SUPPORT CENTENNIAL CAMPAIGN me II. REGISTER FOR STUDY IN MISSIONS -yT— MARS HILL, N. C., MARCH 21, 1928 ^ ^steni^J^mpaign To Open Tuesday *C*t PA6EANT OF MMS STORICArPAMTOF MARS HILL IS READY TO PRESENT :u C-ll CLASS VOTES $1000 LOAN FUND The students of 1!)28 Senior Class have planned definitely to aid the Alma Mater in a way that they feel will be of ^reat service to hei. They have had stnaggles in . acquiring the portion of education they now have and. can sympathize I with those who are yet to be edu cated at Mars Hill. For some time Earl Bradley, cla.s.s pi-e.sident; W. L. Parker, SPECIAL C-1 ISSUE NEXT ! ; The ne.xt issue of The Hill Top I will be the sole work of the C-I j Class. All the class brags and accomplishments will be included in a paper which may be printed on stock of the principle class olor. The committee of which Mathan Brooks is chainmin, has been working- overtime, getting- every thing- possible about his class in shape to be slung through the press at the poor lefenseless C-II’s. In addition to the C-1 item.s the regular news w-ill be carried, written by C-I editors. se Cast Includes 275 Members. jSERVES SUPPORT ^.^iclent Cooperation Is Necessary. pageant interpreting the hi.s- laf ^ i'lais Hill College is ready ^,/>jesentation. The cast i.s made 270 members of the college • I'or Christian Ed- - fieba Lowe and O. H. Fore- --Jer?.,! ^Dean.s -- Onn Proberbial lov- Oppo.sed to Jerry is Darid Ev- p *^tor, acted by Wade Wor- - , • Cla.sgow i.s ds ,, pe Slave dear to the memorie.s ^^Table any time between! Representatives of the Mars Hill lrv"-®p’' A. iand July of 1930. | College Dramatic Club will meet in •r‘is'%Tr ^'-i- ^ paid, the near future and probably on ’ Carter, the 'the Centennial Cam-I+1,0 f .u - ^ , /P,°f^^he college. C. H. Sul-i which is now being carried' "ff’ •fi-f of J. W. .Under-0" throughout the state of Noi-th > .h®hl between High Point I Sw of the tru.stees. | Carolina. The interest from $1,0001 ^^■‘’On is the black mammy i he used at the discretion ; home of the Deans. ' I the trustees of the school, and is these the cast includes a ^ apart for he aid of worthy Lenolr-Rhyne Defeated have been earnestly w-^orking on the i plan w'hich has now- been endorsed ■ by the C-2 Class. The aim of the: class is to $1,000, $500 of ‘ which is to be reached by Com- j mencement of this year, and the! other payable any’’ time between, Commencement and July of 1930. In Dramatic Contest THE VALIANT IS USED BY LOCAL ACTORS CENTENNIAL DRIVE CELEBRATES HUNDRED YEARS OF BAPTIST WORK I.R.C. ADMITTED TO~ n, Erprf R^., r SOU. CONFERENCE ' ed to Speak. MANY ACCEPT of other equally aim Catawba wor' the final prelimi to bo used at the discretion ef ^hay for Colleges. They have ^ ^ already w-on the deci.sion over Le- ! girls anl boys who are future sta- i "“^^''^^hyne. If they win this vic- I tory, they will have the champion ship of We.stern North Carolina and render Mar.s Hill eligible for com- iciti ^^P^^'‘"^onations. There i "Mars Hill Collej2^e. Pi-ofe.s.sor.c, the near future the class will 01-- I ^ Pennanent president and sec-: ' , , ten orphan ' whose duty it will be to keep Sew P>-e-'ident.s, vi.slr.s, i ^he interests of the school before c«.-^ion thm^ : nur,se.s. lawvers. i the 1928 da.s.s. A great deal of work the Mate champion.shFp, I 1 1. , . the Mars Hill Colleg-o cast, pre senting “The Valiant” by Hall and : At the annual meeting of the I Southern Conference on International i Relations held at Anderson College, j — Anderson, South Carolina, March 8- Commitfpp 'Ranm-f 9-10, the International Relations Club . KepOl t Out- of Mars Hill was voted entrance into' lin6S Aim of DpiVP the Conference. Mars Hill is the i — first and only junior college in the | The Centennial Campaign to cele brate the completion of one hun- ^d years of organized Baptist work- in North Carolina by raising $1,500.- 000 to conserve the inve.stment and pay the debts of the denominational .schools will be opened in the ern section at an infonnal dinner to be held in Mar.s Hill, heai- (luarters for the Fi-ench Broad A.-;- .'-ociation, Tuesday, March 27, at 6:80 o’clock. Five hundred invita tions have been sent to the state wide leaders, the pa.stors and direc tors of the eight we.stei-n associa tions, and a of the school’.-; f.-jend.s and patron.s. .Advance ac ceptances indicate that a great nuni- association. On the program of the Conference w'ei-e several widely known interna tional .speakers who lectured on such ■subjects as “The International Mind.” “The -Accomplishments of the League Tow-ard Compulsory -Arbitration,” “The Accomplishmens of the League of Nations,” “The Rus.sian Riddle,” and other international topics of the day. 'nie Mars Hill club was i-epresent- ed by three delegates who retume-' with knowledge worth a great deal to the club in the future. The week following the .-Vndfir.sou meeting Miss Amy Hemingevay Jone.s -.ecietary of_ the National Conference | bev will be present. Dr. Fred Brown Z- T^T West A.sheville and Knoxville, ■distant in the work ot the Carneirh* i * . i x i. ,• , JJ. e.xpected to be one of the speak- Endowment for the Promotion of' gj.^ M’orld Peace, spoke to the club in Mars Hill and added mudi to its The, Mars Hill College Orehe.stra, growing knowledge of foreign af- I - ■ .sextet will mu.sic for the •nan- X, i- X iLcvvyers, .-x ui v.f arti.sts. literary men, home ' already has been done -lounmli.sts. and 'i ' - ' bv .some lairs. 1 his y«ar the club has been dis international and •a gla-anticthing! part i., g hi. hiLs.sionaries. i'^'^aibers of the clas.s. Thev have ■»' Irocntxrou X- .. X.:,, „ ; Middlemass, j cu.ssing international and national subjects. The procedure for national I received hearty co-operation from all won a .- - — e oig part. One “avo m a ii-iend returned, after several w^wed about the Loan Fund and iiccvit^v cu-uyfuauun. irom ail ♦ « . i the seniors which they have inter-^jer Lenoir-j two'to one‘do-i fS. Senate: j for international affairs the di.scus- lu the .studio ’"crease the amount alread-.- “What have you ab.sence. ,I^®1 Angelo. a*s Evei-j-tliing a,ked of the great artist, ’’-lo nnveiled a piece of .stat- mentioned parts said, “I have ^that ^thfev _®^Pression of his curve. pledged as soon as they have com- ! pleted their canva.ssing. It appear.-- I that every college senior is anxious that the amount of the Loan Fund •shall exceed $1,000. Rhyne and feels it.self fortunate in j carried on in the form it.s victory over such a strong ^^"’'1‘1 Court, as that which presented “Suppres.sed ! There are 23 mombcr.s in the club. De.sire” by Cook and Gla.spell. On^ 'I'l’® niember.ship i.s limited to 30. member of the oppo.sing was --Applications for member.ship arc be ing received each meeting. The club | hied, “-Wbv ca , .— trifles!” * “trifles make tn- frion, but perfection is no 'it “ Z- ^ on ” Z i-" “ex- yen o>- “.softening”: APoil ’’‘''If lo"e the whole .scene or . act. ian P1"'^” • of 4 w44'"”’ ''■I'" l°ve Mar.s at .she has done, for Iher, '■» >»»• hia Mater 1 that I’lieir power a Pasreant goes 1 wrif^"^^’ "P^°hgh originat- I ntten by the Scribleri.= -VO Wars Hill Pa- yeics and mine!!! •■ContinueJ on page 5) occa.sion. The following report of the Cen tennial Committee gives the purpose and aims of the celebration: “The organization of the Bapti-st State Convention of North Carolina, at Greenville on .March 26, 1830 was a notable event. It laid tlie foundation of a century of Bap- ■ achievements in religion, edu- a university graduate and a per- ’"S received each meeting. The club I ser-v-ice, and ha.s former of wide experience. The ’""eets on Saturday every two week.s, PR ^ ^ ectec tie total life (Continued from Pm.-e •>! and H. C. Isenberg is pre.sident. ' f P®°P^® Carolina. It IS fitting that such an event be worthily commemorated Loyalty to far-seeing and noble pioneers de- mands it, and we ourselves require I Almost symbolic of the remark- months in jail before he was re- , Today it includes eighty-five acres ■ refresh our .spirits and .gird our - i - ■■ loins for yet larger work by some the intensely o-vii-mFno- „■ ' rx • , x,- " ---r-- f-vxxnc V.1VU 'vai- gf ^ hundred years so of advent,n-e '/ W"'the Civil Mh.r noce.s.sity were pro.sperou.s, and .students flock-: .,ij.„alized by the Divine guulance ’ " lomance, and of cau.sed the closing of school doors, j ed to the school from a wide range' and favor, accomplishment in the work of pa- Following the war, the building.s' of territor.v. ' “.Accordingly, the Centennial Com- gean i> lecentl.v completed in the served for a while as an orphan- From the re-oponin,g following the "-litteo presents with all respect and Pageant Revives History of Mars Hill College at him and able .growth ow Chri.stian education is ‘deemed. first attempt to revive the history but the school was soon 10-; Civil War in 1866 amid the gloom ‘'at®’'ance the several recommenda- ITo,. xr-i, , ,, . ■ ,e-,xx.xi ,,m J,1 ionn amid me gloom of .Mai.s Hill, young .and old, witli opened and added to the romance | a„d wreck and poverty until a 1 .-X cool u and merited glory, of adventure and the beautiful .silk-1 ,?chool was carried on' with varied: “That one full day of the .session I ho strife, and .sacrifice en thread of love centered in Jenny [.success. However, with the election Convention in the year IP.'IO oi^ the institution’s founders are and Jerry which crosses the warp j of T. M. Huffham the tide was ■ apart and devoted to the faithfully presented: Their purpose. , and woof of trouble as a ray of turned in favor of continual pro”-1of the centennial amn- he unwavering uleal is held aloft;-|;un.shine through the broken clou,’.-! -At pre.sent there are ten marn organization of t-li- y word and, action. Romance o;\ ns also the romance of development j buildings and .six cottages include,'^hat a program I -. . . . :‘’'"’'nmittee be appointed at on,-o in the college plant, total enrollment was 576. The fac ulty has increa.sed from one to 25; 4'°. nhumlant.i From the inception of a Bapthst ‘ ^ weathered the crisis. school foi* mountain boys and g-irl.-^ 01 two wars. Once hei* buildine:^ ^ in the mind.s of Rev. William KeitJ? cnn'^-ited. into a garii.-xon, la- and Mr. Edward Carter, progress I and the territory repiv.sented cov- I nnothei-1 has been continued. Originally known j ers 73 counties in North Carolina, P xve y damaged only to be replaced I as French Broad Baptmt In.stitute,' 14 states in the Union, and four noon of that ,lay the Historic Back- n gigan ic pioportions. A faith-1 the name was change,' in 1859 t >■ foreign countries. as .socuritv 4or*^T ,lebr Hill College. Interesting in-1 But along with the portrayal of itial buihiing when the Z v, ° Ni ‘ -‘'oene of discussion and 1 material progre.“.s the pageant at- founders were able to contril T" new name and ] temps to depict the unchanged Mars Ze ui,rrs?ome, to^ r original I Hill. The Mars Hill of tlv found- arrange an,l in ,lue tinv' the order an,l content of me morial exercise.s. Such a committe,' might prefer to present in the fore noon of that day the Historic Back ground (general situation an,l per sonnel) of the event commemorated: in the afternoon T’rogi-ess an,I .Achievement (in clucation, cvang,d- ism and missions); in th,' evening Continued on Page 6

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