E CARKY IN STOCK A ,, FULL LINE OF— J Taney Groceries The HENRY-TERRY GO. -^WHOLESALE PRODUCE^ Groceries Dry Goods and Shoes The Ladies are Especially Invited to Gall on Us for-^ -^EVERYTHING TOR THE TABLE.^ FANCY CALIFORNIA ORANGES, LEMONS. BANNAS and FRUITS. ERESH seeded Raisins and Currants for Puddin^s-Reduced from 15c. to 10c. per lb. ERESH Roe Shad and Mullets every Sat. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. The HENRY-TERRY COMPANY. PHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY and PROMPTLY AT TENDED TO COOL DRINKS! NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. ^"^saaEraca3Ht2sacsac83EaocaiarataQ Everything New, Clean, Up-to-date? Yours to serve. Dou^hton’s Drug Store. Dr. W. A. Berry, Pharmacist, in Charge. I'"I^OUR! FLOUR! Buy "CERESCO" The BEST Made, for sale at -^J. li. HOBBS.-^ PRICE PER 25LB. BAG .65c. Baking Powders 10c. cans for 5c. Uorii 3c. per can. The nicest meat and lard always in stock. I mill sell vabious other things at cost. Come to see me before buying elewhere, for I will treat you right. YOURS TO PLEASE. J. L. LIOT3T3S, North Wilkesboro, N. C. ^0 ^dvQTtisQ ^00 Sometimes we almost believe that we do, but the CROWD OF AP PRECIATIVE CUSTOMERS that comes after each announcement convinces us that Our AdvertiseuiGuts Have a Permanent ^^Pl9Ge in Public Econemy.-&- IVhen you buy of us you get the best on the market in flour, meal meat sugar coffee, syrups, jellies, shoes, glassware. Tinware, and most everything kept in a First Class Grocery Store. Come again, We are always glad to see yon N. w. SUPPLY COIVIPflfiY, J. L. IWflpLOW, HlflflflGEp. (continued from 1st page-) We have not only todeal with the saloon, but we are dealing with the saloon in order to reach the drink evil. When we shall have eliminated the saloon from the situation, we must address ourselves to the more diffi cult task of enforcing the law and alleviating the condition of drunk ards and drinkers. This task calls for all the courage and wisdom and pa tience that is in men. I have literature on hand, model constitutions, a tract describing the Anti-Saloon League, copies of the Prohibition Year Book, and lists of Temperance tracts which I send out wherever desired. I am flnding it difficult to get an accurate list of the towns in North Carolina in which liquor is sold by license. I will thank the reader of this article if he will inform me by postal card, whether the town in which he lives has saloons or not. If every one pre sumes that every one else will attend to this request, I shall receive no answers. On the other hand, if every one presumes that no one else will answer this request, I shall be happy in the possession not onB' of my in formation, but of a list of temper ance men and women, whom I may count upon to take pains for the work. We must proceed to the organiza tion of Anti-Saloon Leagues imme diately. If we shall have a great con vention this summer, we must begin to work now. It is not one moment too soon to begin our work of gett iiig up petitions tor elections under the Watts Act. and of formally organiz ing our forces. The elections should take place in September or October. I wish here to invite the public men of North Carolina to come to the aid of this cause. We have held back out of politics, in order that men might come into this work against onr common enemy without breaking party ties. There are in politics in North Carolina many able nien who have stood consistently on the side of temperance and against the saloon- These men can now per form a great service to their party and their State and all humanity by giving us their aid. I hope that the ministers in every town in North Carolina in which liquor is sold, either lawfully or unlawfully, will meet withiu the next ter days and lay the foundation for formal organ ization. In every case I entreat them to report to me. J. W. BAILEY, Manager. Minutes Wanted. Will some brother send me copies of the Taylorsville Association from 1853 to 1858. And will some other brother send me the minutes of Lewis’ Fork Association from 1863 to 1869 inclusive, also the United Baptist Association 1864,1865,1867, 1869 and 1870. I also want Lower Creek Association 1854, 1856-7-8-9. Who will send them. My thanks are due brethren W. R-* Beach, W. C. Meadows, B. F. Eller, W. G. Fairchild, Irvin McNeil, J. F. Fletcher and R. C. Eller for favors. W. H. Eller. Greensboro, N. 0. Don’t go to sleep when you are so near a fortune-keep on trading with Ward Bros, and you will soon save many a dollar. See announcement On last page. Phone or write Smoak Bros.. No. Wilkesboro, N. C„ for prices on flour, bran, ship, stuff, meal and hay. They are brokers for the best mills in the United States, and can make it to your interest to do bus iness with them. “Money saved is money made.” Send your orders to Smoak Bros., No. Wilkesboro, N. C., for fat backs, lard, etc. It will richly pay you to do this. They are brokers foi- the best packers, and you save the middle-man profit. Mayberry & Myers has a lot of clothing they will sell 25 per ct. less than first cost. Horton’s Drug Store is talking Ice Cream and Cold Drinks in this issue. See chaiige in ad. To see the change in Doiighton’s ad., look on second page of this paper. You will find a new ad. on this page w'hich you must read. Yon will do well to call on Smoak Bros, and get their prices. $1 50 and $2.00 Ladies and Miss es shoes at Mayberry & Myers mark ed down to 50 and 76cts. If you have not done so, yon should visit Doughton’s Fountain for cold drinks and ice cream; If you ha veal- ready done so, you should not give up a good thing. Anything in the Grocery, Dry Goods or Hardware line can be bought at the lowest prices at A. M. McGee’s. Go to J. L. Marlows for good gro ceries. Mayberry and Myers has nice Spring goods. Umbrellas, all kinds, Straw hats, Shirts and ties. Shoes etc. Best values in clothing ever carried, Ceresco Flour—the best made. 65c. per quarter bag.—.J. L. Hobbs. Meat, Chickens, eggs and all kinds of produce. Pure leaf lard. .—J. L. Hobbs. Fresh Roe Shad and other fish on ice every Sii-tui day.--Henry Terrv Co^, NOTICE. North Carolina Wilkes County:- -To Matilda Chambers, take notice at a Land sale for delinquent tax made by John H. Johnson Sheriff, on the 7th. day of April 1902, I became the purchaser cb your land and unless redemption of said land is made by the 19th. day of June 1903, I will apply to the Sheriff for a deed to the same. M. D. Byrd. This March 19—1903. Fancy California Oranges and Lemons at the Henry Terry Co. Candies, Raisins, and figs at i the usual prices. Nice Eastern N. C. Cabbage just received at Henry Terrv Co. READING NOTICE. On the first and third Tuesdays of April, May and June the Frisco Systeni (Saint Louis & San Fransisco Railroad! will have oh sale reduced one way and round trip tickets from Birmingham. Memphis and Saint Louis to points in Arkansas, Misouri, Oklahoma, Indian Territory and Texas. Write W. T. Saunders, G. A., P. D., Frisco System, Atlanta, Ga., for information. YOU KNOW NOTHING IS MORE DELIGHT- ful than a Clean Shave by a first class Barber. All up-to-date hair cuts done neatly atid quickly. Why not PATRONIZE ME? I’ll do my Best to PLEASE You, Yours to serve, U. G. Russel. At Doughtin’s Drug Store. iV iRIOER AGENTS WANTED in each town to take orders for our new High Grade Guaranteed Bicycles. M^w,S903 Models ‘*BeUise,^^ Complete $8m7S " Qossack/* Guaranteed High Grade $10.78 SikerSaii/* A Beauty $12,78 ** fiBUdovlf Bo ad Racer $14,78 no better bicycle at any price. Any other make or model you want at one-third usual price. Choice of any standard tires and best equipment on all our bicycles. Strongest guarantee. We SHIP ON APPROVAL C. O. D. to any one ■without a cent deposit and allow |0 DAYS FREE TRIAL before purchase is binding. 500 Second Hand Wheels ^4 . 0A taken in trade by our Chicago retail stores, UU 10 wO all makes and models, good as new...., Fia NflT RIIV 5 bicycle until you have wrlten for our & (Tiei ™wl DUI factory prices and free trial offer. 1 i/ In goods of all kinds, at half regular price. V in our big bee su-i^y catalog, tontains a world of useful information. "Write for It. J. L. iOD CYCLE CO., Chieago, III. Jlisheo^ T(2 YFARS^ -‘There never was a time,” said a speaker recently, “when men were more willing to help and work for other men, and showed a deeper, a greater consideration for them than at the present time. If these things are not religion, what is?” These are the results of centuries of Christian indoctrination. They are not the vine, but the grapes which we gather from the vine. The gospel is rooted in doctrine, and if we are satisfied to gather the fruit, which is just now hanging in rich clusters, and neglect the vine, we shall soon have barreu- ness and blight.—Religions Herald CHOCTAW, OKLAHOMA & GULF R. R. Combines the Advantages of Eastern Service with the Opportunities of a VVestern Country ... DIRECT LINE ... Memphis to Little Rock, Hot Springs, Indian and Oklahoma Territories, Texas, Col orado, New Mexico, Arizona, Old Mexico and the Pacific Coast WIDE VESTIBULED TRAINS PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPING OARS PULLMAM TOURIST SLEEPING CARS FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS F. 0. lUCKMAN, T. P. A., Etittatoogi, Ting. BEO. H. LEE, S. P. & T. A., Littli Rock, Arkonut.