. J Bye-Bye Basketball Welcome Baseball HILL COLLEGE WINS S.A.J.C. 1C ante Bose nessee Wesleyan is tefeatecl in Finals BASKET BALL CHAMPiONSHIPl Telhof w.M.T.S. “ ' , Gives Forty Men Answer i BaseBall Clarion' Purpose of the Institution J’e Trophy Given By sheville Chamber of Commerce :i- trailing- the strong Wesleyan during most of the game, Mars lose to unsealed heights to win •per, a basket ball game, a Jitrophy, and the championship ^ Southeastern Conference of Colleges when she withdrew ^he Biltmore basket ball court jje long end of a 33 to 28 • game was a bundle of thrills ^beginning to end. Both teams (keyed up to the breaking li# and the audience experienced ■grees of joy and grief as the lowed first toward . Tennessee len toward Mans Hill. Tennes- jdiwped into the lead soon aftei feme began, but was soon over- - by means of two point oon- >^ns of Anderson and P’urche.s. --oendulum soon .swung back to psee and at one time during quarter the score was 12 t(' in.st lAIars Hill. The Mars Hill ^fook time out long enough to f their wits. Then Anderson .furenes striiightway' bfein tif lie basket. At the end of the [f^he Wesleyan lead had been ed down to two . points. Hill trotted back on the .>to begin the final half with determination to win the ^ Up until this point John.son Pew^ tied hand and foot by [lUnnessee guarding, but h?' off his guards and embarked goal .shooting spree. Before oohshness could be stopped, Ulill had been placed in the lifor the first time since the 'the game. The lead > We.sleyan’s poise, for they be- 0 -shoot at the goal from' afar ■ esperate to overtake 1 - Their actions resembled ’ '0'^'' a drowning man when all hivs calmness and judg- ■l-ison .Started the fireworks that, ered the Tennessee lads. They time out, but Mars Hill had ■y gotten a whifT of the sweet 0 Mctoiy and was not to be • The team was in the lead ‘J and as the joyful and sad J 3'® > the su.spen.se was un- f When the shrill blast of mie keeper’.s whi.stle proclaimed ■^y tor old Gold and Blue the lbs fans surged on the lloor 1 swarm of honey bees. Yes. was dealt out, and tcar.s were or It was an eventful hour Continued on Page 4 HARD SCHEDULE Four Letters Back On the evening of February 20th j the young ladies were asked to come I to the auditorium to hear Mrs. Janie It is glorious .spring, the time when j ^1®® Bose speak to theni about a boy’s thoughts roam to the base ■ ^ Oman’s Jlissionary Training Scliool ball diamond. ' He longs for the fa- of Louisville, Ky.» Mrs. Bose is the miliar crack of the willow' as it j principal and also a teacher of this .strikes the hor.sehide. The basket ■ ball court is deserted for the base training school. diamond and basket ball suits | especi- ball are discarded in favor of baseball ! “i^y emphasizing the beauty of the togs. America’s premier game is, dining room and of t’ne chapel. The now in season. , chapel is a memorial to Mrs. Heck, who w-as for many year.s connected , with the Woman’s 'Missinonary move- ‘ j ment of North Carolina. Mrs. Heck was the author of the quotation, WAKE FOREST ALUMNI PASSES RESOLUTION AGAINST BUMMING Speakers Aimounced for Commencement College Students Should Notice Monday, March 5, Coach Roberts; .sounded the clarion call for base ball practice. More than 40 mer responded. Prospects for a succe.s.= ful season for Mars Hill appear on | the horison. Miller, B. Furchesa, | Johnson and Iscnburg are the old 1 regulars reporting again. Around i these as nucleus Coach Roberts mu.st j build a new team. A surplus of i material is available, a.s some of i !a..st year’.s sub.atitutes and many; new' men—largely high school .star.s— are eagerly awaiting the chance tr fight for the open places. Short.stop and the hot corner will be espec’- , ally hard to fill. There also .sceni,- U) be a dii'th among battery men K.TV-:- V V “Lead young women gently into fields of Christian service.” She also spoke of the splendid fac- I ulty and the fine student body. There jaie among the members of the fac- i ulty such men as Dr. E. Y. Mullin, ' Dr. John R. Sampe>', Dr. Robertson, ^ and Dr. Gaine.s Dobbins. The girls of the .school are of the finest types. Eacli one of them has decided + do a definite Christian w'ork. The ’influence of the school is felt throughout the cit\ of Louisville, ^bere is,,a .spirit. of..nra\x't thnl. iv;e- Society Pledges Support The same spirit of Work and de termination that has always been characteri.stic of the Philomathian Literary Society is vei-y much in evidence now. There seem.s to be a stronger determination than ever to make this the greatest of all years to the society. Since he beginning of the semes ter the work has been moving along fine, but the approach of commence ment seems to have given it a new impetus. The society is eagerly awaiting its arrival. The meh chosen to represent the I'Mlomathians at commencement are: E. F. Baker and James Baley, de baters; Edward Harrel, Raymond Long and-Charles Maddry, orators; and Earl Bradley and declaimers.- Rex Calls It A Difficult Problem to Settle . Ihere are two sides to every (jues- tion. It seems that the Mars Hill public has received only one .side to the question of “bumming.” It i.s certainly not as bad as it is' painted. Of all the reasons for its defense three stand out as the most impres sive. They are: for the fun, for economical pui-poseg, and for acquir ing the art of getting acquainted ea.sily. First, the fun. It is true unadul terated fun for a real red-blooded American boy to take the chance or reaching his destination v>n time. Ev ery boy, to a certain extent, has the .spirit of chance instilled into his very oves to tr.\- his luck. Brown,; being. He 1 . ■ !hoping that the gods of chance will The intercollegiate debaters f!■om|f^Yo^. him. this society thi.s year are: E. F. ‘ Y, economical. Bus Baker, Earl Bradley, Wade Brown, average Carl IMeares, Charle.s Maddry andjijgy, jnoney does not grow-on trees, Samuel Miller. The societv' wall, Dozens move as a unit in backin.g up its various representatiYes thi.s year. Exemplar>' of the lino weekly pro- j pear amon.g the old regulars. Front all appearances there will be a livcl battle for each position. Thi.s years’ schedule is especially - difficult and every game will be hart’ to win. Students, your support i.- .solicited. Will you fall down iu a - pinch ? Attend the games if possi- i ble and show' some loyalty to your j team. Get the real Mars Hill spirit ; in your bones and the team will win j through the knowledge that you are i backing them, and that you are bo- } hind them to a man, pulling for vie-1 tory. The schedule is as follows: lilavch 23—Mars Hill vs. Lenoii- Rhyne (at Lenoir-Rhyne.) Continued on Page 4 OKMEU STUDENT DIES formerly a .student College, recently died , ® forest College. Thm-e he of distinction and be- a member of the boly at the 10 .student govomment. learned of his death with sor- . extend to hi.s friends and ■ ieepe.st sympatliy. eral ciue.stions that were a.sked con cerning the work. The pu)poso of the W. M. U. Training School is to train young women for efficient service in foreign, home and city mi.ssion.s and as church, Sunday school and settlement W'orkers. -Ut chapel hour on Wednesday morning, iirs. Bose brought a won derfully inspiring message on the subject, “How' the students can help bring in the Kingdom of God.” 'Fhe three divisions of the talk w'ere: first, we can bring about the Kingdom by I our lives; .second, by our pi-ayer.s, 1 and third, by our gifts. God. w'ants I consecrated men and women. There ' are too many folks running aw'ay church and ; God. In the course of human destinies, |. empha.sized the fact that tho-e some days must be dilTerent. Thus j f"'.motive for eveiy action and in .society .some meetings mu.st be '^’otive is the important thing to the election of new! 1" ^f*^' -succes.sful the love of Christ must be back of the mo- perhaps. even hundreds of cars pass by w'ith plenty of room to -.seat another pa.sseageu The av- i era^ r-ntoist takes gmat delight in ^him know and feel that he is doinv 'l .someone a good turn. It i.s ridicu- , , I lous to even suggest w'alking twenty m.., 00, . la. ose answeiei .sc. be given authority to censure uiov-1 . besides it i.s hard on shoes. ing picture.s. Affirmative, T. U.j Now fpr the third rea.son; Boys Hait.sell and Glenn Mbit; negative, 1 ^^bo ‘‘bum” meet stranger.s and learn Lloyd Cairne.s and W. N. I'ouo. The 1 . , 'V"-; ' ''V'’'’r.rcl- Sfc : T-ade.s’ the'auno.'.phere andthis i.s the! Declaniation-^.-k.' IL Smith. .secret of 'the success of the school. Debate—-Resolved that the Foder- After she told us about the train- j al Government of the U. S. should Nonpareils Elect New Officers I from parents, training. given over officers, as the captain, mates and “middies” grow' old their places on the ship must be filled by younge.r men. In society, the old officers, though ever willing to work for the Nons as their farewell speaches im plied, mu.st give their places up that tive. Calendar March 10- March 17 -Ben Hur. — Debate with Boone other girks may have the benefit ol j Girls. - the training. i March 24—Debate with Boone and On Thursday, February 23rd, he | Cullowhee. Nonpareil Society met to elect offi-j March 31—Debate with 'fennessee cers. The following crew w'as elect- M'e.sleyan; movie featuring Harold ed to pilot the H. M. S., Nonpareil, Lloyd. through the rough waters of March! April 7—B. Y. P. U.' Reception, and April: April 14—Dramatic Club play. President, Katherine Roberts; vice-j April IG—Debate (?) w'ith Vir- president, Mary Harris; seci'etary, j ginia Inteinnont at Bristol, Va. Daisy Martin; censor, Zelma Bennett; I April 21—Junior-Senior Reception, chaplain, Irma Hender.son; pianist,' April 23—Debate (?) w'ith Fur- Nellie Pow'cll; chorister, Louise j man. Woody; janitors, Katherine Bennett j April 28—Musical Entertainment and Evelyn Hannon. by Meredith Artists. Maud Ashworth is New Clio Preside!! Spirit of supreme sacredness, loyi alty and love embraced the entiiv Clio Society as the votes of the girls passed to a marshall. Calmness, yet anxiety and hope danced w'ihin each heart. Eclection of officers was in process. Nominees were dismissed, voted upon, and called in again to be charged. At last all was settled and ex- President Penland .stood aside while Secretary Osborn read the new of ficers. They were as follows: Presi dent, Maud Ashw'orth; vice-president, Bonnie Chandler; first vice-president, Ix)uise Griffin; recording secretary, Virginia -Frady; corresponding secre tary, Ethel Young; censor, I.ucy Par ker; ehaplin, Mabel Kimrey; pianist, Helen Brown; chorister, Julia How ell; librarian, Mabel Hunt; Hill Top reporter, Lorraine Payne. “1 now place in your hand the symbol of power and present this chair, the high seat of honor,” W'ere the words of the retiring president CO her .successor. to become acquainted ea.sily.. Thev decision went to the affirmative, 2-1. j .(,^0 gnack of conversation. and there is nothing more valuable in later life than this. Exception.-; appear to all rules, but generally the one who accept.s the lift is appre ciative and courteous , to his bene factor. Not only for these reasons, but for many others, “bumming” is not liarmful. It does not lower the self- re.spect of the boy, but makes hiiv feel more independent. “Bumining” i.s criticised by those who arc not experienced; thev do not know W'here- *■ of- they speak:- As an- experience!] I “bummer,” I feel well (lualified to discuss this .subject, t am .=ure that every one who does- “bum"’ or has ever “bummed” v'ill heartily agree with these statements, but opposi tion from those w’ho do not know i.s eagerly aw'aited. RIGHT La.st week the Wake Forest alumni in Win.ston-Salem in their annual meeting drew* up i-e.solutions where by they went' on lecord as "disap proving the present method of bum ming rides as now employed by co! lege students in thi.s state. Thi.s ac tion has created unusual comment in this vicinity .and it repre.sents some thing new' in the field of alumni ac- tiv'ities. Whether or not the tVako Forest .student body wll come out in favor of tiie i-esolntion remains ti- be seen. bi.)t the only polite thing for them td do is to officially en dorse the action taken by thi.s group of graduates. It is exceedingly difficult to con vince college students or anybody Continue^l on Page 4 a one- March Mars IMAR.S HILL TRIPLES 'riin local high school won sided game over Bunisvillo 2, by a score of 21 to 7. Hill played an offensive game. The teamwork was excellent. Reese, cen ter for Mars Hill, w’aded through Burnsville’s defense for high .scor ing man.

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