W Pag« Two THE HILLTOP, MAHS HILL COLl-^E, MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA The Hilltop ^Plain hiving and High Thinkin^^ Entered at the Post Office, Mars Hill, N. C., as Second Class Matter, Feb. 20, 1926 Member Southeastern Junior College Press Association, STAFF Editor Falk Johnson Associate Editor Hazel Herndon Managing Editor Sam Justice Assistant Managing Editor Mark Orr Society Editor Sara Corpening State Editor Robert Burnett Religious Editor Mary Ella Newbrouch Sports Editor Frank Watson Alumni Editor Thomas Speed Poetry Editor Ruamie Squires Intercollegiate Editor Bill Martin Faculty Adviser John A. McLeod Business Manager C. B. Jones Circulation Manager Albert Suttle Typists — William Chambers, Elizabeth Shipman Reporters: Gholston Myrick, Alma Reid, Dorothy Tutt and Pearl Ownby. Contributors: Wilter Wunchell, Pearl Ownby, Evelyn Morgan, and Ed Bunker. Mars Hi 11— by WilierWuncbel I VOL. VII MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, APRIL 14, 1933 No. 12 A Reply An editorial appearing in the last issue of the Hilltop en titled “Is It A Homer” occasioned some pointed discussion. Thus, we believe, it fulfilled a purpose of an editorial. The unfavorable comments, perhaps, have been based upon a faulty evaluation to some extent at least. When considered as rep resentative of Mars Hill campus life, the misdemeanors discussed in the editorial highly misrepresent the situation. The picture thus represented is incomplete. Only an undesirable phase of the actual condition has been magnified. The larger and really desirable sec tor has been ignored. It is the fact that the misdemeanors criticized were no/ truly representative that compelled our criticism. Because this was an undesirable part of the picture we sought to impel its eradication. It has been suggested that we should not publish our faults to outsiders. The Hilltop is predominantly a campus paper. Its duty is predominantly toward campus problems. By far the most of its readers are directly associated with the dormitory problem dis cussed. We believe our greatest duty is toward our greatest constit uency, Because our constituency was definitely interested in the dormitory problem, and because the Hilltop is definitely in con tact with them we publish the editorial. We appreciate the interest aroused by the article. We realize that we are subject to mistakes. We can only correct them after an interested friend points them out to us. We shall consider the sug gestions made in the future—we thank you fOr the ones already made. Well, gentle readers, they have served notice on me that this will be my last chance to sling mud because the new staff will take charge next issue. Well, all good things must come to an end sooner or later, I have heard. I’ll try to shower a little dirt on everybody this time for a parting remembrance, but don’t feel hurt if I happen to overlook you. By S. J. JUSTICE Chapter 4 What do you think of a young man who would st^nd in front of a drug store in Greensboro and drink a coco cola in the presence of five young ladies without offering them one? Evidently the young ladies didn’t think so much. But perhaps he was remembering an old Mars Hill regu lation which states that the co-eds are not to partake of such strong drinks as Coca-cola. Git up. Bo-mar! It seems that Myrick and Norden will have competition from a new angle Owens to the fact that a certain young gen tleman visited the girls' society the other day and provided the inspiration for the singing of “A Farewell to Arms”, by a cer tain blonde member of the Cliopaters. -O- Our Request The indications are that this will be the only special alumni is sue of the Hilltop this year. We regret that this is the case. We wish that the scope of the paper were enlarged to include not only the campus constituency of the College but also the alumni. Their interests are, to some extent, the same. If the Hilltop at regular intervals—quarterly or monthly—were devoted to alumni welfare it would rightfully become not only a campus institution, but also an alumni organ. This is a dream. It may be one of those good things that are never accomplished. It may be that a separate graduate publication would be preferable. But we are eager to offer Hilltop pages to alumni use if deemed , wise. ^ We are not aggressive in this project. We do not want to en courage something unwanted. We are, however, extremely will- 'ing and unreservedly ready to cooperate with former students in -this, as in other, respects insofar as it does not seriously conflict with campus obligations and insofar as we are financially able. Is this offer unwanted.? Does it appeal to your We will meet you half way. It is your We recently heard of the unique way in which a fair co-ed handles her city note correspondence. After she has received a note from each of her many suitors, she places them all in a hat, shakes them up, draws them out and readdresses them and sends them back. I understand that the sys tem is working well, so far, but I shudder to think what would happen if one of the competitors received the .same note he sent. “Yes,” echoed little Scrammy Robot. “Where can Papa and Mama be found?” “They didn’t leave a forwarding address when they left,” said Sammy mechanically, “and I am sure that I haven’t the slightest idea as to their whereabouts. However,” he added, “I shall turn on my brain and see if I can possibly think of the solution.” Sammy twisted his left ear and a peculiar drone w’as heard within his little block head. The buzzing con tinued for the space of several min utes and then Sammy tweaked his ear di.sgustedly and the noise ceased “My cerebellum simply refuses to function” he moaned. “But let us get in our mechanical car and ride until we find them. Maybe it will be mech anically drawn to the place w’here Mama and Papa are.” So little Sammy and Scrammy set out in their mechanical car in search of their Papa and Mama. In the meanwhile Mr. and Mrs. Adam and Eve a la Crusoe had com pleted the first leg of their honey moon jaunt, reaching San Francisco on the night of April 9. As they drove dowTi Market St. in a cab, Mr. a la Crusoe noted a hugh sign which hung across the entire -width of the street bearing the following information “Welcome back Prosperity -with lega beer—at Hottendorfer’s Beer Gar den—3.2 beer and wine at popular prices.” “Well, Mama,” states Mr. Adam a la Crusoe. “I feel as though there POE f 1. R( ITl Ho g W Pusl FRANK 3th I A place of refugee Dud Where honesty^; qe' A place of comfoi While snuggled jina(h breast. I the king A place for tendtrl-asoi To learn life’s Tmp truth; [fray. place where weighed, And character^ ling y th ler, vete A place where pn Where lovers le«unds A place where and When angels belt ey ' oth I A place where nuie *a Despite the faahouj passed; grab A place in ruin bjrts’ The many yean :r :abb A place w'here inf to I The backbone See A place where magral To enter in lif^g w eld 1 ts VIRGINIA! A narro-w, rugg The fragrance of| A tinkling, joyot And a silver riNn ’Tis Spring. -o— Faded Winter Flack and McRorie and Saray and Lovet The song of hapi^ ^ would be no better way to inaugur- ‘ A dash of brown p ate our honeymoon than with a few | And Mr. Squirrel steins of honest-to-goodness beer. Over soft, bro-wn move. The staff, in preparation for this issue, mailed several letters requesting information. The returns have been highly satisfactory for our purpose. We feel that in this instance—and in others— it would be impossible to carry on suitably except for outside co operation. A college without helpful graduates would have its ac tivities and scope amputated. It would be a deformed, incomplete institution. -o- Bill Leister hat constructed a 440 track around the lower ten nis courts. He may be teen run ning wildly most any afternoon after tennis balls which Rema misted while observing hit antics. This “Twilight Promenade” is just about the hottest thing out. A few more social privileges along this na ture and w'e might be able to kid ourselves into believing that we were some-where other than Mars Hill. I understand that it is to be a weekly affair, which is okeh by your corres pondent, but it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if it w’ere to be made a nightly affair. And while we are evoluting it why not make it compul sory? Who knows but what two hearts that beat as one might be brought together through such ar rangements. However, one great danger looms: It is heart rending to see such great lovers as Pearl and Fox or Nestor and Johnny torn from each other by the “Patrol,” Mrs. Bur nett. What say you.” “You’re calling it, Papa,” «he replies coyly. They made their way to the garden and were .soon seated at a table in a cosy little nook. A German waiter, wreathed in .smiles, approached them. “Ach! my goot frien’s. Vat vill it be?” “The best in the house!” order ed Mr. a la Crusoe. At that time Sammy and Scrammy, driving aimlessly, were slowly wind ing their way into the outskirts of San Franci.sco. ’Tis Spring. re ‘jr. i.nd An Oak, bearing Sweethearts stroll, Bmnehes fiourislil nninches flourisral For the first glirnd ’Tis Spring. V * « Buck says that women are like street cars, but he missed connections in Chapel Hill. Ninety-Nine Out of a Hundred Youth lives chiefly in the present j chapel speakers often deal with the future. The vague dreams, hopes, and aspirations of youth are con cerned with a future that is only a mind image. Dreams that should be directed, but nevertheless—dreams. Ninety-nine out of a hundred chapel speakers address their message to youth. Ninety-nine out of a hundred chapel speakers give youth worthy ideals, splendid suggestions, sage advice—for the future. They speak of the “day to come,” “the great beyond,” and the “out there.” These dawning days simply do not exist for the average student. He has not the slightest idea where “out there” is. And advice for that time, no matter how sound, falls upon ears that prompt little immediate action. May we all pause a moment in silent tribute to Bill Moore, the great “silent lover.” We don’t know whether this is a new kind of line or not, but it must be good. “Silent Cal” managed to get by on it, anyway. Your columnist hereby nominates the Hilltop staff party for first hon ors as the ritziest social blowout of the season. The moon was just right, the stars shimmered their encourage ment, the atmosphere was perfect. . . and a good time was had by several. Patient followers, my fingers droop meditatively over the keys as I prepare to peck off this final para graph. For two years it has been my privilege to bring you in each issue this column which is commonly known (Continued on page 3) Chapter 5 SARA CORPENING As they neared the city limits Sammy and Scrammy went over an unforseen bump and several of their most necessary screws fell out. “Oh, oh,” cried Sammy. “Oh, oh,” cried Scrammy. “We are losing our screws! What will become of us?” Perhaps we can hold every thing until we get to San Fran cisco” encouraged Sammy. “Sit tight!” They passed over the other bumps without undue damage and finally arrived in San Francisco. They saw the banners announcing the return of prosperity and the arrival of beer. Upon reading it Scrammy jumped up and down, for joy and four bolts and six screw’s proceeded to fall out. “Oh Scrammy, you are falling a- part,” cried Sammy. I guess I’m losing my hold on things,” Scrammy re plied mournfully. “Well, come in here, and have a glass of beer and you will feel bet ter,” suggested Sammy. So they stopped at the first beer garden they came to, which was in the rear of a filling station and pro ceeded to thread their w’ay to a table. After gallantly downing sever al glasses of beer, Scrammy sud denly sprang to his feet. He rote to tuddenly that teveral more tcrewt and boltt fell out. Hit mechanical brain had conceived an idea! “Niagara Falls!” he cried. Niagara Falls! Why didn’t we think of that before! Of course they’re gone to Niagara Falls!” Gc no [Jurl he urio By C. Life is what I mil For I command ’ It’s my own, I oil So let the fierd n V * * 4> * Chapter 6 (conclusion) HAZEL HERNDON But no sooner than the steel w’ords had fallen from Scrammy’s screwed mouth, Sammy gave a jump and bolt ed tow’ard a back table where side If I make use of To aid my fell^'^ I have no fears al The winds, my I have no fear of i I’ve let by-gonei! For I must face et Without a tear? by side a-sipping Mama Adam and their iron hands bolt on top of the table. “Oh Papa and found our Papa ed Sammy and squeaky voice. Mr. and Mrs Crusoe unw’ound drew them from clasped the two Robots to their h and placed most upon their fast u “Why my de. culated Papa Ai ‘Wherever did “Boo-hoohoo,” little Messers Sa fell plop-ploping ii beer that w’as cro at the edge of t] “Boo-hoo-hoo,” ma. “Our lovely cannot go on. The to go back home.” By and by all little beer garden “washer” tears of place began to qui der. Then a bi sw’ept it clean of four Robots cla lizzie, screwed ways, and rattled screw’s, nuts and kn against the other aa familiar tune of Home.” i ti tie it Ol