SOUTHWIDE BAPTIST Page 5 POSTALGRAMS Pastor W. H. Geistweit, Third Church, St. Louis, has recently had George W. Truitt with him in a meeting in which there were 150 additions to the church. Dr. R. K. Maiden, editor of WORD and Way has the sympathy of the denomination because of the loss of his noble wife who has gone to her reward, ^ Dr. Sam J. Porter’s success at Oklahoma is almost excelling his wonderful record at San Antonio. He has just begun bis fourth year there. The Oklahoma State Baptist Conven tion met with the First Church on November Wth. Take yonr state paper and SOUTHWIDE BAPTIST jt news of eighteen other states. Nineteen Baptist Sunday Schools in Dallas, Texas, had a total attendance of 8,594 on a recent Sunday. Couwell’s Temple Baptist Church, Philadel phia, has just celebrated -the six thousandth delivery of Dr. Russell H. Conwell’s lecture, “ACRES OF DIAMONDS.” Dr. Conwell was presented with a purse of one thousand dollars. .At the end of each month, Dr. Con- well pays his bills and then gives away all he has left. His income from his lecture on diamonds has (proved it a diamond mine. Brains are worth mbre than stones. Take your state paper and SOOTHWIDE BAPTIST for news of eighteen other states. Missionary R. Cecil Moore and family will arrive in Valpariso, Chili, this week. The Brazilian Baptist Convention will be held at Rio Janeiro. Onr own Dr. W. E. Entzmenger is their best known leader in literary and editorial lines. Rev. Cndd H. Wary, a most energetic pastor, has accepted the church at LaGrange, Texas. “University Churches” are becoming deserv edly popular. The denomination is giving them enthusiastic support at Austin, Texas, Minneapolis, Minn., Chapel Hill, N. C., and Baltimore, Md, At the latter place the preacher par excellance. A. C, Dixon is the pulpit supply for four months. He is to sup ply while they call a pastor. We fear that those who come to be sampled will look a little cheap by the side of Dixon. It is not a good time to sell Brethren. During the twelve years precceding phohi- bitioD 125,000 drinking men were theated in Keely institutes in the West. Nearly all the institutes have now been closed because of prohibition. Does it prohibit? First Church Knoxville Tennessee is soon to begin work on its proposed $250,000 build ing. It will be so located as to serve both the University of Tennessee student body and the central down town section of the ciiy. Dr. Fred Brown is full of consecrated enthusiasm regarding it. A great university church in another state tried to win him away from Knoxville, but he will remain. The unique, John Dean, formerly fellow pastor with John Straton of New York, has accepted the pastorate of First Church, Pasa dena, California. Missouri Baptist Convention mot with the church at Mbbberly, E. V. Lamb, the pastor, became known and loved throughout the South while evangelist of the Home Board. His addresses on personal work are of real worth. They should be widely read. When Broadway Baptist Chur ch of Knox ville completes it contemplated educational building it will have one of the largest plant for religious wors in the state. The Baptist General Convention of Texas meets in Dallas next week. “Texans never for get Dr. Gambrell’s saying: “Texas Baptist Convention is twice as large as Southern Bap tist Convention of which it is a part.” Tremont Temple pulpit, Boston was filled during the entire month of November by Dr.' John W. Ham of Atlanta. Such self propelled and God propelled geniuses in ministerial suc cess as John W, Inzer jf Chattanooga, and John W. Ham of Atlanta, cause the preacher making brethren to gasp. Dr B. B. Bailey of Alexandria, Louisiana, has fallen asleep after a brief illness. Beauty and depth with clarity made his sermons like mountain lakes. They will be missed. Take your state paper and SOUTHWIDE BAPTIST for news of eighteen other states. Rev. ,T. J. Wester has resigned at Sinton, Texas, and accepted the church at Pearsal. Rev. Joe W. English, who has “more preach in him to the inches” than any man in West Virginia, has just concluded a ten days Bible school in his church at Elkins. El Doradd, Ark. Baptist church of which the editor was pastor a'few years ago, Is building a 1150,000 temple. The editor was in ElDorado while the contract was being drawn. That church has as noble a band of deacons as bless the earth. Thomasville. Georgia has a like loyal band. Dr. John E Briggs, pastor of the Fifth Baptist church, Washington, D. C,, continues to grow in power and usefulness in his great church. ' One hundred and four persons were baptized by him into the membership of the Fifth Baptist Church in the thirteenth year of his pastorate. The Sunday School averaged 760 for the year. At a recent meeting of the Columbian As sociation. Washington, D. C., it was decided to employ a Superintendent of Missions to work with, the Mission Committee in establishing Sunday schools and churches in different parts of the District of Columbia. ■R e t , B. P. Robertson. D. D., has clc^d his pestoral work at Paducah, Ky., and is now pursuing a special course of study in Atlanta. He is now open to call to another pastorate. Dr. Robertson has held some important pastorate in the South. Some good church ought to lay hands on him speedily. He may be addressed at 241 Pormevalt St.. Atlanta, Ga. Rev.’.A. T.,'Allen of Diiriington County, S. C., has accepted a call to the pastorate of the Edgefield, (S. C.) Baptist Church. He enter ed upon his new work last week. The Baptist World Alliance. The Baptist World Alliance has received a unanimous invitation from the Swedish Baptist Board to hold the third Baptist World Con gress in Stockholm in July, 1923, Those who were present at the European Baptist Con gress in Stocjiholm in 1913 have such delight ful memories of Swedish hospitality that they will look forward with eager expectations to a second visit. Baptists in Sweden are strong in numbers and influence, so that they are well able to entertain even the large number of delegates certain to accept the invitation. Stockholm itself will prove an irresistible attraction. It is easily accessible and is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and these facts will help to swell the attendance at the congress. Altogether, the third Baptist World Congress should surpass both its pre- dece.ssors in numbers, interest, and usefulness.. Baptist Work “Do Move.” Dr. R. J. Bateman, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Asheville, N. C., not only preaches to a packed house, morning and even ing, but also meets a large'audience of men in a Bible class at the Majestic Theatre every Sunday morning. Some of Dr. Bateman's recent sub;ects before his class have been Constructive citizenship” and “the Detective of the Soul. Visitors to the city who attend the meetings each Sunday at the Majestic have been heard to state that they have paid large admission fees to hear lectures that were not nearly sa good as the addresses delivered by Dr. Bate* man. The Sunday School of the First Baptist Church has grown to such numbers that, not only has Dr, Bateman's Bible class been crowd ed out of the church, but other classes of the school have been forced to secure other quar ters. You will hear of some big building enterprise going on at the First church some of these times. Baptist Affairs at Hollins, Va; Besides teaching the BibU course in Holjins College, Dr. Geo. Braxton Taylor is pastor of three of Virginia’s finest churches: -Enon, located near the college; Troutville, five miles away in a prosperous and growing railway town; Cove Alum, in a fine rural community. As might bo expected under such leadership kingdom work in Dr. Taylor’s field is going forward with speed. There was an imposing sight at Enon church • a few Sunday mornings ago, when the Fresh man class of Hollins College, 187 in number, attended services in bod'y. Next Sunday even ing the Junior Class will attend the services en masse. For about nine months, the Sunday School at Troutville has had an increase of 100 per cent in attendance over that of'last year. Cove Alum church, with but few ihore than fifty members, takes its stand in the ranks of those who are a,hundred per cent plus in pledges and gifts to the 75-Million Campaign. That fine little church not only over subscrib ed its quota in the campaign, but so far ha» overpaid its pledge to the campaign fund. Take the Southwide Baptist to get South wide Baptist news. That is the paper’s busi ness, to serve Baptist news to all the Baptists, Rev. A. E. McDowell, of Kingstree, S. (^. has entered upon his new pastoral work at Eustis, Fla;