B" MERRY CHRISTMAS THE HILLTOP Published Bi-Weekly By The Students of Mars HUl College HAPPY NEW YEAR MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, DECEMBER 16, 1932 No. 6 lUS and NONS OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY MERS FROM FLAT CREEK ND WAYNESVILLE WIN AWARDS ^ers Contest Goes To Miss Ve, of Waynesvilley De- jimers Cup Captured By mham Pondery Flat Creek ■F HOOLS IN CONTESTS Possession Of Readers* Cup i nesville Gains Permanent Q iders and declaimers, represent- ‘lirty-two high schools of West- ij^orth Carolina, participated in n'^venth annual contest held here y and Saturday, Dec. 9th and Js Norine Lowe, of Waynesville jj^chool, was awarded first place girl’s division, and Graham .*r of Flat Creek high school, ^jDmbe, won first place in the division. Waynesville Often Victor 3 Lowe gave as her reading, urt scene from “The Merchant *^inice.” Miss Lowe’s victory gives \esville high school permanent •Ission of the trophy cup. As a Isentative of Waynesville high » Evelyn Morgan, now a student was awarded first place in the sr’s contest last year. Waynes- ivon permanent possession of the. / cup last year when it was won ne second consecutive time by a (sentative of that school. The St was won year before last by thei' of Miss Lowe, Robert Lowe aynesville. Winner ’filM' Enter Mars Hill . Ponder, winner in the Declaim- contest, gave as his selection Confederate Dead.’’ He re- d the unanimous vote of the five is for first place. He is a senior at Creek high school and plans | ter Mars Hill college next year. | large number of the 32 contest- ^ hool representatives are plan-1 |o enter Mars Hill next year ac- j ng to their present indications, i ung ladies who \^e in the final i st Saturday and tneir selections i Whelps Get Letters Twenty Mars Hill football men ind one manager have been award ed letters for their gridiron ser- vdce on the 1932 roster. While awarding the monograms. Coach Roberts praised the spirit and work shown by both these “M” men, and the football candidates who had not seen enough varsity action to receive a letter. Those receiving letters were: Backs: Captain Fox, Bethea, Nettles, Anderson, W. Rabb, Hodges and Roberts. Ends: Stroupe, Lumley and Icard. Tackles: Ammons, McLeod, and Bailey. Guards: Edwards, Myrick, Free man, and Corbitt. Centers: Lowrance and Craw ford. Manager: Powell. CLIO SOCIETY HAS RECEPTION 42nd Anniversary Differs From Usual Program; Huge Cake Served s hs Mary J. Maney, of Valley Igs high school, “The Going of White Swan;’’ Miss Emily Sue »nee, of Candler high school, Gypsy Flower GirP’; Miss June on, of Mooresboro high school, dy Doc’’; Miss Katherine Mor- of Andrews high school, “John- rahain. Diplomat’’; and Miss da Ingle," of Weaverville high 1, “The Going of the White four other boys who competed f* finals for the Detdaimers’ cup Jlheir selections were: Carroll ^ of Oak Hill high .school, “A ^ 0 Arms”; Jambw^ffey, of I^i- (■ high .school, “Dixie’s Dead”; I' Brown, of Mars Hill high 1, “The Masterful Man of the ; and Vaughan Whitaker, of 3sboro high school, “Abolition fir.” ^ 32 schools pdVticipating and representatives were Alexander ils, Inc., Russell Pierce and Tate; Andrews high school, i't Heaton and Katherine Mor- pelwood, Robert Peeler and Ella j; Candler, Stanton Wilson and Sue Mallonee; Henrietta-Caro- jLomar Kennedy; Cullowhee, l- Tillery and Jane Hunter; Ed-- /e, Daniel Pryor and. Kathleen ; Flat Creek, Grahh^ Ponder [’ay~Marshbanks; FruifTand Irf- Bruce Dixon-and'Theima Mel- ^lurphy, Paul Posey and Mary aee; Mooresboro, Vaughan .ker and June Blanton; Ruth- -Spindale, Carland Hamric and ' Holler; Sand Hill, Jack Walk- 1 Ruth Hai'tshorn; Stearnes, [ (Continued on page 4) On Nov. 26, the Clio Literary so ciety celebrated its 42nd anniversary by entertaining the Phi brothers, and former members with a reception in stead of the customary public pro gram. At 7 :30 the Clios formed a receiv ing line on the stairs leading to the society halls, and welcorried the ^ests as they entered. In addition to the Phi’s and former members of the two societies -who were present, there were members of the. faculty, and presidents of the Euthalian and Nonpariel societies. Visitors Welcomed The visitors were first conducted to the Eu-Non hall, -where they were greeted by Miss Agnes Stack, presi dent of the Clios. After many of the. visitors had been recognized. Miss Elizabeth Shipman entertained the audience with a reading entitled, “The Angelas.” Then came a piano solo rendered by Miss Mary Childs. Following this came a humorous reading, “China Blue Eyes,” given by Miss Flora Huffman, a former Clio, Next Miss Sue Stuart Moore read severa*! short selections of poe- (Continued on page 4) SAURIES FOR EDITORS ADVOCATED AT STATE COLLEGIATE PRESS MEET New Resolutions Passed At Fall Meet Held At Wake Forest College HILLTOP HEADS APPROVE At the fall convention of the North Carolina Collegiate Press Association, held at Wake Forest college, several resolutions were adopted that are ex pected to affect many of the college publications throughout the state. The outstanding features of the resolutions are salaries for editors and business managers of college publications and freedom from facul ty censorship. Up until this year the Hilltop has been a member of the state collegiate press association, and although it was not represented at. the convention, the heads of the paper voiced their approval of the resolutions. The resolutions adopted by the con vention are reprinted in full below; Rfsolution Adopted at the Fall Conven tion of the North Carolina Collegiate Press Association. 1. That the 1932 Fall Convention of the N. C. C, P. A. goes on record as ex tending its thanks to the Wake Forest ad ministration and students, to the Castle Theatre, and to the companies furnishing transportation, 2. That the N. C. C. P, A. favors ab solute freedom from faculty censorship in North Carolina colleges where this is not now the case, believing that college editors are sufficiently capable and re sponsible to have this privilege, and that colleges will benefit through the result ing opportunities for expession of free editorial opinion and the establishment of a news policy without faculty interfer ence. 3. That the N. C. C. P. A. favors a salary for editors and business managers of college publications in colleges where they do not receive payment for their ser vices, feelijig that they sacrifice more time and have more definite duties to perform than any' other officials of a student body and that such recompense would materially improve the quality of publication through the increased incen tive to work for the position and the greater responsibility to the student bodies. I hat the N. C. C. P. .*\. lends its whole-hearted support to a campaign by college editors to obtain information in the college papers, and to make editorial recommendations on the basis of this in formation along with other editorials on problems about which all college editors of the state agree. 4. That with the new ideas and en thusiasm gained at this meeting of the N. C. C. P. .A. the members of the As sociation will look toward larger and bet ter publications to submit at the spring convention. RUTH OVVKN’S, Uliairman, MARY YOUNG, FRANUKS HARVFY, R. .S. POOI.K, Resolution Committee. EUS PUT ON TYPICAL PROGRAM WHILE NONS STAGE RECEPTION NEW M. H. CLUB MAKES BOW The Expulsion Fraternity, cir cumscribing. membership to those students should who have previous ly been expelled from institutions of learning, was recently organ ized here (unofficially). The first meeting was held in Pope’s Pharmacy during chapel period at which time officer’s were duly elected as follows: President, Phil Stevenson, vice-president, W. B. De Brule, secretary. Bill Ed wards. Claud Dills (otherwise and better known as “A1 Capone of the Dormitories”) was in a unanimous rising vote elected to honorary membership. Mr. Stevenson states that the purpose of the fraternity is obvi ous; the ways and means, dark, bloody, and subtle. Negative Team Of L. C. Childs And Luther Atkinson Win Debate On Universal Divorce Laws NONS* PROGRAM UNIQUE Spirit Of Societies Wedded As Presidents Assume Marital Roles GOOD YEAR SEEN BY DEBATE HEADS Mars Hill Has Already Engaged In Three No-Decision Contests With Weaver Prospects for the 1933 forensic contests are more promising than they have been in several years ac cording to the Mars Hill debate coaches. Two double-headers have been held with Weaver college debaters in no decision contests. Friday evening, December 9, Roberta Nestor and Kate Huskins, represented the affirmative side and Millicent Young and Louise Bowles the negative angle of the question which is being used in col leges all over the United States this year; “Resolved, That the United States should agree to the cancella tion of all Interallied War Debts.” Boys Debate Monday evening, December 12, Falk S. Johnson and John McGehee upheld the negative here and W. W. Jones and C. B. Jones debated the affirmative in a no decision contest with Weaver representatives. The first debate of the spring schedule will be held January 10 when an affirmative and negative mixed team will meet Biltmor'e Junior Col lege in a double-header. There will be other -decision con tests in preparation for the prelimi naries on March 10, in which ten Junior colleges will compete. CAROL “STUD ” POSEY POUND GUILTY IN MOCK TRIAL BEFORE PHI SOCIETY Packed to its walls the Philomath-1 was very impressive by continually ian Literary society was entertained | wagging his cane in the faces of here last Friday with a mock trial in j those whom he addressed, which Carol “Stud” Posey was con-j The trial opened with the selection victed of “destruction of the dormi-! of the jury. Many prospective tales- fories and assault on a faculty mem-1 men were turned down by the most ber, -and was sentenced to ten to ^ exacting attorneys. Some were twenty days of hard labor under Prof. B.- H. Stilson. The front of the Phi hall was trans formed as much as possible into a turned down for not knowing the de fendant. The state opened the case by show ing: that Posey had wantonly de- courl room and all the participants stroyed dormitory property and had were dressed to look the part. The caused Prof. Hoyt “Daddy” Blackwell judge, Carl Rogers, was dressed inYo have a concussion of the brain by the robes ef a jurist and sprouted ah,^tlixowing a bottle so close to his head imposing beard and wig to urtber. that the breeze created by the passing make him resemble a dispenser off of the missile laid the Bible teacher justice. Defended by New York ^Lawyers ' The state was represented by C. Br Jones and Freeman Wright, while Richard England and Robert Rich- .ardsony two barristers from New York, defended the accused^ Both the defending attorneys were dressed in frock coats and did' much to im press the hick county court with'their big town ways. Lawyer Richardson low. Mother Harmon Star Witness The state presented its case through a series of witnesses of whom Moth er Harmon (Ed Bunker) was the star contributor to the testifying of-the black deeds done by the said Posey. Another witness who helped blight the chances of the defendant was none other than Herbert “Home brew” Johnson, who alleged that he witnessed both the assault on the dormitory property and upon the house father. Other state witnesses who contributed to the downfall of Posey were Jes.se Hilliard, Knox Rowan, and Faison Butler. In reply, the defense attempted to discredit the witnesses of the state and to put up an alibi for the where abouts of the defendant on the night of the attack. They also tried to show that Prof. Blackwell had not been seriously injured by the missile and that he was not in the hospital at the present time, as the state had alleged. The witnesses for the de fense were: Bill Martin, John Wilk ins, Jack Dale, Ray Bryant, and Sheriff Gholston Myrick. Upon the rendering of the verdict of “guilty without mercy” the de fendant fainted dead away and wa^ revived only by a hypodermic. Many participants in the Seventh Annual Readers’ and Declaimers’ con test were present together with some members of the Clio society and their parents. The Euthalian and Nonpareil Lit erary societies held their anniversar ies on Dec. 3 and Dec. 10, respec tively, the Euthanlian anniversary be ing in the form of a regular public program, while that of their sister society took the form of a reception. Shoi’tly after seven-thirty o’clock the Euthalian program was opened with a song, “Faith of Our Fathers,” by the audience. Immediately fol- lowihg. Prof. P. C. Stringfield, la former Euthalian, led the invocation. The Euthalian president, John Mc Gehee, then commented on the spirit of rivalry and competition between the societies and issued a three-fold challenge of manhood, loyalty to tra dition, and to excel at commencement to the Philomathian Literary society. Carl Rogers, Philomathian president, accepted the challenge and promised the Euthalians the cleanest and best representatives the Philomathians had to offer for the annual commence ment contests. The society program proper opened with an oration, “Out Yonder” by Franklin B. Wilkins, a former presi dent of the society. “The Unknown Speaker,” a declamation by W. Har old Saunders, followed this number. Next came a violin solo, “Souvenir” played by Herbert Baker of Brazil, accompanied by Miss Martha Biggers. Berry Gives Oration Paul Berry, of Virginia, delivered a forceful oration, “Life’s Highway,” which was followed by a practical, present-day declamation by Carl M. Lanford, entitled “Eyes That See Not.” One of the most impressive parts of the profgram was the trumpet trio compo3?d of Frank Powell, Bruce Ellen and Kenneth Stoner, who played Old Rugged Cross,” as a memorium to Rosser Berry of Bakersville, N. C., a tiUthalian who died during the early part of the school year of 1931. While this number was being plaj^ed the picture of young Berry was flash ed upon the screen as the audience rose in silent tribute to him. W. L. (Continued on page 2) President Moore Addresses Alumni Work Of College Discussed At Meeting Of Mecklenburg- Cabarriis Alumni As sociation President R. L. Moore addressed approximately 100 alumni of the Mecklenburg-Cabarrus Alumni asso ciation on November 16, at Char lotte. He discussed the work of Mars Hill college and its outlook for the future. Talks were made also by Dr. Mar vin Scruggs, who made the address of welcome, and Reverend J. Marcus Kester of Wilmington who used for his .topic “The Stamp of the Institu tion,”, A dinner was served which offered a social attraction of the meet ing of the Baptist state convention. Music was furnished by the First Baptist church. The Rev. W. L, Griggs, pastor of the Ninth Avenue Baptist church of Charlotte, was elected president of the association at its organization a few weeks previous. Other officers are: Dv/ight Mullis, vice president; and Miss Virginia Isenhour, secretary.

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