Page Two THE HILLTOP, MARS HILL COLLEGE, MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA The Hilltop Plain hiving and High Thinking' Entered at the Post Office, Mars Hill, N. C., as Second Class Matter, Feb. 20, 1926 Member Southeastern Junior College Press Association. STAFF Editor Associate Editor.— Managing Editor . Society Editor State Editor Religious Editor- Sports Editor Alumni Editor Poetry Editor— .. Robert Burnett _.Hildrith Squires Intercollegiate Editor Faculty Adviser Mark Taylor Orr Alma Reed Wyatt Exum Evelyn Morgan Billy Wright Frances Burnett Open Bill Martin John A. McLeod racuiL/ Hardin Bus,ness Manager . .....RonERT Scruggs Circulation Manager _ o Typists Elizabeth Shipman, Garnette Shipman VOL. VIII MARS HILL, N. C., SEPTEMBER 24, 1933 No. 1 Welcome! To you, whose first year it is at Mars Hill, we extend a hearty welcome. We are pleased to meet you and trust that your stay will be for nine months. . i r j Mars Hill is a school where close friendships may be lormed. Many of these last throughout life. Every student is on the same social level. Don’t hesitate to ask second-year students to help you. They are glad to be of service. You may make a friend by asking ^ Vhe Hillto'p wants to be your friend and servant immediately It is a student organ published for your enjoyment and benefit. If it can help you in any way, it stands, ready. You are invited to the meetings of the staff every Monday evening at six-thirty. Contributions will be gladly received. In welcoming and keeping you Mars Hill will give you best. You can make the year complete by giving Mars Hill your best. . . Mars Hill is glad that you are here. It hopes that you are too May you consider it your home while you are here. -o- Dont Throw Any Rocks Yet For several weeks now we will be “sizing up” our fellow stu dents. Conclusions will be hastily reached. If not correct, these conclusions will cause much trouble later in the year, ^ojne stu dents will be “down on” others. In certain instances criticism wil be flung: at innocents, for college students are the most critica ^ ^ I ‘tKenutSan^p!??? MARS HILL TO ONE FRESH LADY IRIS RABB A glassy, puzzled stare is seen in the eye, awkward movements in one not given to awkwardness, self-con scious grins on lips given to easy aughter—and you know a freshman las arrived! And to that freshman, it is indeed an arrival. The majority of them will say that at once they felt that their arrival had been an ticipated, that their arrival was wel comed, and, above all, that they would be capably cared for. Registration is completed with the result that some teacher has made up the mind of a “freshie” as to what he wants to take. It may have vague ly occurred to him that he had not thought seriously of getting down to a routine of study. It didn’t to me, but I resolved to see what could be done about remedying that disagree able side of college life. (I haven’t gotten around to it yet.) The first day ended in a flurry of excitement, and the “freshie,” in bed, immediately goes to sleep. He or she remembers the next morning that he or she had planned to be very home sick the first night and is greatly dis appointed at being cheated out of crying Thus life begins at Mars Hill—too happy and exciting to be sad—^ful of the tang of anticipation of good times. On Wednesday we hear on all sides that tomorrow is Thursday night, otherwise known as C-I “date night.” We can sit around and watch the C-2 boys “shooting 1932 lines” to the innocent freshwomen, who are supposed to believe “every thing you say.” On Tuesdays and Fridays, the freshman girls, sticking close to their chaperon, invade the marketing dis trict of Mars Hill, Tremulously they stay in a compact group for fear that in the traffic jams of the metropolis someone will be lost never to be found again. Many happy and enjoyable things have been experienced so far by the new students. In closing I want to list a few things to which we are look ing forward: 1 rirpit trip-to^heviUer Last month at the North Carolina State Bar examination two hundred applications were filed. Out of the two hundred who took the examina tion one hundred and twenty-one passed. Seven of these ‘were former Mars Hill students. They were: W. Scott Brick, Ayden; Henry L. Bridges, Greensboro; Archie G. Qualls, Boone; N. F. Ransdall, Pinehurst; W. 0. Rosser, Jr. Smithfield; R. E. Sentelle, Southport; and J. Opie Wells, Mar shall. Franlc Hunt. When the sun begins a peeping Through the skies at dawn ol While the whole world is a sle. Sends its beaming rays to sa; ’ -o- Miss Edelmira Robinson, who at tended chapel here recently was a graduate at Mars Hill. She was an able assistant of Dr. McCall in his work in Cuba. A friend of the college. Professor P. L. Elliot of Cullowhee, recently gave the school some property. The lot is on Little Mountain. It joins the property given by Dean Carr. Rev. W. C. Pate, pastor of the Broad River Baptist church, was re cently married to Miss Bernice Led better. Rev. Pate was a graduate here. Two Mars Hillians are now in the Post Office department. They are: Claude Best, who is in the postoffice at Chapel Hill, N. C.; and Chester V Chandler, who is now in charge of the West Asheville postoffice. 2 Hiking to Bailey. 3 Eating an upsidedown cake. 4 Every Thursday night and Sun day afternoon. Before “casting any of these stones,” we should look at our selves, “size ourselves up.” In the comparison we draw we will no doubt find that those students we are “down on” most are really likable after all. Maybe more so than we. I Council Led A man was complaining of his neighbois. I never saw such A/ricc MiVInm Fnrlv a wretched set of people,” he said, “as there are m this village. 1 by MlSS Miriam Harly They are mean, selfish, greedy of gain and careless. Worst ot all they are forever speaking evil of one another.” “Is that really so.?” asked an angel who happened to be walk ing near him. (Continued from page 1) ident of the College Church; Eliza beth Campbell, President of Y. W. A.; Charles Walker, President Minis terial Conference; and Ralph Rhyne, “It is indeed!” said the man. _ “Why, only look at this fellow | Presitot Volu^„tE« a Miss Genaria Honeycutt, who graduated from Mars Hill in 1923 anc later from George Peabody College, is now Physical Education Supervi sor, Glynn County Public Schools, Brunswick, Ga. Rev. M. H. Kendall, of Fayette ville, has been supplying at the Piney Mountain Baptist Church during the absence of “Daddy” Blackwell, the pastor. Mr. Kendall attended Mars Hill. Wake Up Smiling prty M Ten f you wake up every morning With a smile across your fa Then your life will be adorning In all happiness and grace. ’Tis a million hearts awaking And a smiling with the sun. )cking Every soul forgets its quaking, ^estii When the day is nearly done. Bel ' Alout E. nber 7 ra tion ig>'d. T ted of ctice of t All your burdens will be lighter;.^, ^u: If you think to smile a bit. lt»ng Making darkest days seem brighluipme Once you smile you will not fete th irtf To a Sword Made 1880 DEATHS ap Mark Taylor Orr. Oh sword of steel that hangs vi my walls. What stories might thy blade uiioRg were thou Gifted an hour with life to reermir The days when rust had notdn ng claimed thy noble brow? ivi'v'us ung ] Would that some God of steel ne-ui'. strike thy hilt Mar.* With magic fire and gift that sle^^l^ ^ tongus Of gaping death with speech; ‘ Else I die ^ Never to hear the songs that thee unsung. pres.- cts \ ;h 1 •king I. The “Daddy” Blackwell, a former stu den^ teacher, and friend of Mars Hil is now at Yale University studying. He will be back with us next year. EU-NONS HAVE TWO PROGRAMS By DORIS SMILEY Though little in words, can be slid d: is true rfect When a friend or a loved one isemen ding adieu >ckinj There is feeling from your hea:k h£ his that’s divine - punt A harmonied message of unders )wn { coming towards US. I know his face, though I I dominant factor in the life of the name. See his litte sharp, cruel eyes, darting here and there iike g^^jents, and under the guidance of __ /• l__ l_ - ^ 1 ^ I A X 7 O T ^ V • T _ /"I M ^ I ^*vl ri name. .Dee ms mic suaip, v,i — © --- - stuudit-s, a ferret’s and the lines of covetousness about his mouth, i he very Miss Early, the Councilmen plan droop of his shoulders is mean and cringing and he slinks along j great things for the coming year. instead of walking.” ‘Tt i“s ckter of you to see all this,” said the angel, “but there is OnpGetting the Mail one thing which you clo not perceive. ^ everything in “What is that.?” asked the man. this - vvuctL 13 LiiaL; I college is not adjusted exactly to my “Why, that is a looking glass we are approaching, saia particular view point. But — I do I think that it is a generally conceded The above is onlv a fable taken from PeloubePs Notes, yet it opinion that the first quality of a ^ r T-T«or! If first class mail man should be an un- is applicable to every one of us. Heed it. dnrstanding nature. I am sure that ■ ^ ~ ,, every girl will agree with me that he A Remedy For CjUtCaUS is extremely slow handling the mail. The continual chapel disturbances — mutterings of the col-| (Continued on page j) (Continued from page 1) The remainder of the program was a portrayal of musical pictures. It reads as follows: “Love’s Old Sweet Song”—Joyce Wellborn, Nina Hayes; “My Rosary” —Helen Ingram; “Old Black Joe”— Louise Bowles; “Red Wing”—Evelyn Morgan; Popular Selection—Eliza beth Edwards, Margaret Owen. One of the most interesting fea tures of the afternoon was an im promptu debate, the query being: Resolved That the United States gov ernment should provide chairs for the standing army. The alfirmative team was victorious. Miss Alma Reid de lightfully entertained the society with a piano solo. Following the program every girl visiting the society was given an op portunity to respond to the presi dent’s welcome, several becoming members of the society. ing that’s fine. Though tears come in torrents. wash vision away A squeeze of the hand sends thr you a ray Of the consciousness felt that no ter the loss To compensate it, this new ft will pay. woi m I imm addi S'wi ne o nt-A 30. ictic But when sorrow too deep for a luld op] y w: LI ( ( cess t n 'he legiate rabble and occasional prominence could be obtained once a month. The remaining in the side of the j ® ^ exercises should be conducted by the preeminently motivating in- Blame has been placed p d ^ it fluence in the college-the president. Each chapel program should wouU be revel e*t^t, for want of something more worthwhile be carefully and prayerfully prepared so that the minimum of m- from the platform, the students g There can be little doubt as to the students’ acceptance of this *"'Fo7the most part this year the imported and improvised speak- system. Once they know that they will be given a nieditative in- ers l^t the chapel period have been without the Lee necessary spirational talk at every chapel period and will not be practised L convey ^ message to college students. Consequently their upon by budding preachers and transient laymen, the disturbances '‘’“wri^notb°ce“tTrbkmrsrheavily upon the speakers, T* For mL Hill students, we believe, are cheerfully receptive but rather would we^condemn the disconnection of successive chap- to well-prepared chapel talks that are pregnant with thought and el talks, which have been often incoherent and unprepared. The inspiration. basic error would seem to lie in the planning of the chapel ex- _ . ; ° j: j: wisest habit IS care in the formation of habits?^ ercises. 1 • u We would not advocate the abolition of chapel exercises, but fills my heart ’Tis when the departing has not his part ’Long the journey of life that so meets its end And the gates of eternity stand cJjI my friend. And he, oh that fool, his chan one lost For his face he has hidden Heaven-and tossed Recklessly jeering, his soul to winds And sinks into darkness where ture begins. Ah, but, passing is leaving and we are-here To brood o’er deceased, and d learned to fear? Nay—rather by them, underst^^g-^ ing to gain And live, while we work, in the of God’s name. irsc pri 'he ian ) S] riar al ine j“U Dm Boys Entertain oi jra DW -O- We would not 3.dvoc3,tc tne a,DOiiLion 01 cnauci cacilisco, uul t.i* i ^ j. n 7*#z.* we would suggest a thorough planning of these programs for the What thts •world, needs is jewer people to tell us what this ensuing year in order to insure the students an impressive period and more people to do it. of meditation and enlightenment ° rs“en“Srt\at the programs could be arranged' "Every day look at a beautiful picture, read a beautiful poent, with a certain degree of continuity in thought. Visiting speakers beautiful music, say some reasonable thing. The faculty and students of I'ol] Hill were entertained by the boy -vv( Brown and Melrose Dormito 5 Saturday evening, September ^1 from seven till nine o’clock at a ly reception. The guests were ciously received by the student: ^ the Honor Council, members of Lq Social Committee, Mrs. George Bjf^ ette, Mr. Spencer King, Dr. and L R. L. Moore, Dean Ella J. and other members of the faculty ^ Couples strolled through the li' rooms of both dormitories, out the lawn, lighted by electric s ards and enhanced in beauty by tic seats between the trees. The chestra on the lawn between the I dormitories produced a charnp* background of soft music. L