944.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I )l Euthalia Nonpareil 111111111111111 iston erinl tht^ ideriyolume XIX. con" cal :ivin| 'hole CThe Hilllop MUlSi: O-L/j Published By The Students Of Mars Hill College MARS HILL, NORTH CAROLINA, DECEMBER 2, 1944. ■I 11111111111111; H Dignity Simplicity Conservatism ■l-f+MI II I I II I I H I I Number 6. EUTHALIANS PRESENT 54th ANNIVERSARY i d e t L Y e.' ice CLIOS GIVE ANNUAL FETE 'When Johnny Conies Marching Home' Theme; Seventy - Five Pound Cake, Feature. Carrying out the theme, “When Johnny Comes Marching Home,” the Clio Literary society observed its 49th anniversary Saturday evening with a reception in the two society halls of the Charles M. Wall building. Members of Philomathia, Clio’s brother so ciety, were guests of honor. Other invited guests included members of the faculty, officers of other societies, former mem bers and a number of visitors. Highlighting the evening were two dramatizations, “When John ny Comes Marching Home,” and, ‘A Day with Private Sad Sack,” presented simultaneously in the society halls. The first two floors "of Wall building were decorated elaborately for the occasion. A iarge beaverboard figure of the Statue of Liberty, with the smoke from a flaming torch spelling |‘Clio-Phi,” was placed over the (Continued on Page 3) ’Humorous Skit Features 1 German Club Meeting I A humorous skit, portraying a typical pre-war German family ^ ind written by Dr. Trammel, was phe feature of the German club program, Tuesday, November 21. ^Iembers of the club participating !n the skit were Charles Peterson, Boyd McGuire, Betty Faye Trotter, and Genie Jo White. ^ Margaret Turner presented a ■eview of an article on modern nethods of teaching language. Bob Norton gave a humorous •eading in German dialect. In the business session of the neeting Mrs. Grady Souther was ilected chorister of the club. The members of the club sang leveral German songs before the neeting was adjourned. The Hilltop Loses Circulation Manager Jack Hughes, circulation man- iger of the Hilltop, left the cam- )us Monday, November 20, to re- )ort for active duty in the armed ervices. Aside from winning nany friends among the student tody, he was active in the extra urricula activities of the cam- lus. He was censor of the Philo- nathian Literary Society, vice president of his Sunday school Hlass and secretary-treasurer of (he college band. 0 Raymond L. Wyatt, a freshman ^om Spencer, succeeds Hughes |s circulation manager of the illtop. Wyatt is a member of le Euthalian society and the . T. C. Before coming to Mars ill he was a member of the staff If his high school publication. Tommy Stapleton Heads Junior Class Tommy Stapleton, of Char lotte, North Carolina, was elected president of the Junior Class at a call meeting on Tuesday night, November 28. The following officers were elected to serve with him: Lamar Brooks, of Edison, Georgia, vice-president; Genie Jo White, of Henderson, sec retary; W. T. Lane, of Greer, South Carolina, treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McLeod were elected sponsors. Sigsbee Mil ler, of Elizabeth City, was se lected to edit the C-I issue of the Hilltop next spring. Queen Of May To Be Selected Winter’s sleet sparkled on the campus shrubbery as the forward- looking Health and Athletic Com mittee met November 21 to make plans for the spring May Day cele bration. Election of the May Queen and her maid of honor will be held during the first semester in order that pictures of these' campus favorites may ap pear in The Laurel. The following regulations con cerning the eligibility of the May Queen and her court have been drawn up by the Health and Ath letic Committe: 1. The queen and maid of honor must be mem bers of the senior class and stu dents in the physical education de partment. 2. There is to be a court of ten attendants, five of whom are to be from the senior class and five from the junior cla'ss. 3. The scholarship average for each member of the May Day Court must be not less than 85. Continuing the list of rules are the following: 4. That all mem bers of the May Day Court be students who have demonstrated themselves as possessing the char acteristics of honesty, cleanliness, wholesome personality, and school loyalty. 5. That the position of May Queen carry with it four honor points, and the position of all attendants, two honor points under the campus honor point system. 6. That candidates for positions in the May Day Court be elected by a simple majority. Other plans made by the com mittee include provision for com petitive sport events in the after noon and an evening’s entertain ment carrying out the May Day theme. Mr. Ralph Ashworth is chair man of the Health and Athletic Committee which includes the fol lowing members: Miss Anne Clay ton, Mr. Harvey Lance, Miss Bonnie Wengert, and Mr. B. M. Canup. Pictured above is the hall of Black and Gold, the home of Eu thalia and Nonpareil. The Euthalians celebrated their fifty-fourth anniversary tonight, and their Nonpareil sisters will present their forty-ninth reception program next Saturday night. Below the hall are pictured the Euthalian and Nonpareil anniversary presidents. Charles Peterson, of Badin, is president of Euthalia; and Lillian Miller, of North Wilkesboro, is president of Nonpareil. College Contributes To Mills Home According to the latest report three hundred fifty dollars was given for the Mills Home Thanks giving offering which was a fea ture of the college celebration. The program opened with a pro cessional of Pilgrims and Indians singing “Come Ye Thankful Peo ple Come.” The speech choir quot ed Psalm 100 and Psalm 24. Di rected by Miss Bonnie Wengert, the group included Gloria Aber nathy, Virginia Ingle, Mitzi Brockman, June Skeen, Norma Minges, Jerry Saville, Eunice Smith, Jane Wright, Eula Mae Young, and Ruth Tatum. The prayer was led by Dr. Hoyt Blackwell. The Pilgrim group sang “Prayer To Thanksgiving” and the Presi dent’s proclamation was read by Dean R. M. Lee. A trio consisting of Hannah Brown Blackwell, Al bert Blackwell, and Carol Kendall sang “Can a Little Child Like Me.” Brief messages from Mills Home were given by Jacqueline Byrd and Florence Breedlove. Milton Bliss sang “Thanks Be To God,” after which Dr. Moore ex plained the tradition of the col lege offering to Mills Home and gave a brief history of the orphanage. The program was con cluded with the recessional “Re joice, Ye Pure in Heart.” Earlier in the morning, this group had awakened the college (Continued on Page 4) Mars Hill Represented In Dixie Tournament Nine students from Mars Hill will take part in the Dixie Tour nament which is being held in Charlotte December 7, 8, 9. Members of the Forensic squad include the following students: Lamar Brooks, Evelyn Brook shire, John Davenport, Ronald Hill, Hubert Humphrey, Norma Minges, Thomas Swann, James Taylor, and Carl Westmoreland. Positions on the squad were won in a series of try-outs which were held during the past week. The Mars Hillians, who will represent the college in ten events, plan to leave the campus on the afternoon of December 6. They will be accompanied by Mrs. Richard D. Watson, forensic di rector. A novel feature of the try-out program was the selection of after dinner speakers. Mrs. Watson entertained the members of the squad Monday evening, Novem ber 27 in Spilman parlor. At this time each contestant spoke brief ly on a topic of current interest. James Taylor acted as toast master. The five students chosen for after dinner speaking include Thomas Swann, John Davenport, Ronald Hill, Evelyn Brookshire, and Lamar Brooks. Judges for (Continued on Page 8) Charles Peterson Of Badin Presides “Peace on Earth” was the theme of the Euthalian Literary Society’s fifty-fourth anniversary, which was given tonight in the college auditorium. Charles Peter son of Badin, North Carolina, presided. With him at the desk were Jack Resico, secretary, of Thomasville, North Carolina, and Daniel Corugedo, censor, of Hk- vana, Cuba. Furnishing the high point of in terest was the Grand Finale, the nature of which had been a close ly guarded secret during the preceding weeks of preparation. Focal points of interest on the stage were the American flag and a reproduction of the Statue of Liberty, flanked by illumined Non-Eu banners. Native greens were used for a background. Be ginning with an interpretation of “Peace” as related to Euthalia, given by Samuel Johnson, the feature reached a climax with the music of the Non-Eu chorus. Members of the chorus included Martha Noggle, Mildred Freeman, Mary Lib Thomas, Nancy Hunter, Miriam Smith, Helen Allen, Clyde McLeod, Mary Nichols, Maribell Norton, Bonny McCrary, Marga ret Norris, and Ruth Tilson, to gether with members of the Eu thalian chorus. Following the interpretation of “Peace”, Non-Eu stood; after singing the Euthalian hymn, they marched out while the chorus con tinued its music until the curtain was completely drawn. The program opened with the hymn “Come, Thou Almighty King,” sung by the entire audi ence. Tommy Stapleton led the group in a thought of spiritual emphasis, and President Blackwell made the invocation. Milton Bliss led the Euthalians and Nonpareils in their pledge to Clio-Phi, after which the presi dent, Charles Peterson, extended a welcome to Clio-Phi with best wishes for them from Non and Eu. Then Euthalia and the Non pareil sisters sang the Euthalian song, “Hark the Sound.” “Every Cat Has His Night,” a humorous reading hy Anthony Euwer, was given hy Richard Moon. Following the reading, the choirster led society members in singing “Oh Non and Eu So True.” Walton Connelly then gave. ,a declamation, “Responsibility .of Youth” written by Nicholas Murray Butler. Continuing the literary part of the program was a debate upon the query: Re solved: That a military alliance composed of the United States, Great Britain, Russia, and China, to arbitrate and settle disputes of world interests, is conducive to a lasting peace. The affirmative was upheld by Ed Long and James Pegram while W. T. Lane and Stuart Heideck (Continued on Page 4)

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