Mars Hill Colleg® one suite lan wc leadin' becaus( ny mor( 3 her. )ved an 3t befo: idoy. MERRY CHRISTMAS ^Ke Hilltop Published By The Students Of Mars Hill College HAPPY NEW YEAR Volume XVI. Mars Hill, North Carolina, December 13, 1941. Number 6. ID = iVE ITURl MARS HILL SPEAKERS DOMINATE DIXIE TOURNAMENT “Glee Club Presents Annual Christmas Program T^orrow Night In College Auditorium Depicts Nativity That )n rolina ge 1) iresiden •e Co: 1 of th« Candlelight Service men it moter ol _ , , , , _ , , ^ 1 a ste night of December 14 ille Glee Club will present its annual candlelight service in the college auditorium. The program will be built around the story of the birth of Jesus with the songs and scripture telling of the prophecy, the shepherds and angels, the manger scene, the visit of the magi, and the adoration of the Christ as Savior of the world. Many beautiful songs por traying the scenes will be pre- ;:sented by the Glee Club and special groups from the Glee Club. Familiar songs will in clude "Silent Night" by the en tire group, "Go Tell It On the Mountains" and "We Three Kings." The congregation will join in singing some of the carols. The following girls will sing several special numbers: Edith Cole, Carolyn Wilburn, Idella Aydlett, Betty Rae Gottis, Ruby Lyon, Frances Elam, and Flor ence Smith. Boys having special parts ore Jason Ross, Jack Lucke, Jack Floyd, Edward Clark, Fred Ellison, Charles Marsh, Bill Hamlett, and Walter Harrel- son Miss Ellison will sing "Jesu Bambino." Another feature of the pro gram will be a number played by a string ensemble. This will be the prelude to the Third Act of "Lohengrin." The en semble includes Mary String- field, David McAdams, Betty Virginia Mullinax, Ruth Sims, and Henry Anderson. C' News Flashes Christmas holidays begin Wednesday! ♦ * * Eus Elect The Euthalian Literary So- slscted the following officers for the forensic term last week: President, James Wright; Vice-President, Henry ^derson; Secretary, Wilmer Fisher; Censor, Warren Twiddy. * * i, New Phi Officers _ Last night the Philomathian Literary Society elected the fol lowing officers for the forensic term: President, William Gob- TCrt; Vice - President, Luther ^pelond; Secretary, David Dorr; Censor, John Robertson. ♦ ★ ♦ New Non And Clio Officers The following officers were (Continued on Page 4) International Summary By Henry B. Huff On Sunday afternoon, De cember 7, 1941, in New York, people were strolling peace fully down Fifth Avenue. In Washington, Secretary of State Hull was conferring with Japa nese envoys, ,Admiral Nomuro and Saburo Kurusu. Along the famed beaches of Hawaii, sol diers were idling away the hours in the warm tropical sun. Suddenly these soldiers were startled into consciousness by the faint but rapidly growing louder drone of bombers. These mysterious planes, recognized sometime later as Japanese, began to loose their load of death and destruction upon the fortifications, air bases, and naval bases of - the mighty island fortress. America and the rest of the- world were stabbed into the mental reali zation that another front had been opened in this great war. This treacherous act by the government of Japan united America as never before. On Monday, December 8„ at the request of the President, Con gress passed a declaration of war upon the Imperial Govern ment of Japan, with only one dissenting vote. Other freedom- loving countries have rallied (Continued on Page 4) Girls Observe Annual Christmas Parties The girls in Spilmon, Treat, Edna Moore, and the New Dormitory will observe their annual Christmas parties on the evening of December 16. Names will hove been drown the preceding week and gifts put in a large box. After the gifts have been distributed by "Santa," the girls will return them to be given to needy children of the Mars Hill community. CHRISTMAS NIGHT The bells that tolled in days of old Will ring again tonight. The sweetest chimes of other times. Echoed from Heaven's height. Will chime again their wondrous song. And souls recall though years are long. The star that gleamed, while shepherds dreamed. Tonight will send its rays Across the world, and joyrbhfurled Within our hearts shall {blaze; And souls will know the peace and rest With which the shepherds'. h®®rts were blessed. Stand up, arise, and to the skie^ Send forth a prayer for those Who cannot see this night, as we— Where hateful terror flows. If duty calls, tomorrow fight. But let us pray this Christmas night. •—J.F.W. Wedding Bells For Mars Hill Mars Hill campus hummed with excitement as Miss Estelle Rush became the bride of Mr. John Marr, Jr., in a beautiful ceremony on December 7, in the Mars Hill Church. Dr. Hoyt Blackwell officiated and Rev. W. L. Lynch assisted. Music was furnished by Miss Mary Nell Hardin, soloist, and Mr. Clyde Carr, organist. Miss Hardin sang "At Dawning" and "Because." Before an al'ar banked with evergreens and lighted by three seven-branched candelabra the bride was given in marriage by her brother Mr. James Rush. The brother of the groom, Mr. Billy Marr, was best man. The maid of honor was Miss Mildred Hardin. Bridesmaids were Misses Frances Snelson, Rachel Templeton, Ruth Pierce, and Mildred V.'right Eggers. Groomsmen were Messrs. Quentin Ferguson, Ronald Rush, James Whitt, and Guy Timberlake. The niece of the bride, Alice Goforth, was flower girl. The bride 'v/ore a lovely dress of brocaded satin with a finger-tip veil and carried gardenias on her Bible. Immediately following the wedding a reception was held in Spilmon park r for out-of-town guests and members of the faculty. There was the traditional cutting of the wedding cake by the bride, and Miss Mildred Bingham served at the punch bowl. Both the br:de and groom are Mars Hill graduates. Miss Rush, whose l ome is in Clyde, has been bookkeeper in the Bursar's office of the college for the past four years. Mr. Marr is associated '.■.-ith his father in business in Norfolk, Va. Their many friends •.?ish for them a long and happy life together. From the congratulations and best wishes of friends they escaped throu ;h a shower of rice thrown by a mob of admir ing students. After a two-weeks' trip to Florida they will be at home in Norfolk, Va. Hillians Bring Home Eight Championships Triumph Over Leading Senior Institutions Mors Hill representatives "stole the show" at the tenth annual Dixie Forensic Tourna ment held at Winthrop college in Rock Hill, ,South Carolina, on Thursday through Saturday of last week. Besides winning awards in practically every event, members of the Mors Hill college Forensic Council brought home the Dixie Championship in eight di visions. The three-day tourney, spon sored by the Strawberry Leaf Society of Winthrop college, drew about 200 students from approximately thirty colleges in the southeastern part of the United States. The tournament was divided into 14 main di visions, consisting of rounds bearing names of schools or of famous southerners. A list of the awards received by Mors Hill students follows. The Dixie Champion is the final winner in each group. After dinner speaking: Dixie’ Champion, women—Gertie B. Watts. Strawberry Leaf after dinner champion, women— Gertie B. Watts. Debate: Out of 68 competing teams, a "Big Ten" was named. The second team listed con sisted of Robert Harris and Henry Huff, who were also de clared Junior College Cham pions. Dixie clash (direct clash de bating). Out of ah the repre sentatives participating, James Hall and Norman Caudle were declared Dixie Champions. Oratory: Dixie Champion, (Continued on Page 3) Alumnus In Air Corps (Special to Hilltop) Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 29. Richard Miller Mansfield, of Leaksville, a former student of Mars Hill College, is now learning to become a pilot for the United States Army in the Southeast Air Corps Training Center. Cadet Mansfield is now at the Replacement Center for cadets at Maxwell Field, Ala., headquarters of the training center. He will leave soon for one of the primary schools in the Southeast, where he will receive his first flight training under a skilled civilian instructor. Upon completion of the 30 weeks' flight training course. Cadet Mansfield will be awarded his com mission as a second lieu tenant in the Army Air Corps.