% Im'i ^ f—i^_rt_i BLUE EIDGE BAPTIST. Wm. M. Lee, Editor. VOL. 3 NO. S-Z BAPTIST ClllIKCH: Preactiiiig evury second ami foiirtlii rsumlay, moniiiif; and eveuinf. Sunday ScJn.ul 10 A. .M. Prayer meetiiifi every Tluirsday eve. Rev. W. R. Brad.sliaw, I'astur. METHODIST CHPRCll: I’reacIling every lirst an.; ttiird Sun ^day morning and evening Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Prayer meeting every Tuesday evening.^ Rev. J. B. Tabor, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: Preaching every third and fourth Sun ^day, morning and evening. Sunday School 9:30 A. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday eve.' Rev. C. W. Robinson, Pastor. All are cordially invited to attend^ these services. DEVOTED TO RELIGION, EDUCATION AND TEMPERANCE. NOKTH WILKBSBOEO, N. 0.. MAY 21, 1903. D. W. Lee, Associate Editor and Monaecr. WEEKLY, 50c. A YEAR. PREMIUMS fOR^ -—BAPTIST WORKERS. Doubtless 110 iithui- Keligious paper in Western Carolina, has grown so rapidly as the Bine Ridge Baptist. Everyliody who sees and reads its contents has a good word to say about it. An easy matter to secure subscribers. Any body can easily obtain a valuable present. We make the following offers: For Two Subscribers-^- We vill mail von postage paid_,- Ooiiig to College,- Glows with the en thusiasm of a high ideal. We wish it could be in the Library of every High school, .Seminary and Academy in the land. Price -50c. Or JLikes and Opposites,- a han dy book for the speaker and writer Price 50c. Both of the above named books for only 3 subscribers. For Three Subscribers-*- We will mail y'ou, postage paid,- lOOO Mytbolog. Characters Briefly l>es- cribed, or lOOO Classical Charact ers Briefly Described, price of each 75c., or How to Study Literature. (Special for Literary Societies.) Price 75c. All three of the above named books for only 5 subscribers For Four Subscribers-^ Wh will mail you, postage paid, a copy of,How to Attract and Hold an Au dience.- Every man who speaks in public ■should have one, especially Clergymen. Well bound in cloth and retails for $1.00, or we will mail you either of the following if preferred at the same rate. Character Building,- inspiring suggestions. Price •■$1.00. What Shall I Do? 50 profi table occupations. Price $1.00. The Vir tues and Their Reasons. Eveiy day ethics for school and home Price $1 All four of the above named books sent free for only 10 subscribers. For Ten Subscribers-*- We will mail you free.- Interlinear New Testament (cloth)Price $4.00 or old Testament if preferred, price the same as New. Both the above Testaments foi only 15 subscribers. Every pastor should own these Testaments and your churches will gladly help you get them if you ask it. If you want all the above named books, send us only 30 subscribers. Now is your chance to get you a nice, val uable book or even a Library with very little effort on your part and at the same time be helping a good cause. Old subscribers taken the same as new provided all arrears are settled. All subscribers thu taken must be for one year at 50c, paid in advance. Every body’s shoulder to the wheel while this offer holds good. Address: BLUE RIDGE BAPTIST, No. Wilkesboro- The Lewis’ fork Baptist Association. In my former article I referel to the Reg ulators War. Personal aversion to this sub ject in youth caused neglect to get and to keep valuable information. The,Regulators war had its origin in a proper prf test against the unjust .charges made against the people by the public officers who held commissions from the Governor and he from the King of England. As heie to fore .stated the effort was n ade to tax the jieople to support the establishment. This was On the counties of Orange, Rowan. Granville and Anson in par ticular and all the province in general. The battle was fought at Alamance creek near where I now live, on May 16, 1771. On the 22, of the same month, the victorious Tryon camped on the waters of Sandy creek and fed down the fields of growing grain, laid hands on cattle, grain, teams, men and, after quartering these to his heart’s content, mov ed his army to the next Baptist Church, the Jersey settlement, and laid them bare. As my eyes look over the Sandy creek grounds once every month, I instinctively survey the sorrows of Elder Shubal Stearns, and when I stand by his grave say, if your eyes could have seen what mine now see and your ears had only hi-ard what mine now hear—But God gave you a rest as it is written, there remaineth therefore a (sabbath) Rest to the people of God. At last after 132 years of peace, we have erected a memorial cbayiel a- bout like the present New Hope church near the spot where they buried him.-‘Blessed are Gieueail who die iu the Lord from hence forth; yea, sayeth l.he Spirit that they may rest from their lobors, for their works follow with them.” (Am. Revision). His death oc curred Nov. 21, 1777—six months after his flo,;k had fled. “The cause of this dispersion,” writes Mor gan Edw'ards, who at the time registered a- mong the Quakers, “was the abuse of power which too much prevailed in the province and caused the inhabitants at last to raise up 111 arms and fight for their privileges but being routed May 16 1771, they dispaired of seeing oetter times and therefore quitted the province. It is said that 1500 families have departed since the battle of Alamance, and, to my knowledge, a good many more are only waiting to dispose of their plantations in order to follow them. This is to me an argument that their grievances were real not- with-standing all that has been said to the contrary.” The Little River church, in Montgomery county, suffered in the same way. The church at Uwharrie was blotted out and some one or more moved in a body west of the Brushies or to Tenn. Major Joe Morehead in his Address on James Hunter pays these Baptists this tribute;- “As to the Baptists, democratic and ever loyal to the people, then as now they were of and for the people. Argument in their fa vor would be like defense of a pure woman against whose character there had never aris en suspicion. The recorded, unvaried and bitter fulmination of Tryon and of the rec tors of the church of England against the Baptist settlers conclusively their honorable positions, and would be subsequent apolo gists or others cannot detract from it.” We thank Major Morehead for this his unsolicit ed view of a people among whom he has never saugnt an identity. Often in personal conversation on the streets Major Morehead says there never has been a question about you Mountain Baptists. Their sufferings must have been very great for they w'eie in many cases obliged to wait for more than a year for any crop of their own planting, but amid it all they preached and heard the gospel, and, clasped hands from time to time. .. The pathetic meeting of the senior McGlamery with his pastor brethren from the Virginia side of the Kehu- kee Association about this time was pathetifi. These brethren, after years of separation, met at the visit of Elder Meglamre to the Yadkin churches. Theirs was not the only separation. In some instances the family name was changed, in some it was varied for the better protection afforded from a death on Tryon’s gallows. Meetings were hold and churches organized but their doings were matter of memory and not matters of record. Associations ernvened but the min utes were not cammitted to print, if indeed they were reduced CO writing and this had its origin iu due Baptist regularity. It hud always been so. Our adversaries say we have no history, that is, a history that extends into antiquity. We can say the law of Presumption places the burden a proof on you. Our antagonists have deshoyed our history and the burden of proof shifts to the'Spoliator. Restore to ns our torn and tattered records; gives us back our broken and violated doors, take yonr stock from our trampled and wasted fields, give ns our dead to life again, and we can show as rich possessions as the w‘orld has ever known, with houses and lands, hus bands and wives, brothers and sisters, gran aries and barns, pulpits and Bibles, Church es and Associations, and Bible Church ordet. —W. H. E. Greensboro, N. C. DEAR MOTHER. Mother, dear mother I am weary and lone. For I am thinking to-day of the years that have flown. ?;nce I drank in tbe smiles of a mother’s calm face. Who taught me to trust in the spirit of grace. How different and cold this world now seems. My life is passing like trouble and dreams. Dark clouds often gather and thunder above me roar. That makes me keep longing for the Ever green shore. The trees are now robed in their beauteous For now thou art happy, no trials or fears. No kneeling in sorrow, to offer thy prayers, For thou hast gained heaven, never more to roam. Mother, I’m glad that thou hast entered a home. Caroline Saunders, Virgil, N. C. Mrs. Saunders’s mother has been dead many years, but she has not forgotten her. You who have lost mothers can understand the above sentiments; you who have not lost a mother, take warning from the above lines and love mother more dearly while she is yet living, and strive to make her more comfort able by letting her know that you do love her.—Ed. array. And the roses are blooming as lovely as day. The fields are all garland over with green, And the soft clouds float over in their bright silver sheen. Yet they seem not so lovely nor calm as of yore, For the beauty that dazzled and charmed me before. Has been seared and blighted and caused to pass away. Since then my own mother was taken away. Mother, sweet mother, I long to be there, And to clasp thy dear hands in that laud so fair, And gather the flowers that immortal grow, And listen to the music that forever flows. To walk by that River that fountain of Life That has so often cleansed their poor heart of strife, To behold their bright tide that has never known death. And it hastens along still, to gladden this earth. Mother, dear mother, those fields thou hast seen, Which we leani are forever immortal and green. Thou hast sat beneath the shaiies of the Paradise trees, And inhaled the sweet balm of their heavenly breeze. Although my dear mother, I am so sad and lone; And I’m thinking of joys that now have flown. Yet, I would not, dear mother, call thee back, oh no! To wrestle with sorrow, temptation and woe. THE 6ABBATH DAY. I hope you will not think me an extremist. Each commandment that God has given us is given for us to obey. I am not astonished to see the many misfortunes that befall us as a people. I earnestly believe there is no commandment in the Bible that is held any less sacred than the commandment about how we should keep the Lord’s day. Read Exodus, chapt. XX. In this chapter you will find what God says about it. In this chapter yon will find that we should not kill. We think that to kill our fellow man is a high crime. Some of US can do a great many things on the Holy day and not think it any crime. 1 think we people look at a crime less and lar ger. Does the Lord look at sin as we do? How did you feel when you went over on the Sabbath day to see your neighbor about doing that hauling, that harvesting, plow ing or some other work, or you wanted to see if you could buy his horse or his cow? You might not have thought any harm. I think we Baptists ought to guard our wnys, I think we would do well to leave off many things that we have been doing. 1 will not mention the many items that we perform on the Holy day contrary to God’s will. If you do not know what they are, 1 hope you may seek to find out. I would be glad to hear from any one who wishes to write on this subject. A reader of the Baptist, Miss Elrnah Settle. Benhani. N. C. AMBITION. Biblical Recorder. An old story tells about Phaeton, vrho wished to drive the chariot of Phoebus, his father, the snn-god. At school the boys made fun of him because he said he was the sou of a god. He went to the temple of Apollo, and pleaded that some sign might be given in order that th>i world might know that he was the son of a god. He asked that he might drive the chariot of the sun only for one day. The old god tried to put him off with something less, but he persisted. The chariot was brought to him, and the horses, whose nostrils breathed fire, were harnessed to the chariot. The old sun said, “Be careful; I wish you had not asked to drive this char iot. The road is steep in front of the day, and it descends in a frightful precipice at the end. Be very careful that you keep the track.” He seized the reins, jumped into the chariot, and the horses, breathing fire, felt they had a new driver, and went, (;lt as they had ne'er done before. 'J’he track was lost, and the earth was neariy bi.rned np. Ltis falLor pleaded with .Jupiter that with one of his thunder-bolts he would unseat his stupid and foolishly ambitions son. Jove then threw a th’iuderbod at the lad, who fell down. Do not imitate Phaeton, and be ambitious for wrong things. Ask God to fill yon with Hit- love, and that will keep your ambition iu the right way.