11 =;★★**★*★*★**★*******• lUtf 3Y Support The Red Gross hei Arb __ the War Fund iipf Sk -k-k-kk-kirk-kirirk-k-k-kirk*** CHie Hilllop Support The Red Gross War Fund Published By The Students Of Mars Hill College iNJ ^me XVIII. MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, APRIL 1, 1944. Number 11. TUDENTS ORGANIZE REGIONAL CLUBS I r (dlege Debate Teams j Active Again j jState And Lees McRae Visit Campus me ” C-+ i. ^ wura spoke 2 ’g pjii 'Jiiiespie. rk this re- ina: relative to Dr. GILLESPIE-Page 6) SPRING ARRIVES AGAIN AT MARS HILL ^hree student representa- from North Carolina >pj(te college, under the di- tion of Prof. Edwin H. Pa- ’ director of forensics at f®. visited the Mars Hill iipus March 24. The State >amrs demonstrated before p pibers of the forensic coun- ^nd interested visitors the - set clash system of debat- ’ engaging the Mars Hill -Lms in two debates. Prof. ?et served as debate chair- and as judge of one of rounds. Mr. DeShazo, as Hill debate coach, the other. ^ ^^rs Hill debaters, al- 1 enjoyed im- learned much the the demonstration ; K debate form, '■ noth rounds to the more lerienced State boys. .State representatives ] Spence, Leon Mann, \ Yank” Mandell. L ® Mars Hill debaters, on ■dnesday, March 29, en- ^ four visiting debaters McRae college at m ^ standard OVv!; ?°ates were held in the nistration building, at inef M 1:00 p. m., o f +. the Mars Hill gative and affirmative itinrfengage the iting teams. ^er the debates were ,] ^^einbers: Dr. Tram- p, ■ Dr. Pierce, and s chairman 11 tpa ^eShazo. The Mars m decisions visitors. ifappH debaters who ? lS ^he State and htZreSrt’ i It’s springtime again on Mars Hill Campus. The air has become more invigorating. Mount Bailey’s trees are bursting forth with blooms, the birds seem to sing a little louder, and the sun even shines a little brighter. And as this, the nicest season of the year, rolls ’round, we would like to extend to you our very best wishes for a happy Easter and a most joyous spring. —The Staff. Summer Session To Open June 6 The Mars Hill College sum mer session will open on Tues day, June 6. The officers and administration of the college are looking forward to a very successful period. All indi cations show that the campus will be buzzing with activity during the summer. Any student eligible to enter college in regular session may be admitted in summer session. Students transferring from other colleges, who wish to become candidates for graduation, should furnish the registrar a transcript of work previously done in order that proper guidance may be given in registration. Students generally register for courses whose total credit does not exceed ten semester hours. k ' • Returns \ ® United States ^ilMspie, for- ■ilele Hill ’S returned to the 12 years ■^or in China. repfr "" prior to ipshoTr^ S. S. 'SriSS lia^wlth ^o^tuguese GillAo . P^’^ase prisoners. aanes? L P^'l^o^er of the i durinoTu months, 3 an 11^1 I never me.” sPokan Along with the regular col lege courses offered, there are special courses for high school juniors and seniors. High school students are allowed to complete one unit of work or to take up partially completed high school units upon the recommendation of the high school principal or superinten dent from where the students come. Provision is made for inter esting recreational and social activities during the summer session. The program will in clude picnicking, mountain climbing, dramatic produc tions, and moving pictures. There is a summer society, the Thero Literary Society. Living arrangements are reasonable and comfortable, and proper medical attention is provided to protect the health of the students. (See SUMMER SESSION—P. 5) Societies Select Their Temperance Readers Dramateers Attend Chapel Hill Festival The Philomathians have se lected their temperance read er. He is the esteemed Harold Spangler of Lawndale, N. C. The Euthalians, who have not been affected so much by the man power shortage’ se lected Earl Vaughan, Bob Gellerstedt, and Ray Marshall as their temperance readers. Mars Hill Observes Home Missions Week On Thursday morning, a group of thirteen Mars Hill Dramateers left by train for the twenty-first annual Dra matic Festival in Chapel Hill, at the University of North Carolina. They arrived Thurs day night miniis one actress Jeanne Wall, who, because of an acute attack of appendi citis, was forced to stop in Greensboro for an operation. During the week of March 19-25 Mars Hill College ob served the annual Week of Prayer for Home Missions. The Annie Armstrong Offer ing that is taken each year at this season is in memory of Miss Annie Armstrong, a North Carolina woman who was a pioneer in Home Missions work. The Young Women’s Aux iliary of the college, under the direction of Irene Glass and Celeste Porter, had charge of morning and noon watches. Each of these services gave attention to the needs in one (See HOME MISSIONS—Page 6) Chapel Schedule Monday, April 3: Advisory Meetings> Tuesday, April 4: B.S.U. Wednesday, April 5: Speech Department. Thursday, April 6: Movie, “Bound to Last”. Friday, April 7: Dr. Pierce. Monday, April 10: Dr. Blackwell. Tuesday, April 11: B.S.U. Wednesday, April 12: Music. Thursday, April 13: Mr. Canup. . Friday, April 14: Mr. Lee. Friday morning the group registered at the Playmaker’s Theater. Illustrations, demon strations, and lectures were given by Dr. J. Henry High- smith, Paul Green, and Pro fessor Koch, all experts in the field of dramatics. Friday aft ernoon and Saturday were given over to presentation of players by the various groups. Saturday night Professor Koch presented awards for the best costume designs, the best makeup, the best original play and the best play produc tion. Awards were given to all authors of original plays. Friday afternoon the Mars Hill group presented a pro fessional play, “The Mistake of a Night,” by Oliver Gold- Smith. Bobby Waldrop played the part of Tony Lumpkin; Harold Shoemaker, Mr. Hard- castle; Evelyn Brookshire, Kate Hardcastle; Clinton Har ris, Young Marlowe; and Mary Mundy substituted for Jeanne Wall as Mrs. HardcasUe^ Rachel Bruton’s “Com^^Vi’- let Time” was presented Saturday afternoon. David Kimberly played the part of Joe Nathan; Mary Mundy, Lilly Ann; Jack Hughes, Saul; Johnny “Kid” Davis, Billy; and Rachel Bruton, Biathy. (See DRAMATEERS—Page 5) Glub Leaders Are Selected Twenty-seven groups of stu dents met at the chapel hour March 27 and organized them selves into seventeen county clubs, 5 state clubs, and one cosmopolitan club. Four other clubs were formed by combi nations of various counties. Some of the functions of the clubs are for social purposes, to further fellowship among students from the same area, to disseminate knowledge of the area among members of the club, and to promote the interests of the college in that county or region. The clubs are allowed one meeting per month and one social meeting per semester. The officers and sponsors of the various clubs are: Burke County—Susan Harbi- son, president; Helen Davis, secretary; Mavis Hudson, treasurer; Ruth Poteat and Cleo Grady, reporters; Mrs. Sparks, sponsor. Caldwell-Catawba — Kath- rine Pierce, president; Sue Henderson, vice - president; Katherine Ulmer, secretary; Yvonne La wing and Frances Pope, reporters; Dr. and Mrs. Moore, sponsors. Chatham—Dalton Buckner, president; Jane Frazier, vice- president; Betty Gilmore, sec retary; Mr. and Mrs. DeShazo, sponsors. Cleveland—Harold Spang ler, president; Martha Ann Mauney, secretary; Carrol Spurling, vice - president; “Pop“ Stringfield and Miss Logan, sponsors. Forsythe — Carlos Cooper, president; Jean Joyner, vice- president; Jackie White, sec retary; Jane Joyner, treasurer; Mr. McLeod, sponsor. Haywood — Glenn Brown, president; Dorothea Green, Ace-president; Grace Wilburn, secretary-treasurer; Mr. S. O. Trentham, sponsor. Henderson — Ray Marshall, president; Edwina Creech, vice-president; Betty Sue Sin clair, secretary; Cynthia Hill, reporter; Dr. Trammell, spon sor. Madison — Alta Ponder, president; Jean Brown, vice- president; Helen Runnion, sec retary; Mr. Trentham, spon sor; Ruth Cogdill, treasurer. Davidson—Luther Morphis, president; Grace Haynes, vice- president; Oma Shew, secre tary; Miss Lunsford, sponsor. Gaston—Jerry Hobbs, presi dent; Gerry Dixon, secretary; Mr. Wood, sponsor. Iredell — Betty Lazenby, president; Helen Gillispie, secretary; Edith Swann, spon sor. Mecklenburg—Joe Daniels, president; Doris Layton, secre tary; Speedy Hendricks, social (See REGIONAL CLUBS—Page 5)