Debaters Down Milligan \\ Lions Smother Those Aggies :.UME IIL MARS HILL, N. C., MARCH 16, 1929. No. 12 debaters Clash With g Milligan in Forensics • - u iley and Huskins on Affirmative; Meares and Buck Negative. $21,700 and Other Gifts Added to Endowment Administration Optimistic Over Outlook Sport Fans Atingle Over Season’s Diamond Prospedts ^MISE OF LOYAL SUPPORT I BOTH FOR OUR OWN AND VISITING CONTESTANTS Dn Monday evening at eight lock, the Mars Hill debaters will jage in a dual debate with Milli- 1 College. The negative team, ■nposed of Carl Meares and Scott jck will meet the Milligan affirm- [ve, while at the same time James ley and Frank Huskins will meet Milligan negative team in the onghold of the Buffaloes. The debate here is expected to be the highest caliber as Milligan is ewart Elected President of the Ministerial Group The young ministers assembled in eir regular meeting place, Thurs- y afternoon, March 7, and the fol- wing program wras given; “The jngue,” T. L. Rampey; “A Living icrifice,” D. L. Stewart; “A Good inister,” E. M. Leonard; “The Peace God,” H. L. Bridges; “Thanks for ictory,” C. W. Rogers; “A Crown ' Righteousness,” C. W. Poplin. Following this program the con- rence entered into the election of licers, and the following were elect- 1; president, D. L. Stew'art; vice resident, C. W. Rogers; secretary, . M. Leonard; chorister, J. W. Buck- er; pianist, C. W. Poplin. The con- jrence looks forward to the activ- ies of the newly elected officers with n unusual interest. Glios Give Patriotic Program sure to send a strong team in an at tempt to defeat the Mars Hillians. The query is. Resolved, That the United States Government should should own, operate, and control the water power of the nation. This will mark the initial debate be tween the boys’ teams of the two in stitutions, Last year the girls en gaged in a debate and came out vic torious. For the past several weeks the two principals have been working in an effort to present a speech that will win over the argument of the Milli gan hot air artists. This debate will mark the beginning of the debate sea son. Following the Milligan engage ment another team will do battle with Weaver, Biltmore, and Boone. The team this year will have quite a time upholding the record of last year’s team. The boys last year won three out of the four debates in ■which they engaged. A good crowd is expecting to at tend the debates and the debaters are wishing for the hearty backing of the entire student body. Senior Stage an Unusual Party Officer* Are Elected. On February 28, the Clio Literary 3ciety elected officers for the rc- aining part of this year. Before the ection of officers a splendid pro ram was given on “Home.” In rder to make the various numbers ore real, the setting was in a cozy ving room with a gray-haired old lother looking through her album, everal poems, one of which was or dinal, and songs were given, showing lat much time had been spent in reparation. Due to the fact that the new Presi ent of the United States, Herbert [oover, took his chair only last Tues ay, a patriotic program appropriate or the occasion was given, following he above domestic program. Such umbers as “The Man Without a lountry.” “America First,” and “The tar-Spangled Banner” were given The new officers which were elected re as follows: president, Alma Dark; irst vice-president, Ruth Singleton; econd vice-president, Eva Frone- lerger; recording secretary. Ruby Vhitmire; corresponding secretary, ilary Pope; censor, Lula Campbell; horister, Martha Mull; pianist, Mary ^gnes Lattimore; chaplain, Ruth iYanklin; librarian, Mary Jo Eller; narshalls, Renwick Howell, Patty Woore, and Flora Allison; reporter, Uleene Gold. A grand and glorious event was the Senior party. It was a “back ward” party and every event was put on in a backward fashion, even the clothes of the guests. The girls proved their resourceful ness by asking the boys to the spread and then escorting them during the evening. Backward or not, the fun was there galore—orchestra, dates, backward games, Kat Bennette’s stunt and refreshments—oh, glorious memories. The refreshments came in three courses: first, toothpicks; second, hot chocolate, cakes, pickles, mints, olives and sandwiches; third, nap kins (money wasted—Henry Furches and Maurice Parrish placed theirs on the back of their necks). Even backwardness could not keep old Father Time from twisting the hands of the clock until they wore that ten-thirty expression that spell ed the end of the backward party that was an “up-and-coming” suc cess. Mr. Moore recently announced the receipt of several large additions to the endowment of the institution. The largest of these gifts totals $21,700. The donor of this gift has requested that her name not be made public. The gift was in the form of two personal checks and one hundred shares of stock which has a high value at the present time. The gift was given unconditionally, but President Moore has interpreted it as a conditional offer which we can more safely accept when the entire amount is raised. The family to which the present donor belongs is one that has long been interested in the welfare of Mars Hill and one who has given much toward the interests of the college. Sometime ago a patron of the school gave an 8B-acre farm to be used by the school in any manner it saw fit to obtain the greatest amount of gain from it. This gift is heartily appreciated. William Frederick Stevens, of Chicago, president of the East Coast Utilities Company has sent checks amounting to $245.00 He assured the administration that more money in sight and would soon be on its way. The hearty thanks of the entire school was voiced to these generous men and women who have been so faithful to the school. The aim of the school is to increase the endowment $100,000 before next year, and it is imperative that this be done before next year if the school is to retain its present high rating among the insti tutions of the South. If the patrons of the college continue their gener osity it will not take many months to obtain the necessary amount. BASEBALL SQUAD FAST ROUNDING INTO FINE FORM FARM SCHOOL IS FIRST OPPON- ENT; SEASON OPENS MARCH 30 Catching Department Look* Strong; Three Letter Men Back. With the official opening of the 1929 baseball season less than three weeks away, fifty-six candidates, all wide-awake and eager to make the team are taking strenuous work-outs daily under the ever watchful eye of Coach Roberts. The latter being an enthusiastic follower of the sport and one time a star in the Big Show, re alizes that a winning ball club must have exceptionally good pitching tal ent; so he is taking an unusual FINE SUPPORT GIVEN TEAM IN BASKETBALL amount of pains with the would-be box artists. Mars Hill teams in the past, while not being anything extra from the standpoint of championship clubs, were stronger than the average among junior colleges, being as strong or stronger even than many among senior institutions. And while the athletic officials will have a wealth of new material to deal with in launching the campaign, the out look is unusually bright and promis ing. Especially is this true of the catchers. First of all, there is ‘Stump” Al britton, letter man and varsity re ceiver back from last year’s aggrega tion, full of pep and energy; and he looks plenty good for the old job be hind the plate. In addition to Albrit ton Big “Bill” Riddle, long rangy chap, fresh from Carson-Newman is all set and raring to go, ready for action with the big mitt. And they say it is really wicked the way he wields the willow. Only two lettermen are back be sides Albritton, Howard Camnitz at third base and Tracy Gaines in left garden. Both of these turned in sen sational performances afield last sea son, and although they lacked the (Continued on l’.igc I) Season Just Closed Very Satisfactory From Attenance Viewpoint Extra Curricula Course Added “The Man from Strat- ford-on-Avon presented in the Nonpareil Hall For the benefit of those taking a pre-medical course a class in physi ology has been edded. Dr. John Baird and Mr. S. 0. Trentham will be the instructors in the new class. Dr. Baird will lecture, and Mr. Tren tham will teach the text. Due to the fact that there is no available period during the day, the class is forced to meet at night, a conditibn which ac counts for the small number that have registered for the course. Up until this time only six have registered, but it is expected that others will avail themselves of the op portunity that is offered as soon as they are able to adjust themselves to their new surroundings. Those taking the course are: Messrs. W. E. Wilkins, Luther Meares, Jack Felmet, Earl Messer, James Cherry, and Miss Irma Hen derson. Thursday afternoon, March 7, an interesting program was prc.sented by several members of the Nonpareil Literary Society. ‘The Man from Stratford-on-Avon” was the theme of the program. An account of his life was written by Irene Strom and read by Elizabeth Minton. The “Gypsy Trail” was sung with beautiful expression by Ruby Fowler. Frances Snyder read two poems about Shakespeare, one by John Mil- ton and the other by Matthew Arn old. The beautiful poem “Fairyland,” written by Shakespeare, was read by Blanche Smith. An account “What Shakespeare Wrote” was given by Ruth Stone. In it were several sketches of this best known plays. A classical music number was ren dered by Alice Beckwith, Mary Allen, and Sedahlia Propst. The conclusion of the program was several sonnets by Frances King with apologies to Shakespeare. The themes of the sonnets were current events on the campus. The Nonpareils were glad to have as a 'visitor Miss North. It added to the interest in Shakespeare to know that she is going to be located in the Shakespearean country next year. The Nons extend a cordial invita tion to any faculty member who may desire to come to the weekly pro grams. It was very gratifying to note the constant interest on the part of the fans in our basketball team. The at tendance was invariably good, and the team showed its appreciation by delivering a mighty good brand of ball. College sports, after all, are not so much designed to wage a controversy for supremacy. Rather, they are in tended to create a friendly rivalry, and to inculcate the spirit of competi tion. And, added to this, is the other big aspiration, to build better physi cal bodies. Happily, these tenets of sportsman ship have always been rife at Mars Hill. While we have not “perched at the apex,” speaking in championship terms, we nevertheless' feel that our efforts, and those of the coaches and various candidates have been along the right lines. This condition has tended to cement our student body, and to engender a good feeling among all. Full Speed Ahead for Close of Year Entire Student Body Hard at Work to Finish Strong. It is pleasing to note that, as the close of the college year draws near, the student body is “stepping ahead” in an earnest effort to close the year with good records. Of course, be it said to the credit of the students of Mars Hill that they have come to learn, and have applied themselves studiously and enthusi astically. The old bard, “With all thy getting get wisdom, get understanding,” seems to have been taken seriously. The senior class is one of the best we have ever had, and underclassmen have kept well the traditions of our institution, by “hewing to the line.” So the close, not so very far away, is bound to bring only regrets for most of the students, that the year is at an end, and this thought has the further stimulating effect of speeding up still further the last re maining weeks of the school year. Rules for U. D. G. Essay Contest Announced The United Daughters of the Con federacy will offer a prize of five dol lars to the Mars Hill student writing the best essay on “Lee’s Surrender at Appomattox.” This prize will be given at Commencement by an esteemed member of the Confederacy. Many students are expected to parti cipate in it regardless of the other extra activities. Those who wish further informa tion concerning the subject may ob tain such by writing Mrs. M. A. Mathe,ws, Route 2, Asheville, N. C. The rules of the contest are given as follows: 1. Only one essay may be sub mitted by any one contestant. 2. Essays must be typed and sign ed by a fictitious name. Real name, school, and address of the writer must bo in a sealed envelope, on the outside of which is the fictitious name only. This envelope is to accompany the essay, attached to it with a clip. 3. Essays must be historically cor rect and comprehensive, and should contain not less than five hundred words. There is no limit as to the length. 4. There must be at least two es says from each school contesting. Otherwise, there would be no com petition in that school. 5. Essays must be in the hands of the committee three weeks prior to commencement. Send them to Mrs. N. Buckner, 30 Ravenscroft Road, Asheville, N. C. Q ALUMNI O iDDOmiOODIM} We have had very little news late ly from our Alumni. It is missed. It is always interesting, and inspiring, to present students to read of the act ivities, progress, and achievements of those who have gone fro mout our halls into the world of business, com merce, or the professions. We like to hear from all our old students. Why not wTite us what you are doing? Tell us of happenings in your career. Perhaps you have made a “big strike” or have some other in teresting news bit which our student body will be glad to read.