MOfTTAGUS UB«^« •ViarA : Welcome Dr. Wood Milligan Today Volume II. MARS HILL, N. C., SEPTEMBER 24, 1927 Xumber 1 Enrollment of 477 in 70th Session LARGEST SENIOR CLASS IN THE ANNALS OF MARS HILL In keeping with her continued growth and progress. Mars Hill open ed her doors for the 1927-1928 sis- sion to a capacity enrollment and to the largest number of college Mu- dents of any preceeding year, witii others on the waiting list and some tui-ned away. Statistics from the Registrar's of fice show the enrollment to be 477, divided according to classes as fol lows: College seniors 125, college juniors 246, high school seniors, 59, high school juniors 45, specials 2. There are represented in the college this year .seventy counties of North Carolina, twelve states, and three countries other than the United States. Of the counties represented Madison holds first place with 69; Buncombe takes second place with 38. Other counties represented are as fo-llows: Cleveland, 18, Haywood 15, Gaston 14, Wake 18, Davie 10, Robe son 10, Rutherford 10, Yancey 9, Nash 8, Transylvania 8, Caldwell 8, Guilford 7, Columbus 6, Franklin 6, Hertford 5, Mecklenburg 5, Polk 5, Bertie 4, Chatham 4, Stanley 4, Wilkes 4, Yadkin 4, Burke 3, Ire dell 3, Jackson 3, Johnson 3, Moore 3, Sampson 3, Catawba 2, Forsythe 2, Halifax 2, Harnette 2, Anson 3, Lenoir 2, Lincoln 2, Macon 2, Martin 2, Jlitchell 2, New Hanover 2, Orange 2, Wa,/t.ugc. —, ..viicgjiany 1, Ash r, Beaufort 1, Caswell 1, Cabarrus 1, Cherokee 1, Chowan 1, Coke 1, Cra ven 1, Davidson 1, Durham 1, Edge combe 1, Gates 1, Graham 1, Hen derson 1, McDowell 1, Noi'th Hamp ton 1, Pender 1, Pitt 1, Randolph 1, Richmond 1, Warren 1, Wayne 1. The states represented are as fol lows: Alabama 2, Georgia 4, Ken tucky 1, Louisiana 4, Maryland 2, New York 1, North Carolina 380, Ohio 1, Pennsylvania 3, South Caro lina 62, Tennessee 8, Virginia 9, The countries other than the United States are Canada 1, Central Amer ica 1, Cuba 1. (Continued on Page 3) CAPTAIN CLIOS HOLD INITIAL MEETING The Clio Literai*y Society conven ed on Thursday, September 9,1927, for their first regular meeting of the year. Everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that the interior decoration had, in carrying out our plans during the summer months, tramsformed our hall into a glory of blue and white. This proved to be an incentive to renew in our hearts tlie CLIO SPIRIT. A very interesting program was rendered of which the main feature was a one act comedy, “Who wins that Bet.” The program as a whole was very interesting. The Clios gladly welcomed the new girls into their midst. Several took the initial step and made many hearts glad by becoming our sistei’.=. Tile officers for this term are: President, Mary Hamby; Secretary, Mae Plemmons; Treasurer, Rachel Chaffin; Censor, Ruby Whitmire; Chaplain, Luna Cranfill; Chorister, Edith King;, Joe Caffey; Donr-kcepei’, Lucy Parker. With thi.s fine group of officers •■ rd the hearty cooperation of every Clio, wo hope to make this year the very best in the history of the Clio Literary Society. B. s. u. ACTIVE Prospects for Football Season Good Annual Reception Success Bill Dockery COLLEGE S. S. OPENS STRONG On Sunday, Sept. 11, three hun dred and seven students, and every officer and teacher, were pre.sent with a bright, enthusiastic, Christian spirit which tightened the bonds of co-operation and set the wheels of system in motion in the great ma chine of the College Organized De partment of the Sunday School. Thus, the work of another year, un der the leadership of the pres ident, Mr. William L. Parker, began with a boom! Sunday morning, with all its tem- tations, cheer, and freshness, might easily have been u.sed for sleep— provided there were no sophomores or “Uke” players in one’s dormitory —recreation or other selfish ends; but the students of !Mars Hill have caught a vision of the bigger and the better things of life, and they sliowed their interest when they came forth so courageou.sIy to fall into the line of re.sponsibility with the Sunday School. Surely the Sunday School is one of the most important phases of our educational work. There i.s not a conscientious young man or woman on our campus today who went to Sunday School last Sun day and came away uninfluenced. Every one probably was made a sti-onger person for his having gone. Pure character, as .«trong as the Rock of Gibraltar, is neces.sary for a youth to with.stand the trials and hard.ships of modern life. The Sun day School is the place for tlu development of this sturdy character. The “drug store cowboy,” who brags of loafing during the hours of wor- .ship on Sunday, is not to bo ad mired or laughed at, but pitied. That man blindly pronor.iu: us hi.s own doom with hi.s “cutenc-s-.” Although the o-' tiv:/ work riiow.5 promise, tbc' ('•hallenge to ir-> f;iii.-i. i> (C(i)',tinned on P; ■.y' Monday morning. Sept 8, the bus ses started speeding into Mars Hill bringing large loads of enthusias tic students. The president of the Baptist Student Union, Mr. Chas. Maddry, and o-ther B. S. U. offi cials were on both at the sta tion and on the Hill to give them a hand-shake and a hearty welcome. All day Monday, Tuesday, and Wed nesday busses and cars were un loading both new an(i former stu dents. Tuesday and Wednesday were days of registration, and these were busy days for both students and facility. The B. S. U. council was e.specially useful at this time, serving the new students in every way possible and doing B. S. U. work in detail. Wednesday night prayer meeting was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Owen, in t'ne college auditorium. At the close of this service Mr. Maddrj explained to the students that the B. S. U. was sending representa tives to the individual room.s to take the religious census, which was later very successfully done in the girls’ and boy.s’ dormitories and in the; homes in town having students. It was found impos.sible on that night to take subscriptions for The Bap tist Student, but there i.s hope that this will be accomplished within a few (lays, stiidc..t i.., Lug(.d to become a student sub.scriber to our Baptist magaziiie. It will prove both an educational and inspirational de light. The B. S. U. Get-Acquainted P.e- (Continued on Page 4) SOUTH CAROLINA CLUB REORGANIZES C. H, ROPER IS PRESIDENT It has always been said that “Birds of a feather flock together.” At this saying proved to be true when a very important meeting was called on Sept. 13, 1927, for the pur pose of reorganizing the M. H. C. South Carolina Club. A crowd of happy boys and girls, from all over South Carolina, met in the College Sun Parlor where Daisy Martin, a former member of the club and secretary of the 1920 club, presided over the opening of the meeting. Mr. Charles H. Roper, one of Mars Hill’s most outstanding students, was elected President. Mr. Roper assumed the chair and the following officers were elected: Vice President, Miss Ruth Cooper, Secretary, Miss Ruth Bobo, Treasm’- er, Mr. Moody Henderson, Social Chairman, Mr. Brooks Reid, Club Reporter, Miss Daisy Martin. The object of the S. C. Club is three fold: To learn more about South Carolina; to know the .South Carolina boys and girls; and to in terest other South Carolina boys and girls in Mars Hill College. At an early meeting the members of the club together with the loyal honorary members, Mr.'=. Kate Wood- row, Mrs. Wilkins, Mr. and IMrs. JIcLeod and Mr. and Mr.s. Huff, plan to make a schedule for the year'.-; work and pleasure. The S. C. C!ub .shall strive to provide fellow- .hip and service for its members lo join bands witli all who are int.-rr-t,:d in the continued upbuild- i:'.!;: i;f our Alma Mater. Frank Fnrehes Y. W. A. BEGINS YEAR WITH SPIRIT CIRCLE LEADERS PRESENTED Apparently Y. W. A. work has been at a .standstill during the sum mer; yet at the opening of the schol term it was found that the officers had been very carefully planning during the summer months for one of the most successful years in Y. W. A. work at Mars Hill College. On September 6, 1927, a great host of girls entered the college por tals for the first time, and cheerful Y. W. A. cards placed in every room did much good in driving the home sick feelings away. Attractive pos ters also invited the girls to the first Y. W. A. meeting on the coming Friday night. Promptly at seven-thirty all of the girls both old and new essembl- ed in the church; and as they enter ed, each one wa.s presented with a membership card. The auditorium of the church was almost filled with bright faces eager to line up with the Young Woman’s Auxiliary.- The meeting was opened by all singing the Y. W. A. song, “O Zion Ha.ste,” which was followed by the devotional. After this the president in a .simple and appealing way ex- presseil her desires for the year’s work and gave a hearty and beauti ful welcome to the girls. Volunteers who had received blessings from the Y’'. W. A. were asked to tell of their experiences and many re.spond- ed. Then the associate pre.sident pre sented the new officers to the Y'. W. A. Each circle leader gave the ori gin and name of her particular circle and cordially invited the girls to come to the meeting.s of the circle.s on Friday night September 6, to begin in mi.«=dnn work for the Ma.-;- ter. Thi sc talk.s wen- very in.spir- ational. (Continued on Page 4) With nine lettermen as a nucleus and a wealth of new material from the leading high school and prep teams of the country. Coach Robert.s is swiftly rounding a formidable eleven into shape. From a survey of the men in uni form it is evident that they are ful ly qualified to maintain the excel lent record hung up by our team last year. However, if they do this, they will truly be playing footb:ii; because the team we had last year would have done credit to any sc’nool in this, or any other state. Out of nine games it dropped only one, losing it to the strong Term. Wes leyan team. In these nine battles our wearers of the gold and blue allowed our goal line to be crossed only twice. On the other hand it crushed its way through opposing teams nine times. Should we not ju.stly be proud of such a i-ecord ? We have every reason to believe that when the curtain falls on the ap proaching season an even better rec ord will go down in the athletic hi.story of this institution. How ever, when we examine the .sche dule we find that we are facing thr- hardcst .schedule ever attempted by any junior college in the South. We face these facts with absolute and unwavering confidence in our team. We know that it will put everything it has into the battle torn its school. It behoove.s everyone oj, J..1 uJ SliOv\' the team tiiar we aivl with it all the way through. ■ We have the following war scai’n ed veterans who are eagerly looking J foi'ward to the sound of the Y-ef- | eree’s whistle: Dockery (Capt.), i Glascow, Baker, Isenberg, Wee Wil lie Suggs, Furches, Rumfelt and i our old reliable Carter. We have an other good man who played foot ball for the “ole” M. H. C. while the aforementioned warriors were reading about it. He galloped up and down the field before Coach Roberts ever came here. 'Phis gen tleman is none other than our own “Fuzz” Anderson. We are glad to welcome “Fuzz” back. We kno\v he (Continued on Page 3) NONS OPEN WITH , LIVE PROGRAM! The Nonpareil Literary Society met* in the Eu-Noii hall Thursday after noon at four o'clock. On entering the hall, the friendly Non .spirit was felt immediately. The pre.sident e.\- tended a few words of welcome to the vi.siting students. The members have begun work for the year very enthusiastically and with zeal. There are pro.specds for a glorious year which they hope will prove to be the greatest in the history of the society. The assur ance of the full cooperation of each new member is an encourageing air in the onward march to the goal. The program was opened with tlu; singing of “Loyalty” by the society. Zelma Bennet gave a very ing original short .story entitled, “An Easter Lily’s Message.” The next number was an in;struniental solr by Nellie Powell. This wa.s followc- ' by a dram.atization of O. Ileni'v'- “The Meri-y Month of May,” whi; 'i was beautifully done by th- re girl . Barbara Freeman gave a well dovr!- oued cs.say on the .subject, “.Y isl':'.-;-i for freedom.” Ada Ihiref-Ki' rei'dir ed a vocr.l .solo, “A Ru- ,!: r' (C'lntinr"'! on Pi.'i