CThe Hilllop Published By The Students Of Mars Hill College i'AGUi% LiBKAia Volume XIX. MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, OCTOBER 7, 1944. M&rs HiliCoile^ Number 1. Opening Reception Big Success ♦ Timely Theme Is Carried Out In Aimual Event . On Saturday evening at 8:30 the annual get-acquainted party was held on the Mars Hill college campus. This entertainment, which is sponsored by the Baptist Student Union, is held each year at the beginning of the fall session of college in order to better introduce the new and old students. The party carried out the theme of a war-time factory. The vari ous hosts and hostesses, members of the B.S.U. council, wore chem ists’ aprons or the coveralls of war factory workers. Each per son at the party was given an identification badge. The seven hundred guests were divided into two groups: the swing shift and the graveyard shift. While one shift met in the auditorium for a program consisting of various amusing stunts, led by Ronald Hill, the other shift played games out on the spot of grass com monly referred to as the “Little Circle.” When the “factory” whistle blew, the shifts changed, (Continued on Page 4) Mixed Chorus Organized Ninety students, seventy girls and twenty boys, have become members of tbe college chorus. Others who are qualified and wish to become members are in vited to come to Mrs. Souther’s studio for auditions or to come to rehearsals at 4.:30 o’clock in the Auditorium on Wednesday and Fridays and in the church on Tuesdays. The chorus is now working on a program for Founders Day, Oc tober 14. Mrs. Souther has an nounced plans for varied pro grams, including the regular Christmas concert. Friday, September 29, the chorus met and elected the follow ing officers: Esther Hollowell, president; Jenie Jo White and Neal Ellis, vice presidents; La mar Brooks, secretary; Sadie Marsh, librarian; James Smith- wick, assistant librarian. The treasurer and the reporter will be chosen at a later meeting. f . hi Literary Society Presidents: Top—D. T. Carowan, Euthalian, and Clyde McLeod, Nonpareil. Bottom—Phyllis Rowe, Clio, and James Taylor, Philomathian. Senior Glass Elects Officers D. T. Carowan was elected president of the senior class; Carl Westmoreland, vice-presi> dent; Virginia Perry, secre tary; Jean Brooks, treasurer, at a meeting of the class Sep- temebr 30. The sponsors will be chosen at a later date. Enrollment Statistics At the close of the first week of the term, 704 students were enrolled, according to a report from the registrar’s office. Of these, 525 are women and 179 are men; 439 are first-year students and 265 are second- year students. Of the seniors, 210 are women and 55 are men. Of the juniors, 315 are women and 124 are men. Complete statistics on the geographic distribution of those enrolled have not been released from the registrar’s office. Professor J. B. Huff Taken By Death Beloved Teacher Here Dies Unexpectedly Sept. 26 The Mars Hill college and com munity were saddened last week by the unexpected death of Pro fessor Joseph Bascom Huff, a na tive of Mars Hill, a most loved member of the college faculty, for several years head of the Eng lish department. Mr. Huff, who was 65 years old, had been in ill health for a few years, and had been on leave of absence from the college for two years. He died in an Ashe ville hospital Tuesday morning, September 26. He is the grandson of Edward Carter, one of the founders of | Mars Hill college, and had been on the faculty of the college 26 years. He was educated at Mars Hill college, at Wake Forest col lege, and at the University of North Carolina. He spent his life in education work. Although he taught at Mars Hill for the longest period of time, he had also taught in the public schools of Troy, Ala., was principal of the (Continued on Page 3) Dr. Herring To Speak In Revival Services Services Will Be Held Twice Daily Oct. 9-13 Dr. Ralph A. Herring, pastor of the First Baptist church of Winston-Salem, will conduct a series of revival services October 9-13, under the auspices of the Mars Hill Baptist church and the college. The morning chapel ser vices will begin at 11:40, and the evening services at 7:30 in the church auditorium. Dr. Herring is the third child of Rev. and Mrs. D. W. Herring, missionaries to China, and was the only one of the six children who was born in this country, al though he was reared in Cheng chow, China. He received his higher education at Campbell college. Wake Forest college, and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has held several pastorates, the last in Kentucky, before com ing to his present position at Winston-Salem. Last year he showed his interest in B. S. U. work when he was host pastor to the B.S.U. state convention. He was also elected president of the North Carolina state convention for the year 1943-44. Mars Hill is highly privileged at having such a prominent and deeply spiritual man as Dr. Her ring to conduct the revival. It is hoped that all on the campus will profit by his coming. Scriblerus Club Officers Elected At a call meeting of the Scrib lerus club on September 29, the following officers were elected: Lillian Miller, president; Virginia Perry, vice-president; Martha McLain, secretary. SEVERAL NEW MEMBERS ON FACULTY THIS YEAR B.S.U. Council Holds Pre - School Retreat Goals Set In Organization During The Year The B. S. U. Council convened for the opening of the pre-school retreat on Sunday afternoon, Sep tember 17, in tbe Mars Hill Bap tist church. The meeting opened with a period of worship, and in that spirit set their goals. The enlist ment goals were as follows: 100 per cent of all students in Sunday school and B. T. U., 100 per cent of the girls in Y. W. A., 100 per cent of those planning to do definite Christian work in Volun teer Band, and 100 per cent of the ministerial students in Minis terial Conference. They set as further goals 100 per cent of the students present at Sunday morning and evening worship services, and as many as possible at weekday morning and noon watches. The Baptist Student magazine subscription goal was placed at 86, and as the soul winning goal, the council agreed upon the winning of every lost student on the campus. During the afternoon the group shared experiences of the sum mer, and President Blackwell talked to them about what he ex pected of the B. S. U. Council and the B. S. U. events of the fall semester. At four o’clock the Council met again in the full knowledge of their responsibility to hear an inspiring address from Dr. R. L. Moore, president emeritus of the college. The retreat was formally ended with a silent prayer of consecration, closed by Walton Connelly, the B. S. U. president. Volunteer Band Has Inspiring Program The Volunteer Band, composed of those students who have dedi cated their lives in Christian serv ice, held its first meeting of the year in the Clio-Phi hall Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’clock. After the singing of the hymn, “As a Volunteer,” Jimmy Pe- gram, president of the organi zation, presented the aims of the year. The Volunteer Band, he said, seeks to keep its members informed concerning the mission ary needs of the world and to create within them a clearer and deeper conception of the vocation for which they have been chosen. Miss Gertrude Allard presented a challenge to those who are planning to enter the educational field. Miss Allard pointed out the great need for consecrated teach ers and educators. A native of China, Miss Jeanie Jo White, expressed her belief that God has found a place for her in that war-torn land. She presented first-hand information concerning the great needs of China. Certain spiritual needs of the (Continued on Page 4) A Number From Faculty And Administrative Staff On Leave Sixteen new members have been added to the faculty and administrative staff of the col lege this fall. Mr. Cecil D. West, who has been on the faculty of Ithaca college. New York, is teaching in the department of biology .He is a graduate of Mississippi col lege and received his M. A. de gree from Cornell university. Mr. West has done additional grad uate study at Cornell and at the University of Virginia. Mr. Lee Wood, son of Mr. Vernon E. Wood, is assisting in the depart ment of chemistry. Mr. Wood is a graduate of Mars Hill college and a former chemist at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. Three new members have joined the department of Eng lish. Miss Collie Garner, formerly a member of the English faculty of Lee Edwards high school in Asheville, has been connected with the Asheville city schools for fourteen years. She received her M. A. degree from the Uni versity of North Carolina. Mrs. Richard Watson of Indianola, Iowa, an A. B. graduate of Simp son college, Iowa, and an M. A. graduate of the University of Arizona, was an honor student in English. She has been a teacher in the high schools of Iowa. Miss Louise Vaughan of Greenville, South Carolina, who received her A. B. degree from Furman uni versity and her M.A. from the University of Virginia, was an English teacher in the high schools of South Carolina. (Continued on Page 4) Dramateers Hold Initial Meet The Dramateers, who form the play-producing organization of Mars Hill college, held their first meeting of the year last Tuesday night, October 3. At this meeting the following new officers were installed: Wilhelmina Rish, president; Jane Wright, vice-president; June Skeen, secretary; and Billie Wil son, treasurer. In the installation service, Mel pomene, muse of tragedy, was- presented by Phyllis Rowe; and Thalia, muse of comedy, by Johnnie Davis. The “Actor’s Prayer,” by Dr. Frank Crane, was red by Cornelia Vann. There are approximately forty dramateers this year. The organi zation, which is composed of the students of speech, invites all Mars Hill students who are in terested in speech improvement and dramatics, to affiliate them selves with a speech class. Each member of these classes takes part in one play each semester and is required to do his share of stage work. In an interview Miss Bonnie Wengert, speech instructor at Mars Hill, stated that “attention will be given to both sacred and (Continued on Page 4)