Page a SOUTHWIDE BAPTIST Marshall Churches in Union Thanksgfiving' Service. Union Thanksgiving services were held in the Marshall Metho dist Church. Dr. W. E. Finley preached the sermon. Dr. Finley spoke as follows: ‘‘Fundamentals of prosperity ac cording to Roger Babson are to ibe found not only in big crops, •easy money, and such material things, but in those things which the Christian religion gives— faith, honesty, and trust. A chart religious conditions is made every time a financial chart is •Blade because jgood or bad times are preceded by great interest or little interest in religion. The President of Argentine when asked why tbeUniced States was more aduanced than Argen* -tine said “that the motive of the first settlers was the reason Argentine was settled by Span iards seeking gold and the Pil grims came'seeking God.” Abra ham shpwed faith and trust and honesty. We give thanks that our country has these fundament als of prosperity but while giving thanks let us cultivate them more and more.” Cream of Thought. By Amos Clary. It is the life, not the profession, which counts most for Christ. It is conduct, not creed, which weighs most on the scales of character. By training a fisherman may become as cultured and efficient as a lawyer in the service of God. The geographical center of a cultured Christian life lies in a loving, believing obeying heart. The church which is not zealous ly committed to an aggressive avangelistic missionary policy has not learned the first letter in the alphabet of duty. The church functioning through its public services and other organizations is a straight line between the. saving word and the needy soni, the shortest distance between the sinner and his salva tion. The church which has not re ceived a baptism of the Holy Spirit IS a powerless church. It may be wealthy and popular. Many another club is that. But a church must be more than a club. lemust be the container of divine life and power. 240 |v Reduction in Price on the New 1922 Mo del HUPMOBILE Now $13 8 5 Delivered in MARSHALL. ' Where, within $400 of the Hupmohile price will you find another car so well known for its economy, with repair cost so low, that lasts so lon^, and that brings such a ^ood figure when resold?, ^O0BE!m,l Local A^ent. “The Man” With The Lon^ Whiskers Is Coming Do Your Christmas Shopping Early. Clothing For The Whole i Family. / $S.OO Guaranteed Stetsons Only Rival Best Grade Heavy Domestic 3 jmrds to the lbs 15c yard. 25c Dress Ginghams 20c yard. Glendale Mills Best Drilling 173/f>c yard. Pilot Knob Coffee 4 lbs $1.00 It’s Fine j DLxie Crystals Fine Granulated Sugar. 7 cents per lbs 7. TOYS FOR THE YOUNGUN3 The Price Must Be Ri^ht R N RAMSEY FURMAN UNIVERSITY " GREENVILLE, S. C. Strong faculty. Excellent bulldlnd and equipment. Splendid student body. Delight ful climate. A. B., B. S. and LL. B. decrees. Pre-medical, Education and Law Courses. W. J. McGLOTHLlN. President. Card of Thanks. His Wife, Mrs. Frances Ebbs, his parents, brothers and sisters, hereby wish to express their very de§p appreciation to their friends for their kindness and heip dur ing the recent injury and death of Mr. T. B. Ebbs They appre ciate very heartily the many tokens of sympathy and the beau tiful floral tribute Presbyterian church. Sabbath School at 10 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M., every Sabbath. Prayer MeetiDg Wednesday 8 P. M. Everybody made welcome. J. N. ANDRE, Pastor.