u c C Second Semester Begins January 25 1 THE HILLTOP Published Bi-Weekly By The Students of Mars Hill College B. Y. P. U. Study Course February 1-5 te L. VI. MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, JANUARY 15, 1932 No. 7 R.C.W. REESE XC( '« SPEAKS ON WORLD TOUR —Eminent Alumnus Believe India e Should Be Independent. voi rpr. Curtis W. Reese, of Chicago, : t^ivered a most interesting lecture I India last Saturday evening in • college auditorium. Dr. Reese, ^^ative of the community and a •mer student, is a well-known rgyman, author, editor, and lec- •er, having delivered addresses in ^jlnumber of the leading cities of jjierica and in several foreign coun- es. At present he is dean of Ab- ^am Lincoln center, of Chicago, —ti with the conference of the Uni- ?ian church. ^n his address Dr. Reese told of ^ recent trip around the world and j conditions in the countries which [^visited. He told something of the Itory of the social and economic [iditions of India, and advanced a imber of reasons why India should ; granted complete independence. |Dr. Reese came to Mars Hill to ■end the funeral of his mother, lose passing last week brought sad- O^s to the community. Schedule of Examinations, January 16-22, 1932 Examination Date All Eng. 1 and Eng. 3 classes Sat. A! M., Jan. 16 (8:30-11:30) Classes meeting at 8:30 M. W. F._ Sat. P. M., Jan. 16 (1:00-4:00) Classes meeting at 8:30 T. T. S. and All... ...3:00 Mon. A. M.. Jan. 18 (8:30-11:30) Classes meeting at 9:30 M. W. F . Mon. P. M., Jan. 18 (1:00-4:00) Classes meeting at 9:3.0 T. T. S. Tues. A. M., Jan. 19 (8:30-11:30) Classes meeting at 10:30 M. W. F ...Tues. P. M., Jan. 19 (1:00-4:00) Classes meeting at 10:30 T. T. S Wed. A. M., Jan. 20 (8:30-11:30) Classes meeting at 1:00 M. W. F Wed. P. M., Jan. 20 (1:00-4:00) Classes meeting at 2:00 M. W. F... .Thur. A. M., Jan. 21 (8:30-11:30) Classes meeting at 1:00 T. T. S Thur. P. M., Jan. 21 (1:00-4:00) Classes meeting at 2:00 T. T. E Fri. A. M., Jan. 22 (8:30-11:30) All classes at 7:30 jFri. P. M., Jan. 22 (1:00-4:00) Classes not listed will meet for examinations prior to regular schedule. TEN UNIONS ELECT OFFICERS FOR SPRING B. Y. P. U. Will Have Study Course February 1-5; Plans.for Regional Convention. Reeves Colville Succeeds Matthews As Phi President Interesting Impromptu Program Giv en After Christmas Vacation. iathleen Gilliland Chosen Clio Head !w Year Program Is Feature of First Program of the Year. lej thi uaAt the last meeting in December Clio’s elected officers for the ring term. They are as follows: esident, Kathleen Gilliland; fii*st j ' ' |e-president, Mary McLean; second f^-president, Pauline Young; cor- 5ponding secretary, Willie Newell; ::ording secretary, Clara Stover; Iftplain, Dorothy Crutchfield; chor- —er, Harriet Hall; pianist, Charlotte ■irrough; censor, Christine Stroupe; ^rshals, Frances Saunders, Madge ‘"^omas, Julian Merrill; English crit- pj.g Eva Robbins; expression critic, iriv^amie Squires; music critic, Carylon lynes; program committee, Ruth rentes, Elizabeth Blanton, Agnes ack; reporter, Dot Johnson. ^*!As this was the last meeting before ^®^ristmas a very appropriate Christ- ^Q^s program consisting of a Christ- is story by Dot Johnson, and a se- :tion of Christmas melodies by ’lia Cox was the last number on progi’am. n January 7, the Clio’s met Tor 3 first meeting of the new year, .y^h the new officers taking charge, iter the new president had called B society to order a very interesting iw Year program was given. “The |gpn of New Year,’’ was given by race Cole; “New Year in Other funtries,’’ by Mary Evans; Sue bwart Moore gave a New Year’s [iding, and Carylon Haynes gave ^ New Year’s Resolution of a Clio.’’ I ^|is New Year’s Resolution was ap- pved as the motto of every true 1^0 who would live up to the mean- truth, purity, and fidelity, of the le and white banner. The last part > the program was an impromptu mo solo by Silvia Ammons. The president continuing the ,j>ught of “A Clio’s Resolution,” ex- jsse'd the hope that each Clio would o.—Jive to be a better Clio. er ff The Philomathian Literary Society, resuming its work after the holidays gave the following program: Address of welcome, Bruce Grainger; oration Andy Albritton; quartet, “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” by C. Icard, “Doc” Murphy, T. Cutchins, and “Big Shot” Feimster, led by H. C. Cox; special music, Z. Woody and E. Francis; de bate, “Resolved, That the Standing Army Should Be Supplied with Chairs,” affirmative, R. England and C. Alexander, negative F. Watson and E. Osborne; humor, H. C. Cox. The decision for the debate was giv en in favor of the negative Dr. C. W. Reese, of Chicago, form er student and president of the Phi lomathian Literary Society was rec ognized and spoke briefly. The new officers for the society are: Reeves Colville, president; H. Clay Cox, vice-president; Cecil Cof fee, recording secretary; Charles Morgan, corresponding secretary; Charles Murphy, censor; Rankin Leeper, fines collector; Bradley Tay lor, dues collector; Ernest Brown, -janitor; Hubert Smith and U. S. B. Dale, marshals; Ollin Owens, chap lain; Jack Dale, expression critic; C. B. Jones, English critic; Falk Johnson, librarian; Ernest Brown, temporary pianist; John Wilkins, chorister; Charles Alexander, report er. Several May Enter Oratorical Contest Washington Bicentennial Contest In Raleigh February 22; American Legion to Make Awards. Volunteer BancJ Chooses Officers The “Volunteer’s Plus” Is Subject of January 12 Meeting. es. Moore Adciresses ^ Young Ministers R ird Pittman Chosen President of Conference for Ensuing Term. At the first meeting following the holidays the Volunteer Band elected the following officers for the spring: President, Carl Rogers; vice-presi dent, Donnie Hudson; secretary. Dot Crutchfield; corresponding secretary, Olive Jackson; chorister, F'red Park er; pianist, Alberta Ivey; reporter Dora Sue Brooks; janitor, Charles Waters. The subject for the January 12 meeting was the “Volunteer’s Plus,” led by Sarah Fox. Agnes Stack, Feme Hoover, Alberta Ivey, Frances Frisby, and Ernest Bailes each dis cussed what would make him a “vol unteer plus” for Christ. first meeting of the ministerial \^ference this year was very en- , jiraging and inspirational. Dr. tore brought a message on “Spirit- lity and Practicality.” His main )ught was that the ministers 'E show forth in their lines the aracteristics of a minister called God. “The force behind a mes- (Continued on page four) Medical Studies Head Science Club Program At the regular meeting of the Science Club in the lecture room, January 12, the following program was given: “A Rhymed Outline of Medical History,” by Andrew Ches- son; “Scientific Current Events,” by Sarah Hamrick; “The Medical School,” by Mr. Wood; and “The Medical Course and Practise,” by Mr. Trentham. Plans for sponsoring an illustrated lecture to be given by a member of the Enka Corporation in the near future were discussed and voted upon. After the discus sion of other business the club ad journed to meet next month. The George Washington Bicenten nial Commission is seeking to open every avenue of expression in nation wide celebration of the two hun dredth anniversary of the Birth of George Washington. Many are its activities, so that the people of this nation may find ways in which to express their appreciation of the heritage left them by the greatest of Americans. Among the avenues opened to all the schools, public, pri vate, and parochial, is the oratorical contest for the institutions of high er learning. A student from every college throughout the United States will have an opportunity to write and deliver his conclusions from his study of George Washington in a state contest. The commission will present the official George Washing ton Commemoi*ative Medal to each state winner in this contest. The North Carolina State contest will be held at Raleigh on February 22. In addition to the prize which is given by the George Washington Bicentennial Commission, the Amer ican Legion of North Carolina is of fering cash awards to the winners in the contest, the prizes being as fol lows: first place, $75; second place, $50; third place, $25; and fourth place, $15. Mars Hill is making plans to send a representative to Raleigh to enter this contest, which is to be held on the two hundredth birthday of George Washington. All students wishing to enter orations in this contest will meet in an elimination contest here on Tuesday, January 26. The con testant winning first place here will of course, go to Raleigh to represent Mars Hill there. This contest is open to both young women and young men. The follow ing have signified their intention of entering the preliminary contest here: Walter Cole, D. L. Steward, Sarah Fox, Donnie Hudson, Tom Moore, and Ben Cox. The subject for the orations is: “Washington, Citizen and Patriot.” Seniors Would Com plete Svsdmining Pool At a meeting last Wednesday morning, after the regular chapel Service, the members of the Sen ior class voted to make a gift of their room deposits to the college for a fund toward completing the swimming pool in the basement of the Gymnasium. The president of the class, S. Marion Justice, was authorized to appoint a com mittee to solicit the signatures of the seniors making this donation. The town students will also give to the fund sums as near the equivalent of the five dollar room deposit as possible. The final to tal of the amount will be an nounced at commencement, when the senior class will present its gift. B. Y. P. U. members are now look ing forward to two all important dates. The first is February 1-5. This week will be the week of the annual study course. Every B. Y. P. U. on the campus will take part, and every one is working to be 100 per cent. The faculty to teach these courses has not been completely worked out, but Mr. James A. Ivey, former state secretary will be here: Miss Winnie Rickett (“Racket!”), the young woman loved by every B. Y. P. U. member who knows her, is coming; Miss Mabel Starns, who was with us a few months ago, will be here again. Mr. Owen will proba bly come out from Asheville and teach; Mr. Wood has consented to teach; Mr. Stringfield has promised to teach; and Mr. Moore will teach. Some of the books to be taught are: “Investments in Christian Living,” “Advanced Leadership,” “Manual- General Organization,” “Pilgp*im’s Progress for B. Y. P. U,” “Training in Church Membership,” and “South ern Baptists Working Together.” An other book which will be selected lat er will be entered into the course. The course is somewhat changed from last year’s with several new books added. Those who do not attend B. Y. P. U. are not only invited to attend one of these classes but urged to attend. If any one is not interested in meth ods, then he may take the book “In vestments in Christian Living,” or some book that is not a method course. But every one is urged to come—100 per cent. On January 26 the courses will be presented in chapel, where a surprise awaits all. Every one should be pre pared on this day to select the course he wishes to take. The second important date will be in the spring when the Regional Convention meets in Franklin. The department hopes that a large num ber will attend. Delegations will be unlimited. All should start now and save enough, “cash” to attend. A round trip ticket will px'obably not cost over $2.50. Along with this second important date should be added April 16. B. Y. P. U. receptions will be held on that date. Those once having at tended one of these receptions will look forward to the next. New Officers Elected On January 10 newly elected of ficers took charge of the work for the coming quarter. With a new spirit and a new zeal, ah’eady manifested by these new officers, it is expected that the department will reach even a higher goal. The officers are as follows: Presidents — Robert Richardson, Clara Stover, Truitt Rhyne, Gertrude Blaylock, Luther Hawkins, Roy Bry ant, Carl Rogers, John McGehee, Franklin Wilkins, Mary McLean; (Continued on page 4) SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES ELECT NEW OmCERS Officers for the College Classes to be Installed Sunday Jan. 17. The ten classes of the college or ganized department of the Sunday School last Sunday elected officers for the second semester. Those elected are as follows: Berean I— president, Ollin Owens; first vice- president, Larry McLendon; second vice-president, Charles Alexander; third vice-president, Fred Parker; secretary, Sam Justice; chorister, H. Clay Cox; pianist, Ernest Brown; group captains, Allen Suttle, Ralph Maxcey, Charles Nichols, Thomas Speed, Reed Wood; Berean II—pres ident, Wilfred Reese; first vice-pres ident, John Reese; second vice-presi dent, Turner Rogers; third vice-pres ident Hobart Ford; secretary, Robert Richardson; assistant secretary, Ern est Clayton; chorister, Ben Kirby; pianist, Mrs. Richardson; group cap tains, Roy Bryant, Carl Rogers, Alex is VinokurofF, David Bray, John Champion, Everett Abee, L. C. Chiles Jr., John Holden; Berean III—presi dent, Luther Hawkins, first vice- president, Robert Layne; second vice- president, Judson Stevenson; third vice-president Paul Taylor; secretary Cornelius Jones; chorister, Robert Layne; pianist. Max Hamilton; group captains, Keating Pharr, Andrew Chesson, Max Isenhour; Fearless Fighters—president, Cecil Coffey; fir.st vice-president, Carlyle Moore; second vice-president, Clifford Fox; third vice-president, Falk Johnson; secretary Willard Griggs; chorister, John Wilk'ins; Ever Faithful—^presi dent, John McGehee; first vice-presi dent, Estelle Champion; second vice- president, Charles Dillinger; secre tary-treasurer, Ailene Bumgarner; pianist, Gertrude Blaylock; Teachers in Training—president, Frances Mc Farland; first vice-president, Mary Greene; second v)ice-president, Lu- cile Hollingsworth; third vice-presi dent, Frances 'FriSbie; secretary, Christine Stroupe; treasurer, Donnie Hudson; chorister, Carl Lanford; pi anist, Carolyn Haynes; group cap tains, Mildred Jordan, Maggie Wal drop, Lucy Chandler; Clarence Shore; Workers at Work—president, Rubye Young; first vice-president, Dorothy Crutchfield; second vice-president, Geraldine Barrett; third vice-presi dent, Ruby Hayes; secretary, Ruth (Continued on page two) Italy Is Subject For I. R. G. Program Girls of the Club Will Use Radio For Currents Events Each Thurs day Evening. Misses Pierce and Rutherford Enter tain Juniors Complimenting the popular young debutants of Mars Hill, Miss Ella J. Pierce and Miss Beth Rutherford entertained with a delightful affair Monday evening, January 4. A strik ing color scheme of “green” was evident, attractively displayed by the Cl’s adding a lovely touch to the gift packages which happened to be absent. The guests were attired in various and sundry fashions typical of camp us life. A delightful course of iced “spice of life” was served. Last Tuesday evening the nine members of the International Rela tions Club met in the teachers’ par lors of Spilman for an informative program of current events and top ics on present-day Italy. In the ab sence of Dean I. N. Carr, the meet ing was conducted throughout by the president, Bruce Grainger. The club was glad to have as a guest Miss Beth Rutherford, whose interest in its activities has been of advantage during the work of the fall semester. After the roll call, answered by current events, Robert Burnett led a discussion of the government of Italy, after which Ruth Moore gave a col and customs. Comments on famous cities and places of interest in Italy were made by Ray Gibbs. Madge Myers acted as English critic for the program. The girls of the I. R. C. have been offered the radio in Spilman each Thursday evening at 6:30 for the talks on topics of international in terest broadcasted from New York at that time. After the business ses sion, the club adjourned until Feb ruary, when new members will be elected from those eligible after the first semester examinations. I "