't-tfi 11111111111111 wi tiei ti Philomathia yo d i an Clio CTKe HilUop ♦ I 1111111111111111 HiU Coll, ieg* Published By The Students Of Mars Hill College 0" Volume XIX. MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, NOVEMBER 18, 1944. 4 -H- M l I I I I I I I I I I I I Truth Purity Fidelity ■t-M-H I I I I I I I Number 4. oil PHIS CELEBRATE 54th ANNIVERSARY TONIGHT Dr. Pierce, Miss Garner Receive High Honors Dr. Ella J. Pierce and Miss Collie Garner, members of the Mars Hill English faculty, have recently been signally honored for work in their field. Dr. Pierce has been elected to membership in Delta Kappa Gamma, and Miss Gamer has been chosen the West ern District representative to the Central Committee of the execu- •' tive board of the North Carolina English Teachers. Dr. Pierce was one of six prominent North Carolina edu cators initiated into Delta Kappa Gamma, honorary fraternity in Education, during ceremonies held in Asheville Friday evening, November 3. Delta Kappa Gamma iis a fraternity formed to honor women who are recognized as leaders in the profession of teach ing. In it members have an op portunity to serve their profession ■“by raising the professional stand- ”ards. As representative for Western North Carolina, Miss Garner is one of fifteen members of the executive board of the North Carolina English Teachers. Work- ^ing with other members of the Central Committee, Miss Garner will assist in planning the work of English teachers in both the schools and colleges of the state. Her appointment is a recognition of the excellent work she has done in teaching English in North Carolina. LATT BESMEARS HEADS MINISTERS Latt Beshears has been elected [president of the Ministerial Con- Cference for the term which began 1 Thursday, November 16. The oth- ler officers are as follows: Fran- Icis M. Barnes, vice-president; I Walter Moose, secretary-treas- lurer; John Brinegar, pianist; and |Tommy Stapleton, reporter. Stew art Heideck is the out-going presi dent. Preceding the election of of ficers, Joseph Miller brought the Evening message using Matthew ):1 as a text. It was an instruc- live talk on the necessity for preparation for work in God’s fingdom. Roy Ryan, Bill Taliaferro, and tommy Stapleton read the Scrip- pe. The program was brought a close with Mr. Wood’s con tractive criticism. Forensic Club Plans For Dixie Contest Mrs. Richard Watson Directs; 112 Students Try Out. ^ A total of 112 students have signed up for auditions from which Mars Hill representatives will be selected for the Dixie Tournament to be held in the Selwyn Hotel in Charlotte, De cember 7-9. The division of forensics and the number signed up for each type are as follows: oratory, 24; poetry reading, 28; declamation, 22; debate, 16; address reading, 13; and extemporary, 9. The intercollegiate debate ques tion is “Resolved: That the fed eral government enact legislation requiring compulsory arbitration of all labor disputes.’’ The last audition is to be held Wednesday, November 22, at 2:30. The forensic council and judges of the auditions are: Mrs. Rich ard Watson, chairman; Mr. Ralph Ashworth; Dr. Ella Pierce; Miss Bonnie Wengert and Mr. Lee Wood. The officers of the Forensic club for the fall term are D. T. Carowan, president; Carl West moreland, vice president; and Julie Munden, secretary. The Forensic club is also plan ning to send representatives to the Grand Eastern Tournament to be held in Charlotte April 5-7. Winthrop College, Rock Hill, S. C. is sponsor for both tournaments. I. R. C. DISCUSSES POST-WAR REICH Pictured above is the Clio-Phi hall of Blue and White. The Phis celebrate their fifty-fourth anniversary tonight, and the Clios will present their forty-ninth reception program next Saturday night. Boyce Medlin is president of the Phis, and Betty Crouch is president of the Clios. Coming Events lov. 18: Philomathian Anni versary. lov. 25: Clio Society Recep tion. ■Jov. 25: “The Purple Heart.” |lov. 27: Music in Wartime Company. [>ec. 2: Euthalian Anniversary. ^ec. 9: Nonpareil Society Re ception. Jec. 9: “Four Jills in a Jeep.” |ec. 16: “King of Kings.” The Internation Relations Club discussed the subject, “Practical Controls over Germany for Peace,” at a meeting in the teach ers’ parlor of New Dormitory Tuesday night, November 14. A digest of the election returns was given by Aileen Ailstock. The topic, “Can Germany Be Con trolled into Being Peaceful?” was presented by Tertius Stough. Wilhelmina Rish discussed “Sum ner Welles’ Plan for Control of the German Menace.” “Vansit- tart’s Twelve Points for Germany” was brought to the club by Mary Stone. Laura Stephens spoke on the subject, “Can the Germans Cure Themselves?” A round table discussion closed the pro gram. Before considering the prob lems of post-war Germany, the members of the I.R.C. concerned themselves with the outcome of the recent national election. Those present listened to several plans drawn up by persons in po sition to know the facts of the matter and presented by club members. In the round table dis cussion each had an opportunity to express his own opinion and to hear the opinions of his fellow club members. Y.W.A. Groups Have Hall Meetings Increased attendance marked the second Young Woman’s Aux iliary hall meetings on Wednes day night, November 8. Business meetings were held and the community missions chairmen reported on the proj ects for October and November. Notes are being sent to the in firmary patients. Also Thanks giving baskets will be assembled on each hall and distributed among the needy in the neighbor hood. Free-will offerings are being made at each meeting to pay ex penses of visiting speakers. Y. W. A. expects to hear from a number of Baptist leaders during the school term. Plans are already under way for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering to be made during the week of December 10 - 16. Each member will begin paying now in order to top last year’s amount of three hundred fifteen dollars. All over the campus girls took part in the progrram, “Lives for the Eternal.” They told stories of Christians in South America who are carrying out the great Commission. According to the circle leaders, each group is progressing and growing rapidly. The group lead ers are Brown Dormitory, Lera Britt and Jewell Hammett; Mel rose Dormitory, Macy Crow and Mary Stroud; Treat Dormitory and Infirmary, Ella McWhite; Spilman Home, first floor, Aileen Ailstock; second floor, Martha Noggle; third floor, Earlene Harris. Edna Moore Dormitory, first floor, Thelma Brown; sec ond floor, Lillian Miller; third floor, Phyllis Ann Gentry. New Dormitory, basement, Jassamine Davis; first floor, Kathleen Pitt man; second floor, Laura Steph ens; and third floor, Louise Gar land. Scriblerus Club Hears Prize-Winning Stories Three prize winning short stories of the 1944 O. Henry Memorial award were told during the Scriblerus club Tuesday eve ning at 7:30 in Edna Moore par lor. Each member answered the roll call with the title and author of a prize winning short story. Following the devotional led by Frances Hobson, Lillian Miller, president of the club, gave an introduction to the following prize winning stories: “Walking Wounded,” Irwin Shaw, told by Ronald Hill; “Home Is a Place,” Bessie Breuer, by Eunice Smith; and “The Stagecoach,” Griffith Beems, by Trudy Allard. Clyde McLeod read an original short story, “Talking Turkey.” A Thanksgiving song was sung by Nancy Hunter, accompanied by Helen Allen. French Club Discusses French Personalities French personalities—past and present—furnished the topic of discussion for the November meeting of the French Club which was held at the home of Mrs. O. E. Roberts on Tuesday evening. Each member bf the club pre sented a brief sketch of a person prominent in French history or important to modern France. Club members attempted to guess the identity of the personages por trayed. The theme was further carried out in the answering of the roll call with names of im portant Frenchmen. Following the program, a social hour was enjoyed during which refreshments were served. The French Club is an honor society. Membership is limited to students who have a “B” in French, at least a “C” average on their other scholastic work, and a minimum of thirty quality points. 'Freedom Is Not Enough* Theme Of Program Using the theme, “Freedom Is Not Enough,” the Philomathian Literary Society presented its fifty-fourth Anniversary program in the college auditorium tonight. The long awaited feature of the program was the Grand Finale in which the Clios and Phis marched through two decorative covered wagons placed on either side of the huge cardboard map of the United States. The program opened with the singing of “Lead On Oh King Eternal,” and the invocation oy Dean Lee followed. The evening devotional was given by Ronald Hill. A challenge was presented to the Euthalian Literary Society, and immediately after its ac ceptance by the Euthalian presi dent, Charles Peterson, Clio-Phi sang the pledge to Non-Eu. Thomas Swain delivered a declamation, “Freedom is not Enough” by Kenneth I. Brown. The Phi Ensemble composed of Don Thorne, Bruce Glazener, Charles Billings, Carlos Cooper, and Robert Turbeville, presented several musical selections. The query for the debate of the evening was: “Resolved: That the Federal Government should enact legislation requiring com pulsory arbitration of labor dis putes.” The affirmative was up held by Russell Fitts and Carl Westmoreland; the negative was defended by Ronald Hill and Ed Dunlap. The Phi Chorus sang popular songs. The members of the chorus were Steve Home, Carlos Coop er, Jay Keeter, Don Thorne, Sam McGuire, Bob Perry, J. C. Fagan, Seth Lippard, Ronald Hill, Charles Almond, Bud Holland, and Mor gan Robinson. An oration entitled “The Pio neer Spirit” was delivered by James Taylor. Proceeding the Grand Finale the Clios and Phis sang several of their society songs. Boyce Medlin of Wake Forest presided. With him at the dais were Jack Hughes, secretary and Jack Phillips, censor. The mar shals for the occasion were Lynn Holcomb, Ott Boles, Jay Keeter, and F. L. Manly. Preceeding the program the Clios honored their Philomathian brothers with the formation of the Clio-Phi emblem on the little circle.