*. iJ it i Ifjr F'l|^ -1 i ? ftfttTCHtvkft .S*.uu, »«f AftfttMftvr «0«v;_ -..c. >- » tal,rel,',‘m''‘, ”^’i’' ''a Jea.IquRrUTS. is a welt equipped moun tty. . uncf 'fpertMCki b>‘ tlik, AsscuibU’. I h»s hniMin^ ciMitairis seseraTnaHor'r?- >«c.nbly othces. a large social r.min, live bed rta.m* fooms, Assenioly Audnornnr, Cafeteria .Slid, sixty- I* V*l»*f*C*4, tiAVh.. . t AftfttMSUr HOTfi.k. N r. I’eople aaiher at Ridgecrest each summer from twenty or more Stifes, I feiiowthip. ll»e Sianmer Sction) , , J ot Hciigaju* lidueAlmn and • ttriem of eouteron.iea aru Drovidad csieksaiEE Ridgecrest News | The Southern Baudst Assembly i will have a rt-gular page in the SOUTHWIDE BAPTIST, endtleai “Ridgecrest News” under the sup-j ervisicn of the Con;esponding Sec-| retary of the Assembly who is also the editor of the paper. Rev. J. R. Pace, never failing and true Ridgecrester has returned for the winter to his home. We are sure he will con tinue to spend his summers at Ridgecrest until he goes to the Land of Eternal Summer. RIDGRCRESTERS MAY II A V E SOUTHWIDK BAPTIST FROM NOW TO JULY 1, FOR ONE DOLLAR. Put it in an envelope and mail it, if it is lost write us and we will lose it and send you the paper anyhow. Florence, South Carolina, led the I South in the number jn attendance who j remained more than two days DeL.and ; Florida sent the largest cottage dele- ■ gation. John B. Stetson University had the largest representation of any Baptist college. \ 1 In the pageant, the STRIKING OF i AMERIC.-^’S HOUR, seventeen South ern Baptist Colleges were represented. Miss Mary Ward of New York directed., it with skill. . I The pavement from A*sheville to Ridgecrest is complete and the portion in the assembly grounds Ls almost done. The portion in our grounds costs forty thousand dnllans and our rich Uncle Samuel paj’s for it. ivlorc than twi o the amount re ceived, for Ridet c St taxes is anium'’. expe.’';ed on wa..'ru■ cKs, lights an. stress. • I Those.who live on side streets use the | I main streets as muuh as thtisc who livei •n them. It is hoped that all strut s' will soon be put in good condition. | Mr. W. I. Willis', the efficient cus- | todian and treasurer of the assembly, lives with his wife in Pritchell Hall and daily w'atches over the cottage.s. It is expected next summer to use the professors in the School of Theology quite largely on the public program. They .arc a-s good as the best as popular lecturers. Mrs. J. H. Dew, widow of the evan gelist of beloved memory, has moved to Richmond, Va. Th« December mountains are covered A'ith 11 t.hoii-;i!id r.ainbowB. The ground hog Iiogntic to his winter home. The -quirr'l is Laving nwny his hoard of hink-i-c-i 1ehps‘-mts and the chip- ' '*i' ftyi’- ."iTiong the leaves. ' is ' 'tigin^ its many a castle of ice. ■ ■ * " I . snow, hut. all is ■'i>' 'i . for. tlm.huodrcri eagims 'mc' - ‘ fid progreso are still climbing the hills and burroughing the tunnels with their loads of human treasure and life. It is lovingly proposed to change tha name of FIDELIS HALL to MONKISH MEMORIAL HALL.and to refinish and further ornament it. F. W. Monnish WM most greatly admired and loved by a!l_Ridgecre6ters and his life and marty- dom for law and truth should be honored among us. He gave most of the money toward the erection of Fidelis Hall , and was a liberal giver to all Ridgecrest causes. E. L. Hon, of Dcland, Florida, is to erect near Fidelis Hall toward his cot-. tage a number of camp huts for boys, and inaugurate a memorial Boys camp in honor of his son who fell a martyT to democracy in France. 'i 1 ere is serious consideration of .(iftiab- lishing at Ridgecrest a winter normal training school. Dj.-A. E. Brown ia. I enamor^ .of the idea as a Southern' BaP‘uit *2ahf. '