^°]ne XVIII. cTKe Hilltop Published By The Students Of Mars Hill College MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, FEBRUARY 26, 1944. Number 9. Jon-Glio Societies Hold Teas n the afternoon of Febm- 10- the members of the pareil and Clio literary so- ina^^' with some mem- of the faculty, went gaily ^to Edna Moore parlor to —Y the tea with which the pareils were honoring the s. They were ushered in be swish of hoopskirts and lace worn by Nonpareil Rachael McClain, Su- Harbison, Jane Johnson, Evelyn McLeod; hostesses lbs Penley, Pinky McLeod, itise Marlin, Martha Nog- Nita Noggle and Jeon 5ks; and members Majanah Nadine Paxton, Ruth . , Nancy Bearden, and aaret Hoyle. A suitable ^ around for these costumes provided by the decora- s and paintings typifying •bern life in Ante-Bellum s. of Febru- - the . Clios and Non- ^ again went over to dormitory, this or ihe tea with which the >3 were entertaining the iPareils. M both Edna re and New Dorm parlors >a riotic theme ■ was carried rough the decorations, included silhouettes of hington and Lincoln, the the costumes. In ing costumes represent- countries of the ' Kay Garland, Mau- Sales, ice Wilburn, Jerry Hobbs, Katherine Travathan, ,,,^*®bda Norman. Also in art "''^cre those who as- riPm ^^^^bg and those who nbuted war stamp favors. Hill Alumnus ^ Good Record R. Paul Caudill ^nanges Pastorates Caudill, who for noc-t years has rrch fn ' A ^ Baptist ■^bgusta, Georgia, *e tn Bis pastorate t R° Become pastor of the , iSn"^ “ ^®“- graduated . Mots Hill college in 1927, •o® outstanding in SlrT r'B®s. He was a iembe°r Dramatics Club, cTi!b Public Speak- r won Bis senior . b the medal for ora- t B.S.U. Presi- u® Be was here. ■s Hill , ^'^®‘'^bation from ■-st no 1 ebtered Wake 3 ^ ^Bere be estab- ®bviable record. He ■gh g^^^Ber of the Golden 5 dr''°b out- DR. CAUDILL-Page 3) Commencement Speakers Are Selected The Philomathians have se lected their declaimers and the Euthalians their debaters for the commencement exercises. The Phis have already chosen their debaters, but the Eus will choose their declaimers at a later date. President Harold Spangler took first place honors in the Phi declamations. Luther Mor- phis, a second-semester stu dent, was second, with honor able mention going to Morgan Robinson. Euthalian debaters will be Charles Taylor and Cecil Mor gan. Bruce Mclver and W. C. Byrd will serve as alternates. Philomathian debaters will be Glenn Brown and Carl Westmoreland. Clinton Harris and Charlie Franklin will be the alternates. Madison County Bond Rally Success Captain Eddie Rickenback- er's stirring address amply re warded the many persons who defied snowy weather in order to be present at the Madison County Fourth War Loan Bond rally held in the college audi torium Saturday morning, February 12. An audience of nearly 1,000 heard Capt. Rickenbacker tell of his adventures while travel ing 160,000 miles visiting wen- fronts. Capt. Rickenbacker paid tribute to the gallant Russians —both civilians and soldiers —who -tre making such great sacrifices. He said, "We have got to get along with the Russians for the good of the world." In speaking of the final vic tory, Capt. Rickenbacker re marked, "We shall win, but there will be a million homes saddened and many more war loan drives before we do." The program was opened with the invocation by Dr. Moore, and included patriotic numbers by the college band and glee club, a tableau, and a reading given by Evelyn Brookshire. Bond sales following the pro gram amounted to $31,000. In every way the rally was a success. Campus Visitors One of this year's most popular students, S 2-c Wayne Richardson, came back to the campus on a furlough after finishing boot training at New port, Rhode Island and before reporting as a trainee-tech nician in radio at the Hugh Manley School in Chicago. He was managing editor of the (See VISITORS—Page 3) Honor Clubs Elect Officers New Officers Are Enrolled Class Officers Recently several Honor Clubs elected their new officers for second semester. The Inter national Relations Club chose Grace Anderson, president; Rosemary Gaddy, vice-presi dent; Beulah Hill, secretary; and Ella Mae Hessee, treas urer. The new officers of the Business Club are president. Ora Lee; vice-president, Kath erine Pierce; secretary, Yvon- na Chapman; and treasurer, Moble Baldwin. The officers of the Spanish Club will remain the some with Joyce Clark president; Celeste Porter, vice- president; and Alberta Hudson, secretary. Jerry Hobbs was chosen as the new secretary of the Science Club. The of ficers of the Classicial Club are president, Ray Marshall; vice-president, Isabelle Noblitt; and secretary, Eleanor Dryden. New members were added to all the clubs at their last meetings. Additions to the Science Club were Mary Elizabeth Lawton, Jerry Hobbs, Ben Kincaid, Bar bara Young, Winifred Hollo- well, Daphne Eller, Bertha Ball, W. C. Byrd, Alice Lou Planner, Connice Peterson, Eu nice Smith, Millicent Teague, Hazel Dotson, and Amy Fletch er. New members of the Span ish club are Beth Jones, Grace Ennis, Ruth Simms, Doris Jin- nette, Susan Harbison, Nora Wills, and Jean Anthony. In the French Club are Helen Gillispie, Margaret Hoyle, Thomas Lewis, Doris Layton, Betty Anne Snyder, Frances Parsons, Betty Smith, and Jeon Allen. The I.R.C. new members are Ruth Crawford, Mary Stone, James Wheless, James Taylor, Wilhelmina Rish, T e r t i u s Stough, Esther Helms, and Laura Stephens. To the Business Club were added Willadene Day, Vir ginia Hewitt, Doris Huffman, Martha Hylton, Betty Lazenby, Paula Moore, Rachel Myers, Martha Noggle, Rachel Swann, Clara Lee Watts, and Clarine Wiggins. New members of the Scrib- lerus Club are Frances Hob son, Bob Chapman, Bob Gel- lerstedt, Katherine Tyler, Nancy Hunter, Howie Bingham, Mary Sue Middleton, Helen Allen, Clyde McLeod, Nancy Bear- don, Irene Glass, Dorothy Jar vis, Virginia Perry, Lillian Miller, Martha McClain, Ma- jahana Hagan, Gertrude Al lard, and Barbara Shope. (See HONOR CLUBS—Page 2) Turner Connelly These are our new class presi dents: Rae Turner, of Leaks- ville, N. C., president of CII's; and Walton Connelly, of Clif ton Forge, Va., president of the CTs. Laurel Gossip The rumor factory is hard at work again. Con you guess what about? I'll contribute my bit toward keeping the wheels of gossip turning! There's a certain large book published annually on the campus termed The Laurel. Its arrival is preceded by many whisper ings in dark corners and ques tions asked openly. Almost all the contents of the annual ore kept secret until the students anxiously peep between the covers at the last of school. Now I laiow the secrets, but I refuse to tell all. Quit your begging because you'll just have to wait. Anyway, Bill told me that Dot had told him that Jane had told her that they were going to have pictures of couples in the annual again this year. All right, couples, we know that you're glad, but beware of the poses that these wary photographers catch you in. Well, folks, there's a war on. The Laurel is capitulating valu able space this year because of it. Hence, the students' pic tures were taken in groups. They can't fuss, either, because the faculty were treated the same way. The annual is very informal this year. Just how informal you can judge by the way that this article is being written. Wait until you see the picture of ... I Oh, I forgot that is one of those secrets. The two boys' societies each picked girls from their respec tive sister societies to sponsor them in the annual. That makes up our beauty section for this issue. Oh, those beauties. Yep, there's . . ., there I go again. I forgot my self that the names of these beautiful Nons and Clios are secret. The things that I've seen that will be revealed to you at the last of school are just too (See LAUREL—Page 3) Dr. Blackwell To Deliver Opening Sermon On February 27, the annual Youth Revival of Mars Hill will begin. Dr. Hoyt Blackwell will preach the opening sermon at the Sunday morning service. Services will continue Sunday night and throughout the fol lowing week in the complete charge of the students. Every morning during the week, the chapel messages will be brought by two student speakers. Each evening at 7:30 there will be a service in the church also conducted by a student. The morning classes will be shortened to give more time for the chapel periods. Each person will hove a chance to participate in the revival through attending the meetings and through prayer services. These short, informal prayer services will be held nightly at 10:30 p. m. on the halls of all dormitories. In past years the revival has perhaps done more than any other one factor to keep alive the true Christian spirit on our campus. This year, as always, the success of the revival depends entirely upon the efforts and prayers of the students. Let us accept and support wholeheartedly the challenge it presents. With The Alumni Margaret Hines Early (Mrs. T. A., Jr.), former student of Mars Hill college, has recently been appointed to the position of woman commentator for radio WABC in New York. She will now be heard every morn ing at 8:45 o'clock as Margaret Arlen in "talks with and abput people and the things they do." Mrs. Early won the po sition in competition with 27 other candidates. Before secur ing this position with W\BC, she was affiliated with Raleigh radio stations WPTF and WRAL. Second Lt. Grover G. Mor gan, Jr., West Asheville, N. C., is now stationed at Basic Training Center No. 10 of the AAF Training Command, where he is assigned as com manding officer of a processing unit. One of the most recent mem bers of our alumni. Miss Eeanor Clark, who completed her study at Mors Hill last semester, is now employed at the Wachovia Bonk in Ashe ville. Miss Ethel Belle Kornegoy, a graduate from Mars Hill in '42, is working temporarily in Glenn L. Martin's aircraft fac tory in Baltimore. From Mars (See alumni—Page 3)