[25 Cext8 per Year. NUMBER THREE (by PASTOK W. II. RICH.) Ihe pastor is preacliing a .series of sennons on “Some Elements of Prevailing Prayer.” Up to this writing he has spoken upon Adora tion, Restitution, Confession and Thankfulness. The congregations are large and growing all the time. The prayer meeting is well at tended and interesting. The Personal Workers’ meeting, led by Ero. J. C. Whitty, is very helpful and interesting. There are several who expect to join the Church soon. We cor dially invite all Baptists who come to our city to live to unite with us. We will do you good and you can do us good. The choir is one of the best in the city and is growing better all the time. Ero. Charles Clark is the efficient leader and Mrs. C. C. Jordon is the accom plished organist. We give a royal welcome to all to worship with us. The pastor will appreciate in formation concerning the sick, and visitors who are within our gates. The Sundav Sch»ol is well nian- ag-ed by Secretary d. L. .AleDaniel, who is acting superintendent until the election of a successor to Ero. Charles Clark, resigned. All re work! than the Baptists of Green I County. Eor four years be told i the story of Jesus and his Lainl), - the best he knew how, to those ]ieo- ! pie. Tie had the ])leasure of re ceiving more than three-fourths of them into the fellowship of the Churches. Many times were the waters troubled and I pray God that the ingathering may couliiiue. Ero. J. K. Eaulkner ]ireaclu'l for the Tabernacle brethren while the pastor was atvay, and many good things have been heard aEmt him and his sermons since we I'p- turned. Ero. S. F. Conrad, of the North Carolina Baptist, was with us the second Sunday morning in June, and preached for us. - During his stay in New Bern several of our people renewed and some new sub- scrilters were secured for the Br.j - fist. Af. P. Davis. rAMLlCO LETTEIi. (by pastor .T. R. TAYl.OE.) , gret the resigmation of Ero. Clark because he was a very capable su perintendent. The business meeting Aionday evening was very pleasant and har monious. Brethren John C. 'Whitty, J. B. Holland, Charles C. Clark, Jr., and J. L. AIcDaniel were elected deacons. There never has been a brighter day in the his tory of the First Church. Dear Ero. Davus: The work on this field is getting I on fairly well. We see .some shadows, have some doubt,s, and some inditference. All my ap pointments have been filled for rrmie. Our prayer meetings at Eaylxn’o are not so well attended now as heretofore, though I am glad to say we have some who are among the faithful few. There are a few that will not attend ser vices, either preaching or prayer meeting. I sometimes think the Church me to commune 'vith.^,Christ an.d not with men. UCof., 13 :27, '21. The New' Test.inent commands me to commune vith Clirist and those only who ;re in fellow’ship with me. Acts 2:‘U, Jf- I How can 1 coi imune in fellow- |ship w'ith those who believe in .sprinkling or jioiring for immer- ision. If I do it is evident that 1 have accepted their errors and be sides adopted Peyobaptist belief— jthe ba])tism of iifants. j T deny the ] rofession that I have made and syV the Scriptures I lie, when it says. ‘'One Lord, one faith, one baptisn..” Eph. 4:5. 1 The New Testament Church ac- cejits only those '-''ho have ro]ient- ed, believed ana are immersed. Acts 10:31; Lukv 13 ;3.;-Romans 0:3, 5. The Scripture cited alxive w'ill ever make me a MissionarywEap- tist, if every other man lii all this w’orld Hlonged t.' some Pedabap- tist Church. When 1 think of some peo])le I kiDw I am remind ed of a little stoiw T once heard. A little lx)v wanted 1) sell some young kittens to a Motlmdist minister, but the minister refused to buy. support. So far only a few', com paratively speaking, have been deeply interested in it. Grandly and w'cll have they done the work. The school has been a jironounced success from the first. IVe should throw’ up our hats and say ‘‘All honor to these men and women 1” The success of the past is but an earnest of the future if all the great Baptist host of this Associa tion W'ill fall in line and su])porf the school. The Institute lu'eds better equipment. It will take money to do this. You and 1 have the Lord’s money. Shall we put some of it into this great work ? Bj' so doing we will bless and be blessed. The rising generation demands this of us, the prosperity of the Baptist cause demands this of us, and tlie glory of God de mands this of us. . Th'e’’'''rhsfitiif'e needs more stu dents.^Get ready noAV to send your boys and girls next year. In the no distant future these bovs and If on your travels throughout space Joe Folk you chance to meet, just tell him that I’m saving him a first-class golden setit. ’ The man then traveled down below and told his story liicre. Old Satan cried: “Took iioodle not, with boodle ev erywhere! \ ou’ve reached the wrong ]dace. Senator. A our steps you’j Ix'tter turn. AVe couldn’t use you, honestly—you’re ’w'av too green to burn. If you slu'uld see my friend Farris or my agent. Air. Brown, please tell Them they’ve obeyed me well and have them hurrv dow’n.” From hell’s black gates the Senator his weary steps turned then. He’d found there is no beyond for half-way honest men. lie started then to wander with no destination set. And in all probability the fellow’s w’an- dering vet.-—-Kansas Cdy Star. THE MAGIC HKIN. girls will be men and women. If The little man s.Ad: “AYu better buy them, they arc Alethodist kit tens.” In a fe_v days the little fellow w'ent out sell his kittens again and met th'S same minister, and w'hen asked to buy he said “No.” The little man looked at him and said: ‘'AYu better buy them, they' are ilaptist kittens.” “Why,” said the minister,“ “did you not tell me th Pther day those kittens were Alell- lists?” “AYs, ougnt to (leal with suen members. .«ir. bur their pv ~ ^re onen now'. we are to have the men and w'omen of power tw'entv vears from now' w'e must educate the boy's and girls now. Please remember this. Edu cated men and women rule. In a fable the ALagic Skin gave its Tvearer the power to get any thing he wanted, but every time he. 3. The last message that I have for you this time is tliis: Let us “Lengthen the cords and TABEHKACLE LETTEIl. On June 1 Bro. Braxton Craig, of Rocky Alount, came and for eight days he preached the Gospel as only' Bro. Craig can. I don’t remember ever hearing a series of sermons that did me, personally, so much good. Bro. Craig is a unique preacher in many w'ays. He comes nearer putting his w'hole self in his sermons than ahy' man I ever heard. His soul is certainly' in his work and I know' of no man w'ho is a greater aid to a pastor than Bro. Craig. He preaches Ix'cause he loves lost souls. Bro. Craig and then I think of the Alaster’s w'a\': “lie that is w'ithout sin let him cast the first stone.” So w'e go on trusting that the Imrd will help them as he did the poor, rag ged and starving prodigal. The pastor for the past month has been out in the field the most A VALE TO ACTION. ' of the time. I am teaching a class W'ill long be remembered by the Tabernacle brethren and w'e hope to have him w'ith us again, some day in a meeting. The results w'ere not w'hat we hoped for. The two first services we had fire; the four last days of the meeting W'e had rain upon rain. Nevertheless God blessed the ef forts and tw'O united with the Church before the meeting closed and three since, making five in all: all grow'n, save one. AA^e have re ceived into the fellowship of our Church seventeen since the first of December—tw'elve by baptism. The AA'oman’s Alissionary' So ciety paid to missions during the second quarter $15..5.5. The Sun beams did not do as well as in the past, but wlien they cease to “w'hoo])” W'e hope tlie same life w'ill come back to them. A number of our people have gone, or are preparing to go, to spend the summer out of New' Bern. AA^e w'ish them a happy va cation and rest. The pastor had the great pleas ure of spending ten days among his farmer parishioners in Green County' recently. No nobler band of people can he found in all the of music at Alaribel now' We have been down in the Bap tismal waters this month and ho]ie to go again in the near future. Our meeting at A'^andemere lie- gins Tuesday night after the sec ond Sunday. Bro. AV. A. Ayers, from Elizabeth City, will be w'ith us. Alay' the Alaster’s Spirit brood over and give us a great blessing. . There are some peo])le w'ho say they' would lie Ba])tists if they could get into the Church without the Church voting them in. AVhat an excuse! AVhy, you can’t get in any' organization, I care not how' cruel or moral, according to ]iar- liamentary' laws, unless the body (members) is w'illing. The leader of your organization or society has no right to sa_v w'ho shall iK'cotne members. If so, then it is his (the leader’s) society', and w'e haven’t any voice over the Ixidy. The preacher w'ho thus takes the visible Church from the hands of the ])eo- ple (its members) and says w'ho shall come in, must say w'ho shall go out. A Alissionary' Baptist Church is by Christ, of God, for the people. No one man has anv right to say' who shall or w'ho shall not lie members. But if tlie body is convinced by' the candidate’s confession of w'l'ong and acceptance of Christ, then the Bible says, “Let them be added to your numbers.” Again, some ask me this: “A^ou say' there are Christians among all denominations; w'hy' w'ill you not commune with all Christians when invited ?” The New'. Testament commands AH' Dear Brethren: I am a North Carolinian. Aly heart always pulsates with pride and joy w'hen her name is men tioned. I love her soil, made sa cred by the blood of heroes and marty'rs. I love her noble and generous people.' I came from the cloud-piercing hills of the w'est, dow'n beside the rolling rivers and the sounding sea, for no other pur pose than to serve my fellow'-inan and glorify God. So I suppose I am jiermitted to sjieak, for I am identified w’ith and interested in every department of the Baptist cause in this Association. I wish in this introductory article to call our Baptist host to action along three lines. 1. The Atlantic Alessenger, so well and admirably edited by our ow'n AI. P. Davis, needs and must have a more lilx-ral and enthusias tic support from the Baptists of this section. The paper is already a power for good, but by a more lilieral support it can be more ef fective in the extending of the Alas ter’s kingdom. But Bro. Davis can not do this work for nothing. So far he has not received any'thiiig over expenses. He has given it his valuable time and attention. It has been a labor of love. I arise to ask, is it right for us to expect him to do this longer ? I have this to propose, namely, read the j)aper, ]>ay for the paper, get others to take the paper, pray for the edi tor. If you and I will do this w'e W’ill do no more than our full duty and W’ill help along all the time. 2. The second remark that I W'ish to make is this, namely': Our school—the Atlantic Institute —located at Alorehead City, and presided over by President Setzer the untiring and indomitable, needs a more liberal and hearty strengthen the stakes” in our Zion. There are thousands of men and v'onien ■.\’hom we should bring to Jesus Christ the Saviour of sin ners. To us He has committed the w'ord of reconciliation to God. AA’hat a responsible and blessed w’ork is ours! Then we need to teach the peo- j le the true doctrines of the Holy Bible. The scholarship of the world is agreed that Baptists have l!ie truth, or no other people un- dci' high heaven have it. In love W'e should teach the people and gratified his w’isbes the skin shrank and compressed him into smaller dimensions until, by and by', ^yith the last W’ish life itself w’as crushed out The Alagic Skin is Selfish ness. It is a great thing to learn to say "No” to one’s self, instead of indulging every w’him and wish, even though there be nothing sin ful in it. There w’as no necessary w'l’oug to Aloses in his inheriting- the royal treasures and enjoying- the royal treasures of Egypt, so far- as they w’ere not in themselves sin ful ; but Aloses had a higher voca tion, and these w’ould have been strive to b'’ing them to the right w'ay. Let us show' that the New’ Testament teaches that Begenera- tion must and does precede bap tism; that New Testament bajitism is the immersion of the believer in water upon the profession of faith, and that all other “modes” taught by' others with the explanation, “Any W’ay W'ill do,” are unscrip- tural and spurious and wrong; that each Church is independent and sovereign; that the Holy Bililc is the only rule of faith and practice. nimiraiices ; so iie leuutuAeu uie'iLi.. —A. T. Bier son. SENSITIZED. These distinguishing doctrines and all others contained in the Book W'e should teach and preach wfith earnestness and pow'er. To do this, much prayer, stduy, faith, love and patience w'ill be needed; but if W’e faithfully address our selves to this work great will be our success and blessed w'ill be our reward. Yours in service, WILLIAAI H. RICH, Pastor First Baptist Church, New' Bern, N. C. Dr. Lyman Abbot said in a ser mon : “I w'as told the other day that the astronomers have discov ered that a sensitized yilate will photograph stars w’hich the eye, though aided by the strongest tele- j scope, cannot see. AYu look and jsee a little; with a telescope you * see a little more; and then you put Ithe sensitized plate in its place and let the plate look at the heav ens long enough, and on the sensi- ! tized plate y'ou see imprinted the Kraage of stars that no telescope j could reveal. The astronomer’s I plate discloses the unbnow'n [world.” Jesus Christ is the por- Jraiture of God on the sensitized I plate of a perfect human soul; the junknow’ii God brought into human life that w'c may see him and know him and be acquainted w’ith him. A North Alissouri Senator once died as mortals do. He knocked upon the pearlv gates, expecting to get through. St. Peter, througli the peephole said: “Ah, friend, W'ho might thou be ?” “A member of the Senate of Alissouri,” an- sw’ered he. Then turned theoldgate keeper to a page there in a book, “Alissouri Senate, boodle” there he saw' w’ith just one look. “Let’s see” St. Peter said to him. “Did you accept a brilie ?” “Oh, no” replied the Senator, “I w'asn’t of the tribe. I saw’ some boodle passed around but not a cent took I.” “You knew’ it?” said St. Pe ter, “AAYll that settles it; good by. Prof. Ira T. Turlington, w'ho for about tw'enty y'ears has con ducted a^ flourishing school in Johnston County, has sold his school property, Turlington Insti tute, and the trustees w'ill open a graded school next fall. Prof. Turlington has done a great work, preparing many men and women to Ixcome useful citizens. A, clergvman, who wrote his ser- lunns with the utmost care and log ical coherence, once found it desir able w’hile preaching to omit a small portion of his discourse. Towards the close of his sermon there was a reference to the omitted passage—a fact the speaker had forgotten for the moment, and then, suddenly remembering it,he extricated himself from the diffi culty in this W'ay: “As I have before remarked—er in a part—er—w’hich I have omit ted.” Tr’