«•« atl Hoi| pU r i til fin 11 « 'or, po\ BOOST THAT FOOTBALL TEAM Remember FOUNDERS DAY '^•'VOL. IV. nd— MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, OCTOBER 7, 1929. No. 2 at DR. R. L. BOLTON CLOSES TEN DA YS^ E VA NG ELI STIC SER VICES wl fie. Religious Spirit Prevalent on Campu* at Result of .... Revival. nth 3th Out Both the community and the col lege have already realized a great blessing from the presence and ser vices of Dr. R. L. Bolton who was on our campus for ten days. Dr. Bolton was graduated from Mercer Univer- tu.s^ty from the Southern Baptist j^^Theological Seminary. He held one pastorate in New Orleans and several ^^in Georgia before going into Evan- 'gelistic work. He did south-wide .lo^work for four years under the super- of tho Seminary in Louisville. IHe then went to the Baptist Bible In- raastitute in New Orleans to do the same type of work. He is still connected f’*with this Institute, doing Evangelistic ►'•work. Never before in the history of the icollege has a more beautiful spirit of co-operation been manifested between Ithe students and the teachers. The tmemhers of the faculty have plainly shown that Christ’s work is the all- important work. They made short and easy assignments, urging the stu dents to attend the evening services. lEach teacher was very thoughtful D. Hiden Ramsey Will Speak Founders Day EUTHALIANS GIVE SNAPPY PROGRAM AND ELECT OFFICERS ►ix: are glad that he has come into our midst, and is the major in voice here at Mars Hill. The Lord has given him a marvelous voice. While training his voice so that he may become more efficient in His service, he very gra ciously and earnestly served his Maker in the revival. We pray that God may richly bless John Samuel in his training for the Lord’s work. There are approximately four hun dred and twenty students enrolled in school. Only God can estimate the results in these individual lives and in our campus. May this season have been the planting o'f a stronger and more determined purpose in the Sun day School, the B. Y. P. U.s, and other religious organizations on the campus. Many have been brought closer to Jesus Christ by conversion and rededication, and have affiliated themselves with the college church. The fields are white to harvest; glean ers are needed. Let us, fellow stu dents, line up four hundred strong for nine months of earnest and con scientious labor for our Master. hi ,nd did all that he or she could to lelp the students. “ Prayer groups were organized in all the dormitories under the direc tion of “Mother Blggers,” “Mother Roberts,” “Mother Alderman,” and "“Mother Milstead.” There were eighteen groups that met each even ing from seven until seven-thirty o’clock one week prior to the re- ——vival. During the meeting the prayer services lasted only fifteen minutes, ►^^he Christian students showed deep —^concern for their unsaved fellows. Many consecrated, Christian boys and girls lingered with the people for the after-service prayer meeting. This experience service was the means of drawing many closer to the Saviour. Reverence reigned in the heart of each boy and girl as he or she went into the building for the daily chapel services. With our beloved president, -Our professors, our teachers, our dor- i^itory mothers, and our friends we were like one big family gathered by the fireside for family worship and prayer. Dr. Bolton’s messages were inspir- i. ing and interesting. The subjects which he used while in our midst still linger and will continue to do so for many weeks and months to come. They were as follows: “What Jesus Taught Concerning Prayer,” “The Need and Results of a Revival,” “Why Prayers Arc Not (Answered,” “The Law of Sin,” “Re- liceneration or the Second Birth,” —^”The Supreme Mission of the Church,” “A Man Up a Tree,” “Ex cuses for Not Accepting Jesus,” “The Divine Banquet Hall,” “God, the An- J Jffiorage for Our Soul,” “The Straight- est Way to Calvary,” “The Last Chance,” “The Laws of the Cross,” ‘Attitudes Toward God,” “The Choice fjyof Moses,” “Why I Believe in the Bible as the Word of God,” “How to Keep Growing in the Spiritual Life,” ‘The Supreme Attributes of God,” ‘How to Change the Face or the "'ransfiguring Power of an Ideal,” ‘The New Testament Portrait of lesus.” Not only shall these deep spiritual I£peTmons linger in our hearts, but also shall the many spiritual songs con- echoing in our lives. The mu- psic, under the direction of Miss Mar tha Biggers, head of the college mu- jsic department, was exceedingly jgood. Members of the faculty and iseveral students brought sweet mes sages in song. God has given them a [Voice and it is wonderful to see how willing they serve Him. Their ser vices have been an example of conse crated talents and personality. John Samuel Cain, Bartow, Flor ida, led the gospel song services. We Orchestra Contemplates Successful Year Saturday, October 12, is to be ob served as Founders Day. There will be classes as usual in the morning, but at eleven o’clock D. Hiden Ram sey, manager of the Asheville Times, will deliver an address. As yet the program has not been entirely completed.. It will be well worth attending by all. The speaker is a noted writer in addition to being an accomplished speaker. There will be special music also. In the afternoon there is to be a football game on the home field. PRE-MED COURSE IS APPROVED BY A.M.A. Mars Hill Among First Junior Col leges Approved. Tentative Organization Is Perfected. Because of the late arrival of sev eral musicians the college orchestra is not yet completely organized, but partially successful efforts at organ ization have been made in the two meetings already held. The director urges all students who can play an orchestral instrument to join the or chestra in order to make it a lively organization and to develop any la tent talent which they may possess. This year Mrs. Robinson will be the solo violinist and Miss Elkins ac companist. At present the remainder of the orchestra has been arranged tentatively as follows: first violins, Marvin Connell, Earnest Moore, Emily Upchurch; second violins, Ruth Davis and Elliott Harrell; clarinet, Florence Johnson; E flat alto saxo phone, Robert Robinson and Bar- rott McKinney; trumpets, Clemmer Carrol, Jarvis Lawrence, Jeffry Free man, N. B. MacDevitt; drums, Jimmy Cherry; ’cello, Robert Lane. When they are organized the orchestra will practice once or twice every week and play regularly in chapel. They hope to be in operation by Founders Day but are uncertain as to their being fully organized by that time. Not only does the orchestra offer valuable experience to those expect ing to enter upon a musical career, but also offers a well balanced social program. They expect to have two parties a year the same as any other student organization. NONPAREILS GIVE COMIC PROGRAM The Nonpareil Literary Society held its regular meeting Thursday, September 26. A very interesting and entertaining program was rendered by the Comic Nonpareil Chautauqua with Miss Bessie Lieby as tent direct or. Fine amusing entertainments were given, each one a delight to the aud ience. A piano entertainment was given by Miss Marjorie Gailt. Miss Agnes Lee Johnson delivered an in spiring lecture. The Frances ukulele duet was an interesting feature. Two lectures, very instructive in the art of agriculture, were delivered by Misses Frances Holloman and Helen Beckwith.: The Pigdon Minstrel, pre senting a coon jubilee, was a source of mirth to everyone. At the close of the program Miss Rex Ramsey fa vored the society by a reading from Hiawatha. The members of the so ciety were pleased to sec many vis itors present and to receive into the society six new members. Claude Hamby Chosen as President. In the latest bulletin of the Ameri can Medical Association giving the list of colleges approved for pre-med ical work is included the name of Mars Hill College. The action of the American Med ical Association is considered signifi cant in the progress of junior col leges, as heretofore the association has not recognized pre-medical work done in a junior college. The fact that Mars Hill was included in the first list of junior colleges thus ap proved is further gratifying to the administration of the College. While the pre-medical work at Mars Hill has for some time been fully accept ed by leading medical colleges of the country, this has beej> done without the official approval of the American Medical Association. Credentials of pre-medical work taken in junior colleges must show the completion of at least sixty semester hours in subjects of college grade, including the required credits in physics, chemistry, biology, and English. Students presenting such credentials must have completed at least fifteen units of accredited high school work before taking college courses. The following schedule of subjects for the two-year pre-med ical course, which was prepared by a special committee of the association, coincides with the course suggested in the Mars Hill catalogue. Required subjects: chemistry 12 hours, physics 8 hours, biology 8 hours, English composition and lit erature 6 hours, other non-science subjects 12 hours; subjects strongly urged: a modern foreign language 6-12 hours, advanced botany or zoo logy 3-6 hours, psychology and logic 3-6 hours, advanced mathematics 3-6 hours,additional courses in chemistry 3-6 hours; other suggested electives: English economics, history, sociol ogy, political science, mathematics, Latin, Greek, drawihg. Many on the campus perhaps do not know that Mars Hill is also fully accredited by the State Department of Education, the Southern Associa tion of College and Secondary Schools, and the American Associa tion of Junior Colleges. The Eus held their third meeting Friday afternoon, September 27. Al though the meeting was not at the regular time there was a large num ber present. The first number on the program was an oration, “The Love of a Mother,” by James Holmes. This was followed by a declamation, “Imortal- ityj” given by Mack Moore in an ex cellent manner. The nexf event on the program was a debate, “Resolved, That Intercollegiate and Interscho lastic Athletics, as at Present Con ducted, Are Detrimental.” The af firmative was composed of L. D. Us- sery and W.F.Edgerton, and the neg ative was represented by T. W. Re gan and G. D. Wilson. Although the affirmative put up a brave fight, the judges rendered their decision in fa vor of the negative. Immediately following the debate T. E. Barton was called on to ex hibit his ability in making an im promptu speech. He made several snappy remarks concerning the way in which he answered himself here at Mars Hill. The last number on the program was funny jokes given by H. C. Yarborough. In the business meeting which fol lowed the program the following offi cers were elected: president, Claud Hamby; vice-president, George Hayes; recording secretary, Robert Tolbert; censor, Deiter Wilson; chap lain, Eli Calahan; corresponding sec retary, David Stewart; English critic, Arthur Lynch; expression critic, Ray Tolbert; debate critic, Boyd Brown; chorister, Paul Reese; pianist, Wil- ford Reese; reporter, Levi Dilday; sargeant-at-arms, William Edgerton; timekeeper, H. E. Yarborough; jan itor, Mack Moore. With these fine officers leading, the Eus expect to climb higher on the ladder of success in the near future. Schedule of Public Functions Oct. 6—County, State and oth er Clubs—Picnics, Mountain Hikes. Oct. 12—Founders Day. Ball Game in Afternoon. Movie, “King of Kings,” 7:30. . Oct. 19—Sunday School Class Picnics. Oct. 26—Movie. Nov. 2—Class Outings, A-3, A-4, C-1, C-2. Nov. 9—Dr. B. W. Spilman. Nov. 16—Dramatic Club. MANY STATES AND COUNTIES REPRESENTED Statistics Show Largest Senior Class. Philomathians Hold Interesting Meeting Seventy counties of North Carolina, eleven states. District of Columbia, Central America, and Cuba are rep resented in the 420 students enrolled at Mars Hill, according to statistics given out by the registrar’s office. These statistics show the largest Senior class ever enrolled at the col lege during the fall term, 103 showing ing the required minimum for a Sen ior of 28 hours and eight quality points and 30 who will be rated sen iors at the close of the first semester. The Junior class numbers 258, the fourth-year academy class 37, the third-year academy class 22. Of the total enrollment 242 are boys and 178 are girls. And strange as it may seem the Senior class comprises more girls than boys, the class roll showing 54 girls and 49 boys. N. C. Leads Of the states represented, North Carolina leads with 305; South Car olina comes second with 87; Tennes see third with 19. Other states and countries are as follows: Alabama 5, Central America 1, Cuba 1, District of Columbia 1, Florida 4, Georgia 4, Kentucky 3, Louisiana 1, Maryland 3, Mississippi 2, Pennsylvania 1, Vir ginia 9. Enrollment from the counties of North Carolina is as follows: Alle ghany 3, Anson 1, Ash 1, Avery 2, Bertie 1, Bladen 2, Brunswick 1, Buncombe 29, Burke 9, Cabarrus 1, Caldwell 7, Carteret 1, Catawba 2, Chatham 4, Cherokee 8, Chowan 1, Cleveland 16, Columbus 6, Davie 6, Davidson 2, Durham 2, Edgecombe 4, Forsythe 7, Franklin 2, Gaston 10, Gates 2, Graham 1, Granville 3, Guil ford 6, Greene 2, Harnett 2, Hay wood 12, Henderson 12, Hartford 3, Iredell 9, Jackson 5, Lenoir 1, Lin coln 3, McDowell 12, Montgomery 7, Moore 2, Mecklenburg 3, Nash 3, Onslow 1, Orange 1, Person 2, Pitt 5, Polk 3, Randolph 3, Richmond 2, Robeson 2, Rutherford 18, Simpson 6, Stanley 2, Swain 4, Surry 4, Tran sylvania 8, Union 5, Wake 7, Wayne 3, Wilkes'1, Wilson 1, Yadkin 1, Yan cey 12. On Friday afternoon, September 28, the Philomathian Literary Socie ty held its third program of the scho lastic year. Due to the sudden no tice of change in the meeting hour, several members and visitors were not present as expected. Nevertheless, much enthusiasm and fellowship were shown as a result of the fine pro gram. The first number was a debate, “Resolved, That the Federal Govern ment Should Own, Operate, and Con trol the Principal Sources of Hydro electric Power.” The affirmative was represented by George Stroupe and Jack Felmet, while W. Scott Buck and Graves Mumiord upheld the negative side of the query. Both sides pi'e- sented acceptable proof and persua sion, but the negative came back in the rebuttal with a terrific attack which lodged so firmly in the heands of the judges that the decision was given to the negative. Next, Vernon Jordan played a clas sical selection of piano music, much to the pleasure of the audience. Afterwards, T. Carl Brown gave another oration, entitled “Lest We Forget.” This timely subject was re ceived with much applause. Following the oration, Thomas Dy- sard was a commendable success in his declamation, “The Curse of Reg- ulus.” By his clear interpretation the hall was the scene of old Roman days. Mr. Dysard brought his masterpiece to a close with a wonderful, dramatic finale. After the program had ended all visitors were given a chance to ex press their opinion. Several members of the faculty spoke, followed by short speeches by student visitors. Glios Give Shakes pearean Program Twenty-two New Members Added. Thursday afternoon a very dra matic program was presented in the Clio hall. Those on the program showed much preparation and every one present commented on the pro gram’s being an exceptional one. The program as given was as follows: Some Facts Concerning Shakes peare’s Life, Carolyn Freeman; Mark Anthony’s Speech Over Caesar’s Body, Patty Moore; Scene From Cleo- patria, Ruth Cooper and Louise Fow ler; Scene from “Macbeth,” Thelma Hoyle; Violin Solo, Ruth Davis. Dr. Bolton visited the society. His remarks were very inspiring and ben eficial to all. There were twenty-two girls who joined the society. The numbers are rapidly nearing the zenith of past years. Cleveland County Club Organizes The students from Cleveland County met last Monday and elected the following officers to pilot the club through the coming year: president, H. E. Yarborough; vice-president, J. L. Suttle; secretary and treasurer, Margaret Hamrick; reporter, Hoyle Lee. The Cleveland County Club has been in existence several years and has a rather large membership, as quite a number of boys and girls come up annually from that good county.