NOTIGEI Just Received A fresh lot of groceries of all kinds which we are selling as low |as any First class Grocery-man in Town. A big lot of FIRST GRADE Flour which we guarantee to give our customers satisfaction. Try some of it and be convinced. We can sell you as cheap as any one. We also have a nice line of Canned goods of all kinds just received which are all fresh aod good—Tomatoes, Cora, Peaches, Syrup, Jellies, Jams etc. We ALSO KEEP Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Lard and /Vnythm^ ElSCyou need, so give us a call. We only want a PART of your trade and we feel you will give us our part of it. REME.MBER we are your friend and promise to do all iii our power to please and satisfy you. A Bi$ Lot of home-made Molasses just in. We deliver goods to all. W9ntvour Butter, Eggs and Chickens at HIGHEST Market price. Yours for honest Dealings, WARD »Some men are wise and do great deeds. But none are so wise as the man who reads— This, That and the Other Prof. W. R. Hendren gave us a pleasant call Tuesday. Mr. Hendren was assistant teacher in the school at East Bend conducted by Rev. J. J. Beach. Mr. Hendren informs us that one of the most successful sessions of the school closed last week. Phone to us at 84. We are also special authorized Local, advertising and subrcription agents for this paper. Don’t go to sleep when you are so near a fortune-ktep on trading with Wan) Bros, and you will soon save many a dollar. See announcement on last page. For the Anxious Reader, when The Mind Invites Itself. :»»! Commencement of Blue Ridge Institute will be held in New Era Hall to-night, to-morrow and to-mor row night. Mrs. Rev. J. F. Fletcher, of Jeff erson, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. R. Absher, of this place, not her sister, as was stated in last issue Mr, J. W. Dyer, county Coronor, was in town Tuesday on business. Dr, H. F. Baity, who has been as sisting Dr. Hauser, of this place, is off to Cooleemee, Salisbury and other points on professional duties. Rev. Mr. Hater, of New Jersey, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church Sunday and Sunday night. Rev. J. B. Tabor occupied the pul pit in the Baptist church iu Wilkes- boro Sunday night. Mr. Eugene Billings, student of Davidson Medical College, is clerking in Dr. Horton’s Drug store during vacation. Misses Lilly Sandefer, Stella and Maud Bower, Jefferson. N. C., are visiting Miss Lilly’s sister, Mrs. John Hollers, of this place. Mr. W. E. Lewis is visiting friends in the Eastern part of the State for a few weeks. Mr. Norman Dancy, of Whitting ton, N. 0., was in town Tuesday on business. Don’t forget Commencement Ex ercises. Annual Sermon by Dr. H. A. Brown, Winston. N. C., and tlie Annual Address by Hon. R. Z. Lin- ney, Taylorsville, N. C. The Chicago Glee Club exhibited a very enjoyable display of their ex ercises in New Era Hall on last Thursday night. Every body .seemed very jovial, and must have enjoyed the occasion. An Educational Campaign. There will be a meeting at or near Healing Springs church, Ashe coun ty, on May 30, and 31, to discuss the subject of a school of high grade in that section. The Rev. A. E. Brown, Assistant Secretary of the Baptist State Con vention will be present and address the meeting on Saturday the 30, inst and will preach at Healing Springs church on Sunday the 31. It is Mr. Brown's intention to re main one week in the county in the interest of education especially, and also the mission work of the Bap tist State Convention, and he will ad dress the people at the following places, at 11 o’clock each day: Pleasant Home Church. Monday, June Isn Landmark Church, Tuesday, June 2nd. Windfall Church, Wednesday, June 3rd. Clifton Church, Thursday, June 4th. Forest Home Church, Friday, June 5th. Beaver Creek Church, Saturday, June 6th. Jefferson Church, Sunday, June 7th. A full attendance of every class or denomination desired. Phone or write Smoak Bros.. No. Wilkcsboro, N. C., for prices on flour, bran, ship, stuff, meal and hay. They are brokers for the best mills in the H nited States, and can make it to your interest te> do bus iness with them. “Money saved is money made.” Send your orders to Smoak Bros., No. Wilkesboro, N. C.. for fat backs, lard, etc. It will richly pay you to do this. They are brokers for the best packers, and you save the middle-man profit. Grout! Grout!! Grout!!! Special crout day on Sat. call now as we are closing out what we have at a low price, W. A. McLean. See the New ad of J. L. Hobbs, which appears on third page. Mr. Hobbs will treat you right and wants a reasonable amount of your trade. For the best brands of Fertilizer go to J. L. Sydner. Feed Stuffs of all kinds at J. L. Sydnor’s If you ha^'e produce to sell, take it to A. B, Williams and Co.—See their ad m this issue. FLOWER Seeds 200 varieties. 2 packages for 5c. DONT BEAD THIS Unless 3'ou are looking for bargains in Wagons, Buggies, Snrrits.Pbae- tons, Harness, Bridles, Harrows, Mowing Machines. Rakes, Land Rollers, Delivery Carts and Drayes, Axle Grease and Vehicles of every kind and make, farming iinplinients etc. ever offered on the North wilkesboro market. We vvaut yonr trade, and if yon will take the trouble to examine our stock we will get it, for yon are just like other people—“waiit the best you can get for as little moneyas possible—^’'that is the vvay we buy and that is tlie way we sell. We are sole agents on this market for the sale of I^ok and Lincoln Wagons, beyond all question the best and lightest running wagons on wheels. Examine these wagcnis carefully and compare with the very best wagons you ever used or ever saw and then give us your opinion of the Look & Lincoln. Yon can’t be disappointed in this wagon, it is a high price wagon but is unquestionably the best wagon made. We also sell the “Virginia” wagon, made in South Boston, ^ a. a low price wagon, but a wagon that is w'orth every cent we charge you for it. This wagon is .50 per ct. better than the “Virginia’ that have been sold ot] this market. We also handle the Babcock Buggies, the Barooni Buggies, the Rock Hill Buggies. Lyson k Jones Buggies, the Anchor Buggies. Our Barbom Buggies can’t be beat at the price. Come and see what bargains we have to offer. It will pay you. Smoak Brothers, Hendrix Building, North Wilkesboro, N. C. P. S. To The Merchants: We are brokers for the best Meat Packers and Flour Mills of the country. Give us your orders, we can sell you as cheap as as the largest merchants can buy. Mayberry & Myers has a lot of clothing they wrill sell 25 per ct. less than first cost. Horton’s Drug Store is talking Ice Cream and Cold Drinks in this issue. See changi) in ad. To see the change in Doiighton’s ad., look on second page of this paper. You will find anew ad. on this page which you must read. You will do well to call on Smoak Bros, and get their prices. $1 50 and $2.00 Ladies and Miss ■ es shoes at Mayberry & Myers mark ed down to 50 aod 76cts. MARKET REPORT. —CORRECTED WEEKLY BY— W. A. McLBAN North Wilkesboro, N. C. 00000000 Meal •I'O to 80c bu Corn - 65 to 70c bu Oats 50 to 60c bu Sweet Potatoes, dull,.- 60c bu Irish Potatoes - 50 to 6oc bu Onions 60 to 70c dn Wheat 90to95ebu Eye 80 to 85c bu Lard, home made 12ic lb Lard, shipped 10 to 11c lb Tallow.-.. 4 to 5c lb Beeswax.. - _ 22 to 25c lb Chickens -8 to Sic lb Chickens, Spring growth, Butter - 13 to 15c lb Honey, strained 9 to 10c lb Honey, sourwood comb... 11 to 12|c Eggs 10^ to 12c doz Feathers, new — 35 to 40c lb Hides, dry - H to 12c lb Hides, green 6c lb Wool, washed 20 to 25c lb Apples, dry 3 to 4c lb Grout .1.-.- lie lb LUMBER Poplar 1 & 2 $18 to $20 M Commons, clear saps.-lO to $11 M Walnut, 1 & 2 $35 to $40 M Cherry, 1 & 2 $30 to $35 M Rejects - $15 to $20 M Good Oak and Chestnut in demand Prices according grade. Prices good for all kinds of good lumber. THE OPERATES Double Daily Trains Carrying* Pullman Sleepers-, Cafe Cars (a la carte) and Chair Car^ (seats free). Electric Lighted Thrwghout Deposit & Savings --BANK— Next Door to Post Office North Wilkesboro, N. G. W. F. TROGDON, Pres. W. M. ABSHER, Vice Pres. H. 0. ABSHER, Cashier. F. D. HACKETT, Sec. & Atty. CflPiTflIi STOCK PAID IH $10,000.00 General Banking Department Lends money on good security, pays out money on checks or drafts and does a general banking business the same as any other bank. Receives money on de posit subject to check, and asks business men and others lor a share of their de posits and business. Savings Bank Department. This department of the Deposit and Savings Bank provides a safe and profit able place for the earnings and savings of all persons in either small or large a- mounts, and money will be received at the Bank from 9 o’clock a. m. to 12 o’clock noon and from 1 o’clock p. m. to S o’clock p. m. daily and on Saturdays from six to seven o’clock p. m. Men, women and children may make deposits for tliemselves or others. Married women and children have ab solute control of their deposits and no one can get their money without their consent. Which will you adopt and teach your children to adopt the habit of spending or the habit of saving. Every boy and girl, every man and woman is today form ing a habit of either spending or saving. The spending liabit leads to momemary pleasure, lasting regrets and to an old age embittered by the pangs of poverty. The saving habit gives assurance for the present and the promise of future prosperity a comfort in sickness and old age. The first dollar saved is but an incident. The second dollar saved starts a haoit that will lead to wealth. Each dollar you put at interest helps to earn the next dollar. Bring your savings to the Deposit and Saving Bank—it will safely lend your money and pay you four per cent com pound interest on every nickel you save. Ever boy or girl who habitually saves five cents a day will have several hundred dollars to start him or her in life when of age. The savings fund department of the Depositaud Savings Bank, Nortli W’ilkes- boro, N. C., receives deposits in very small amounts and pays four per cent, combound interest. Interest compound ed every four months. The Child Who receives an early training in s.aA- ing small amounts will acquire a li.abit that will make it natural and easy to save larger amounts in later years. The Clerk Wlio saves oO cents a week will sooij have him a fund that w'iil start him. a business of liis own. The clerk who save, nothing will always be a clerk. The Mechanic W’ho saves one dollar a week can be come his own boss in a few years. BETWEEN Blrmlni-ham, Memphis and Kansas City AND TO ACL POINTS IN Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Territorle.s AND THE Far West and Northwest THE ONLY THROUQH SLEEPING CAR LINE BETWEEN THE SOUTHEAST AND KANSAS CITY Descriptive literature, tickets ar ranged and through reservations made upon application to W. T. SAUNDERS, Gcm-i. Aet. Pase. Dipt. OR P.E.CLARK, Trav.Pass. Ast.. Atiartai Ga. W. T. SAUNDERS Gan'l Agent P«sssngei> Oepartmant ATLANTA, GA, The Business Man Who keeps a savings account separate from his business bank ocoount and de posits $2.00 a week in the savings fund department of the Deposit and Savings Bank will be. amazed to see how quickly he will have a good sized balance against a rainy day. The Deposit and Savings Bank Has your money insured against loss, guarded day and night, pays interest and pays you back your money any day you want it, If you leave it about your house it may be stolen or burned.