Page Pour THE HILLTOP, MARS HILL COLLEGE, MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA CLEANING, PRESSING,, DYEING, REPAIRING - Hats Cleaned and Blocked Like New Price List for Mars Hill College / NOSIN’ ’ROUND MEN Suits Cleaned and pressed .75 ' Cecil Coffey has a'tremendous a- mount of reserve power which should help the team a lot this year. Pants cleaned and pressed .35 s'ociety pin for three full Coats cleaned and pressed — .40 second day he tvore'it. Overcoats cleaned and pressed— ./o Irbefcleaned'anrprS!^::::: We hear that all the boys in Brown Ties cleaned and pressed .10 Dormitory are wearing gloves now. Hats cleaned and blocked 75 your profession, doesn’t it Shirts, Wool -40 I GRADUATE I GOSSIP o 8 G Dr. W. A. Sams, of Marshall, was some time ago mentioned in the Ashe ville Citizen’s “Folks Worth While in Western North Carolina” column. Sixteen alumni are teaching in Madison County six-months schools this year. Shirts, Silk -50 ‘Sarge?” c. LADIES Dresses, plain cleaned & pressed .75 Coats, plain cleaned & pressed—. .75 Skirts, plain cleaned & pressed.. .40 Sweaters, plain cleaned & pressed .40 Waists, plain cleaned & pressed .40 Hats cleaned 50 Gloves cleaned Marion Justice wants to know why some freshman called him “Zip.”—Be sure your sins will find you out. “Knob” Deeper is trying to get The Asheville Citizen tells of C. H. Alder, who is in New York City, a modernistic interior decorator. His art is recognized in the leading mod ern circles. —0 Robert McIntyre is associated with ROBERTS BROTHERS WEAVERVILLE, N. C. We Know How Coffey & Murphy 321 Brown three boys shipped. Don’t you dare judge Varsar in the practice of law let him, Louise. at Lumberton, N. C. McIntyre took I his law course at Wake Forest Biology Lab. Note: Allen Suttle found an amoeba the other day, but I g Ballard, principal of the Nash- when he reached out for it, it eluded yjjjg (n. C.) High School, visited the him. Better luck next time! | campus a short time ago PHOTOGRAPHS ,4^ SPECIAL PRICES TO ALL MARS HILL STUDENTS H O W A R p' S T U p I O PATTON AVE. ASHEVIl E MARS HILL BUS LINE MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA Leaves Mars Hill 7:00 and 9:00 A. M.; 1 ^00 and 4:00 P Leaves Asheville 8:00 A. M. and 12 M,; 3:00 and 6.00 P. For Quality Merchandise at a Better Price TRADE AT THE MARKET -0- Fresh Fruits, Cakes, Candies. -0- WELL’S MARKET Despite the rapid approach of win- j g. F. Hardin, pastor First ter, Bradley Taylor seems to be Baptist Church, Lincolnton, was a “thawing.” Line will please form on ] yjgitor to the Hill during the summer the right. ^ I William McCall is located at Jack- Brothers are not all alike—Jasper gonville, Florida, where he is a drug England was always slow, but Dick THE STUDENT PRINTERY Over Ammons & Landers Store W. LUTHER HAWKINS, Prop. *^Good Printing at Reasonable Prices** See us about your formal Printing or engraving. Cards, Envelopes, Stationery, Christmas and Greeting Cards. believes in an early start. Dick is I another prolific writer who is cheating Uncle Sam’s postal system Dot Johnson, in a special interview, said, “He is a might sweet boy,” and shyly fingered her Statesville High I ring. Someone scalped Reeves Colville the other day. No, you’re wrong, it was the barber. /CSV Russell McCall, also of Jacksonville, Fla., holds a position with the Gen eral Electric Company. J. 0. Scoggin has been elected State Representative from Laure and Rockcastle counties, Kentucky. His majority was nearly 300. He resides at Ottawa, Ky. The campus was very much sur prised to learn of the wedding on September 27, at Greenville, S. C., of STUDENTS Keating Pharr strode impatiently up and down 'Spilman Porch the other I Bragg to Mr. Boyd Spunlock night. Yes, the Senior picnic wes —o mighty slow in returning. Gerald Johnson, of the Baltimore ^ Sun, in one of his lectures on journ The music department covers more alism at the Writer’s Assembly at ground than any other department Ridgecrest last summer, closed with on the campus; it goes from A to Z— “With all thy getting, get under- Annie to Zula. standing,” a phrase which has stood ^ for a quarter of a century, at the It was a lucky break for “Doc” | top of all the college stationery Murphy when Sara Corpening was asked to write an article on girls, I Richard England Is POPE PHARMACY School Supplies — Drugs — Soda — Candi -o- M This is your Drug Store—We want you to feel that way about it. If we haven’t got it we will ou way get it for you. -0- **Prices Reasonable And Your Patronage Appreciate] To the Circulation Manager of The Hilltop, Mars I C College, Mars Hill, N. C. You will find enclosed the sum of one ($1.00) dolL^ which insures me of one copy of The Hilltop for the cCar ing year and Summer School. STUDENTS IS athletics. “Doc” obligingly furnish- Patronize our Shop and help us through School. Work Guaranteed -0— College Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor Jackson Building Barber Shop E. T. PRESSLEY, Prop. Hair Cuts 25 Cents SHOWER BATHS ed all material needed, and it took several “business sessions” to get the material ready. “Joe E.” Brown started to the Vol unteer Band the other night with a trumpet. Elizabeth Blanton thinks the Sun day School Course “Working With Juniors” would be helpful as well as very interesting. How about it, Lewis Jr.? Mildred De Weese thinks Mrs. Shaw should seiwe “Championship Coffee” in the Dining Hall. Elizabeth Corpening has subscribed Chosen President Class Numbers Over Two Hundred Members; Organization Is Perfected. for the “Progressive Farmer” since she is planning to become a farmer’s wife. Special attention given ladies and children. \A PREACHER*S FAREWELL —Located in— JACKSON BLDG. ASHEVILLE! When in Asheville make our store your headquarters, i have a complete up-to-date line of Men’s Furnishings. in and look them over. 30 PATTON AVE. FIELDS id hi d id ASHEVIUn N. r. L “College Yells” That tender Country Style Steak, with Creamed Pota toes, Brown Gravy and Fresh Rolls at— TINGLE’S CAFE Broadway Asheville First Class Watch Repair ing by B. C. BOONE Now Located in City Bar ber Shop, next to Post Office All Work Guaranteed, Probably it is an old story, but anyway it’s full of logic: A preacher had been greatly discoura^d and sought a new field of labor. He hap pened to have a friend in the gover nor, to whom he appealed, and not in vain. He got a political job. In taking leave of his flock he said: “Brothers and sisters, I must say I goodbye. “I don’t think God loves you, be cause none of you ever die. “I don’t think you love each other, because none of you ever get mar- Iried. “I don’t think you love me, be- I cause you have not paid my salary. “Your donations are moldy fruit and wormy apples—and by their fruits ye shall know them. ‘I am going to a better place. I am going to be chaplain of the peni- [tentiary. “Where I go ye can not yet come, but I go to prepare a place for you, and may the good Lord have mercy upon you. Good-bye.” —The Masonic High Spotlight. (Continued from page 1) graduate of that high school, is quite capable of holding the office to which she has been elected, having held the same position for two years there. Expressions of delight have been heard as to the sponsor of the class, Mr. McLeod and Miss Patty Moore being selected. Both are popular among the students, and are known for their efforts in assisting the stu dents in any way Ipossible. Miss Moore, graduated from Mars Hill in 1931, and returns as secretary of the College. The cheer leaders, Agnes Stack and Turner Rogers, with Martha Stack and Charles Alexander, form one of the strongest cheer teams the Hill has had. Miss Stack comes to Mars Hill from Fruitland Institute, having graduated last spring. During her stay there she was cheer leader and is highly recommended. Turner Rog ers comes from the Statesville High School and shows the earmarks of a professional. The C-2 cheer leaders are well known on this campus. Miss Stack was a member of the cheer squad last year and has proved her ability to hold this position. Charles Alex ander was for two years the captain of the cheer squad at Shelby High School and has greatly assisted in that work since being on the Hill. The C-1 class have expressed their appreciation to Marion Justice, pres ident of the C-2’s for his assistance in the formation of their organiza tion. CROZER THEOLOGICAL SEMINA] Tuition and Room-rent Free. Scholarships Available for app students. Seminary’s relations to University of Pennsyl warrant offer of the following courses: I. Resident Course for Preachers and Pastors, Seminary de B.D. or Diploma. II. Residence Course with Special Emphasis on Religious Educa^ and Social Service. Seminary degree of B.D.; University de^l A.M. III. Resident Training for Advanced Scholarship. Graduate Col^j Seminary degree Th.M., University degrree Ph.D. Address MILTON G. EVANS, D.D., LL. D., President, Chester,e; Conversation: I never, with important air. In conversation overbear. —Gay. I used to think I knew I knew. But now I must confess The more I know I know I know, I know I know the less. —^The Masonic High Spotlight, Pete: “Bridge:—^bridge—^bridge You will die at a bridge table!” Mrs. Pete: “Well, bury me with simple honors.” A.fyievica*s Greatest C I o t h i e WHY PAY MORE? No More- All Wool Suits 1250 ■ No Le All Plus 25c Carrying Charges OverCOl VALUES $25 TO $35 a STORES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES STEIN’S College Representative—BEN KIRBY, Melrose 10\n Drop by and Look at Our Attractive Line of Clothi 2 PATTON AVE. ASHEVILLE, ~ STEP OUT IN ALLEN*S **Quality and Style at Low Cost** SHOEi -o- WORK AND DRESS SHOES FOR MEN! SPORT AND DRESS SHOES FOR WOMEN! Good Line of TOILET ARTICLES AND NOTIONS ALLEN’S CASH STORE