ement be a fire-e! ANNIVERSARY Spilmat that sen"*”““““ " “ " ““ ‘]0L. V. MEETS IN GREENVILLE :ion. Th refer tt -escape,’,' _ _ “|I. C. C. PRESS e of th« ady ha(i on thes« ith Mr rpose oi lat. It’i om thrhree Delegates From rst::s: h. g. Attend. t to atl ; ce, smNext Meeting in Spring >se who - — e warn! P’rom October 30, to November 1, and re*e North Carolina Collegiate Press' a sliAssociation held its twentieth semi- n terr^nnual convention at Greenville un- ler the auspices of Eastern Carolina differfeacher’s College. Everett Couch of here ijtate College presided, sristico Delegates were present from Ca- 'n yoi^wba, Meredith, Peace, Elon, Duke, t youi^orth Carolina College for Women' J evei^reensboro College, Davidson, Wake inally^orest, Queens-Chicora, N. C. State, nd, ij^ars Hill, Guilford, and East Caro- rproojina Teacher’s College. At the busi- JunsePess meeting Campbell College was fron^dmitted as a member, tories Registration began at three o’clock Thursday afternoon, October 30, and 'atiorr^^^d until 5:30. Dinner was served ; that»*^ the Woman’s Club at 8:00 o’clock, : sud-A*iss Mamie Jenkins of Greenville 'serving at toastmistress. After the welcome by President R. s th«H. Wright of East Carolina Teacher’s Tth’.s^e^'e^ie and the response by Everett re. pouch, Mr. M. L. Wright delivered welcome from the publications. The speaker of the evening, Mr. Carl Goerch, a noted journalist of Washington, N. C., chose as his sub- ^t, “The Benefits of a Journalistic Career.’’ The newspaper man’s great est benefit is the experience that he jdenves through intimate contact with the best people. The thrill which he receives when hi» woik is published is patifying and also serves as a power- .rul stimulus to greater achievements.’’ Do not enter the newspaper profos- ||Sion for selfish reasons,’’ Mr. Goerch j said, “because there are many hard- j ships; but if you love it and are will- j mg to work, you will receive ample J dividends and you will be truly hap } Ipy.” I j Friday, October 31, at 10:30 A. M * the newspaper, annual, and magazine , editors gave a report of the manner • in which their publications were func- j tioning, together with a short sketch j of any alterations that had been made J since the last meeting. At 11:15 o’- I jclock the annual, the newspaper, and j the magazine delegates divided J themselves into groups and in an in- uormal manner discussed their respec tive problems and the best methods for their solution. Thrpgh the courtesy of the Tech Hut°' S'th I Sam, joyed a theatrill^*^^!! “^^’s go to Atlanta!’’ That of Mr. ctb tt aifthl P two weeks ago. Now we gor AteTIf’ . , “Let’s go back to At- ° "‘"Other dinner Manta.’’ and the dance that followed it were Tha-rn onjoyed. There was no one who went that The last day of the eonv^.f ‘‘^ok just a little more breakfast at E. C. T. C M'^ed .spiritually. We had a glori- portant business meeting concbi^r,! I ^“eting there and the spirit was the convention. ^ concluded Wonderful. We all wished we could The delegates from the Hilltop were W’u . U. Rncco J T, ^ . I liut some may not even know what ^HE Hilltop Cl/o ANNIVERSARY NOV. 29 Jitt With high heroic heart They did their valiant part!” ^he eleventh of November years nad left the world bleeding and in a decided state nf nation with much rejoicing and happiness. ^ homes were unable to catch the full value of so much !he hihel srcriflL*'’'' T"? '"“I They did not hove ■ n*" greatest patriotism, husbands in thet ® t» hold their sons and their Thesf^en layTut“tr “ f ■'uturn. itibe men lay out there somewhere in xt i wentified the spot where they lay cold S a cold ^1™“ No' No t”"^H P"'"* tribute to their fallen life No tender wife or daughter was there to weep over thdr tom Lrterthem in ttt' "roo'ding death com- awaS -tin th t f"'®'P "'’t''' ‘hey would not reemve their rtwa'id"!" ' ‘"em ‘o Such a sacrifice! All for what? Only to fulfill the lust of Z V’°!“h '^ho should have the r ght to ash 1 L^?“‘Th “> ‘he jaZ o! suS hell. They made the supreme sacrifice and the maioritv of ZdZtVZt ‘h" eacriflce that they made wi«! and dauir'"’ -PothL and and see what ttZrWgefof war'’hfrrrt’’‘ mtnho°oTS°" "'T- hloioZTf X‘ng manhood with everything that life had to offer before them Sh trstdll? !'’*'•!‘“hf patiently waiting the archangel of death to still their aching hearts and soothe their many mafadies rhe humblest among them is indeed the greateT examnt of rue love, undaunted bravery, unfettered natriofism a s€E5r happrnersZ” •'"f*. “berty. and [he puZu!t of' —J. N. J. *"OR^*AR^LDELEGAm AN ACCOUNT OF SOUTHERN B. S. U. CONFERENCE xSv KInnura«r C ‘ —■— NO. 4. [DEBATING TEAMS ARE SELECTED 24 Members Chosen to Compete in Inter- collegiates. Sister Society Follows a Week Later. The preliminaries for the boys and the girls who shall represent the school in the forensic contests for the spring were held in the auditorium on October 28 and November 4. Many students took part in the preliminaries and much spirit was manifested during the tryouts. Those selected among the young men to take part in the debates are as follows, Fred Bose, Ben Cox, Evan Evans, Cooper Gretter, Milton Hamby Nelson Jarrett, John Johnson, Hoyle Lee, Clarence Mayo, W. F. McLester, Mard Pittman, and Woo Rosser. The young ladies who shall take part are: Lillian Turbyfill, Grace El kins, Katherine Curl, Alta Ruth Reese, Gertrude Blaylock,Martha Par ker, Ruby Hayes, Marie McNeil, Kathleen Gilliand, Gertrude Small' Mamie Kelly, and Sara Fox. The material is good, and all indi cations point to another most success ful season. Prof. J. B. Huff will coach the teams this year in the absence of w Prof. William Grubbs who last year ^ coached the team that won the state '^= championship in the boy’s class. The debate' season last year was a marked success. Any team will miss the .services of .such men as Wm. Ca- pel, Jas. Cherry, and Scott Buck. The team lost only two debates the entire season. The affirmative team of last year won three debates and lost two. They obtained nine out of a possible thirteen votes cast. The negative team did not loose a debate the entire season. They won six debates, and received twelve out of thirteen votes cast. During the state championship series the affirmative and negative teams won twelve out of a possible, thirteen votes. The girls season was a marked success also. They broke almost even during’ {he season. The first debate is looked forward to with a great deal of anticipation by the student body, and it is hoped that the record of last year will even improved upon. w. 0 went on at Atlanta, October 31 through November 2. There was a Southwide Baptist Student Union Conference. That’s the B. S. U. It doesn’t stand for “bull shooter’s union” either. We left here some time between Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon (it all depends on how we went). Different ones left at differ ent times. Most of us went by Ath ens, Ga., and Stone Mountain. At At hens we saw the University of Geor gia, and there Cleve Bell got all the stickers he could put in his pocket. Then we journeyed to Stone Moun fflln • _ 1 , - • three days. Here we found lovely men I not foro.»+ itr and women, ready to ... Dawson men and women, ready to answer to our every beck and call. Most of them let us get up whenever we so desired and some gave us keys, by which we could come and go at our own con venience - —and that splendid message she brought to us. here was hardly a dry eye as she tolo of Abe Kelly, of Baylor; his wonderfully full life lived in such a short length of time, and his tragic death. The writer recalls the inci- de The faculty and a number of the town people were entertained at a Faculty Have Fine Flallowe’en Party iMars Hill Student Elected to High I Office at B. S. U. Floyd Sam, Made First Vice-Pre,- ident of Organization. Floyd Sams of Mars Hill College as e ected first vice-president of the ou ern B. S. U. Conference at the Sa”"''"'"" '» '“'•"•a. --,ta?er.frrhort -- He will serve the Union with• Pieces of Terschel Ford, of Wake Forest ® «« this planet, not Sibn""^" elected president of thl f Mountain itself well represent- d at the conference. Mars Hill had 0 the largest delegations from State, having sent forty repre sentatives. course. Ah! Those meetings. The best speakers that could be found in the South, with the addition of sev- eral from the North, were there. They all brought us wonderful messages, from which we got a great blessing. e learned that quite a few young men finaly made up their minds to accept God’s call to the ministry through these inspiring and uplifting services. Perhaps we enjoyed most the devotionals led by Dr. Gordon of New York. Dr. Gordon carried a message that was most inspiring to all of us. He is a very quiet sort of man, and one must listen carefully if he wishes to catch the message. Dr. Gordon, when he would come to one of the more important points in his •t-Q ll,F^ — 1 .7 . _ tarn where we enjoyed looking upon talk, would say softlv “Av. one of the mnef ^ \ soitiy, Are you listening?” This would always bring regrets and flowers. Mrs. Dawson probably made the most heart-stirr ing talk of the whole conference; and It brought remarks from every one, to say nothing of the tears it brought from, as she said, “the most stony hearted one there.” Music was furnished all during the meeting by Mr. G. L. Hamrick, at the organ. His meditative music was a brilliant factor in the success of the conference. The singing was effect ively led by Mr. Scolfield, who had general charge of the music. Then let us not forget the prayer services held by our North Carolina delega- were played. The men tried their luck at fishing apples from a tub of water with their mouth. Dr. Sams seemed to have had experience in this line before. The young ladies tried to eat their apples which were suspended by a string. During the games a gioup of ghosts came in from their wanderings and entertained those present with several spooky songs. At the close of the evening delicious re- -reshments were served, and all left with a spooky feeling. ‘‘Glad to See You Out" IS the largest single exposed piece of granite known. From here, we went on into Atlan ta, where we were received with open aims by the people of that city. W° iregistered and were sent to the homes oi interest to all, and it we were t. live for the next led great], to S .pp Jl the attention of the entire audience of some two thousand students, in addition to many visitors, to him. Next in order was probably Dr. oh, I beg his pardon! — Mr. John Lake. He does not like at all to be called Doctor. His message was one P^tbos add- Then let us erj, dNoren Carolina delega- Tv,f wi-, j a. , . tion before each morning meeting always sorry to Probably other delegations held thes^e kJii "lembers of its faculty ill. Miss also, but close contact for a week-end, but she the - * meeung. Probably other delegations held these Uxso, but close contact gave the writ- or the assurance that the services of our own delegation were very uplift ing and helpful. The people of Atlanta treated us ike kings and queens, giving us ev ery courtesy imaginable. We know, ^ve7k:eld" u, however, of one of the outstanding j her claims delegates from Mars Hill who did not ■ i call on his uncle, and thereby missed Lers iTomeXf^'^ a very fine meal. That person’s cou-^?ecent ilw J ^ (Continued on Page 3) IZ 1 1 1 ’ "P on rage J) and about the dormitory as usual . L/ti is now busy again attending to complaints of others. Dr. Robert, who has been indi.s- posed for some time, is steadily re gaming his strength. Miss Wengert was ill the past meet