IMENCEMENT )JlS NEAR THE HILLTOP Published Bi-Weekly By The Students of Mars Hill College EXAMINATIONS NEXT WEEK Pip MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, MAY 18, 1933 No. 14 mm LEADERS :aled in b.y.p.u. ■CTION OF OFFICERS ttion Services Were Held ^ly Night; Vance Har- m is New Director ^ GIVES CHALLENGE i^wly elected officers of the ^^oung People’s Union were on Sunday evening, imme- ollowing the regular weekly U. meetings, with a beau- impressive ceremony, which n the campus lawn and was %d by a challenge to their bilities by Mr. Olive in the ■residents who have led the 1U. during the past semester Sver their work to the new ‘Its, and Olin Owen, retiring ro turned over his work to Uflarding. The two directors, s| new, made inspiring talks jtely before Pastor Olive’s dv* Pinions and their officers fol- dnnette: President, Joyce ; vice-president, Annie Ruth secretary, Woodrow Jones, resident, Darrell Middleton; lident, Joan Rhymer; secre- la Houser. Preston: Presi- jhn Lane Barnett; vice-presi- sper Teague; secretary, Hil- juires. John Lake: President, ’owell; vice-president, James secretary, Li Hi am Foster. President, Calvin Connor; ddent, George Harris; secre- la Kellar. Charles Howard: t, M i 11 i c e n t Young; vice- t. Jack Purser; secretary, Ingram. Judson: President, iUmley; vice-president, Mark Orr; secretary, Sara Young, mbers: President', R o b e r i vice-president, Shirley John- •etary, Elizabeth Hill. Charles ^resident, Dan Johnson; vice- t, Nancy Leach; secretary, ebster. Elliot: President, Bill vice-president, Lucile Morri- retary, Eloise Yelton. "Second Time Lions Weaver Net Men Vernon E. Wood’s charges ood form on April 27, when ded out a severe thrashing (’eaver netmen for the second e time this season. The Mars queteers copped six of the atches, losing only one dou- rttch, which was forfeited to modists on account of dark- j: Lawrence started the fire- defeating Henson, allowing ■^y W e a V e r lad only two Wilkins, Lion top racquet eked out sweet revenge on ■>hy Tornado ace, who licked 7 pe former engagement. While lis thrashing Boney with a count of 6-3, 6-0, Chandler J Cuban to a low score, 6-0, H R. Burnette defeated Fel- jp a count of 6-3, 6-2. i the previous engagement, J antagonists split the honors ■)les matches. Stevenson and trounced Felmet and Boney, atch, so hotly contested by Jand S. Burnette against Lo- 4 Cochrane, was forfeited as ^ and the approach of supper ■ the upper hand. Summary bice. Mars Hill, defeated Hen- J 6-2. js, Mars Hill, defeated Bell, ^Mars Hill, defeated Boney, i ler, Mars Hill, defeated Lo- 6-2. tte. Mars Hill, defeated Fel- ; 6-2. ^nson and Stroupe, Mars ^eated Lopez and Cochrane, J land Cochrane, Weaver, de- Vunker and S. Burnette, 7-5, ^feit. MOTHER LOVE God’s best gift to man appears. And a challenge to evil flings. Thro’ prayers and smiles and tears. And a faith that forever clings. Mother love—to allay our fears. And point us to higher things; His great gift of all the years. This God-like love—she brings. Note: This poem was written by R. S. Gibbs, Secretary of the Board of Trustees. YOUNG IS CHOSEN NONPAREIL HEAD Society Chooses Group of Cap able Workers; Ruby Hayes Retiring Miss Millicent Young, of South Carolina, was elected C-I president of the Nonpareil Literary Society for the fall term of 1933-34 school year. Miss Young is president of the Charles Howard B.Y.P.U., is a mem ber of the intercollegiate debating team, and has also proved to be a very capable C-I class president. Miss Young succeeds Miss Ruby Hayes, who has capably led the so ciety for the past nine weeks’ term. Miss Evelyn Morgan, of Waynes- ville, was elected vice-president of the society, to succeed Miss Ruth Keller. M'iss Morgan was recently elected a member of the B.S.U. Council, is also a member of the in tercollegiate debating team. She cap tured first place in the reading con test of her society. Miss Frances Burnett, of Mem phis, Tenn., was elected secretary. (Continued on page 3) Student Councilmen Are Named Mav 15 Monday night. May 15, the Stu dent councilmen for the year 1933-34 were elected by the men of Melrose and Brown dormitories. To these re sponsible positions men had been nominated in advance and the final vote was tabulated Monday evening. This student council is one of the most responsible and exacting groups on the campus and it has charge of the college dormitory life of the men. It is placed, to a large extent upon their shoulders, as to the life in the dormitories and the selection of this group is done carefully each year in order to get the most capable men. Regular councilmen chosen Mon day night include: Daniel Johnson, William Wright, Clyde Meredith, Vance Hardin, Harold Frazier, Jack Purser, W’illiam Harkey, Parks Coble and Calvin Connor. Substitute coun cilmen elected are: James Bruce, Woodrow Jones, J. L. Barnett, Ed ward Jones and Bill O’Cain. Members of the council who have so competently served during the past year are: Dudley Rabb, Nas Bailey, Hobart Ford, Luther Atkinson, Mar- ler Tuttle, Roland Gant, Luther Chiles, John Wilkins, G. B. Sproles, Fred Parker, Arthur Childs, Arthur Stroupe, and proper recognition should be given them for their work. PHILOMATHIANS ELECT BILLY WRIGHT AS NEW LEADER FOR C-1 TERM Bill Martin is New Vice-Presi dent; Harry Ward, Secre tary; and Clyde Mere dith, Censor CLIOS VISIT PHIS At specif 1 call meeting at five o’clock last Friday afternoon, Billy Wright, popular campus trumpeter, was elevated to the Phi presidency, to hold office for the remainder of this school year and the carry-over term of nex', fall. He succeeded S. J. Justice, of Hendersonville, as presi dent. Mr. Wright hails from Raleigh and has stood o\it this year for his pro ficiency in orchestral work. In addi tion to this, he has been ranked highly by his teachers in scholastic work, and has also shown talent in the various phases of athletics. He has shown marked ability in journal ism and was recently elected to serve as sports editor of The Hilltop for the coming year. Other officers elected were: Vice- president, Bill Martin; recording sec retary, Harry Ward; corresponding secretary. Tommy Williams; censor, Clyde Meredith; treasurer, Darel Middleton; seer, Ray Lawrence; fines collector, Thad Yelton; dues collec tor, Dubb Parker; pianist, Ray In gram; chorister, Virgil Cox; English critic, Horton Gragg; expression critic, T. Merrill; marshals, J. Hil liard, W. Exum; chaplain, Calvin Connor; librarian, 0. Carter; Hilltop reporter. Bill Moore; and janitor, Virgil Pate. The regular program of the eve- (Continued on page 4) Blanton, Newbrough Recital Is Enjoyed On Saturday evening. May 6, Misses Elizabeth Blanton and Mary Ella Newbrough were heard in a gradua tion recital, voice and expression re spectively. The program was delight fully varied. Miss Blanton first sang “One Fine Day,” from “Madam Butterfly,” (Puccini), followed by Miss Newbrough reading “The Bal cony Scene,” from “Cyrano de Ber- genac,” (Rastand). Miss Blanton’s second group included: “My Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair,” (Haydn); “My Li’l’ Batteau,” (Strickland); and “Stars of the.Night, Sing Softly,” (Edwards). Next on the program. Miss Newbrough read “The Quarrel,” from Sheindan’s “School of Scandal.” M’iss Blanton’s last group consisted of: “Evening Song,” (Gilberte); “Animal Crackers,” (H age man); “Li’l’ Jasmine Bud,” (Strickland); and “Elf and Fairy,” (Densmore). Miss Newbrough read with splendid interpretation and was well received by the audience. Miss Blanton’s lyric soprano voice delighted the listeners. She was accompanied by Miss Martha Biggers. Miss Blanton is a pupil of Miss Zula Coon, and Miss Newbrough of Miss Bonnie Wingert. C-II OFFICERS Bill Martin, of South Carolina, was elected president of the 1933- 34 C-II class by secret ballot this morning. Mr. Martin is president of the Elliott B. Y. P. U. and is also Intercollegiate Editor of The Hilltop. John Corbitt, of Shelby, was chosen vice-president, and Robert Burnett, secretary-treasurer. Both of these men have been active members of the C-I class. EARLY CHOSEN TO CLIO PRESIDENCY Doris Messer is Vice-President And Tine Shipman is New Censor Thursday afternoon. May 4, in the regular 'business meeting, the Clio Literary Society installed its officers for the coming year. Dorothy Early was chosen as president. Doris Mes ser was elected vice-president; Hil dreth Squires, second vice-president; Lillian Whitehurst, recording secre tary; and Hasseltine Shipman, cen sor. Other officials elected were: Mary Chiles, corresponding secretary; Rema Young, pianist; Mary Morris, chorister; Edna Earle Nanney, chap lain; Irene Rollins, reporter; Nancy Leach, treasurer; Gladys Houser, chairman costume committee; Eliza beth Shipman, literary critic; Sylvia Ammons, music critic; Janie Britt, expression critic; marshals, Virginia Ballard, Susan Stroup, and Dorothy Shipman; Lucile Morrison, librarian. Miss Early, the new president, suc ceeds Miss Kate Huskins, who has made an. excellent president for the society, leading it through a ^nost successful term. Miss Early, who is a native of Winston-Salem, graduated from R. J. Reynolds High School in ’32 with high honors. Since her arrival on the campus she has taken part in various activities. It was announced at this meeting that Kate Huskins, of Burnsville, N. C., had won first place in annual oratorical contest, which was held Thursday, May 4, with her oration, “Trusting One’s Self.” Hardin is Elected Head of Scriblprus Schedule of Second Semester Examinations Class Meeting at Examination Date 1:00 TTS Friday AM (8:30-11:00) May 19 8:15 MWF Friday PM (1:00-3:30) May 19 8:15 TTS and all 3:00 Saturday AM (8:30-11:00) May 20 9:15 MWF Saturday PM (1:00-3:30) M’ay 20 2:00 MWF Monday AM (8:30-11:00) May 22 9:15 TTS Monday PM (1:00-3:30) May 22 10:15 MWF Tuesday AM (8:30-11:00) May 23 10:15 TTS and all 4:00 Tuesday PM (1:00-3:30) May 23 1:00 MWF Wednesday AM (8:30-11:00) M’ay 24 2:00 TTS and all 7:30 Wednesday PM (1:00-3:30) May 24 All English II (C-1) Classes Thursday AM (7:30-10:00) May 25 Note: Chapel will be observed from 8:15-8:30 and records will be accurately kept. The Physical Education classes will meet from 11:00- 12:00 daily during the examination period. Quotation from Catalog: “No deviation from the examination sche dule is permitted except by special order of the Faculty.” Vance Hardin was elected presi dent of the Scriblerus Club on Tues day evening. May 9, when members of that organization met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Huff for their regular meeting. Frances Burnette was elected vice- president; Margaret Hale, secretary- treasurer; and Lillian Whitehurst, re porter. An interesting program on “Mod ern Journalism” was presented, which consisted of the following numbers: “The History of the Newspaper,” by Grace Carter; “The Make-up of the Modern Newspaper,” by Frances Bur nette; “Outstanding Men of This Field,” by Margaret Hale; “Aid I Have Received from the Daily News paper,” by Azaleen Kickliter. COMMENCEMENT FINALS BEGIN; CONTESTS AND RECITALS THIS WEEK Oration Contest is Saturday; Sermon for Seniors, Sun day, by Dr. Lynch FAREWELL MAY 26 The commencement exercises, which will extend intermittently from Saturday, May 13, through Friday, May 26, were initiated Saturday eve ning at eight o’clock in the college auditorium by the annual inter society declamation contest. This program was as follows: Piano solo, Alletter’s “Spring Fes tival,” played by Helen Trentham; “Shall the Statue of Lee Stand in the Hall of Fame?” Anonymous, given by Harold Sanders (Eu) ; “America, the Guiding Star of the Nation,” Sumner, given by Otto Wil liams (Eu); “Napoleon Bonaparte,” Philips, given by John Washburn (Phi) ; violin duet, “Minuet, Op. 78,” Schubert, given by Howard Olive and Mary Stringfield; “Creative Citizen ship,” Blalive, given by Carl Lan- ford (Eu); “My Country, My Mo ther, My God,” McTeer, given by Jack Dale (Phi); “The Black Horse and His Rider,” given by William Harkey (Eu) ; and “Immortality,” Taylor, given by Ollin Owens (Phi) ; Ed Powell (Phi) gave “America.’’ The oration contest between the Philomathian and Euthalian Literary Societies will be held on Saturday evening. May 20. The following is the tentative program: “The Heri tage of America,” given by William Wright (Phi) ; “We Are Not Yet Free,” given by Vance Hardin (Eu) ; “Some Guide Posts to Prosperity,” given by Sam Justice (Phi); “Our Birthright,” given by Paul Berry (Eu); “The Challenge of Yoiiiig America,” given by Roland Gant (Phi) ; and “How Long Must We Suffer?” given by John McGehee (Eu). Dr. J. W. Lynch, Professor of Bible at Wake Forest College, will preach the Commencement Sermon on Sunday, May 21, at 11:00 A.M., at the Mars Hill Church. The Nonpareil-Clio Reading Con test will be held on Wednesday eve ning at eight o’clock in the audi- (Continued on page 4) Ella Keller Is New President of F.L.C. Miss Ella Keller, of Granite Falls, was elected president of the Foreign Language Club for the year 1933-34 when that organization met at the home of Mrs. Nona Roberts for its regular meeting. Margaret Owen was chosen as the new vice-president; Ralph Rhyne, secretary^treasurer; and Bill Walters, reporter. The social part of the meeting was enjoyed in the form of a jigsaw party which was said to have taxed the brains of the Language students as much as a translation for class. Bill Nettles Is New Monogram Club Head William Reisman (Squirt) Nettles, of Indiana, versatile Lion star, was elected president of the Monogram Club on Tuesday night when the “letter” men met for their regular business session. Mr. Nettles is a “three letter man,” having made a monogram in football, basketball and baseball here this year. Walter Wagoner “Little Shike” Rabb, of Lenoir, was elected vice- president. Mr. Rabb is also a three- letter man, having won his letter in the three major sports here. Robert Sibley (Our Bob) Burnett, of Georgia, was elected secretary- treasurer of the club. Mr. Burnett is a member of the tennis team, and holds the record of not having lost any matches this year. He is also editor of The Hilltop. William Nettles, president of the “M” Club, will be presented the award for having been the most val uable man on the football team. Net tles was varsity quarterback. It will be announced in the near future as to the players who will receive the basketball awards for best individual playing. Officers of the “M” Club during the past year were: President, Dud ley Rabb; vice-president, Clifford Fox; and secretary-treasurer, Frank lin Wilkins. The “M” Club is an organization of men who have made their varsity letter in a major sport at Mars Hill College. 'It has been organized for ten years.