0. V-.A4 ■ ‘/■n c ■) - \ •I THE BAPTIST MESSENGER. . ‘:' • / ' f*ubiished ^Semi-Monthly by -V. ■.( REV.* G. J. BLACK. ■ . . 1 ..• : ^ Subscription ^rice, ,50q per Year. /Entered at the postoffice at Win gate,' a^*^ second-class mail matteri ■iv. 'The mooiishjne::business in Stanly -)■ county is, getting bad shape. It does hot enjoy the’ sympathy it once had. ? There .Jias bebn almost a dozen stills upi this \^nter, arid we trust ev- ' , V 1 eiyone may ^e found and destroyed. , ’ iNothing holds' Stanly county down-so ; - *-much as this pernicious brisin /long to see the day when all • t comers; of the county may- b^ sr- an^tbtf^ brought ovf^r'to Christ. As - can not. say/that they hire for"'They do;;ioV care for _ "'' . .i good.' Let every man,'Woman and t’? , 'child ^ork and pray for the exterm- ,- : 'Jiriatiori oi this devilish business. When ' it is gone, we feel sure that Stanly ' ' will become a Christian county as ■, -r .; , solidly as any-in the State. ■ . 1 hf hist rom arid 'r - ..? ■■ £>^'P>s^he >nd jldeath rare'on every ;/^V«?&dU^hy^;::;iTi:;giveTwo Jasons; we ea*' too much. / ^ve /^ '^more common sefise.Wboptjeeding our “Tolaod 'Chiga pi^''thari‘ we'do our- A Brief History of the Mt. Reifant ^ : - Sunday School, i ^ Previous to its organizatitfs,;^ - Stallings located one milejntirt of Mt. Pleasant. f 1 There was not a Baptist h oT Mt. Pleasant at this time. |Mit lings being of the Bapti^ fai^l tended services ,:at Missicm church, which was seven n{ile^|«T him home. He was convfert^ he and his Wife wer^ uniteJ wi^l ^ church at .Mission and wer| b^ Ized the. first Sunday in, September) 910. During this time, Bro. f Stsdi ngs, father of Bro. Franklin Stalling!, lo cated near his son. They |eelinj im pressed by the Holy Spiriti orgagized a Sababth school the fifthjsuriday in September, 1910. This o^%aniz£^on, The first Baptist Sabbath ^h&of pi or near Mt. Pleasant, .was organized in small cottage owned by Mrs.'ji. A /iseriheimer, near th;-' home oj_;Bro '. C. ^Stallings. In the first meating Jro. Franklin Stallings opened .the jon and Bro. T. C. Stalling's IdL in irayer. The next duty upon 'as to elect officers and teaeliej Bro. T. C., Stallings was. chos«'|asi first superintendent; Franklin • lings, assistant, arid R. E. StowAWas elected secretary and treasurer, phis school, organized with twerity-seven scholars, continued one year wi hout any church organization. During this, time Rev. Dani Morris came and preached for. . and->baptized thre;? candidates, Ithri "Baptist faith'the fourth Su 'in April, 1911. The bjdinancei^as administered near, the co®age was then being used for Siftday school, much water being^ fouif ' thalk.place. These ^ white persons bapti" WINGATE STUDENTS REN- - DER A GOOD PROGRAM spoke exceedingly well. In fact, we were surprised at the ease with which they handled their subject. After the debate a nice play was giv en by the* boys and girls of the school. We do not, remember just how many, but several of^them were in it. : They did well, reflecting much Oredit upon [nment indid Som*€f Perplexin'g Problems of th«' Country Pastor. (Continued from Second Page.) . The country- pastor has the., game problems to contend wittl in frying to keep the Sunday schooT alive and go- .' ing. The membership Is usually scat- , tered over, a community of several miles arourid the church, from one- to ? five miles distant, and with such con- ^ ditioris I have'not found, it possible te- keep a live Sunday-school simply ( ' On Friday evening, February 12, a splendid program was rendered by the students of Wingate'school. The entire program was; fine, but the main feature of it was a debate and a play. The debate was' by two boys from each society, nairiely, Brady Burley- son and Ceo^^rry, from the Philo- - sophian; jjBp.Garroll and , Brooks ^jjg irriegjilar attendance- - Liles, froiSj^he Gladstone. • They and pupils. The iri'tro-,; duction of the graded system of les^ sons in some of our schools is a fine _ thing, indeed, where you can have teg-,^ ^ ular attendance, but otherwise.it i» a -j. failure, > because ‘you caimot keep', a - ■ graded work class iiftere unless yotl ■rs and the-.y>.,—o organize meritioriiug 1 favo_ vbcal and I goodly nu igiven by real intelb -*wo others^ 1 .g^itbusias! _--g was vw-w.) . . g stairt' *i^s^.Qsee Long- ' ilass by M: rothy Lowrey was exceedingly fine/?ifiie istfumental music was very dood also. This was, the mid-term en tertainment. ■ The next will be com mencement proper. How^ . fast the months go by. It does jiot seem long, but hdw much can be accom- plished in eight' weeks. The st^ dents have done exceedingly well this year; now Jor the last pulL 'We are planning great things .for the com- fng year, . We long to see.ihis School 4-X'-nAriA in -mir Rfate. ' W-e are hl^ regular ;atten- »./true' rof'T the sA.l.yojr^—■ lost auspicious jtanceS With S [uler members I and girls^wit: tide, and .everyr-' endidly, but owing il slush; the: ne^i' failure as to fet-; f-. S’ tendarice. ThfeTW^eS discpuro^ment\ to the few.present!aritt the next-mo^. ing is called off entirely for^e reason; These ar? some of the ^ ***v.«w • j : lems arid perplexities of the country- pastor. Such conditions are not pres- ent with the town"and city pastor. In these pastorates fhe bulk ,of tho mem- . bership live'within walkitfe , distance - of the church; with paved strjiifts ana, ,mg year,. ..» —p v„ , ceriient walks, :4d ,^.ose_ -who do. riot, second to'none inuur.Stat^ 'We are so'dose as ffi.mako it conyemcnti; doing all we can’to aid our^achps walk, have a igoOd street car sets In this noble .work. They, are doing you fcari,hav? 4 good reg-y: Their best, but if every. parent wU ,^3r attendance tpori>U;the;Servioey. ice AbpT-'their children prepare their ^ enabies/j#br. 1 _ - - , , , why'Mo :jou always ,Com:pIa^ .about tobacco-chewing, . '•.cigarett^sirio'king, ■ ; coca-cola': and 'sujh things while you ' are, so 'grossly intemperate, in youi ' &ng? . Overeating - is one of the ;J principal cau^s of .disease. The sec- -^'Ond reason I^wish to give is the poor - -^fBlectiori 'df food./How careless" we are about iWhat we eat!. If We would ' get downlto businoss, we could soon -find out" that many things we are con stantly e^iug are against the hu- ' irian system. Take hog meat, for instance. Nothing!* is more ruinous ■; ^ to the human family. I very much doubt whether alcohol does us any • more haijm than meat. Many of the ' most terrible diseases of to-day come as a direct result ,of eating meat. ■ j^:-.Ti//^£ellagr?*i^/^a'l'eis, catarrh, and many m^e we might mention. Now, /what is our duty in regard to this? ■ Why, I,feel that we ought to get . down arid study this question as cmjrfully : as we possibly can and then '"try to jfive just as long as we can. .- God ' demands that of uS, 'aud if we ; will s1»dy God’s laws . bf .health !^s ■'' . he.^gaye' them, to .the Jews,-I am 7 ’ sure ,we will eliminate many things ^Trom. cirir daily diet.'' Examine the ’ ' things'God said-were clean arid see ihow much .bacon you will eat. We , •* '-Blight j^ention- just one' more thing— 4 ' ^ the. codling of Oui: food.,: We forget 'tithat thb’greatest chemist in-all the ' '/world 18 the wom'an who prepares our - ^fmd.,’'^How carefully she ' ought .to ' . Study'her ,busihess..3ihd .'hot only to make hec meal palatable but condur «ive to .the very best health. fdhr'tl ,»)vp4 the (and .Sunday school to a coltari jPleasant, arid Rev.’ If. P. Moi{|| tinned to preach -for them, worshipped in this small biM^Sing until they could erect a place offwor- ship. They moved into their) new place of worship Saturday nig® be fore the- first’ Sunday in Septe nber, 1§12. A' meeting of days wag then commenced. The pastor was] aided by Elders B. G. Whitley andtU, L. Eudy. The brethren have labored e? rfest- ly, going through many triaji and oppositions, but the Word of the Lord has mightily prevailed. ■ Thiri; -four condidates have been haptizci '/di rectly from the influence of th:; Sab bath school. The brethren ai now laboring under a heavy burden. They need a new place of worship, is ^we think another place of,worshop would be much better than the prese it.' , Brethren, we want your payers. We are struggling for a greah? hold. The State Board has forsaken,: is and left us» alone with a small n raher- ship needing. all the help ;* issiye from our State Board*. Yet e friel encouraged to press ' forwar^ ttie Holy Spirit is leading. We a^i.an In terest., in your prayers and deb re fhe entire' co-operation of every ci e that advocates !Jhe great cause of / hrlst. Fraternally,: 1* ‘ ’ ... ' 'B. G. WHIILET. There will be a mission c# of the -Union Baptist Assomi ;ion iri the Fipst Baptist church in JllonrOe, Tuesday^ March .16. AIL the min^ ters,. superintendents . of : , 3undhy schools and all. interested/lav nen lo the , Association are' invite^, to at tend the meeting.' -There wiiU be ad- Mrcsses.by Mr. Uj'vingstqn/ Johnson and. .Dr., C. T. Thompson. Th^ object of this meeting is to stirap^te the, missiondry spirit.-—|Harshvill« Horn?. ' ^ . A .-.ul-;!;*-- 1. S. SUPERINTENDENT " / AT MOUNT PLEASANT -»SfT • V ft* '0 ' r. >> ’S :mTetfnJr|r. i'Dtit- h -4«SamtiriudUsly'-»»tsB4i)/;.^?/ .^ when the pastjorTanakea his reguJaf T'* .^fTOtrSg Peo' meetings:, M f: f' h The above js a cut of the first su perintendent of our Baptist Sunday, school at Mt. Pleasant, Rev. T. C. Stallings. Bro., Stallings was • one that, always sto^ by his pastor when the iiurden was heaviest. He recently moved away and located near Rock well and it became necessary for him to resign. We feel that we have lost a great ' co-worker in the Sunday school, yet we pray that Bro, Rufus Henly, our new superintendentj will be able to carry the mantle fo:^ard as faithfully as the former one. Bro, Stallings has now entered the min istry and' we pray God’s' blessings upon him and his faithful, companiqni; ■We heartily commend, "him to our brethren, and ask you to ppay for and .encourage him. ; His pastor, ,. B.' G. WHITLEY. pastbr^-makea ms regmur-,4 appointments, Jhe has " cold -iron to >i' hammer on at each seiwice and thus f-v has to toil on thiriugh the whole year ' until the prcti;acted meeting season rolls around * .before there v.ehh'ho ; enough faith inspired, enouglj^^thu- /, siasm awakeri|ied and enoughTio-9per-.r“: i*' ■ '/■ y ation securedlto bring about conver- .' :* f'-.r sions. This ie„hne pf the hardest things y. the county [pastor/.has '.to con^d y . with./He-uotjpnly hasTo sow and cul- - , / ') tivate a whe^e year before he can do ;• • ,,f j any reaping," as a fule, but when the ^ /i-- protracted meeting. season^come^/^s^ ..^__^...7e'i usually secures %e"‘Wrvtce“s 01/a brother pastor, may be so it is i City pastor whose very environments nat urally keep him- in an evangelistic rnood all the "time, to do the preach- .'' Ing for him. Arid he does it well and : lovingly, but wheri the meeting is over it is often timea thought., the pastor has really, had no part in all the great ■. ingathering of souls; but this is due ( , ' ’to the influence of a certain element that is found in, almost every, church, , both in town-and country. .Of this , distinguished personage I shall have something to say in another-article, *►,"/ / "because he. is ofce. of the/vexatiqu^/-j/// prohlemri of the country pastor. ■,//.■* ■* *■,/ In my next article 1 shall riiention few morepffhe vexatious pTohlemeii?'^"' - ’> ^ the cdtfctty pastorate, and then I am’ /'/|.;/t-/''- anxious to^ relate some of fhe many' // blessings,; and joys that (come to ‘ )n hk blessed'work.-^/^/; -V'3;;>‘^ "/■.[[fS.'*'-' :r :: ^; countiw pastor T. J. Doj^son. " Sari: Antonio, .lEex."’’ , 'The [Sunday; Bchopl Boiird’ tf ^ Sputheip Baptist'cOp''^crition apripunc'’'*^ ed. recently A ^t of.'^lOflOO. to pur,^ Ttainipg^,§chop.l.4t Eoft 'Worth.,/ The ■ Baptist women of Texas will join in . with f 8 : ij^ha4«giy>"g : tq; God for / Ahis, great. “W- Board through'"DiT^fwrt arid his associates. / • m