SPILMANOGRAPHS WOBDS OF WISDOM By B. W. Spillman. There are a number, of people who talk first and think afterwards. They give advice about matters and get the facts later. After the Southern Baptist Assembly at Riage- crest, N. C., had been in operation ten years a pastor of one of the largest churches in the South wrote two columns in a Baptist paper urging the •establishment of a Southern Baptist Assembly ground. He outlined a plan by which it could be done. He described Ridgecrest with accuracy. But he had never heard of it—though the papers had been making announcements about it for jears. And now, behold, a distinguishd editor of one •of the leading daily newspapers of the South ■comes to the front with an editorial request that Ridgecrest, Montreat, and Blue Ridge se cure at times the same speakers. He expatiates at length on why this should be done. A postal card and a little patience waiting for a reply would have brought the information that this has been done for many years. -O— / At a verj sharp curve in a mountain road there is a sign having painted on it a skull and it are the words, “Just! Testament. cross bones. Under Around the Corner.” It is even so. We never know what is just around the corner. We go along the even tenor of the way thinking that all is well with a smoefh ; sea and a fair wind^ when suddenly a storm | breaks and rages in fury for a while. Then! The New Testament the Law of Christanity. By W. T. Connor, Professor of Theology Southwest Baptist Seminary. I have heard Dr. Gambrell tell how some great Catholic at the council at which the decree of papal infallibility was promulgated stood on a chair andjwaiving a piece of paper containing that decree above his head said: “Let the world go to pieces and we will re construct it on this paper “ In the last few years the world hais gone to pieces. It needs reconstructing on right principles. The only platform on which the world can be rightly reconstructed is the New Testament. It is our business as Baptists to see that the world is reconstructed on the basis of the New Testament. Somebody says: “What about the Old Testament? Is not that a revelation from God?” Yes; but it is preparatory.^ It leads up to the New. And there are some'subjects on which we find no help in the Old Testa ment; for instance, the church and its ordi nances The church is a New Testament institution. We get no help in understanding the church and its ordinances from the Old is not a matter of speculation, but of actual experience. We do not know this because we reasoned ourselves into believing it, but be cause we found it so when we exercised our faith in Christ as Saviour and Lord. The central thing in the New Testament is the redeeming grace of God mediated to us in Christ Jesus our Lord. The world needs this revolutionizing and reconstructing message. This message will reconstruct human society through and through. It is our business to see that the world gets this message. Seminary Hill; Texas. Again, somebody says: “What about our Articles of Faith? Are they not authoritative? No; not in the sense that the New Testament | is. They are only a convenient summary on some of the leading points of doctrines as to what we believe the New Testament teachef. PATCHED PROVERBS By Clifford A. Owens, Evangelist Home Mission Board. Wliat a tragedy to save time and lose eternity. Think often of your Master and>tbua learn to master your tooughls. A swearing man is seldom a wearing man. We that are weak beai the infirmities of the strong. If you lack inspiration, try your luck with perspiration. We manifest our liberality not set much by the amount we give as the amount we have left. Your lamp must be burning and the globe kept clean if you are to be a light in the world. The man who blows his own horn is that much like a mosquito. The faith that removes mountains is usually found opera'itig a sieatn shovel. People often make a “break” when they break the silence. If you dress “to be seen of men,” verily have your reward. you ""“iTfsl^ire^^rWif^ returned from ^! So we go to the New Testament for our final j Ks better to work and reason than to shirk great work and went up to Jerusalem. For six , and authorative statement of what Christ-j days he enjoyed the aelifhtful association of his j ianity is arid what Christians should believe | onnd’'our ow.n business friends and then a aang of liars got busy and I 3nd practice. The Old Testament gives I's Cphg ,,,30 ^ho slings mud” seldom has sand in the demons of le le ngi carnna ; .Judaism. Judaism is not Christianity, nor is' Ins craw. xo 0 j -now^ jus V .a is aioun j Christianity grows out' People who try to ' play the game” often get some time, the corner. —0- The Lord takes sriecial cove of babies ami idiots. If he did not their tribe would be de creased very rapidly. 1 was on a railway train recently and saw a mother give her baby a bana na. He ate a whole one. Then she gave him a bottle of Coca cola and he managed to make way with about half of it. The baby was nine months old, so the mother said. And he prob ably lived. God is wondrously good. A boy writing a composition on “Man.” fol lowing the lead of some modem instructors, wrote; “men and women both sprang from monkeys, but the women sprang further than the men,” This woman sprang the other way. No ape would have had so little sense about feeding a nine month’s old baby as this mother had. -0- Which reminds me that the late Dr. C. c. | One the au„hority of Christ, Brow'n, of Sou'll Carolina, profound philosopher! the other the authority of the New Testa- that he was. never said a truer thing than when! ment. We have one authority—the authority he Ivrote, “mo.st men spend the first fifty years | gf given us in the New Testament. There we find His mind and will for us. The authority of Christ as given us in the of Judaism, fulfills and completes it. But it discardes the forms and institutions of Judiasm and grows its own forms and insti tutions. The new wine is put into new wine skins. Why is the New Testament the law of Christianity? Because it gives us Christ, and Christ is Christanity. The New Testament gives us His life, His redemptive death and resurrection, His exaltation and promised return. It gives us the inspired interpreta tion of Christ and His redemptive work by the apostolic group. It gives us the record of their experience of God’s redeeming grace meditated to them through Christ and the record of the missionary impulse this ex perience gave to their lives. The authority of the New Testament then is the authority of Christ. We do not have worked.’ If you will take courage you can “come back ” If .sou are well .supplied with pluck, you need not, env.v .vour neighbor's luck. Observe rnv son. that “if” is in the middle and constitutes lialf of “life.” Do not let the heat of anger curdle the milk of human kindness. Sufi'er not the hand of dissipation to shake the sand in Ifime’s hour-glass. When pra,yer is not intense, it is often pre tense. of their lives digging their graves with their. teeth; and then spend the rest of their days trv-1 ing to dodge the hole they have dug. I New Testament does not enslave; it liberates. The General Board of Promotion of North ern Baptist Oonventioa reports that it faces a crisis: THE FACT ARE: First: Up to April 30, 1921 the total sub scriptions to the One Hundred Million Dollar Fund for the entire period, including estimated receipis of $4,000,000 from legacies, mai-ured annuities and income on invested funds, amounted to $2,527,191, or a little over one half of the total required to finance the pro gram of work outlined in the Surve.y. Second: The total amount reported as actually collected on account of the New World Movement from April 1, 1919 to October 31, 1921, or twoaiid one half years, is $19,903, 559 01- 39 per cent plus of the amount subs cribed. The reason that the percentage is Sevent.y five joined tne San Baptist Church as a result of the meeting. ' There is no greater mistake made bv modern that tlie receipts during the first Alarf-nss . ., , , ., i-p., .v,:j year of the period w ere not yet on the basis cT T. .Marti. ; mistake of i j, World Movement subscriptions. supposing that authority in religion is incon-j jpg inio.iisive campaign liaving been conducted sistent with freedom in religion. The absence- at the. close of that year. of authority is not freedom in religion, but The Fifth Avenue BniitisA Clmrch is pu^’ i to completion its one hundred !hou'-'''nd dr. house of worship The editor of SOUl'M' Wide baptist preached there last Sunda,\ to fine and spiritna| congregation. Thena^'o' Dr. J, L. Dance has that enthu.sinst.ic quietoe;v ,sub nission to rightful authority and the right- which keeps the great tasks ot the ciiuici ; ful authority over every soul is the authority going on, rapidly and smoothly. igf Jesus'Christ as our Sariourand Lord- This license. It is religious anarchy. And anarchy is worth no more in religion than it is in any other realm True freedom comes only by Third; The recei\)tsfor the first half of the current year. May 1 to October 31, 1921 have been $2,2-27,689 or 51 per cent of- the total collections for the same period last year. Fourth: Unless collections for the current year exceed the total for last year, more than one million dollars will piooably be added to the deficits .