The Atlantic Messenger. Monthly.] Devoted to the Relief'of Baptist Destitution in Eastern North Carolina. [25 Cents per Year. VOLUME THREE. NEAV BERN, N. C., JANUARY, 1903. NUMBER NINE. YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRED on the date marked below. Please renew at once—to-day, if you can; but during the mouth -without fail. This will greatly favor us. The price, you remember, is 25 cents per year. If you pay in advance, due credit will be given on our books. ■ them. OUR WORK AND WORKERS- MOREHEAD CITY. January .... 1901 February .... 1901 March .... 1001 April . 1901 Mav .... 1901 June 1901 July 1901 August 1901 September . ... laoi October 1901 November 1901 December. .... 1901 January .... 1902 February ... . 1902 March 1902 April 1902 May 1902 June 1902 Julv 1902 August 1902 September 1902 October 1902 November 1902 December 1902 Rev. A. W. Setzer, Morehead City. Our work here has been going steadily on. The Bible Study class has been re-organized with Prof. W. IT. Gale as leader. A change has taken place in our Sun day School since our last commun ication. Bro. L. L. Leary for four years our faithful and effi- are praying for a great meeting. Our Sunday School children gave a nice Christmas entertain ment, Friday night of Christmas week. Santa Claus gave each S. S. student a^ box of candy and an orange. All seemed to enjoy themselves very much. My people, soon after our arri val, gave us a nice pounding and they have kept it up almost contin uous ever since. The*many Christ mas presents received by my fam- mui ycais uui la ui.ui ...a cient Superintendent, resigned i n -n f TTT Tx 1 1 i 1 i with us and be a strmuius to great- and Prof. W. II. Cale was elected in his stead. A Teacher’s meet ADDRESS THE ATLANTIC MESSENGER, Weiv Bern, N. C. ing has been set on foot for the especial purpose of taking a course ill teaching. This movement promises to be of untold value in O'Ur Sunday School work. The Spring term of Atlantic In stitute will begin on the twelfth of January. The total enrollment during the fall term was one hun dred and twenty-one. There will be a number to enter for the spring term. There are a number of i Bajitist parents who will read this that ought to put their children in school in this institution. I will take pleasure in answering any question that the brethren may wish to ask regarding the school, board, etc. OUR ASSOCIATINAL SCHOOOL. God knows what we do not; this is our consolation. We know not what God knows; this is our hope. DO YOU BELIEVE THESE PROPSI- TIONS? (1) If drink prospers in my towm, it must be supported by church members. ■ (2) The church should be the strictest of all temperance organi zations, and the strongest pledge to abstain from all intoxicating drinks should be the covenant that Christians have made and the obli gations they have assumed. (3) Any church member who needlessly uses intoxicating li quors and by so doing fosters this cliabolical traffic and spits in the face of decency and insults the church of the living God should speedily make confession and change his ways, or be promptly excluded. (4) Every Christian who re spects himself loves his family, toils for the peace of his commun ity,' and worships God according to the dictates of his conscience, should unite in the expulsion of this horrid demon from our so ciety. (5) "Every man, woman and child, saint and sinner wdio is wedded to the interests of man kind, should, heart, soul, mind and body, espouse the cause of sobriety and enlist in the armies of temper- I would call attention to the resolution ])assed at our last As sociation asking the Churches to take ii]i a collection as early as possible for the ‘‘Atlantic Insti tute.” Bemember brethren that this is our School and it should be the wish of every Baptist in the Atlantic Association to make it second to no Associational school in our State and to do this we nmst be personally interested—in other words v.'e must take stock in it—and therefore Ave desire every Baptist in our Association to con tribute to this Avorthy institution. Please don’t defer this; but take up a collection at your earliest op portunity and send the money to brother L. L. Leary, Treasurer at Morehead City, hi. C. Pastors can help us by talking up and brin,ging this matter before their churches and strive to have .every member make a contribution. The Sunday Schools are generally loy al to our Institution and they too should ■ haA=-e an opportunity to lielp' in this Avork. Bret]ire?i urge this matter please. J. C. WrtlTTY, Chmn. Board Trustees. er seiwice. AVould it. not be Avise for our churches to begin noAV and pray for a great ingatl\ering this year ? We have been pleading and Avork- ing for our peoide to consecrate their pocket books to God and may Ave not pray and Avork for a great revival in our churches this year. I am afraid Ave do not trust God enough. Llay Ave lose sight of self and look to Christ as All and in All. If Ave Avill do this lie Avill pour out His Spirit upon us in great poAver. THE NEEDS OF THE ROBERSON- VILLE BAPTIST CHURCH. PobersoiiAulle is a toAAm of about five hundred inhabitants, located in Martin county, on the Ply mouth branch of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, about t.Aventy miles from Tarboro, Greenville and Washington, and about tAvelve miles from Williamston. The toAA'ii has someAvhat. been on a boom for the last tAvo years. Sev eral neAv brick stores have been erected, a bank opened, a brick ho tel built at a cost of $5,000; a large tAA’o-story academy has just been erected, in Avliich a good school is running Avith a corps of three teachers and six grades, in- chiding the high schqol course : also a music department. been no Baptist preaching at all in the toAvn of Robersonville. Under the appointment, of the Executive Board of the Tar River Association and of the StateBoard of Missions, I took up the Avork; but could only give Sunday after noon and Aveek night services. Ea.rly in the Spring Ave began to plan for a. church building. We secured a most excellent corner lot on Railroad street. About the middle of AAigust Ave laid the foundation of the Robersonville Ba.])tist house of Avorship. On the 3rcl Sunday in September Ave held shoAving them the AVord of God that oru* skirts maybe clean ? Uay! L say it is our duty to condemn sin in every garb’. Six da.ys shalt thoir labor and do all thy work; but the neAv Theology is to. Avork until Saturday noon, sleep or loaf until the stores are closed then do the shopping Sunday morning. They say the Sabbath Avas made for man and not man for the Sab bath. Right is the best policy for all people in all things. Let us do right. God charged Israel to let the land rest every seventh year and our first service in the neAv church, j because they disobeyed Him, he The folloAving Aveek Ave organized j alloAved XeljAichadnezza to con- the Robersonville Baptist church i quer Jerusalem and capture her. Avitli nine members. AVe liaA^e just ’ people and keep them until the got the house shut in Avith floor, AvindoAVS, doors and peAvs, so Ave can hold service. The property as it is, including the lot, is valued at $925.00. AVe OAve on the property $525.00. It A\fill take $ more to com- jAlete and furnish the building. Vve have about $200.00 of out standing ]Aledges. Brethren and sisters of the great Baptist host of Aortli Carolina, and our Southland, you sec our condition. This is the Lord’s cause and yoAi are the Lord’s ]Aeo- ple, and the Lord has intrusted you Avith His money. Help us AA"e have a good tobacco market Avith three AvarehoAises and a fine corps of buyers. The commercial receipts last year, including the sales of tobacco, amounted to about $400,000. Robersonville is a lead ing toAvn in Martin county, Avhich Avas recognized as the banner to- NE\Y BERN-TABARNACLE. Rev. M. P. Davis, Nexv Bern. Hear Bro. Moore : The Avork at the Tabernacle is still going on. though sloAv, I have ahvays been ance. A man’s integrity may stand in the way of his success in small matters; his lack of integrity will stand in his way for success in great matters.-Exchange. This paper aspires to be a well doer rather than a money-maher. But to keep alive and do its best work, its finances must not be over looked. Moral: Subscribe! tauffht that a a'reat AVork could not O A... be accomplished in a day, and I hope and pray a great Avork is be ing done by our little band of true and faithful brethren. AA^e liav^e the promises of God and upon these Ave stand and Avork and pray. Our Sunday School and congre gations are some larger than Avhen Ave first bega.n to work Avith the brethren. AA^e are asking and AAmrking for all AA’hom the Lord has for us. Our thanksgiving offering for the Thoniasville Orphanage Avas aboAit twelve dollars. The first Sunday in January— the first Sunday of the neAV year— Ave remember the heathen by giv ing of our means to send the gos pel of our Lord Jesus Christ to bacco county of the State last year. Christianity, I am sorry to say, is someAvhat, at a Ioav ebb in this toAvn, there being only Iavo small churches,one Methodist Avith about tAventy-five members, and a Disci ples Church Avith about the same number. The Anti-hlission Bap tist is the leading religious senti ment Avhich largely predominates in Martin, Pitt, Edgecombe, Hali fax, AVashington and Beaiifort counties. They oppose Sunday- schools, protracted meetings and missions Avith all their might. Therefore the Missionary Bap tists are Aveak, both numerically and financially. AA^e have b\it one or tiAvo real strong churches in all the territory embraced in the above named counties. This region is recognized as the great destitution of Eastern Horth Carolina. The people are Avell bred and intelligent, and AA’hen converted to our faith, make loyal Baptists, many of Avhom are very liberal. A A^ery small per cent, of thq.peo ple are members of any church, only about one oirt of every ten of the AAdrites. AA^e often find fam ilies of eight and ten in number, Avith groAvn children, and not. a single church member among them. A large number of our baptisms is from- neAV families that have no Baptists in them. Up to last UoA'ember (1901) there had as the Lord has prospered you in this our strus,'gle for His cause. As you see below, this appeal is approved by the Executive Com mittee of our Association, also by the Secretary of the State Board of Missions and Sunday School. Money sent to the undersigned Avill be duly acknowledged in the Biblical Recorder. JAS. W. ROSE, Missionary. Plymouth, H. C., Oct 1st, 1902. AAA heartily approAu of the above. HOAH BIGGS, Ch’m. of Ex. Com. Tar RUer As sociation. LIAHA^GSTOLT JOHXSOH, Cor. Sec. Baptist State Conven tion. THE PAMLICO FIELD. Rev. J. R. Taylor, Bayboro. Dear Bro. Moore :—AA^e have just started on the Avork of a Hoav Year (1903). It is our intention to do more in faith "and faithful ness this year than ever, and to render our best service to God. The Avrongs of (1902) can not be recalled, but Ave can use them as stepping stones in climbing high er. AA^e have much before us to do, and so much that needs to be done. AVe have some Avrongs that must be righted. At some points in our county there are more goods sold on Sunday than on Monday. This is Avrong and should lie stop ped. The merchants do Avrong in a threefold AAuy. Eirst, he violates the laAv of our God—Exodus 20: 10. Second: He helps the man Avho does the buying to violate the laAV of God. Third: He show-s to the Avorld that he does not care for God or His Avord or the Chris tian’s feelings. Therefore, he ought to be shunned before he draAvs the honest man from hon esty. The man Avho plays around un til Sunday to do his shopping is no better than the Avorst outlaAV Ave can think of. Pie not only breaks the national laAv, but the law of God delivered to Moses on land had rested the seventh year. From history Ave learn that God’s laAvs must be obeyed. AA^c are troubled Avith drunken ness in some parts of our field. It seems to me if the toAvn author ities and the Christian men and women in these communities Avould put their foot on his neck they could shake him out. But Ave tread so lightly on the deAul’s head he only laughs at our Aveak kneed Christians. It is wrong to make Avine, and it is tAvo-fold Avrong tO' adulterate it so as to make people: drunk. Church members liiaking Avine to damn their OAvn children and their neighbours too. A^our lot is Avith the angels of darkness. The drunk ard has a beginning place. It is at mother’s table often in the glass of syllabub. The Charlotte Obseiwer of Hov. 13, says a good text can be furnish ed for temperance preachers at the city jail “seeing a. large.goods box, almost filled Avith bottles, flasks and ticklers. Cliief-of-police Scott explained that they Avere captured from parties locked up for various crimes from drunken men to burglary. I can tell you another thing said he, nine-tenths of the parties, male and female, arrested for violation of laAv by my men, have either a bottle of Avhiskey or the odor of it on them, nearly all of them have a pistol or a razor or some form of deadly Aveapon, but generally speaking a pistol and razor.” These boys be long to some dear mother and fath er. IIoAV are you training those at your knee ? You say my boy Avill never do so and so; this moth er might have said the same. Let us keep the Sabbath Holy and crush the monster drink from ev ery closet and make the closet the hoAise of secret prayer. All my appointments have been filled Avith usual interest. AVe spent quite a pleasant Xmas and noAV doAvn to Avork. Grace and mercy be Avith you all. Amen. —Unfermented wine for com munion purposes may be had of the American Baptist Publication Society, of Philadelphia. 25 cts. per pint; 50 cts. per quart; ship ped best in cases of half dozen pint bottles. Express or freight extra. —The only individual commu nion set we know of in the Atlan tic Association was secured some months ago by our Bayboro church. Rev. J. R. Taylor, pastor. Sinai. Shall Ave as Christians al- loAV just such to go on without If you are not already a sub scriber to The Messenger, you are most cordially invited to become one. Enclose a quarter to-day to the editor of The Messenger, New Bern, N. 0. 1:04 f /{