iner, ^ 5te on s nor'. its du ere nu Clio Anniversary Tonight Hilltop llBq:j93ISBa MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, NOVEMBER 29, 1930. as pr(OL V. lere V “aios PRESENT IN THE HEART j Euthalian ProgTam phere NO. 5. OF LIFE IN COLLEGE AUDITORIUM mucl t ]Dr '^amie Kelly Writes Play for ore s Fortieth Anniversary Program. ) reception in Society Halls Cli- na- maxes Birthday of [ate Clio-Phi. , and The Clio Literary Society celebrat- d its fortieth anniversary last even- ng in the college auditorium. The to finresentation was that of a contrast d by Jay “In the Heart of Life”—con- ill, mirasting the Seven Deadly Sins and madte Nine Virtues of Love, clai “Ye cannot serve God and Mam- icaus^aon.” This was plainly brought be- i Poior the youth of Mars Hill College as llio, Elizabet Wilburn, stood on the ;erpr«|hreshold of life deciding which road sculpjo travel. le, Gt Sin in its mildest form was presents lio C(d to her. The sjnrit of the under- yl IVorld, Mae Ballew, reigned in her I’s wiupreme way. The Fates, in a most - godimpressive way, produced the weird husb&ffect. The Evildoers: Miss Bird, 1 she'Charlotte Hooper, Elaine Snyder, jealovere on the stage while the Fates “ "J'lt'hanted when the curtain was drawn Plor the first act. Avarice, Martha ' l>cli5tack, entered, commanding all to ^ucincatter so that she might be alone. ^^^iLater, Envy—Gertrude Small; Gam- ; Miii)iing^ the daughter of Avarice, who d Pa^as Virginia Hester, and Appetite, ^^-V*^artha Parker, entered; Anger—Vcy \dams, came in to announce the 1 in freast of the year on midnight eve in ^5atanic Park. The sins all planned ;o go. Appetite was chosen host Vhile Pride, Sibyl Pace, was his beau- iiful royal lady. Sloth, Zora' Riddle, sntered from the fear ot the park. irille, Scribleris Club Admits Six New Members "■ On Tuesday evening, November 11, ;he Scribleris Club had its first reg- ilar meeting in the Euthalian Socie- ;y hall. After the roll call, a brief program was rendered. The subject for discussion was nature poetry. Eva Robbins in an excellent paper dis cussed ::The Place of Nature Poet ry in Latin Literature.” “The Place of Nature Poetry in English Literature” was discussed by Char lotte Hooper. In the business meeting which fol lowed, Miss Frances Barnes’ resigna tion was accepted by the club, and Miss Elaine Moore was chosen to lake Miss Barnes’ place as secretary. The president expressed a joy in .velcoming the six new members into club. For the sake of the new mem- cers, the by-laws and constitution vere read. The members of the club at pre tent are: Cooper Gretter, president; Eva Robbins, A. T. Usher, Elaine Vl^ore, Charlotte Hooper, Bernice f’rince, Mae Ballew, Ruth Hoke, Gla- ■Hys Poindexter, James Matthews, and Pittman. and went over to a tree to rest his tired and weary self. The Fates bid all welcome, and the greedy Mr. Ap petite seated all at the taihle. “Trou ble, trouble,” by the pricking of me thumb, something wicked this way comes says the ruler of the Fates, Thelmia Quinn. The folks prepare to eat from the table laden with Martin Morthmass beef galore. Anger stirs up trouble and through fighting all are slain. The cherished gain was scattered on the ground. Luxury, who was Mae Bragg, entered to get all the gold she wanted. While picking up the glit tering wealth, she is confronted by Spirit of Love, who slowly says, “The love of God and the love of Sin cannot dwell together. Thus endeth the first act. The angels, who were fourteen girls with beautiful voices, opened the second act. The Spirit of Love, who was Eva Robbins, reigned here. The Nine Virtues of Love—Pa.tience, Edna Mae Henderson; Courtesy, Net tie Ballew; Kindness, Gladys Poin dexter; Purity, Alta Ruth Reese; Generosity, Adelaide Cramer; Good Temper, Margaret Hamrick; Humil ity, Mary Lee Pryor; Sincerity, Ruth Whitmire, and Unselfishness, Louise Patton—meet Clio, Elizabeth Wil burn, as guide post oflife along her way. Very impressively each one made her see the need of that virtue in her life. Clio accepted each one and at the close all virtues with her are gathered around the throne to do even greater work than ever be fore for Him. The Spirit of Love, Eva Roibbins, quoted that beautiful passage of Scripture called the Psalm of Love. The Clios then marched to the stage dressed in white and blue sing ing the society song. The president of the society presented the Clio gift to the school, which was a $50 schol arship, and it was decided also to make it a permanent anniversary gift. Maihie Perry and Grace Elkins di rected the music, while Mary Fortune showed excellent taste in the design ing of the costumes. Mamie Kelly, under whose leader ship the Olios have successfully reach ed this fortieth anniversary, has shown unfeigned interest in making this anniversary the success that it was. A courageous spirit and tireless efforts were responsible for the suc cess of the anniversary. Devoted to New^ Members of Society The Euthalian Literary Society met in its regular session Friday night, November 21. The program was devoted almost exclusively to the de velopment of new members, each of whom performed very creditably. • An oration was delivered in a very pleasing manner by Max Hamilton. The next number consisted of a de bate, “Resolved, That the Immigra- j tion Laws Should Be Modified So as' to Allow the Japanese to Enter This Country. on the Same Basis as the ■ Europeans.” The affirmative was up- i held by Williard Griggs and Boyd Brown; while the negative views were advocated by Broadus Ham mond and Val Edwards. The affirm ative gained a two-to-one decision. Paul Fox delivered an oration in his usual forceful fashion. W. A. Spear and Albert Beck proved to be com edians of the first water, giving a much relished comic dialogue. The program was terminated by special orchestra music by several members of the society. Expression Students Give Riley Program The student body of Mars Hill Col lege was entertained during the reg ular chapel period, Wednesday, Nov ember 19, by a program presented by the expression department. The program was delivered in the form of a playlet.. The scene was a room in the home of James Whit- combe Riley. Riley, impersonated by Wade Baker, sat in his chair and as each child entered the room, the old poet was entertained by that child’s favorite Riley poem. The parts of the children were play ed by Martha Parker, Bill McLester, Maymee Kelley, Robert Lane, Flor ence Jonson, Marguerite Green, Fran ces Barnes, Sibyl Pace, and Helen Beckwith. The selections recited were repre sentative of each type of Riley’s poet ry. The poignancy of feeling, the sensitiveness of pathos, and the gen iality of humor that accorded him the cognomen of the child’s poet, were all glimpsed by the au^dience. SEVEN FROM MARS HILL ATTEND NORTH CAROLINA CONVENTION “Here’s a sigh to those who love me. And a smile to those who hate; And whatever sky’s above me, Here’s a heart for every fate.” —Byron. ly^ard Eighty*three Sons of Farmers on Campus It is seldom that in any gather ing or assembly representatives of the farm are not found. Mars Hill College is no exception. On every side and at every occasion one is struck by the large number of stu dents whose carefree, clean, and straightforward manner mark them as residents of the farm. Indeed, the farmers of the differ ent states are evidently the great est patrons of the college; for eighty-three of the boys on the campus are sons of farmers. Many of these farmer’s sons are out standing leaders on the campus, taking with them wherever they go the atmosphere of wholesome ness—a relic of the farm which they yet possess. PHILOMATHIANS CELEBRATE THEIR FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY Society Presents Colorful and Varied Program. Clios Entertain. The fortieth anniversary program of the Phliomathian Literary Society was presented too a large and appre ciative audience on Saturday evening, November 22. The program began with the sing ing of “America” by the audience. Professor Hoyt Blackwell rendered the invocation immediately after ward. After the Philomathian pres ident had welcomed the audience, the Euthalian president was recognized. James Mathews, of Mars Hill, gave an oration, “The Quest of Intellect.” Next Tilson Fleetwood, also of Mars Hill, gave a declamation, “Heart the Source of Power.” Both of these se lections were ably given. Following these two numbers Joe Farmer, of Shelby, N. C., sang a vocal solo. Mr. Farmer was accompanied by Miss Martha Biggers. A query that is probably more in the limelight at the present time and that is more worthy of discussion could not be discovered than the sub ject, “Resolved, That the United States Should Grant Complete and Immediate Independence to the Phil ippine Islands.” Ward Pittman, of Lumberton, N. C., and Clarence W. Mayo, of Knoxville, Tenn., upheld the affirmative; while T. Hoyle Lee, of Fallston, N. C., and J. Nelson Jar- rett, of West Asheville, upheld the negative. The opponents were evenly matched and the debate proved to be one that made the decision extremely close. The decision of the judges, however, was in favor of the neg ative. At this time the “Philomathian Syn- copators,” under the direction of Clemmer Campbell, gave some pop ular songs in their usual capable manner. They were forced by the requests of the audience to return to the stage and render several more selections. M. H. R. Kendall, of Fay etteville, N. C., held his audience en thralled by his rendition of a decla mation, “The Guillotine.” An oration, “Will America Stand?” by Wade Ba ker, of Harrelsvdlle, N. C., followed the declamation. The number which brought the program to a fitting close was the singing of the society song, “Clio Phi,” by the entire society. Immediately after the program the Philomathians with several members of the faculty and the presidents of the Euthalian and Nonpareil socie ties went to the society halls where they were entertained by the officers of the Clio Literary Society. Y. W. A. Reports Splendid Progress The Young Woman’s Auxiliary is well organized, having six complete circles, each doing excellent work. The first and third Friday nights of each month are given to circle meet ings, while one Friday night each month a public program is given in the church auditorium with one of the six circles having charge. There are at present about one hundred and ten members, each working to make her circle the most beneficial one. The programs consist of missionary stories and surveys from both home and foreign fields. In this way the girls are able to learn more about the conditions existing in the mission ary program. On Friday night, November 14, the Rivermont circles had charge of the public program. They rendered a very helpful tjwo-characttr playlbt which emphasized the fact that each person can be a true missionary for Christ, whether he goes to any par ticular field or not, by just helping in the greatest possible way to send others and in so doing to carry out the great commission, “Go ye, there fore', and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” (Matt. 28:19-20. The staunch leader with her coun cil have their hearts in the work and God is wonderfully blessing the or ganization. All are looking forward with great anticipation to the mission study course in the Spring, at which time some of our finest southland leaders will be present. Plans for Diamond Anniversary Are Approved. Mr. Owen Head of Minister’s Confer ence. The Baptists of North Carolina held their annual convention in the First Baptist Church of Raleigh and in the First Baptist Church of Wake Forest from November 11 to Novem ber 13. The next convention will be held at Winston-Salem. The registration totaled 1,200 peo ple, and many more Baptists eagerly thronged the auditoriums at various times to hear the stirring reports that were given by the ministers and the active layman of the denomination. Four hundred Sunday-school work ers were present at the dinner which was served at the Sir Walter hotel at 5:30 o’clock Tuesday evening. Governor Gardner, in his address to them, stressed the value of the Sun day school by citing graphic illustra tions which showed that it is a major factor in the determination of the quality and the quantity of our Chris tian leaders for the next generation. Dr. William Russell Owen of Ashe~ ville addressed the B. Y. *P. U. leaders at their dinner on Wednesday even ing, November 12. Speeches were made by four col lege presidents — Dr. Thurman Kit- chin of Wak« Forest, Dr. Charles Brewer of Meredith, Dr. W. B. Ed wards of Chowan, and Dr. R. L. Moore of Mars Hill. Mr. McCoy Muc- ' kle of Wingate is the successor of Prof. J. B. Huff as president of Win gate Junior College and is a former student of Mars Hill. In the business mbeeting i t was voted that the women of the state be requested to raise $50,000 each year for the next eight years in order that the indebtedness which still exists on Meredith may be paid. (Continued on page 2) Thanks for our strong forbears Who offered pilgrim prayers By unknoHvn shore; Thanks for the spirits brave Who sailed the long, wild wave, Who felt the freedom-crave. Swift to explore. Thanks for the cafinofi-roar That rang the whole world o^er Of Freedom's cry; Thanks for the bleeding feet Slashed by the snow a7id sleef. Men scorning mea^i retreat Marched on to die. T hanks for one people, free, Preserved in unity. One cause, one will; Thanks for the nameless graves Unbinding fettered slaves: Thanks for one Flag that waves Above us still. God of our fathers, seel— Thy people proud and' free, , Still unaf raid. Bear grateful memories: And from our hearts shall rise Thafiks for the sacrifice Our fathers made. D. L. Stewart.