iME III. PASS THOSE EXAMS PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS MARS HILL, N. C., OCT. 27, 1928 No. 4 .RS HILL MOUNTAIN LIONS DOWNED BY TEN- NESSEE WESLEYAN ELEVEN HIRD LOSS OF SEASON ! irday, Oct. 20, the Mars Hill were presented in the act of another football game. Their ;nt was Tennessee Wesleyan, lace was Athens, Tenn. The vas 56 to 0. )ite the tendency of such a de margin to create in the minds iron fans the picture of a corn- runaway, nevertheless this is . true. Figures do not analyze oall game. Although they were ghly beaten by a much ?r club; yet these tawny jung- from the mountains of Madi- lunty bared their fangs in de- of the haughty Tennesseans 2nt down fighting to the end. reversal of form on the part home contingent is perhaps gest surprise of the game. En- the last half with the count 2 to 0 against them, the de- )f the Blue and Gold, wcaken- the wearing attacks of a heav- the final quarter gave birth to a wild phenomenon that spread consterna tion through the enemy camp and gave them something to think about. Dick Anderson, dependable backfield man of the Lions, received the Wes leyan kick-off and, ignoring all oppo sition, started off down field as if a house was on fire with the incessant buzz of the score bee humming in his bonnet. The “Charge of the Light Brigade” ended on the enemy’s ten- yard line, but not until the latter had worked up a corking good sweat to be used in case of emergency. Thus ends the telling of a simple tale, be cause there is no more to tell. The whistle blew. Society Spirit Runs High At Reunion The school spirit and the society spirit certainly were on display Fri day evening, Oct. 12, from 5:30 un til after the reunion of the Eu’s and Phi’s. As the large number of stu dents w’ho are now members of the societies assembled in the dining hall for dinner, the Phi’s and Clios gave fifteen rahs for the Eu’s and Non’s who in return gave the Phi’s and Clios fifteen rahs. 'fhere were the fifteen rahs for the visitors. The Clio-Phi group sang their society song, and then the Eu-Non’s sang theirs. After the cheers, rahs, and songs the large number of people were seated. The Non’s and Eu’s sat at (Continued on Page 3) FIRST JOINT ANNIVERSARY ^ HELD ON FOUNDER’S DAY B.S.U. AND FACULTY CHECK HONOR POINTS TWENTY.FOUR TO BE LIMIT One of the duties of the B.S.U. secretary is to keep an accurate re cord of all elections of officers in all student organizations and to turn m, split wide open and allowed I this record over to the president of thenian.s to run rough shod the college. By doing this, students h their ranks in piling up 4-1 for the last two chapters of then, like lightning out of a .sky, the last few minutes of combe County Club )ys Sunrise Repast Buncombe County Club en ds first social event of the year iday. It was in the form r- : breakfast. Ten of the mem- id the sponsor, Mr. Blackwell, pated in the affair, and every- emed to have a very pleasant ?he party left the campus just dawn and arrived at the cas- ust in time to see the sun rise ehind the mountains. Prepar- was then made for breakfast. ;o the dismay of all, the can of ’which was to be used in mak- ;oa fell into the fire. It was ;ed with very little loss, how- nd everyone ate to his heart’s t. • Soon after breakfast the itarted home. On arriving on npus three cheers were given } county, and the party dis- who arc elected to fill the various offices are given the honor points to which they are entitled. When the list of officers was checked recently, it was found that there were about thirty students who had more than twenty-four honor points, the num ber ranging from twenty-four to seventy-two. All students having more than twenty-four points will have to drop some of them, leaving some offices vacant that can be filled by those who do not have so many honor points. Choice of the work that is to be given up will rest en tirely with the student. The follow ing point system has been submitted, governing the number and value of offices held by any student: presi dent of B.S.U., 20; head president of B.Y.P.U., 15; head president of col lege Sunday school department, 15; president of Y.W.A., 12; head vice- president of B.Y.P.U., 12; head vice- president of the college Sunday school department, 12; general sec retary of the B.Y.P.U., 12; general secretary of the college Sunday school department, 12; secretary of the B.S.U., 12; editor-in-chief of the Hilltop, 15; business manager of the Hilltop, 15; circulation manager of the Hilltop, 9; associate editor of the Hilltop, 6; inter-collegiate debater, 9; anniversary debater, 9; orators and declaimers, 5; presidents of lit erary societies, 9; secretaries of lit erary clubs, 5; manager of athletic team, 6; president of Sunday school classes, 9; president of B.Y.P.U., 9; secretaries of societies, Sunday school classes, and B.Y.P.U., 6; group captains in B.Y.P.U. and Sun day school classes, G; Bible reader’s leader in B.Y.P.U., 4; vice-presidents of different organizations, 4; other officers of campus organizations, 2; members of literary clubs, 2. Some of the students will weep be cause of the fact that they will have to give up some of their work, while others w'ill rejoice. But it is generally thought that it will he for the best interest of all concerned, as it will give those w’ho have too much work an opportunity to be more efficient in class work and give those who do not have the required points an op portunity to train and develop them selves. JNDER’S DAY CELEBRATION SUCCESS; STRONG ADDRESSES BY ELLER AND K ESTER •ptly at ten o’clock, Oct. 12, s, faculty, and visitors met in iditorium to celebrate the -first birthday of Mars Hill The platform was beauti- ecorated with flowers — red, blue, pink, and yellow— added to the spirit of the ig. At the first chords of the verybody stood and joined in song, “Come Thou Almighty After the invocation by Rev. enkins the second song fol- 'All Hail the Power of Jesus’ The scripture was read by C. Stringfield, and Dr. O. E. id the second prayer. Miss and J. K. Blackburn sang dvine” with much expression 1 feeling. wo speakers of the morning :v. J. B. Eller and Rev. J. Kester. “The Students’ Con- i to the Greatness of a was discussed by Mr. Eller, preliminary remarks he said was happy to be back as one Id boys of Mars Hill. ;ribution has been made to itness of Mars Hill by men i€n who have been graduated re,” he said. Mr. Eller went on to say that the output of a school is the measuring line by which we measure its greatness. He told of Mars Hill students who were lawyers, ministers, and leaders in the fields of education, medicine, music, and others. Mr. Eller gave three reasons why Mars Hill students are bringing greatness to the college. First, the quality of heart and mind was al ready in the students when they came. Second, the best students were always selected; and third, the bad ones were eliminated after they came. Five types of students bringing greatness to Mars Hill were referred to: those of high ideals, the unselfish, the diligent, the optimistic, and the persevering. The speech of Mr. Eller was closed with an appeal to the best that was in the students and with an intreaty not to be quitters. “List the Cherubic Host” was sung by a double quartet before Mr. Kes ter spoke on “The Education of the Soul.” By way of introduction Mr. Kester said that the heart of a school is the student, and the heart of the (Continued from Page 1) Nonpareils Hold Indoor Chautauqua The entire program of the Non pareil Literary Society on Oct. 8 was in the form of a Chautauqua. Much talent was exhibited by the members of the troupe. Frances King was an excellent platform manager Monday night the Chautauqua Concert Company had charge of the program. This company was com posed of Irma Henderson, Virginia Isenhour, and Evelyn Hughes. Vir ginia Isenhour, dressed as a man, sang a bass solo, and Irma Hender son played a beautiful saxaphone solo. Evelyn Hughes gave a touch ing reading of a little girl caressing her dead kitten. The program of Tuesday night was a series of living pictures. Cora Lee Derden represented innocence; Sal- lie Allen, a mother; Donnie Mae Nor man, an old-fashioned girl; and Lou ise Clark, the Madonna. Wednesday night the Nonpareil orchestra had charge. The last night the Coonville Jubi lee Singers gave an excellent typical concert. The performers were in full costume, and their leader possessed an extensive vocabulary. The mem bers of the group were: Hazel Hig don, Katherine Bennett, Helen Woody, Ruby Fowler, Helen Ramsey, and Edith Sears. The new officers for the coming year have been elected. The present efficient president, Sarah Blackwell, was re-elected. Other officers elected were as follows: Vice-president, Irma Henderson; secretary, Elizabeth Min ton; corresponding secretary, Vir ginia Isenhour; censor, Frances King; chaplain, Evelyn Hughes; pi anist, Sedahlia Propst; chorister, Sara Holland; janitor, Helen Woody; doorkeeper, Evlalia McClure; collec tors, Evangeline Peeler, Jonnie Wan- namaker, Helen Batson, Daisy Wor ley, and Einily Patrick. The Philomathian and the Eutha- lian Literary Societies held their first joint anniversary in the school auditorium on Founders Day, Oct. 12. This is the first time that the two societies have co-operated in pre senting an anniversary program in the history of our school. Many of the alumni and friends were present. Old Phi’s and Eu’s had a strong representation there. The program started promptlly at 1:30 P.M., Bartlette Hager, Eu, act ing as president, and E. M. Leonard, Phi, occupying the secretary’s chair. Those upholding the affirmative side of the question were Basil Cas- tellow, Bertie County, and James Baley, Jr., Buncombe County. The negative side was composed of Henry Bridges, Wake County, and Carl Meares, Columbus County. The judges, after hearing the hot ly discussed debate, gave the decision to the affirmative side. After the de cision was announced, the meeting was adjourned. Discussion was started afterwaras in regard to the anniversary program to be given next year. Although this The speakers were then accompanied ! is one of the most successful ones to the stage by the marshals, march ing slowly in time with music by the college orchestra. First on the program was the col lege song, “Alma Mater.” All stu dents, old and new, joined in this song, forgetting old troubles and grudges, and sang with a spirit of happy reunion. Then followed a declamtion by Charence II. Patrick, of Tennessee. The subject was “The American Ideal.” An oration by William B. Logan, Buncombe County, was pre sented next. The choice of Mr. Lo gan’s speech was “Reward of Suc cess.” The next oration was given by Nathan C. Brooks, Pitt County, his subject being “Christian Educa tion and a Vocational Choice.” The last speech before the debate was a declamation, given by S. Gale Morse, “The Path of History.” Last on the program was the de bate on the subject: “Resolved, That the United States should grant the Philippine Islands their imme diate independence.” held yet, enthusiasm is running high to make next year’s even more suc cessful. SIXTY JOIN CHORAL CLUB A choral club has recently been organized under the leadership of Miss Patton, of the Voice Depart ment. There are about sixty mem bers in the club, and as far as it is known, everyone is joining whole heartedly into making the club one of the liv^est organizations on the campus. The officers have not yet been elected, but it is hoped that the com mittee who has charge of nominating the officers will be ready to report at the next regular meeting next Mon day night. The choral club will have charge of special music whenever it is need ed, also the music for the programs Thanksgiving and Christmas. LARGE NUMBER TAKE B.Y.P.U. COURSES; STRONG FACULTY GATHERED Centuries ago men valued strength. The strongest man was the ruler, the G-I Glass Holds Business Session It has been found that the C-1 Class is composed of about one-half of the student body of Mars Hill. What a great responsibility then rests upon them! And they have started out with much enthusiasm and a grim determination to ac- complsih great things this year. Ray Tolbert, the new president, presided over the second meeting held in the auditorium Friday night, Oct. 19. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and come to some decision about pictures for the Annual. The class was fortunate in having Mr. Stringfield and Mr. William Logan present to give the desired informa tion on the subject. When the propo sition was put before the class, it was unanimously voted to have indi vidual pictures instead of group pic tures which have heretofore proved unsatisfactory. The price stated was reasonable and the members entered into the matter willingly. Further business was brought up by the Social Committee, consisting of Miss Virginia Isenhour, chairman, and her co-workers. Misses Sallie Allen, Kathleen Young, and Mr. Paul Hundley. When they submitted their suggestion for a picnic on Bailey Mountain, the class responded promptly and were highly in favor of it. They decided to go next Satur day, Oct. 27, and every C-1 is look ing forward to that day with antici pation of a delightful time. Mrs. Vann was present and talked to the class concerning some plan for doing some definite work this year which will be of the most benefit to Mars Hill College. Nothing definite has been decided upon yet, but the students are thinking about the mat ter and will soon be working to some special end. chief, the ideal. But today we have passed that survival of the fittest age in the human race. The strong man is no longer looked upon as an ideal but as just one of the fellows. The question, “How strong are you?” is no longer psked, but in its stead the question which fits this generation is forever staring each individual in the face. It may come in the classroom; it may come in the teacher’s mind; and it may come in the middle of night; but, whenever it comes, it has Then a picture of the class was pre sented to the teacher. Everyone was sorry to leave and wished for another such occasion soon, the same force, the same doubt, and the same discouragement. That ques tion is, “What do you know?” With a desire to know the higher and better things of life and the pur pose of life, about 400 students rush ed forward and took part in the training school of the B.Y.P.U. last week. Sitting at the feet of the in spiring leaders of the state, each pupil was so filled with zeal and the desire to go out into the world back home and do the best, the higher and greater things of life, that nearly the whole number that attended the classes took the examinations. Many who had taken the same courses be fore took the examination again. The faculty which did such splen did work was composed of the most outstanding leaders of the state and members of the Mars Hill College faculty. The teachers for the study course week were: Mr. James A. Ivy, director of B.Y.P.U. work for North Carolina; Miss Winnie Rickett, jun ior and intermediate leader for the state; Rev. Charles Howard; Charles Maddry, of Wake Forest College, for merly of Mars Hill; President R. L. Moore; Mr. Hoyt Blackwell, of the Bible department; Mr. J. M. Eng land, of the mathematics depart ment; and Rev. J. R. Owens, pastor. All the latter are of Mars Hill Col lege.

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